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why they have to stop right on the middle of the street?


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Off topic post removed, this is the Pattaya forum in Thailand, we are not discussing Indonesia

Apologies, but I wasn't the one brought up comparisons between the two countries.

And if I'd received an on topic reply, I would have explained why the drivers in Thailand ARE so BAD.

Edited by Woody1
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"While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will be up to, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician". ~Arthur Conan Doyle

... In Thailand the 'average number' show very little consideration for anyone else...

... Kraeng-Jai obviously changes this, when in the presence of a family member or known senior Thai's tend to trip over themselves to almost ridiculous levels to assist, kiss ass, help out and show their efforts... But when its someone they don't, the 'average number' simply doesn't care... its almost as if life beyond their immediate circle of awareness is non-existent... there is no world outside their circle, or if there is, it doesn't matter.

... The Wife of a friend of mine stopped her car in the street so she could nip out and buy something... I suggested she pulled over out of the way.. Why? was her reply.. ... because you are making it difficult for others behind to pass us, was my reply... So What ??? was her reply..

And with that So What comment a new insight into the Thai psyche developed.... when generalising, the average persons thought when potentially inconveniencing others is simply "So What !"...

So, why does the car in front stop in the middle of the street ?? because the driver simply doesn't care about anyone else around them... So what if someone else is inconvenienced through their actions.

Fascinating insights. I remember when I was growing up, my mother used to often say to me that I should treat strangers with consideration. That being polite and courteous was a kind gesture that all would appreciate. For the most part, I find that to be the case. Strangers should be treated with respect and kindness. Why not?

Buddha also taught the same thing. To treat others with kindness and respect. So, between their faith and their upbringing, what gets lost in translation here?

The other aspect is the legal deterrent issue. In the states, if you are caught leaving your car in the middle of the road, you are subject to a dressing down by the cops and a fine, in addition to be heckled by other drivers. Here? Nothing. No law enforcement translates directly into no deterrent against doing something stupid and inconsiderate.

Personally, I like to use my horn. I mean really use it! I find that often the people who are committing the offense are utterly shocked and embarrassed. Perhaps it awakens them from their deep slumber. At the very least, it makes a statement. And draws some attention to their transgression, and their socially juvenile behavior. And it is really fun. A true New Yorker at work!

Edited by spidermike007
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The space in front of my double garage door is a favourite parking place for many Thai drivers, even though there are alternative options.

Sometimes I think that Thai drivers are not only inconsiderate, but actually look for a place to park that will cause the most annoyance. As the road is so narrow, we need the full width of the road to pull in or out of our driveway, any driver would know this. Yet most times, drivers will park directly opposite our drive. Usually there are no other vehicles parked, so they have plenty of choice, yet have to park there.

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They simply are not raised with any mentality or teaching to accommodate others. It is a bit unusual in Asia, because many countries, Japan for example teach from an early age to get along. It is even a bit stranger given the supposed ideas of buddhism. But anybody that has been in thailand for any length of time will quickly see that Thais just go about their ways as if they are in a village and can stop, turn, pull out as needed.

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Largely because those who do, lack common courtesy of others on the road. It's truly a country that is 'all about me' and cares little about you. Just ask your GF where you rank in the 'family' tree, a bit lower than the soi dogs running around. Parking is one thing, what about those turning left into a main road without even looking (or glancing) to their right to see if the road is indeed clear. Driving in Thailand requires all senses and constant mirror peeks to see the motorcycles coming up both sides of you. Good luck, and take many deep breaths to ease the frustration!

Being generous, I think one of the reasons that people pull out onto a main road without looking right, is that they're too busy checking the direction they will be going in to make sure that there's not someone else coming towards them on the wrong side of the road... (Of course, stopping in order to check both ways would waste too much time, and might result in them falling off...!!!!!)

In fact, the only accident I've had in Thailand (during my first vacation here 10 years ago) was when turning left into a side road. As I was about to turn, I notice another motorcycle coming out from the side road on his wrong side - directly towards me. I stopped and he ran directly into me without even seeing me (he was too busy looking behind him...!!!!!). No real damage, but a valuable lesson learned for me at least - ALWAYS EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. Since then, no further accidents (touch wood), in the 9 years I've been living here.

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Until we have traffic wardens issuing on-the-spot fines it will not change. Imagine the fortunes that could be accumulated?

Police should issue on-the-spot fines for the full range of anti-social behaviours as well.

Edited by arunsakda
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No accidents in the UK for 35 years.

In the last 6 years in Thailand I have been run into 6 times.

1 car (ran into my rear no insurance)

4 motoci' s (stopped at T junction, my fault for stopping)

1 Batbus ( I was stopped he was moving. My fault for coming to Thailand: police remarks)

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I hear you but this isn't just in LOS as it's here in the USA also. People stop/park right in front of a stores door opening which is a "fire lane" and subject to a $250 ticket.

There is ample parking in an adjacent parking lot but they are too "lazy or fat" to walk the distance.

When told about the sign stating no "standing or parking" they say they never saw the sign and won't do it again.

If you ticket them they claim racial bias.

Edited by lcp0761
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Slow moving advertising trucks are a big problem in central Pattaya. As long as they are allowed on the streets it is obvious no one really cares about traffic congestion.

As I was riding around town during the fireworks festival there was one thing on my mind - why would any sane person bring their car into this chaos. I have zero sympathy for anyone who drives a car around the tourist zone of Pattaya during peak hours. Why do they do it?

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I spend time in Central America

same sort of thing there

people making lest turns from the far right lane almost causing 3 or 4 accident's

people with SUV's driving over islands in the middle of the road

people at rush hour going down wrong side of street to make illegal left turn

all with the police just standing there watching it all ,,, no tickets

I have seen parking tickets, helmet tickets, license tickets

but never one for a driving infraction

it seems that everyone knows there is no ticket for stupid behavior so why worry, they will do what they want

if the police started handing out some tickets, see how fast the word gets out and most people will think twice

never thought I would be saying this,

however thing may be changing, I know a Thai guy that got a 20,000 baht fine last week, for driving his moto while drunk

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I spend time in Central America

same sort of thing there

people making lest turns from the far right lane almost causing 3 or 4 accident's

people with SUV's driving over islands in the middle of the road

people at rush hour going down wrong side of street to make illegal left turn

all with the police just standing there watching it all ,,, no tickets

I have seen parking tickets, helmet tickets, license tickets

but never one for a driving infraction

it seems that everyone knows there is no ticket for stupid behavior so why worry, they will do what they want

if the police started handing out some tickets, see how fast the word gets out and most people will think twice

never thought I would be saying this,

however thing may be changing, I know a Thai guy that got a 20,000 baht fine last week, for driving his moto while drunk

In Pattaya you'll often see buses turning left of right from the opposite lane. There's no other way because the sois are so narrow.

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A couple of days ago I parked the bike correctly outside the bank. When I finished at the ATM, I saw that the woman behind me in the queue had parked parallel to the kerb, blocking in my bike and two others. To be fair to her, the nearest proper space was nearly three metres away. I was just going to move it a bit, but she'd put the steering lock on. So I waited until her card was in the machine, then wheeled her bike out into the road, blocking one lane, and rode off. A small petty action, but quite satisfying.

Apparently the bank is a hot place to have parking issues. I parked my car in front of the bank leaving a meter in front of me between the other bikes already there. There was a driveway just behind my rear bumper. I went to use the atm and came back. One bike squeezed in front and one just off my rear bumper that happened to see before backing up. I tap my horn. They all look up then back to waiting in the que. I tap it again...same response. Third time I honk my horn someone finally comes to move their bike. Classic day in Thailand.

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For brain dead have a look at the motorway entrance from shukhmvit north bound BIG sign : NO Motorcycles, samlors, or Cycles.

Fine is 5000B

Every time I use this road there are at least 7 or 8 prohibited vehicles.

No one cares.


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