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Hitler's Mein Kampf to be published


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As I'd gathered it, the annotations are of a critical and critiquing nature rather than anything supportive or apologetic about Adolph Hitler.

However, the few examples I've seen are to me rather weak. For instance, annotators point out Hitler had written no parliamentarians fought in WWOne but that in fact two had fought, to include a Jewish MP who was killed in the war. Interesting point but it hardly negates this one thing in the book.

The Bavarian state government quit the annotations project it had started after Holocaust survivors in Israel and elsewhere said the project incited grim memories and feelings. So the German Institute picked up on it independently of the state government or any state funding.

Interesting piece about how propaganda of the time tried to humanize the beast that resided in Adolph Hitler to consume Hitler himself and half the world besides.

Hitler the peaceable and quiet guy at home


A 1936 postcard presents a view of the Alps from the Berghof’s Great Hall.

Heinrich Hoffmann Collection, Picture Archive, Bavarian State Library

Hitler and his publicists drew on mountain imagery from Germany’s literary and artistic movements (particularly Romanticism) to mythologize the Führer as a mystic leader who immersed himself in – and embodied – the terrible and magnificent forces of nature.

In November 1938, shortly after the annexation of Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland – and the same month as the Night of Broken Glass – Homes and Gardens published a feature titled Hitler’s Mountain Home, which credited Hitler with the design of the Berghof. Applauding his taste, the article depicted his private life as one of refinement, gentle repasts and congenial friendships.

And days before the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact in August 1939, The New York Times Magazine published another enthusiastic article about the residence, one that again chronicled the Führer’s wholesome domestic life, unpretentious hospitality and love of sweets.


So maybe it's just not difficult for some people to picture Putin on his three-wheeled (trainer) motorcycle or Xi Jinping with his continuous companion of a dogface countenance. Articles about Assad's charming and civilising wife have been scratched off many Western media websites....they remain however at the official website of the Syrian government. What's left of it anyway.

Not only Germans need to be aware of this kind of stuff.

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Having read menzies233 post about different books written by hitler, I cannot understand why he has been attacked as someone promoting nazism

IMHO, he is simply sharing knowledge that may well give the reader a better insite into a madman.... Such knowledge helps in the fight to never let it happen again... And I hope analysts and psychologists do read these works, with the object to do all in our (international) power to prevent any situation whereby a madman has control over anything more dangerous than a wee box of crayons

Arguably, and unfortunately, we do still see dictators of an unstable nature out there, so the lesson has not been properly learnt

If you write “You will see a very, very different side to the man that Western history and the Hollywood media have created” you can hardly blame people for assuming that you are if not a full blown Nazi, you are at least one of those who still try to wriggle out of Germans taking the blame for what happened in WWII and before because they think they were "a cultured people" and entitled to enslave the lesser “not human” people like the Poles and Slav’s, let alone eliminate all undesirable elements like Jews and Gypsies that did not meet the criteria of a new “cultured” blond master race................(funnily enough neither did Hitler).

Always such items are the prelude to promotion of neo Nazi ideals.

We have already had one poster on this forum trying to distort history and claiming the West and the US should have supported the Germans against the Soviets when it was the Germans themselves who were allied with the Russians at the start of the war. Fortunately it was the self-styled “cultured" (but not to his lickspittle "Von's" who really believed they were cultured and despised him behind his back) Hitler that the poster appears to be trying to promote that made the fatal mistake of attacking the Russians.

I don't say people are not entitled to read his claptrap and assimilate the warnings that doing so should throw up, but to promote it as shining a light on his “cultured genius” that has been hidden from the world by history and Hollywood is dangerous Nazi style propaganda that Gobbles would have been proud of

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Having read menzies233 post about different books written by hitler, I cannot understand why he has been attacked as someone promoting nazism

IMHO, he is simply sharing knowledge that may well give the reader a better insite into a madman.... Such knowledge helps in the fight to never let it happen again... And I hope analysts and psychologists do read these works, with the object to do all in our (international) power to prevent any situation whereby a madman has control over anything more dangerous than a wee box of crayons

Arguably, and unfortunately, we do still see dictators of an unstable nature out there, so the lesson has not been properly learnt

Unfortunately, psychiatrists make it too easy nowadays.

They would simply declare him crazy, and by doing so they will never even care how so many people could follow him.

Sociologists talk about charismatic leadership, which isn't very helpful either.

Hitler was considered insane by many people in the military and government of many countries long before 1937, let alone psychiatrists.

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Having read menzies233 post about different books written by hitler, I cannot understand why he has been attacked as someone promoting nazism

IMHO, he is simply sharing knowledge that may well give the reader a better insite into a madman.... Such knowledge helps in the fight to never let it happen again... And I hope analysts and psychologists do read these works, with the object to do all in our (international) power to prevent any situation whereby a madman has control over anything more dangerous than a wee box of crayons

Arguably, and unfortunately, we do still see dictators of an unstable nature out there, so the lesson has not been properly learnt

Unfortunately, psychiatrists make it too easy nowadays.

They would simply declare him crazy, and by doing so they will never even care how so many people could follow him.

Sociologists talk about charismatic leadership, which isn't very helpful either.

Hitler was considered insane by many people in the military and government of many countries long before 1937, let alone psychiatrists.

Then 30 million followers were insane, too. It's probably a contagious mental disease.

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Having read menzies233 post about different books written by hitler, I cannot understand why he has been attacked as someone promoting nazism

IMHO, he is simply sharing knowledge that may well give the reader a better insite into a madman.... Such knowledge helps in the fight to never let it happen again... And I hope analysts and psychologists do read these works, with the object to do all in our (international) power to prevent any situation whereby a madman has control over anything more dangerous than a wee box of crayons

Arguably, and unfortunately, we do still see dictators of an unstable nature out there, so the lesson has not been properly learnt

Unfortunately, psychiatrists make it too easy nowadays.

They would simply declare him crazy, and by doing so they will never even care how so many people could follow him.

Sociologists talk about charismatic leadership, which isn't very helpful either.

Hitler was considered insane by many people in the military and government of many countries long before 1937, let alone psychiatrists.

Then 30 million followers were insane, too. It's probably a contagious mental disease.

I believe you have hit the nail right on the head, the majority of Germanys pre-war population were brainwashed into supporting Hitler with their gross "Seig Heil" Madness and mass rallies. Certainly many of the 7 million German dead from the war were fanatical supporters. This is why the German government cracks down so hard on neo Nasties and those fellow travellers who just want to vent their pathetic spleen against Jews and Israel. But many of the internet fellow travellers would actually gladly slit the throat of any Neo Nazi they come across. Me too (allegedly).

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The Austrian cabaret artist Helmut Quatlinger had a whale of a time reading that book aloud back in 1975.

It's brilliant with his voice trailing off into sheer lunacy when he reads a particularly emotional part over the German Volk's supposed feelings and destiny.

Starts right off when he is crying at the top of his voice "GLEICHES BLUT GEHÖRT ... !"

It's here on Youtube, but you will need near perfect German to follow that Austrian accent and some rather antiquated vocabulary.

The guy is brilliant with his blackest sarcasms and cynicism when he does songs in the style of Austrian street-music.

While we're at it, there is a German talk-show (Anne Will) on this topic out there with excerpts from the Turkish-German cabaret artist Serdar Somuncu.

They are also discussing whether it should read it in schools (obviously only excerpts, not 700 pages).

I am all in favour. In my personal experience, being tortured with any piece of literature in school by a classic German teacher is the best guarantee you'll never again touch it for your whole life.

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