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John Lennon: 35 years since the death of a man whose music changed the world


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35 years since the death of a man whose music changed the world


"He was all about peace and that is what we need in our country today"

NEW YORK: --John Lennon fans have gathered at Strawberry Fields in New York’s Central Park to mark 35 years since the death of the iconic musician.

The co-founder of the Beatles was gunned down nearby in front of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan in early December, 1980.

“He was such a part of my life growing up, The Beatles, the ’60s, I can’t even talk” said one woman.

“When it comes to talking about peace, you probably could not meet a nicer person than John Lennon. He was all about peace, and that’s what we need today in our country” said another fan who came to pay his respects.

Imagine, probably Lennon’s most popular solo album, was released in 1971.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-09

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His music changed the world? how? sang about peace in the world and loving each other,

is there a peace now? do we love each other more than we did 35 years ago?

infect, life was much simpler than and much less complicated than what it is now...,

John Lennon was a brilliant musician, but to say that he change the world from his

bed being mostly high on all sort of substances, will be starching the truth here....

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Come on, lighten up. Let us have our hero's too. And "Imagine" has become the anthum in times of need the word over.

I am a big fan of his music , but all the "peace" stuff was just fashion. John Lennon was a genius, but not a very nice person. He will be remembered forever for a position that was contrived to sell records to the 60s flower children.

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S**t a Donkey! I agree with ezzra and Ulysses!! Maybe Lennon has changed the world cheesy.gif Nope, awesome musician but changed the world? I wouldn't like to blame the current worlds position on him. It seems a crap place with zero peace and love towards our fellow man. I don't think singing 'Imagine all the people' after every mass murder cuts it really.

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For those here who write negative, ignorant remarks about my hero...........

"Instant karma's gonna get you....pretty soon you're gonna be dead."

For the rest of us........

"Well we all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun."

Maybe he didn't change the world, but the cruel ending to his life meant peace wasn't given a chance.

At least he tried, what was/has been/is your contribution? wai.gif

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His music changed the world? how? sang about peace in the world and loving each other,

is there a peace now? do we love each other more than we did 35 years ago?

infect, life was much simpler than and much less complicated than what it is now...,

John Lennon was a brilliant musician, but to say that he change the world from his

bed being mostly high on all sort of substances, will be starching the truth here....

I am not the grammar police. I genuinely enjoy some of the words used by ezzra.

" infect, life was much simpler..."

" starching the truth here...."

They just seem to fit, and are very descriptive.

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I think 'starching the truth 'is a great phrase like money laundering, however I have to disagree with its use here. I don't always agree with Bob Geldoff but when he remarked on Parkinson's show years ago that the death of Lennon was like the dream was finally over I couldn't help but agree

For anyone growing up in the 60s the impact of The Beatles can't be over emphasized. Not only so many great songs which have stood the test of time, but he was so witty and perceptive too. Everyone knows rock music became corporate and diversified but his message of peace is as real today as then. I wish he was still here now to write a song taking the mick out of that loon Donald Trump.

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I am a big fan of his music , but all the "peace" stuff was just fashion. John Lennon was a genius, but not a very nice person. He will be remembered forever for a position that was contrived to sell records to the 60s flower children.

Completely agree,he was nothing but an out and out capilatist out to make money on the backs of uneducated followers of fashion.Now I would like to nominate true statesmen who really changed the world.

Number 1 Tricky Dicky.

Number 2 GW

Number 3 Tony Boy

I am sure there are many more deserving this honour,but I have to take a break now.Would like to hear what other renowned statesmen could be added to the roll call.Bear in mind your age now and your generation.

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His music changed the world? how? sang about peace in the world and loving each other,

is there a peace now? do we love each other more than we did 35 years ago?

infect, life was much simpler than and much less complicated than what it is now...,

John Lennon was a brilliant musician, but to say that he change the world from his

bed being mostly high on all sort of substances, will be starching the truth here....

I am not the grammar police. I genuinely enjoy some of the words used by ezzra.

" infect, life was much simpler..."

" starching the truth here...."

They just seem to fit, and are very descriptive.

Give him his due,English is not his native tongue,but 7 out of 10 for effort to stimulate the post,Power to the People.A Working Class Hero is Something to be.

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Give me Paul McCartney any day, he was the driving force behind the Beatles the main song writer and lead singer on 75% of the Beatles hits

Nobody would have heard of John Lennon had he not met Paul

John never lived long enough to prove any different,or why are the records credited as Lennon and Mc Cartney.

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"IMAGINE"-----no religion, no possessions-what Lennon promoted and advocated in that song.

Now: imagine Lennon back then without his huge collection of classic cars, his villa in France, his several mansions in England, his multi-million $ apartment (the Dakota) in New York; and his immense equity in royalties from the Beatles music library.....there is much more in the realm of his possessions....

"...it's easy if you try" ...but first you have to reach down and insert your head where the sun don't shine; this level of blatant hypocrisy is difficult to emulate except for the Liberal masses, who will buy into anything but truth......

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"IMAGINE"-----no religion, no possessions-what Lennon promoted and advocated in that song.

Now: imagine Lennon back then without his huge collection of classic cars, his villa in France, his several mansions in England, his multi-million $ apartment (the Dakota) in New York; and his immense equity in royalties from the Beatles music library.....there is much more in the realm of his possessions....

"...it's easy if you try" ...but first you have to reach down and insert your head where the sun don't shine; this level of blatant hypocrisy is difficult to emulate except for the Liberal masses, who will buy into anything but truth......

Would be nice to know if you are in Thailand,and if so where did you get the money from to be able to live here.Plus also how old are you.If you are a child of the sixties then I suspect jealousy,if older then you have nothing to say.Would be interested in a comparison i.e. someone you admire and has contributed something to the world.This forum is about debate and intellectual exchanges without abuse.So if I know more of your background I could respond in a civililisedmanner without being reported as a troll.as happens to often.If you want to close me down then just hit the report button,I will expect an im from????????????//

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The Beatles came on-board just when the Vietnam War commenced. Then demonstrations began in ernest. The Beatle era was perfect!

Giveng away your age now,they might not have changed the world but they did give a lot of musical pleasure,unlike the crap these days.

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I am a big fan of his music , but all the "peace" stuff was just fashion. John Lennon was a genius, but not a very nice person. He will be remembered forever for a position that was contrived to sell records to the 60s flower children.

Completely agree,he was nothing but an out and out capilatist out to make money on the backs of uneducated followers of fashion.Now I would like to nominate true statesmen who really changed the world.

Number 1 Tricky Dicky.

Number 2 GW

Number 3 Tony Boy

I am sure there are many more deserving this honour,but I have to take a break now.Would like to hear what other renowned statesmen could be added to the roll call.Bear in mind your age now and your generation.

And his legacy goes on with his widow making big money with so called "Art" .



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I am a big fan of his music , but all the "peace" stuff was just fashion. John Lennon was a genius, but not a very nice person. He will be remembered forever for a position that was contrived to sell records to the 60s flower children.

Completely agree,he was nothing but an out and out capilatist out to make money on the backs of uneducated followers of fashion.Now I would like to nominate true statesmen who really changed the world.

Number 1 Tricky Dicky.

Number 2 GW

Number 3 Tony Boy

I am sure there are many more deserving this honour,but I have to take a break now.Would like to hear what other renowned statesmen could be added to the roll call.Bear in mind your age now and your generation.

And his legacy goes on with his widow making big money with so called "Art" .



Oh the evil of the green eyed monster,suggest you look at the merchanrt <deleted> sorry I meant bankers and whatever country you come from,as stated before when you post say which country you come from then you might get a constructive response instead of hiding behind an avatar.If you want to have a go at me,I am from the UK,some members will understand my profile name.Cheap shots are easy to keep up your post count,plus the hands on the report button merchants,if they had brains they would be dangerous.

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His music changed the world? how? sang about peace in the world and loving each other,

is there a peace now? do we love each other more than we did 35 years ago?

infect, life was much simpler than and much less complicated than what it is now...,

John Lennon was a brilliant musician, but to say that he change the world from his

bed being mostly high on all sort of substances, will be starching the truth here....

" do we love each other more than we did 35 years ago?"

Yes, many of us do.

Maybe not you.

"I hope some day you'll join us".

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I am a big fan of his music , but all the "peace" stuff was just fashion. John Lennon was a genius, but not a very nice person. He will be remembered forever for a position that was contrived to sell records to the 60s flower children.

Completely agree,he was nothing but an out and out capilatist out to make money on the backs of uneducated followers of fashion.Now I would like to nominate true statesmen who really changed the world.

Number 1 Tricky Dicky.

Number 2 GW

Number 3 Tony Boy

I am sure there are many more deserving this honour,but I have to take a break now.Would like to hear what other renowned statesmen could be added to the roll call.Bear in mind your age now and your generation.

All three were horrible people who changed the world for the worse!

We are talking about people who have done good things.

Your list could include:

Number 4 Hitler

Number 5 Stalin

Number 5 Dick Cheney

Edited by willyumiii
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John Lennon always talked to anyone, look at his history in the 70s after shaking off the Beatles cloak, hanging out with the activists and folk trying to improve society. And who killed him? a man whose autograph he had signed that morning. He should have stayed in England or even better moved to Thailand.

Edited by bannork
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The beatles just had silly girls as fans.

In 1964 maybe. The Beatles got better and better until they broke up around 1970. They are the best rock/pop group of all time and the Rolling Stones are a strong number two. John and Paul were musical geniuses and George was damn good too.

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Without JL, the Beatles would be average. JL - composer, singer & spokesman.

John and Paul were equals as far as songwriting and singing. They each sang their own songs and McCartney wrote just as many great ones as John. However, Paul was the best, musician in the band. He often played the drums on recordings instead of Ringo and played every instrument of the McCartney LP himself.

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