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American Woman Found in Chiang Mai Parking Lot, Suspected Suicide


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People retreat from the world for all sorts of reasons and loneliness can affect everyone - even when you have regular company etc.

Reasons for suicide are complex and cannot be dissected by observers from the comfort of a forum.

Certainly, I'm not sure all suicide is a "tragedy" and that some people won't just be happy to have their pain, mental and/or physical, come to an end.

There is a massive hypocrisy in this debate. Millions who don't want to die - do so everyday, thanks to war, disease, etc. many of these deaths are 100% preventable but are not prevented because not doing so secures our own way of life. More particularly it promotes the lifestyles of the 1%. The majority of people take no action at all to try and resolve this imbalance (not even so much as a poxy letter to their elected representatives) but all feel somehow qualified to comment on the tragedy of someone who resolves to seek their own end.

I don't know this woman's circumstances. I suspect nobody really did. I just hope that her decision was the right one for her as it is one that is impossible to undo. May she rest in peace and without condemnation and ignorance from others.

Edited by TheSiemReaper
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I would have thought that the barbiturates that terminally ill Americans mail order from Mexico, which are apparently a very peaceful way to go, would be easy to obtain here.

I can never understand these messy suicides, not to mention the risk of living with horrific but non-fatal injuries.

I think a nice dinner, a bit of your favourite music and just nodding off for the last time sounds a much better way to go assuming you really have good reason.


(And no, I'm not suicidal but I do believe the individual's right to end their life when faced with terminal illness).

Thanks for the link man. It's good to know all the problems you can encounter with your selected method.

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I would have thought that the barbiturates that terminally ill Americans mail order from Mexico, which are apparently a very peaceful way to go, would be easy to obtain here.

I can never understand these messy suicides, not to mention the risk of living with horrific but non-fatal injuries.

I think a nice dinner, a bit of your favourite music and just nodding off for the last time sounds a much better way to go assuming you really have good reason.


(And no, I'm not suicidal but I do believe the individual's right to end their life when faced with terminal illness).

Thanks for the link man. It's good to know all the problems you can encounter with your selected method.

Yeah, use the wrong pills and you could end up a vegetable for the rest of your life.

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Think of Robin Williams. A person with family and unlimited resources. Millions of fans. He could have cut loose from all attachments and gone anywhere and done what ever he wanted. Still he hangs himself. Depression issues and suicide is something that is very powerful and not well understood.

Being a super star he really couldn't just cut the chord and vanish. Could you imagine him walking unrecognized down beach road Pattaya even with a hat and glasses? Celebritys have pressure on a whole different level

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