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Defiant Trump dismisses criticism of his Muslim statement


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Learn from Japan ! They don,t let them in and have no problem. Musilms should be living in muslim countries where they can vent their affections on goats and their frustrations on each other. Go for it Donald !!!

Oh, right!

...care to back this ridiculous statement up with some facts?

Yep...you can't because it is just simply BS!


Jama Mosque in Tokyo.
Main article: Islam in Japan
Islam (イスラム教 Isuramukyō) in Japan is mostly represented by small immigrant communities from other parts of Asia. In 2008, Keiko Sakurai estimated that 80–90% of the Muslims in Japan were foreign born migrants primarily from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Iran.[38] It has been estimated that the Muslim immigrant population amounts to 70,000–100,000 people, while the "estimated number of Japanese Muslims ranges from thousands to tens of thousands".[39]
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Japan

The percentage of Muslims in Japan is less that 1/10th of 1 percent.

Which part of the original claim of "They don,t let them in and have no problem" is too hard for you to comprehend?

They do not allow them to become citizens. Those were just some minimum wage contract workers that they brought in to do work that Japanese people don't want to do.

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I think internment of anyone who is a suspected terrorist sympathizer is a great idea. I do wonder why Trump is so direct here though, the Japanese have a policy of no proselytizing of Islam and as few Muslims as possible, they don't get much criticism as the policy is not advertised, best surely to do things by stealth and bypass the constitution where necessary, a bit like Obama does to get his own way.

Trump is undeniably someone who can tell which way the wind is blowing, here is the latest Dutch poll, the PVV who have similar policies are way out ahead of the field. The latest French elections will also be interesting after the hearts and minds campaign mounted by the religion of peace.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Daesh sent a thanks note to Trump for his work...

The ones praising Trump are probably the same who praise the second amendment, and yet spit on the Bill of Rights.

The open door policy got us 9/11, the Boston bombing , the fort Hood shooter, the DC sniper and on and on and on.

But could you please explain to me how Trump banning ISIS members from entering the US bodes well for ISIS ?

"But could you please explain to me how Trump banning ISIS members from entering the US "

Only that is not what he is saying, isn't it?

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I agree 100% with ''The Donald ' Pacifists with blinkered vision refuse to change their stance despite the many atrocities committed against us .

Enough is enough .Get real. Time for action

Thank god you are a WAR HERO!

Oops sorry, only on your barchair!

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Daesh sent a thanks note to Trump for his work...

The ones praising Trump are probably the same who praise the second amendment, and yet spit on the Bill of Rights.

The open door policy got us 9/11, the Boston bombing , the fort Hood shooter, the DC sniper and on and on and on.

But could you please explain to me how Trump banning ISIS members from entering the US bodes well for ISIS ?

"But could you please explain to me how Trump banning ISIS members from entering the US "

Only that is not what he is saying, isn't it?


Division and anti Muslim sentiment is what Daesh want. Why do you think they bomb and terrorize? Same reason, to create a chasm between East and West, Christian and Muslim and civilizations generally. It's the Muslim Caliphate's plan. Our hatred of Muslims is what they want to force moderate Muslims into the fold of Daesh and lessen the gray space between believer and unbeliever. Although the public reaction is understandable and Trump exploits that, it really suits ISIS that this crisis is happening. That's how Trump banning Muslims from entering the US bodes well for ISIS. While Trump might appear a breath of fresh air because he does not come from a background of career politicians bought off by banks and interest groups, he needs to think twice on this issue, but I think he's just going for political appeal, reality will be different should he get into the White house.

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Defiant Trump hasn't thought it through has he.

I hope he lasts long enough to actually have to answer some serious questions, he makes Sarah Palin sound smart as it is.

Yes! Looks like DT is more enjyoying focusing limelights on his actual one man show, than really willing to do the job as elected President.

Besides, according to the Washington Post, it does not cost him so much in advertising expenses ( only 237.000 USD) considering the R.O.I, DT is obviously maximizing his satisfaction.

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I don't think he's really interested in becoming president at all. He's has an ego bigger than the solar system and he's revelling in winding up the establishment and others and is like a little boy showing off. This is the daftest of his ideas so far, and he's had some biggies.

I'm no great fan of Islam, but tarring all Muslims with the same brush is like saying all Yanks are loud mouthed and arrogant, which thankfully isn't the case. If he's the best the Republicans have, bring on Hillary - and she ain't exactly my favourite.

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Daesh sent a thanks note to Trump for his work...

The ones praising Trump are probably the same who praise the second amendment, and yet spit on the Bill of Rights.

The open door policy got us 9/11, the Boston bombing , the fort Hood shooter, the DC sniper and on and on and on.

But could you please explain to me how Trump banning ISIS members from entering the US bodes well for ISIS ?

Completely wrong, the US special treatment of all Saudis got us 9/11. They are perhaps the most heinous nation on earth, yet due to their oil riches, their nonsense is tolerated in Washington. They have spent over 100 billion US on supporting terror worldwide, yet they continue to enjoy special status.

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I don't think he's really interested in becoming president at all. He's has an ego bigger than the solar system and he's revelling in winding up the establishment and others and is like a little boy showing off. This is the daftest of his ideas so far, and he's had some biggies.

I'm no great fan of Islam, but tarring all Muslims with the same brush is like saying all Yanks are loud mouthed and arrogant, which thankfully isn't the case. If he's the best the Republicans have, bring on Hillary - and she ain't exactly my favourite.

Unlike your Yanks are loud comparison, bad muslims lead to deaths of civilians. And the vetting procedure has shown to be ineffective.

If you apply common sense to the situation, and forget about all the "feel good politics" , the only logical thing you can do is ban muslim immigration. There is many of other places in the world to accept immigrants. You don't have to draw from the group that has poisonous elements.

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And it will not be long before there is another muslim terror attack. And another. And another. And another. And then all the establishment business as usual types, such as Ryan, will choke on their own words, as they become irrelevant. Trump is ahead of them all. Sharia believing muslims embrace an ideological system that is antithetical to the way of life of 98 percent of American citizens. And it should not be foisted on the United States through a leaky, open doors immigration system that lets in illegals, people hostile to America, and enemy ideologies intent on destroying the nation.

There are 355 terrorists attacks within USA in last nine months by Christians in mass murders for all type of reasons. We should maybe send Christians back where they come from.

Post some news clippings of the attacks please. It is complete nonsense.

Perhaps you should see a Doctor to get your head out of your rectal cavity?


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I did some digging into these so called Christain terror attacks on US soil. The first one on the list is the Chareleston church shooting.

The United States Department of Justice investigated whether the shooting was a hate crime or an act of domestic terrorism, eventually indicting Roof on 33 federal hate crime charges.

So they are counting mass shootings that have nothing to do with religion or even when Christians are the victims as Christian terrorism

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And it will not be long before there is another muslim terror attack. And another. And another. And another. And then all the establishment business as usual types, such as Ryan, will choke on their own words, as they become irrelevant. Trump is ahead of them all. Sharia believing muslims embrace an ideological system that is antithetical to the way of life of 98 percent of American citizens. And it should not be foisted on the United States through a leaky, open doors immigration system that lets in illegals, people hostile to America, and enemy ideologies intent on destroying the nation.

There are 355 terrorists attacks within USA in last nine months by Christians in mass murders for all type of reasons. We should maybe send Christians back where they come from.

Post some news clippings of the attacks please. It is complete nonsense.

Perhaps you should see a Doctor to get your head out of your rectal cavity?


Yeah sure. All of the cop vs black shootings recently in the US are Christian terror attacks. Funny one... Or when a Christian church gets shot up by an atheist. That has "christian terror" written all over it.

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1. Yeah sure = Complete Nonsense.

Claiming Athiests "shoot up" Christian Churches = Complete, udder 100% crap.

Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshipped regularly.

But if a wingnuts who REFUSES to even read facts says he is an "atheist", it must be true!!!!1!1!

Ignoring the facts= Priceless.

Edited by SiSePuede419
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Most American Republicans are:

1. Dumb

2. Racist

3. Haters

Of course, they'll be perfectly fine with Trump.


If you want to think for yourself, why vote Republican? Republicans need a strong "Daddy" figure. Paging Dr. Freud, 555

Part of the anger is that they are on the wrong side of history, longing for the days of old.

I'm hispanic and went through the Prop 187 issue in California. Yep something like 70% of Republicans voted for it, but the long term result being today Sacramento is run but a lot of the people they fought against.

In today's Republican party in California, and many many many who are far from 'dumb', there is a lot of hand wringing on how they lost the battles of today 20 years ago

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Imho, it's nice to see a candidate who is not politically correct.

Many German people in the 1930's approve your "nice" message!


Most would not approve actually. Because most Germans back then were Antisemitic. As are most Muslims.

Comment: Anti-Semitism today is primarily a Muslim problem

Sep 2, 2015 - Anti-Semitism today is a Muslim problem. This is not to say that are no non-Muslim anti-Semites, or that all Muslims are anti-Semites, but there ...

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If someone besides Barack Obama was in power, Trump would be out of line. However, under the circumstances, he might be justified in a little overkill. Obama is seriously delusional when it comes to radical Islam,

It would seem that confusion between Islam and radical Islam is not all that uncommon around here either.

do you seriously think there is that much difference???? get real and open your eyes

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Well it seems that it will reach half a million the way things going...


The UK showed its true colors when it banned a Jewish radio show host from the US a few years ago. Micheal savage.

Just goes to show that most if this Islam acceptance is routed in Antisemitism

Nonsense. Savage was banned for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred" As you know so much I'm sure you can provide his words that lead to the ruling.

Most of the resentment against Trump in the UK has been created by his incorrect commentary insinuating cowardice and fear of Muslims by UK Police personnel. Personally I am sure DT will not be banned by HMG.

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Well it seems that it will reach half a million the way things going...


The UK showed its true colors when it banned a Jewish radio show host from the US a few years ago. Micheal savage.

Just goes to show that most if this Islam acceptance is routed in Antisemitism

Nonsense. Savage was banned for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred" As you know so much I'm sure you can provide his words that lead to the ruling.

Most of the resentment against Trump in the UK has been created by his incorrect commentary alluding to cowardice and fear of Muslims by UK Police personnel. Personally I am sure DT will not be banned by HMG.

Yeah, they just love Trump up in Scotland. Is Scotland still part of the UK, 555?

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Well it seems that it will reach half a million the way things going...


The UK showed its true colors when it banned a Jewish radio show host from the US a few years ago. Micheal savage.

Just goes to show that most if this Islam acceptance is routed in Antisemitism

Nonsense. Savage was banned for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred" As you know so much I'm sure you can provide his words that lead to the ruling.

Most of the resentment against Trump in the UK has been created by his incorrect commentary alluding to cowardice and fear of Muslims by UK Police personnel. Personally I am sure DT will not be banned by HMG.

Yeah, they just love Trump up in Scotland. Is Scotland still part of the UK, 555?

Have you come across other recent comments made by Trump regarding the UK?

Trump likened the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab, as well as other truly stupid inflammatory remarks, which would be deeply insulting to the vast majority of the people of the UK.


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simple1, on 10 Dec 2015 - 08:22, said:simple1, on 10 Dec 2015 - 08:22, said:
SiSePuede419, on 10 Dec 2015 - 07:29, said:SiSePuede419, on 10 Dec 2015 - 07:29, said:

Yeah, they just love Trump up in Scotland. Is Scotland still part of the UK, 555?

Have you come across other recent comments made by Trump regarding the UK?

Trump likened the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab, as well as other truly stupid inflammatory remarks, which would be deeply insulting to the vast majority of the people of the UK.


Notice the difference. The trumpet makes some stupid remarks.

No flag burning. No mass demonstrations on the streets. No Fatwa's issued. Need I go on.

His remarks will be insulting to some people in the UK. They will certainly not be insulting to the vast majority of the UK.

Edited by SgtRock
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simple1, on 10 Dec 2015 - 08:22, said:simple1, on 10 Dec 2015 - 08:22, said:
SiSePuede419, on 10 Dec 2015 - 07:29, said:SiSePuede419, on 10 Dec 2015 - 07:29, said:

Yeah, they just love Trump up in Scotland. Is Scotland still part of the UK, 555?

Have you come across other recent comments made by Trump regarding the UK?

Trump likened the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab, as well as other truly stupid inflammatory remarks, which would be deeply insulting to the vast majority of the people of the UK.


Notice the difference. The trumpet makes some stupid remarks.

No flag burning. No mass demonstrations on the streets. No Fatwa's issued. Need I go on.

His remarks will be insulting to some people in the UK. They will certainly not be insulting to the vast majority of the UK.

I assume you're from the UK and you make the above comment in response to Trump likening the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab - are you serious

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simple1, on 10 Dec 2015 - 08:35, said:
SgtRock, on 10 Dec 2015 - 08:29, said:
simple1, on 10 Dec 2015 - 08:22, said:simple1, on 10 Dec 2015 - 08:22, said:simple1, on 10 Dec 2015 - 08:22, said:

Have you come across other recent comments made by Trump regarding the UK?

Trump likened the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab, as well as other truly stupid inflammatory remarks, which would be deeply insulting to the vast majority of the people of the UK.


Notice the difference. The trumpet makes some stupid remarks.

No flag burning. No mass demonstrations on the streets. No Fatwa's issued. Need I go on.

His remarks will be insulting to some people in the UK. They will certainly not be insulting to the vast majority of the UK.

I assume you're from the UK and you make the above comment in response to Trump likening the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab - are you serious

Eh. Just think of the remarks that Phil the Greek has made over the years.

Likening a scarf to a hajib is on a par with some of them.

Get a grip of your undercrackers mate.

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