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I know there has been incidents in the south, but nothing yet targeting the tourist industry. Could we face another "Madrid" anytime soon?


Well, Hamballe (however you spell the ######s name) was found up in Ayauttaya & the southern proveniences are heating up. Don't think there's any truly "safe" place unless you're up in a little vil in maybe Laos? :o


Guess, everybody has the possibility in her/his mind. During talks with my friends, for sure the subject comes up.

Yes, if I can avoid it, I do not go to congested places in Bangkok. Talk about Pat Pong, Nana, US-owned hotels etc. (The last one is no political statement)

But then, while writing this and look out of the window, I see I am surrounded by

skyscrapers, Marriott, Landmark, etc. etc.


today is one year ago that Irak felt into the hands of american/uk troops.

Newspappers and TV in holland are full of niews about fights in Irak against the foreigner troops. Even the countries that went there to help and have no proper gear to fight are being attacked. It looks like this wil only get worse because iraki's want everyone out of their country. Some days ago 3 japanase civilians got kidnaped and a film of them being mistreated was show here.Iraki's said they will be killed if japanese troops don't live the country directly. In jappan they didn't show this film. Last week 4 americans where killed with bullets and their bodies burned.After that their bodies where treated with big disrespect. I think americans also didn't see it on TV. It was a big mistake to go there. People have to solve their own problems and grow to another political system on their own pace.

Meantime in Holland, france Germany and spain traintraffic has been stopped quite often the last weeks(in holland last week 3 times). Everytime someone sees a package life stops and panic takes over.

Terrorists really made us all afraid thru Madrid.

The Iraki' fighters have meanwhile told the world that every country with troops there better go away before they suffer the retaliation of the Irakis, not only there but also in their countries, just like spain some weeks ago.

Muslimfundamentalists support the cause of the iraki's and just the way they attacked in Indonesia last summer (jakarta) and the year before (bali) Ithink they could also doe it in Thailand.

This is reality but don't think to much about it because bad luck is just like good luck:it cames on the most unexpeced moments.

today is one year ago that Irak felt into the hands of american/uk troops.

Newspappers and TV in holland are full of niews about fights in Irak against the foreigner troops. Even the countries that went there to help and have no proper gear to fight are being attacked. It looks like this wil only get worse because iraki's want everyone out of their country. Some days ago 3 japanase civilians got kidnaped and a film of them being mistreated was show here.Iraki's said they will be killed if japanese troops don't live the country directly. In jappan they didn't show this film. Last week 4 americans where killed with bullets and their bodies burned.After that their bodies where treated with big disrespect. I think americans also didn't see it on TV. It was a big mistake to go there. People have to solve their own problems and grow to another political system on their own pace.

Meantime in Holland, france Germany and spain traintraffic has been stopped quite often the last weeks(in holland last week 3 times). Everytime someone sees a package life stops and panic takes over.

Terrorists really made us all afraid thru Madrid.

The Iraki' fighters have meanwhile told the world that every country with troops there better go away before they suffer the retaliation of the Irakis, not only there but also in their countries, just like spain some weeks ago.

Muslimfundamentalists support the cause of the iraki's and just the way they attacked in Indonesia last summer (jakarta) and the year before (bali) Ithink they could also doe it in Thailand.

This is reality but don't think to much about it because bad luck is just like good luck:it cames on the most unexpeced moments.

Hey, anamore, it's spelled Iraq, & it fell into our hands because we don't want no 'nother 9/11. Capheesh?

[Hey, anamore, it's spelled Iraq, & it fell into our hands because we don't want no 'nother 9/11.  Capheesh?

I believe in Holland it is spelled IRAK

Maybe Bush would not have made the mistake to attack the Iraq, written with the same letter 'q' as Al Quaida if the English spelling would have been with a K. :o

What do you mean "it fell into our hands", your avatar is the Thai flag?

Himbali was the guy who fall into Thai hands (good show), and then sold to the US

for safe keeping.

Terrorist Attacks In Thailand are a higher possibility, now, because of the attack on the Iraq and the support (albeit limited) by Thailand.

I feel sorry for the Thai people having to suffer from similar threats as the people in Spain. I feel as well sorry for all the victims from the US, Iraq, Japan, Germany, Italy aso who gave their lifes for that trigger happy fellow who calls himself president.

Best choice for Thailand would be to pull out the troops. We don't need the 'fruits ' of Mr. Bush's hating the Iraqis as a threat for retaliating against Thailand.


re: 'what does invading Iraq have to do with 9/11?...' where were you guys when Bush was propounding regarding Saddam and the direct connection thereto?...an adjunct argument to WMD, both of which have revealed the US fearless leader as a lying bastard culpable of war crimes and that should be put on trial and publically executed...

The above ignorance is comparable to wondering about the connection between US relations with Israel and bad US relations with muslims all over the world...


The Real Reason We're Invading Iraq:

The people of Iraq may be happy now, but would they still be cheering if they knew that US marines were plundering Iraq of its precious puppies? Read on...

"...The "barbarians," as Marines with the 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance unit are called, were about to become proud parents. "We scooped the babies right up," said Hidalgo, nodding at the white puppy chowing down on a military MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) of pasta and vegetables beneath the gun turret of the armored vehicle. "She only eats Italian food."

The Marines got out, and so did Mary Jane, an all-white fluff ball, and her twin brother, Nas, named after the southern Iraqi city where the unit has been fighting. He is black with white paws.

Consider them two very lucky pups of war.

"Makes you feel good they are not living like other dogs in Iraq," said Hidalgo. Mary Jane rides with him and his crew. Nas rides with tough-talking Gunnery Sgt. Russell Strack, whose post-puppy personality change has stunned some of the Marines.

In the last week, Strack and Nas have bonded.

Nas travels on Strack's vehicle and curls up at night in Strack's sleeping bag. He bites Strack's ear and yips when he needs to get out.

..."I've got a big back yard near Camp Lejeune" in North Carolina, said Strack. "I've told all the guys Nas can run around there and live with me until he's ready to go home with one of my Marines."

But first the Marines have to try to figure out how to get Nas and Mary Jane home.

And that could involve quarantine and fighting a war with bureaucracy that could be tougher than the one on the ground in Iraq.

"We've brought back all sorts of things before," said one Marine. "If I have to, I'll smuggle Nas and Mary Jane back. We ain't gonna leave them here to die in Iraq."

Iraq...it's all about the puppies!!! :o

The Real Reason We're Invading Iraq:

The people of Iraq may be happy now, but would they still be cheering if they knew that US marines were plundering Iraq of its precious puppies? Read on...

"...The "barbarians," as Marines with the 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance unit are called, were about to become proud parents. "We scooped the babies right up," said Hidalgo, nodding at the white puppy chowing down on a military MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) of pasta and vegetables beneath the gun turret of the armored vehicle. "She only eats Italian food."

The Marines got out, and so did Mary Jane, an all-white fluff ball, and her twin brother, Nas, named after the southern Iraqi city where the unit has been fighting. He is black with white paws.

Consider them two very lucky pups of war.

"Makes you feel good they are not living like other dogs in Iraq," said Hidalgo. Mary Jane rides with him and his crew. Nas rides with tough-talking Gunnery Sgt. Russell Strack, whose post-puppy personality change has stunned some of the Marines.

In the last week, Strack and Nas have bonded.

Nas travels on Strack's vehicle and curls up at night in Strack's sleeping bag. He bites Strack's ear and yips when he needs to get out.

..."I've got a big back yard near Camp Lejeune" in North Carolina, said Strack. "I've told all the guys Nas can run around there and live with me until he's ready to go home with one of my Marines."

But first the Marines have to try to figure out how to get Nas and Mary Jane home.

And that could involve quarantine and fighting a war with bureaucracy that could be tougher than the one on the ground in Iraq.

"We've brought back all sorts of things before," said one Marine. "If I have to, I'll smuggle Nas and Mary Jane back. We ain't gonna leave them here to die in Iraq."

Iraq...it's all about the puppies!!! :o

Sounds a bit Gay to me


The Real Reason We're Invading Iraq:

The people of Iraq may be happy now, but would they still be cheering if they knew that US marines were plundering Iraq of its precious puppies? Read on...

"...The "barbarians," as Marines with the 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance unit are called, were about to become proud parents. "We scooped the babies right up," said Hidalgo, nodding at the white puppy chowing down on a military MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) of pasta and vegetables beneath the gun turret of the armored vehicle. "She only eats Italian food."

The Marines got out, and so did Mary Jane, an all-white fluff ball, and her twin brother, Nas, named after the southern Iraqi city where the unit has been fighting. He is black with white paws.

Consider them two very lucky pups of war.

"Makes you feel good they are not living like other dogs in Iraq," said Hidalgo. Mary Jane rides with him and his crew. Nas rides with tough-talking Gunnery Sgt. Russell Strack, whose post-puppy personality change has stunned some of the Marines.

In the last week, Strack and Nas have bonded.

Nas travels on Strack's vehicle and curls up at night in Strack's sleeping bag. He bites Strack's ear and yips when he needs to get out.

..."I've got a big back yard near Camp Lejeune" in North Carolina, said Strack. "I've told all the guys Nas can run around there and live with me until he's ready to go home with one of my Marines."

But first the Marines have to try to figure out how to get Nas and Mary Jane home.

And that could involve quarantine and fighting a war with bureaucracy that could be tougher than the one on the ground in Iraq.

"We've brought back all sorts of things before," said one Marine. "If I have to, I'll smuggle Nas and Mary Jane back. We ain't gonna leave them here to die in Iraq."

Iraq...it's all about the puppies!!! :D

Sounds a bit Gay to me


Aye a tad ponce-esque :o

Don't the septics prononce it 'Eyerak', you know like they pronounce Moscow

'Moss Cow'

hah ahahaha ahahahah


Yep, we do & it's I-Ran too! :o


Dear Boon

as everyone knows what Bush says is not necessarly the truth. In fact most politicians have their own concept of truth wich gets adapted everytime they need to justify their deeds.

Despise all research from UN, USA and press, etc, no evidence is found until now, that Saddam was related to 11-9 in New York.

But Bush had to do something after 11-9 and he had to motivate it towaards the world to get support and assistance from other countries.

In the meantime Blair (his beste supporter outside USA) has been asked in his country where is the evidence that Saddam is guilty and this even led to some scandals in the press, because he didn't have any evidence and in fact had just send uk-fellows to the warfront following bush as a blind idiot.

And the other countries that went on to this war to help USA, know in the meantime that they just where used for something else, maybe to mask the lack of capacity of mister president to deal with some domestic issues? (social, economical, internal affaires).

I don't know but USA has spent lots of money already in this war and Bush didn't even realize this when he started as he didn't also realize that it would take so long.

And the longer this hole war lasts the more painfull it becames to admit that it was a mistake, but it surely was. Saddam didn't even have bombs for god'sake.

Did this all start to make the iraki people happier, freer? Since when is USA concerned about the happiness of the world? Not even of it's own folks.

Everyone who knows a little about the culture in the middle east, could have tell that people over there don't tolerate intruders and unlike the most of us they are disposed to go as far as needeed to reach their purposes. Against such holehearted fighters all of europe and america is doomeed to loose.

My point is: europe needeed centuries to get where it is (freedom,politics, etc), USA less time because (white) americans where at first europeans who went there and build it new but with the european experience.

The middle east has it's own history and needs to make it's own progress at all levels of the society :poor and rich people and culture, traditions, religion politics, economics,etc. it all needs to evolute on their own way.

As long as they abide by a Sheik, or a ditactor they remain a little like europe in the time of the kings and the roalty who owned the land and the people living on it and did everything to keep the status quo.

Something has to go before something new can take it's place.

I stil remenber the afternoon one of my fellow workers called us to have a look at the niews om his pc and see what had happened that morning in NY. I cried of pain and sorrow for what had happened to those people and in fact to all americans.

And now I feel sorry for all the boys out there loosing their youth and even their life om a stupid way. About 17 boys commited suicide in Irak since this situation started. It must be like ###### over there.

note: does it matter how I write Irak? You know what I am writing about, and besides that english is not my 1st language but one of the 5 languages I speak and write. give me your opinion om my general english writing. I'll try to better it because I just started writing om this site one week ago after years of rest.

In italian you write:capice.




I can't believe that the mediators censuur such an innocent word as ######.

Quite stupid considering what some other people write hier. The woord is the name one gives to the place where the sinners go when they die according to christian belief.

Think about it please

I can't believe that the mediators censuur such an innocent word as ######.

Quite stupid considering what some other people write hier. The woord is the name one gives to the place where the sinners go when they die according to christian belief.

Think about it please


It's an automatic (software) censure. To get around it, instead type "he11" and everybody will get the message.

<<Since when is USA concerned about the happiness of the world? Not even of it's own folks>>

I guess that's why America comes to the rescue of Muslims in Bosnia? :o


Yes I worry about terrorism. But I am not going to let it run my life. It will not stop me from traveling to awesome places like Krabi, Phuket or Pattaya. If you stop doing what you want to do because you are worried about the terrorist then they win. And they will never win. I would rather die fighting than die hideing.

I agree you have to be smart about where you go and keep your eyes open. I would not recommend taking a vacation to Bagdad or to the border region between afgahnistan and pakistan.

But do not let the terrorist dictate your life.


You are right Boon what Bosnia concerns. Most times all others do a lot of screaming the Americans go ahead and do something to the probleem. there is also idealisme in America and I surely love the way they are fast forwaard and geting to the point. Also open to new experiences.

Americans I meet in other parts of the world where always nice to deal with.

The only ones I dislike are the conservatives (I mean hypocriets) and the religious ones.

Getting back to that Bosnia question: some weeks ago there was a lot of fight between serbs and kosovo people. the thing started because of 2 boys drawn in the river. The foreigner peace troops there didn't understand what was happenig.

This things seem to have a long history of hate among the diferent groeps, just like in other parts of the world, and as I get older I became selfish and realistic: I just thing let's take care of our ouw business, and help someone in need if they really want to change, but don't send our money and people to those places.

It's just a waste and we have in our own countries enough probleems to deal with.

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