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Prepaid Tourist SIM for *60* Days w/ 60 Days of Good Internet – Available?

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Prepaid Tourist SIM for *60* Days w/ *60* Days of Good Internet – Available?

Hi, i need a pre-paid tourist SIM card for Thailand that works well for 60 days* and good 3G internet all those 60 days (i’ll pay the price). Data tethering must be allowed (i.e. feeding internet from mobile to laptop). Any recommendation from own experience?

My own idea right now is:

1. Get DTAC tourist SIM for 15 days for 599 THB incl. fast internet

2. After 15 days, buy another data plan (like, 700 THB for 6 GB + 50 min).

Makes sense?

Among other areas, i’ll be in southern Isaan + upcountry Nakhon Sri Thammarat province. In the past i have used DTAC “Happy Tourist” SIMs bought at the airport on arrival.

Now i see these DTAC tourist SIMs can be booked online and picked up at the airport, see here:


That sounds good, especially as i believe the registering of a SIM is now more complicated than it used to be (need passport) (DTAC website only asks your full name, e-mail and phone number, nothing else, and then you pay by credit-card and pick it up at the airport).

Whenever i bought a SIM card at the airport in previous years, it was smooth and they set up my phone (seemingly without undue manipulations) (unlike India).

I only wonder about the conditions. The longer-lasting DTAC variant for 599 THB is advertised like that:

  • free 15 day internet (4 GB?)
  • 100 THB call credit
  • valid for 35 days after activation

On Wikia i read that i can get top-u DTAC tourist SIMs like that:

  • 229 THB: 1 GB and 30 minutes valid for 7 days
  • 429 THB: 4 GB and 30 minutes valid for 30 days
  • 700 THB: 6 GB and 50 minutes valid for 30 days


Is that reliable? I guess if i top-up the SIM, the validity will be extended. But i am not sure about mobile internet after 15 days. It seems to be 2 THB/MB, but i would prefer to get another volume package of 2 – 4 GB – but that seems possible from the Wikia list above. Also i believe to understand from the DTAC website linked above that *in-coming* calls are charged at 0,99 THB per minute? How can i make sure that i get fast internet after the initial period up to the 60th day?

I could also use another provider if you have a recommendation. Others offer tourist SIMs here (without online registering i think):



I would very much like to fix it upon arrival at Suvannaphum airport, otherwise in Pattaya. I had another service than DTAC once, but thought that DTAC is easier to work with if you don’t speak THAI well.

Main usage of SIM card:

  • a lot of mobile data for Google Maps sat pics etc.
  • some inand out-going domestic calls and domestic SMS
  • 2 short calls to Europe
  • no Line, no Whatsapp, no Skype, no VoIP

So which SIM card and which procedure would you suggest? I do like the idea of applying online in order to shorten the dealings at the provider’s store/airport booth.

Thanks for your real-life experience!


I had 3 sims from AIS that I kept for many years so I would have everything available upon arrival each time. Since I was out of country and could not register them I had to go a different route. It is very important to me to have at least my cell phone available upon arrival. So I found a place that sold me a Thai Happy Tourist Sim that will get me through the 1st few days until I can get to the AIS center where I am going and get everything up and running again. It lists for $19.00 online from Australia which was $14.50 USD when I paid through Paypal. It arrived in about a week with instructions. You can read the details and purchase online here if interested:


I am arriving in March and the sim I received within 1 week of purchase is valid through May 2016.

Here's the link for the full description of the sim:


Good luck.

They say this works for only a limited time without the need to register, but it cannot be extended.


Chicog and Jonnit, thanks for recommending AIS. I had always found DTAC more foreigner friendly and this feeling comes back when i open the website Chicog links to:


Even if i switch that site to English, a lot of important text remains in Thai (tried two browsers) which i can't read. In my memory (which may be wrong), DTAC had more useful info in English available.

Jonnit thanks for mentioning the Datago service. Actually i don't need a SIM from the very first minute. I thought if the phone company booths at Suvannaphum are clogged (maybe due to new registration requirements) that i will only get the all-new prepaid SIM in Pattaya. The companies list their outlets online, and each one seems to have a store in Central Pattaya, so that's convenient.

Would i lose any adantage if i DON'T get a SIM at the airport but somewhere in town? It will be AIS (as recommended by you) or DTAC, but not True.



I note that Google Maps is a must for you.

Have you considered a nav system that works offline?

I use the Sygic App which uses TomTom maps.

I download the maps for the countries we visit by WiFi and we are good to go.

It can provide live data traffic etc but I don't need that. (too tight fisted to buy online internet LOL)

As long as your iPad or phone has built in GPS receivers you are good to go.

I bought the lifetime world map option and I am very happy with it.

I also bought the dashcam and head up display options for night driving - just for fun LOL

(about €35 with these options or about €30 for the world map lifetime option)

This system will save you loads of data time on your sym and if you download the maps on a free WiFi, even better.

You only have to download a map once, they may give a free map upgrade from time to time and you need to download that.

You can try before you buy from here


If you choose not to buy, you can still use it but you don't get all the premimum features of course.


I note that Google Maps is a must for you.

Have you considered a nav system that works offline?

I use the Sygic App which uses TomTom maps.

I download the maps for the countries we visit by WiFi and we are good to go.

If you have an Android phone, you might use HERE maps (get it from HERE.com). Free, including free maps for many countries and many languages for navigation, just download and go. HERE is a follow-up of Nokia Maps.


Laislica and hkt, thanks for good advice!

Yes, actually i have the free Sygic map as a backup to Google Maps. But in my experience, Google Maps has much more detail when you're exploring (and i am just not comfortable with the look and feel of Sygic maps). Also on G Maps i can see my position on the satellite picture which may have roads that are not drawn into the map (i had that once at least, and it was a useful find). Just now, Google Maps (without sat pictures) can be used almost fully offline anyway (that was not clear when i posted the initial question).

I also do use MS Here as a backup especially when offline. But in my experience (though not tested in Thailand so far), Here has much less detail than Google Maps (even though it’s coming from Nokia which used to have good maps).


"True" hand out "free" SIM cards at Phuket airport and possibly BKK. Around 5O0B gives you "5G unlimited" for 30 days which if you read the fine print means 5G at 512 KBS and then cuts back to 256.

The personnel at the counter were helpful and efficient. I gave them my passport and they quickly did all the registration and APN settings for me. Took about 2 minutes and painless. I bought top up cards at any 7/11. However when you top up you have to key the right code for your plan. But they should give you a little card with the SIM that will explain all.

I went well over my 5G and in fact did not notice any speed difference. Coverage was excellent. I was sailing around Phuket and rarely lost coverage. But reliability is a different matter. Download speed varied enormously and there were frequent dropouts from just a few minutes to 10-15 minutes. Regardless of the plan you pay for they have just not installed enough bandwidth and it regularly gets overloaded at much the same time of day. I think this is common with all the companies.

There was no problem with tethering and I frequently used G maps.

Just had a coffee hit when there are dropouts.


Prepaid Tourist SIM for *60* Days w/ *60* Days of Good Internet Available?

Hi, i need a pre-paid tourist SIM card for Thailand that works well for 60 days* and good 3G internet all those 60 days (ill pay the price). Data tethering must be allowed (i.e. feeding internet from mobile to laptop). Any recommendation from own experience?

My own idea right now is:

1. Get DTAC tourist SIM for 15 days for 599 THB incl. fast internet

2. After 15 days, buy another data plan (like, 700 THB for 6 GB + 50 min).

Makes sense?

Among other areas, ill be in southern Isaan + upcountry Nakhon Sri Thammarat province. In the past i have used DTAC Happy Tourist SIMs bought at the airport on arrival.

Now i see these DTAC tourist SIMs can be booked online and picked up at the airport, see here:


That sounds good, especially as i believe the registering of a SIM is now more complicated than it used to be (need passport) (DTAC website only asks your full name, e-mail and phone number, nothing else, and then you pay by credit-card and pick it up at the airport).

Whenever i bought a SIM card at the airport in previous years, it was smooth and they set up my phone (seemingly without undue manipulations) (unlike India).

I only wonder about the conditions. The longer-lasting DTAC variant for 599 THB is advertised like that:

  • free 15 day internet (4 GB?)
  • 100 THB call credit
  • valid for 35 days after activation
On Wikia i read that i can get top-u DTAC tourist SIMs like that:
  • 229 THB: 1 GB and 30 minutes valid for 7 days
  • 429 THB: 4 GB and 30 minutes valid for 30 days
  • 700 THB: 6 GB and 50 minutes valid for 30 days

Is that reliable? I guess if i top-up the SIM, the validity will be extended. But i am not sure about mobile internet after 15 days. It seems to be 2 THB/MB, but i would prefer to get another volume package of 2 4 GB but that seems possible from the Wikia list above. Also i believe to understand from the DTAC website linked above that *in-coming* calls are charged at 0,99 THB per minute? How can i make sure that i get fast internet after the initial period up to the 60th day?

I could also use another provider if you have a recommendation. Others offer tourist SIMs here (without online registering i think):



I would very much like to fix it upon arrival at Suvannaphum airport, otherwise in Pattaya. I had another service than DTAC once, but thought that DTAC is easier to work with if you dont speak THAI well.

Main usage of SIM card:

  • a lot of mobile data for Google Maps sat pics etc.
  • some inand out-going domestic calls and domestic SMS
  • 2 short calls to Europe
  • no Line, no Whatsapp, no Skype, no VoIP
So which SIM card and which procedure would you suggest? I do like the idea of applying online in order to shorten the dealings at the providers store/airport booth.

Thanks for your real-life experience!


Truemove h have 8gb high speed and 4 gb wifi. After used up speed goes down to384kbs. Ais has same but goes down to264 kbs. 384 is for me perfect when i use google maps or skype


Hi again, i just noted that Google Maps for Thailand is still not usable offline (contrary to many other countries). So even though Google Maps in general got better for offline use just now, this isn't the case for Thailand and makes a good mobile data connection in TH even more desirable (aware, as discussed above, that other apps can be used offline, such as Sygic, Here, Osmand etc.).


Hi, thanks again for all ideas regarding SIM cards in Thailand. Finally I bought a DTAC SIM card at Souvannaphum airport one evening at 7 p.m. The whole procedure didn’t take five minutes and my passport wasn’t needed (it went actually faster than in previous years). The lady clerk was efficient, had a big fat smile and said “Have a great trip, sir” – now I knew why they call it Happy Tourist SIM. After even immigration had been friendly and polite and the immigration queue had had only 4 tourists waiting, the entry couldn’t have been smoother.
The DTAC deal was about like that:

  • 1049 Baht
  • 12 GB hi-speed internet for 30 days
  • 160 Baht talk time

I’m certainly not impressed with the mobile data speed. While the phone shows symbols like “H+”, “H” or “3G”, internet actually is rather slow and especially retrieving e-mails takes absurdly long. It’s the first time I’ve ever been disappointed with internet speed (apart from Sierra Leone). You could almost call it Unhappy Tourist SIM.
If would certainly try AIS next time, as advised by some here.

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