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At least for me I have simply decided to take a look at things at about 100 days in. It would seem that things are much too fluid now. By that time the Thais that will be losing tenants and taking a serious look at foreclosure. Also there will be small to medium size Thai companies that will begin to fold because their customer base is gone. Once they start screaming and perhaps some of the less reserved ones start looking for blood, that may encourage immigration to rethink and forward adjust backwards.

My guess that around mid December the anxiety level with the effected Thais will be rather significant.

Thats right. Thai landlords and English schools will definately feel the pinch. There are many condos and apparments going up in Thailand and these are definately aimed at long stay foreigners on all bugets. They will be slowing up a bit already, but give it 3 months there could be widespread vacancies. Vacancies that will not be filled by Asian tourists. The one year leases are going to dry up as well, thus a reliable source ofincome is lost. All that property coming empty every 3-6 months with the costs that entails.

THEN!! It was proven in England that when people buy or take on long term leases (Local Authority etc.) the first thing they do is decorate, buy new furniture fittings etc, do ourstanding repairs, build extensions and spend money on the garden. You are not going to do any of this if you are only here for 3 months.

You have to think of the medium to long term effects on the economy of all this. Its like the proverbial Oil Tanker, you may slow it down now a bit, but try and get it going again later.

This year its been one scare after another, with Land Transfers, bombs and now Visa regulations. Whilst most of us are used to all this, the target long stay retirement market they are chasing, are not. This has put a lot of people off retiring here as they will want to be left to live in peace, not be required to jump through the "Hoop of the day" as we do. I'm 55, been here 15 years, and I'm even I'm thinking... not seriously yet, but..

The effect of this will not be felt for years to come, but they will be and (like the tanker) will be hard to turn around. There is no quick fix for loss of confidence once it takes hold.

Edited by Steph1012
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I don't share all of John K's expectations that there will be a huge decrease in farang tenants, but he may be right. Likewise, it's impossible to predict what effect the 30 day VOA rules will have on farang English teachers. However, the EFL teachers are also being scared away by work permit crackdowns, poor wages, teacher license upgradings, generally pee-poor working conditions and absurd administrators, etc.

C'mon, you folks, how many of your countrypeople retire in Tie-Land? A fraction of one percent? Compared to other popular retirement destinations like Tie-Wan and Malawi, does Thailand rank below tenth? I think so. It's not something my former coworkers are contemplating as they look forward to their pensions.

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Thats right. Thai landlords and English schools will definately feel the pinch. There are many condos and apparments going up in Thailand and these are definately aimed at long stay foreigners on all bugets. They will be slowing up a bit already, but give it 3 months there could be widespread vacancies. Vacancies that will not be filled by Asian tourists. The one year leases are going to dry up as well, thus a reliable source ofincome is lost. All that property coming empty every 3-6 months with the costs that entails.

THEN!! It was proven in England that when people buy or take on long term leases (Local Authority etc.) the first thing they do is decorate, buy new furniture fittings etc, do ourstanding repairs, build extensions and spend money on the garden. You are not going to do any of this if you are only here for 3 months.

You're absolutely right.

My landlord is an Englishmen with probably 30 million invested in condos that he rents out to foreigners. His rents are between 20K and 60k per month so obviously he needs foreigners to rent them.

He's going to find it tough getting new tenants every 3 months. I'm on a 6 month lease ending in December, and I'll be thinking very carefully before signing another lease. As soon as the new regulations became public knowledge last month I stopped spending money on anything but essentials just in case I can no longer reside here.

It doesn't even matter that they may change their rules soon. We are worried and cannot make longer term plans....we stop spending.

This same problem will be played out by thousands upon thousands of foreigners. You multiply that out and you're going to have a huge impact on the economy at large.

People are saying that we shouldn't live here. Why? I spend at least 100,000 baht a month living here. I get my money by stock trading on the internet. I'm not about to start paying tax on that here in Thailand just because I use the internet here.

Solution? Just find a friendlier country to reside in.

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Apparently the news has not hit to many Thai landlords yet. When I asked what they though about the new law they knew nothing about it. Then I printed out the notice that was in Thai and English that George put in one of the threads on this topic. At that point the wonderful Thai smile on her face went away. I asked her how many people are on tourist visas in this apartment building. She said off the top of her head 30% to 50%. That is significant for a 125 unit building in Thong-lo. I guess Thong lo will stop being the up and coming part of town, it will simply stall where it is.

So one sure fire way is if your Thai landlord does not know about it, perhaps they should out of courtesy. I would think that if enough Thais scream before the end of the 90 days is up, this could come to an end before it begins.

Lost money from rent is not recoverable. It is not like selling a shirt. If you don’t sell the shirt today, perhaps you will tomorrow.

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At least for me I have simply decided to take a look at things at about 100 days in.

Hmmm, given your 'positive mental attitude', 100 days seems quite apt as far as Thai culture is concerned.

Good luck in your next life...! :o

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At least for me I have simply decided to take a look at things at about 100 days in.

Hmmm, given your 'positive mental attitude', 100 days seems quite apt as far as Thai culture is concerned.

Good luck in your next life...! :o

There's nothing positive about that. He's willing to wait a full 10 days after the first 90 days have elapsed...that's super conservative and negative.

Maybe you've been in Thailand too long.

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John K made an initial impact on the girl at the counter at a specific farang-full condo complex in Bangkok. But what will be the effect with her boss, with the owner, with most Thai landlords? I'll guess inaction. Hey, my landlady is supposedly super rich and her husband super powerful, but do I think for a moment she's going to get alarmed? No.

I suspect that they (Thai landlords) don't think like farang, don't often take much input or advice from farang, and don't let their life's decisions revolve around speculation by farang. They just don't pay that much attention to us. They think we're a fungible commodity, and if John and Fred leave, Olaf and Sven will replace them. They may be correct, too.

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At least for me I have simply decided to take a look at things at about 100 days in.

Hmmm, given your 'positive mental attitude', 100 days seems quite apt as far as Thai culture is concerned.

Good luck in your next life...! :o

There's nothing positive about that. He's willing to wait a full 10 days after the first 90 days have elapsed...that's super conservative and negative.

Maybe you've been in Thailand too long.

Well I just want to give a week or so for the full effect to kick in. I don’t view that as positive or negative, but simply common sense. There is no sense in getting upset over things that may not materialize. I am sure the Thais who have already realized that the last decade or so of building up a secure and comfortable life is about to come crashing down have already been on the phone. It is the collective cries from all the effected Thais that will issue the appropriate message. That wont happen until after they all realize the impact and start crunching numbers. As of now only the ones who are aware and have thought ahead have said something. Last I heard money is fairly high on the list of important things to Thais.

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We've been told some more new changes may come out around Nov 15th. However, the changes are still in the "talking stage."
I think we should remember that the new rules – National Police Office Order No. 606/2006 – effective 1 October 2006 were cooked up and implemented by the Immigration office during the Thaksin government. It has already been announced that the Immigration chief is being replaced, or perhaps has already been replaced, and it is probably a good sign that some of these rules are being reviewed under the new regime, respectively the new Immigration chief.



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Good news i will wait .

but just to point out a few idea diffrent here .

first of all i am not Thai .

Second of all i don't understand 100,000 baht a Month

i just don't understand people who spend 100k baht a month .

HOW ? on Acol ? Woman ? Drug ? Don't tell me your meal is 500 bath a meal or 1000 baht a meal .

anyway - What i see is that >

Don't see yourself as a big spender . In ASIA . MONEY is not alway the First Object to consider .

is also how people get along and so on .

Sometime i don't get the idea . when i read up how people try to say THAILAND would suffer Without THEM .

trust me . THAILAND would grow , and still Make it . without alot of US . especially Those who felt their 100k make a whole lot diffrent to the mass thai ecomonic.

one good example is the local protest against gaint MALL and Tesco / 7-11 / which the thai view it as killing their social way of life .

Plus . from some read up if the COndo owner is not THAI >

And he RENT it to Oversea customer .. there thai get little also .

we are not kids .

alot of the people here do bussiness in a really HARD way tryingt o juice the max profit . without considering others bussiness .

why i said so cos i seen many . some success but alot fail .

I hope the Visa rule will be lighten up personally , but if it got strict . i just got to go with the flow ..

after all . Don't forget .. MOST OF US ARE GUEST HERE .


remind me of the old days .. when there have Sign .

NO DOG & Chinese , or Indian allow .

You would not want a Sign . that say ..

NO DOG and FARANG ALLOW > don't you .

let me nice and behave like a GUEST . and respect what the HOST 's choice .

Good luck to everyone .

Edited by Ta22
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Good news i will wait .

but just to point out a few idea diffrent here .

first of all i am not Thai .

Second of all i don't understand 100,000 baht a Month

i just don't understand people who spend 100k baht a month .

HOW ? on Acol ? Woman ? Drug ? Don't tell me your meal is 500 bath a meal or 1000 baht a meal .

anyway - What i see is that >

Don't see yourself as a big spender . In ASIA . MONEY is not alway the First Object to consider .

is also how people get along and so on .

Sometime i don't get the idea . when i read up how people try to say THAILAND would suffer Without THEM .

trust me . THAILAND would grow , and still Make it . without alot of US . especially Those who felt their 100k make a whole lot diffrent to the mass thai ecomonic.

one good example is the local protest against gaint MALL and Tesco / 7-11 / which the thai view it as killing their social way of life .

Plus . from some read up if the COndo owner is not THAI >

And he RENT it to Oversea customer .. there thai get little also .

we are not kids .

alot of the people here do bussiness in a really HARD way tryingt o juice the max profit . without considering others bussiness .

why i said so cos i seen many . some success but alot fail .

I hope the Visa rule will be lighten up personally , but if it got strict . i just got to go with the flow ..

after all . Don't forget .. MOST OF US ARE GUEST HERE .


remind me of the old days .. when there have Sign .

NO DOG & Chinese , or Indian allow .

You would not want a Sign . that say ..

NO DOG and FARANG ALLOW > don't you .

let me nice and behave like a GUEST . and respect what the HOST 's choice .

Good luck to everyone .

You really must read replies in context before you go on with a truck load of waffle.

100K spending per month is not the issue...that's easy to spend by the way, as there is 2 of us. My rent alone with electricity is over 30K and yes, meals do often cost between 500 and 1000 baht (for 2)...not all of us are on tight budgets. We are long stay tourists that do spend money.

The 100K was in the context that a lot of people spending a little amount (ie. 100k per month) would for example add up to a serious dent in the Thai economy.

You're dreaming if you think Thais will not protest when their livelihoods are taken away. It hasn't happened yet, because it won't be until next year the foreigners will start leaving if they persist with enforcing the current changes.

And yes, you really do sound like a kid.

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We've been told some more new changes may come out around Nov 15th. However, the changes are still in the "talking stage."
I think we should remember that the new rules – National Police Office Order No. 606/2006 – effective 1 October 2006 were cooked up and implemented by the Immigration office during the Thaksin government. It has already been announced that the Immigration chief is being replaced, or perhaps has already been replaced, and it is probably a good sign that some of these rules are being reviewed under the new regime, respectively the new Immigration chief.



That is not entirely true, I think parliament had to vote on it. I spoke to Sunbelt and they said the laws were on the books for some time but were never implemented. My guess is after they made the law some future seeing Thais pointed out the financial fallout and never implemented it. It may have even been Thaksin himself. Back then he was new and still popular. I can’t help but think in the back of my mind Thaksin ordered this to screw the Thais who were protesting against him. It does fit his style if you look at all the law suites he filed. If you went against him he did retaliate. I also think he was out of Thailand when this was announced and that too fits his style. As with the car bomb he needed an excuse to act, it this case it may have been John Karr. That is just my gut feeling and I can’t seem shake it or find any other reason why someone would want to hurt established Thais. It makes no sense. If it was Thaksin then anyone who was associated with the TRT back then may become fair game.

If the new government is looking at this although it may be on the top of the list of concerns for many visa holders, it is not for the new government.

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after all . Don't forget .. MOST OF US ARE GUEST HERE .



let me nice and behave like a GUEST . and respect what the HOST 's choice ...

Guest and Host ... That's the sort of language I understand ... No host would accept your account if it wasn't properly registered in the host's database ... Sorry, speaking computer language here is propably pretty much off-topic (but I couldn't help it).

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That is not entirely true, I think parliament had to vote on it. I spoke to Sunbelt and they said the laws were on the books for some time but were never implemented. My guess is after they made the law some future seeing Thais pointed out the financial fallout and never implemented it. It may have even been Thaksin himself.

The law, i.e. the Immigration Act, is dated 24 February B.E. 2522 (1979 A.D.)

The new rules implemented on 1 October 2006 are a “Police Order”, not a law. I doubt very much that a Prime Minister gets involved in the drafting of such order. Lets give credit, or blame, to whom it is due.

Yes, it is true that Sunbelt reported that these new rules were being worked on already for some time and that therefore it is wrong to assume that the coup had anything to do with them.



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The said Police Order had been signed by Pol General Kovin , who has taken part in the coup , so the authorities are well informed and it is my understanding that all policestations have received updated guidelines which includes the new rule.

Better to plan that the changes are going to stay.

If they change later/in the near future to the better that would be nice , but ,for the time being it's better to accept the new rule .

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The said Police Order had been signed by Pol General Kovin , who has taken part in the coup , so the authorities are well informed and it is my understanding that all policestations have received updated guidelines which includes the new rule.

Better to plan that the changes are going to stay.

If they change later/in the near future to the better that would be nice , but ,for the time being it's better to accept the new rule .

Actually it was Pol. Gen. Kowit Watthana that signed the order. I have seen the original and actually bothered to take a quick photo of it. What he is doing now I don’t know I have not followed it. Meaning I don’t know if he is in or out at the moment.

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Actually it was Pol. Gen. Kowit Watthana that signed the order. I have seen the original and actually bothered to take a quick photo of it.

Good of you to take that photo. I am going to think of you as the James Bond of ThaiVisa from now on. Could you post the photo in this thread, please?

I always like to put also the Thai original text of Thai laws, regulations, etc. on file. It may come in handy when trying to explain to an official what particular requirement one is trying to comply with in case the official himself is not very familiar with that requirement.



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There is light at the end of the tunnel, the only question is what for light. Is the light Rambo with his laser-sight machinegun or is it an angel with green camouflage wings helping all the border runners back in the country.

I’m wondering why people not get the right papers to stay here legal.

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The OP come up with some vague insinuation that all of us could have written and speculation starts again! :o

It makes good sense that practically there can be several issues at non-online border posts. Nothing new there really.

Oh well, I certainly hope for many of my friends that the rules will be loosened/postponed(to eternity?) but could Mr. Swift please tell us some more?


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Any comment from Sunbelt ?

We've been told some more new changes may come out around Nov 15th. However, the changes are still in the "talking stage."

Till we see something more concrete, its nothing to hang our hat on. If these changes do come out, will be interesting to see if they are more liberal or conservative.


Sorry to say, it seems the changes are going to be just on change of visa. For instance on an extension of stay based on retirement, you need to show 90 days of the money in the bank.

The same requirement does not exist on a change from a tourist visa or 30 day stamp, as long as the money is in the bank, you are allowed to do the change. You then are granted a 90 day “under consideration stamp” This was perfect as you then could apply for the extension 90 days later as you met the qualification of the money in the bank for 90 days. You could stay in Thailand during this process.

On Nov. 15th this will change to correspond to the extension of stay with the money required to be in the bank, 90 days for both the change of visa and extension. You cannot do the change without 90 days of money being in the bank.


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Any comment from Sunbelt ?

We've been told some more new changes may come out around Nov 15th. However, the changes are still in the "talking stage."

Till we see something more concrete, its nothing to hang our hat on. If these changes do come out, will be interesting to see if they are more liberal or conservative.


Sorry to say, it seems the changes are going to be just on change of visa. For instance on an extension of stay based on retirement, you need to show 90 days of the money in the bank.

The same requirement does not exist on a change from a tourist visa or 30 day stamp, as long as the money is in the bank, you are allowed to do the change. You then are granted a 90 day “under consideration stamp” This was perfect as you then could apply for the extension 90 days later as you met the qualification of the money in the bank for 90 days. You could stay in Thailand during this process.

On Nov. 15th this will change to correspond to the extension of stay with the money required to be in the bank, 90 days for both the change of visa and extension. You cannot do the change without 90 days of money being in the bank.



Could you please just 100% confirm that for Extension of Stay for the so called "Marriage Visa" for a person who has been issued one proir to October 1st 2006 must have 400,000 baht in their Thai bank account for at least 3 months prior to their next renewal and that this sum must remain untouched until the Extension of Stay is granted.

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Could you please just 100% confirm that for Extension of Stay for the so called "Marriage Visa" for a person who has been issued one proir to October 1st 2006 must have 400,000 baht in their Thai bank account for at least 3 months prior to their next renewal and that this sum must remain untouched until the Extension of Stay is granted.

Corect with two exceptions, 40,000 Baht income per month or a combination of 400K in the bank and 40,000 Baht income per month. Example 200K in the bank and 20,000 Baht income per month.

Look at

7.17 of National Police Office Order No. 606/2006

(6) In case of the applicant has married to Thai wife, one of the couple or both of them need to have the total annual income that is averaged out not less than 40,000 Baht per month. Except for the case that the said foreign national has entered Thailand before this Order is enforced and the foreign national has been permitted to stay in the Kingdom by the result of having married to a Thai wife. If the applicant does not have the said income, then, the latest 3 months records of the account book of any Bank in Thailand with the account name of either or both parties need to have the amount of money not less than 400,000 Baht.


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Could you please just 100% confirm that for Extension of Stay for the so called "Marriage Visa" for a person who has been issued one proir to October 1st 2006 must have 400,000 baht in their Thai bank account for at least 3 months prior to their next renewal and that this sum must remain untouched until the Extension of Stay is granted.

Corect with two exceptions, 40,000 Baht income per month or a combination of 400K in the bank and 40,000 Baht income per month. Example 200K in the bank and 20,000 Baht income per month.

Look at

7.17 of National Police Office Order No. 606/2006

(6) In case of the applicant has married to Thai wife, one of the couple or both of them need to have the total annual income that is averaged out not less than 40,000 Baht per month. Except for the case that the said foreign national has entered Thailand before this Order is enforced and the foreign national has been permitted to stay in the Kingdom by the result of having married to a Thai wife. If the applicant does not have the said income, then, the latest 3 months records of the account book of any Bank in Thailand with the account name of either or both parties need to have the amount of money not less than 400,000 Baht.


Thanks Sunbelt, now I am 100% clear... :o

I will contact the British Embassy tomorrow to see what documetation they need to confirm my income, which fortunately is far in excess of the 40,000 Baht a month required.

I find it "financially offensive" to tie up approx 6K UK pounds for next to no interest for 5/6 months every year! :D !

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the latest 3 months records of the account book of any Bank in Thailand with the account name of either or both parties need to have the amount of money not less than 400,000 Baht.

Interesting disconnect with this official statement condoning spousal joint accounts with that of the poster who was told his spousal joint account *couldn't* be used to satisfy the 800k requirement for retirement extension.

Madness, sheer madness -- err, TIT.

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Thats right. Thai landlords and English schools will definately feel the pinch. There are many condos and apparments going up in Thailand and these are definately aimed at long stay foreigners on all bugets. They will be slowing up a bit already, but give it 3 months there could be widespread vacancies. Vacancies that will not be filled by Asian tourists. The one year leases are going to dry up as well, thus a reliable source ofincome is lost. All that property coming empty every 3-6 months with the costs that entails.

THEN!! It was proven in England that when people buy or take on long term leases (Local Authority etc.) the first thing they do is decorate, buy new furniture fittings etc, do ourstanding repairs, build extensions and spend money on the garden. You are not going to do any of this if you are only here for 3 months.

You're absolutely right.

My landlord is an Englishmen with probably 30 million invested in condos that he rents out to foreigners. His rents are between 20K and 60k per month so obviously he needs foreigners to rent them.

He's going to find it tough getting new tenants every 3 months. I'm on a 6 month lease ending in December, and I'll be thinking very carefully before signing another lease. As soon as the new regulations became public knowledge last month I stopped spending money on anything but essentials just in case I can no longer reside here.

It doesn't even matter that they may change their rules soon. We are worried and cannot make longer term plans....we stop spending.

This same problem will be played out by thousands upon thousands of foreigners. You multiply that out and you're going to have a huge impact on the economy at large.

People are saying that we shouldn't live here. Why? I spend at least 100,000 baht a month living here. I get my money by stock trading on the internet. I'm not about to start paying tax on that here in Thailand just because I use the internet here.

Solution? Just find a friendlier country to reside in.

this englishman is precisly the type the thai officials want to get rid of as hes probably not paying tax

so they are tightening up

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Sorry to say, it seems the changes are going to be just on change of visa. For instance on an extension of stay based on retirement, you need to show 90 days of the money in the bank.

The same requirement does not exist on a change from a tourist visa or 30 day stamp, as long as the money is in the bank, you are allowed to do the change. You then are granted a 90 day “under consideration stamp” This was perfect as you then could apply for the extension 90 days later as you met the qualification of the money in the bank for 90 days. You could stay in Thailand during this process.

On Nov. 15th this will change to correspond to the extension of stay with the money required to be in the bank, 90 days for both the change of visa and extension. You cannot do the change without 90 days of money being in the bank.

Oops, this upsets my apple-cart for the second time.

For a whole year now I’ve planned to apply for an extension based on support of Thai wife when going to Thailand at the end of November this year for four months. Support, rather than retirement, because I wanted to keep open the option of taking a job in case I should get an offer I cannot refuse.

Then came the new rules effective 1 October. Apple-cart upset for the first time.

Never mind. Now also the retirement extension allows application for a work permit. New plan: arrive with a non-O visa, apply for extension based on retirement (my age qualifies me). Rethinking: wait a moment, application for extension can be made only during the last 30 days of permitted stay, and now they say that also for retirement it will take three months until the application is approved. Therefore, I would already have left Thailand before the due date to pick up the extension approval.

New plan for retirement extension: arrive with a tourist visa, then during the first week after arrival transfer the equivalent of 800+K to an account in my name in Thailand, then immediately apply for visa change and extension of stay, then get approval after 90 days.

Now I learn that from 15 November, the minimum 800K have to be in the bank at least 90 days before I can apply for visa change and my first extension of stay.

But wait a minute!

7 days to get account set up and money transferred in.

90 days waiting until submission of application for extension.

90 days waiting until application is approved.

Total 187 days.

That would bring me far beyond the planned 4 months in Thailand. Apple-cart upset for the second time.

Now I may have to go for the non-OA visa. I would have liked so much to give my money to the Immigration office instead of the Thai embassy in Switzerland. Tant pis (translation: so much for that)!

Think again...

Two 90-day waiting periods can’t be right. Or can it, Sunbelt? Or do we just have to wait and see?

I think I’ll sleep on it before I decide on anything.




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the latest 3 months records of the account book of any Bank in Thailand with the account name of either or both parties need to have the amount of money not less than 400,000 Baht.

Interesting disconnect with this official statement condoning spousal joint accounts with that of the poster who was told his spousal joint account *couldn't* be used to satisfy the 800k requirement for retirement extension.

Madness, sheer madness -- err, TIT.

Their logic, is one visa is based on extension of stay based on marriage (no problem on community property of the couple)

The other visa is based on retirement for that person. (Not on the marriage and the couples funds cannot be used. Only the funds in that applicants bank account. )


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Two 90-day waiting periods can’t be right. Or can it, Sunbelt? Or do we just have to wait and see?

The new rules have not come out for Nov. 15th but the way we understand, you would have three months before the change of the visa. You then have the non-O and then wait 60 days till you could apply for the extension of stay based on retirement. At that time you are give the one year. We surmise, it will be 5 months in the bank account, if you do the change of visa and extension in Thailand.

If you do it before Nov 15th, it will be 90 days in the bank.


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thanks subnelt for your support

my situation is this:

WP with 35000bath per month

from october(now)change to 40k salary and tax paid

i'm married (plus 2 baby boy)from 2 years and 15 november i will get the 3 extension of visa marriage

last september i close my account bank beacause i want to change bank

now i open new account bank and put inside some money(200k-300k)

what you think about the next renewal of my visa?can i get some problem in immigration with this situation?

i must to put 400k?and cannot show 3 months in advance because is new account-bank?

before is 35k bath my income but from october i change to 40k,it's enough or i must to show both income and money

thanks a lot for your support and help that you giv here to everybody


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