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Japan whaling fleet set to leave for Antarctic


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Japan whaling fleet set to leave for Antarctic

TOKYO (AP) — Japan says its whaling fleet will leave for the Antarctic on Dec. 1 for a three-month hunt on a scaled-down culling plan, despite protests from opponents that Tokyo hasn't proven the mammals need to be killed for research.

Monday's announcement comes days after Japan submitted to the International Whaling Commission its final plan after the IWC's scientific committee said earlier this year it wasn't convinced of the need for lethal sampling.

Japan's fishery agency said it aims to catch up to 333 minke whales, one-third of its previous target.

After the IWC's 1986 commercial whaling ban, Japan has continued killing whales under an exemption for research. The International Court of Justice ruled last year the hunts were not truly scientific, forcing Tokyo to submit a revised Antarctic whaling proposal.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-30

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I generally have great admiration and respect for Japan but this whaling slaughter on these beautiful intelligent mammals is a huge stain, it needs to stop, after migrating thousands of miles to end up on the end of a huge explosive harpoon is a disgrace, what contribution to research could there possibly be

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With all the weapons in the world , and no-one wants to take out these murder ships ?

A submarine could take them out without anyone knowing. (target practice).

Or is an exploding harpoon more humane than Fukushima radiation poisoning?

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Sea Shepard to the rescue ! Again !

So Discovery Channel gets another season of Whale Wars underway.

Great! Ten more episodes of entertainment watching their astounding incompetence.

Their "astounding incompetence", as you call it, did manage to shut down the Japanese whaling fleet, though. What have you done lately to save a whale?

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Sea Shepard to the rescue ! Again !

So Discovery Channel gets another season of Whale Wars underway.

Great! Ten more episodes of entertainment watching their astounding incompetence.

what a stupid rediculous post

They do an extremely good job considering where they are operating and the very old inferior equipment they have to use, out numbered, outperformed and in a very dangerous environment with substandard equipment that often breaks down, the Japanese vesels are state of the art modern, well equiped and fit for purpose to operate in that part of the world

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Sea Shepard to the rescue ! Again !

They are Tweeting about it, but do not see anything on the website. I did read that since 2012 the organization cannot participate in direct action thanks to a US court ruling. It's up to a Aussie group of SSCS.

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So the consensus so far is that it's wrong to kill a whale but perfectly OK to kill a ship full of humans. Have I got that right?

Yes. There is an infinite number of humans compared to whales and a bit of culling wouldn't go astray

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"after the IWC's scientific committee said earlier this year it wasn't convinced of the need for lethal sampling."

Japanese consumers said however that the sampling was an essential part of their fine dining.

Whale meat seems not even to be popular in Japan - nobody is buying it.

It seems that the Guardian and the BBC just don't understand Japan-ness. Whale and Dolphin meat is prized in the same way as tiger penis, shark-fin, rhino horn, elephant tusk etc. It is not about eating it, it is about showing that you can afford it.

Do you seriously think that the Japanese fleet will deliberately operate at a major loss?

Do you think that the Japanese establishment will allow outsiders to dictate what is and is not part of Japanese culture?

Edited by bangon04
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No matter how sofisticated your society pretends to be, food industry is top dog.

well you put a lot of thought into that response, I eat chicken fish lamb cabage and beef and lots of other stuff, one thing I know is that most people don't eat dog cat primates and lots of other mamals that most of us generally consider as not on the menu

It has been proven/understood and well documneted that Dolphins and whales are without doubt very inteligent - look in their eye - can they cry ? I imagine they can....................the weird thing is that they are vastly more inteligent than some posters on TVF - go figure

Humans are good at slaughter but keep it to our shameful selves, leave these beautiful intelligent creatures alone

I honestly feel ashamed of what man has done to whales and dolphins, it is a disgrace and I will add elephants to that sentiment, it is shameful :(

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No matter how sofisticated your society pretends to be, food industry is top dog.

well you put a lot of thought into that response, I eat chicken fish lamb cabage and beef and lots of other stuff, one thing I know is that most people don't eat dog cat primates and lots of other mamals that most of us generally consider as not on the menu

It has been proven/understood and well documneted that Dolphins and whales are without doubt very inteligent - look in their eye - can they cry ? I imagine they can....................the weird thing is that they are vastly more inteligent than some posters on TVF - go figure

Humans are good at slaughter but keep it to our shameful selves, leave these beautiful intelligent creatures alone

I honestly feel ashamed of what man has done to whales and dolphins, it is a disgrace and I will add elephants to that sentiment, it is shameful sad.png

So because some mammals are intelligent you shouldn`t hunt them ? Extensive research have found pigs to be intelligent as well..................................

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