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Psone In Thailand


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I recently moved to Thailand, (supposed to be permanent but never mind, currently in Austrailia.) I brought my U.K. playstation (PS1) with me thinking it would would work ok as they have the PAL system there too. However, I can get a picture but no sound, just a low buzzing tone. Should I be using a step-down transformer or something, and if so, where do I get one in the Pattaya area. I originally brought it as a CD player, and obviously with no sound it defeats the object really. My GF's love playing beat-em-ups on it too :o I'll be back in about 4 months, so can anyone help me on this one?

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The reason your PS doesn't work is because the PAL system used in UK (PAL-I) is sligtly different from the one used in Thailand (PAL-B ), and the rest of Europe and World for that matter.

The difference is in separation between picture and sound (6Mhz for PAL-I, and 5.5 Mhz for PAL-B ). That's why you'll get the picture but no sound, your TV just can't tune in. To fix that you would have an electronics handyman tweak or change the VHF modulator in your PS. However, direct Video and Audio connection should still work if you TV supports that.

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Thanks spacekadet. Didn't know about the PALB system, that explains why I had the same problem on some Australian tvs as well. Looks like I may as well just buy a Thai Ps1 then. Does anyone know if it will have to be chipped to run U.K. games and Cds?

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Should have no problem running UK games etc. The problem normally lies the other way round. (Thai games disks on UK machines.)

CDs should be the same whether purchased in the UK, Thailand or wherever.

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CD's are not all the same.

They are zone coded and on original machines the zone code of the machine must be the same as the zone code of the CD.

This is to stop grey imports.

That is why they have to be chipped

That is what I have read, is it coreect ?

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