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Trump's Muslim ban idea pushes GOP toward chaos


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Glad they didn't stay home in 1941.....

I am here cos they didn't stay home for that 4 years..

Off topic now,

But the Americans had little or no influence on the outcome of WW2 in Europe.

It was the Russians that beat Germany.


I have no beef against the Muslims.

Currently the worst that could happen is I would have to grow a beard and get up a little earlier for prayers.

"It’s true that the Soviet Union sacrificed more to defeat Hitler than any other country. But much of that sacrifice was wasted. Millions of Soviets died through the incompetence and brutality of their own political masters. It was Stalin’s blindness to Hitler’s pre-invasion manoeuvres that allowed the Germans to occupy Russia’s industrial heartland at a stroke. Only then, with reluctance, did Stalin shift his attention from killing his own citizens to killing Germans. His tactics, if they can be dignified with that name, involved throwing masses of underequipped men virtually under the treads of invading panzers."


German Battle Dead,


U.S.A Combat Dead by Theater of war - Europe-Atlantic 183,588

Edited by Scotwight
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Wow. And I thought Thais were Xenophobic.

So what if Thais are and for that matter if Americans are... There are many Muslim countries you could add to that list. Oh but that's not PC to talk about that..

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Is Donald Trump a Democratic secret agent?

"He's belittling his Republican colleagues. He's pulling the party to the nativist right in direct conflict with the goal set by strategists in 2013 to appeal to a more ethnically diverse nation. And he's generally sucking up all the political oxygen, making it harder for other candidates to get their message out. All in all, many experts say he's making it much more difficult for a Republican to win the general election next fall."

Sounds a bit far fetched, but the article makes some very interesting points

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Another conspiracy theory from a usual source. crazy.gif

Seems the article went over your head.

It was tongue in cheek. His actions so far could be explained if he was a Democrat spy. Oh, forgot, Americans aren't strong on irony.

Guess you don't believe anything unless it comes from Fox News, eh?

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So when we had our second go, D-Day, we could have done it on our own...rolleyes.gif

Still off topic,

The Brits could have stayed at home, and let Russia roll over Western Europe.

Wouldn't have made any difference in the war against Germany.

The Brits went to war with Germany, are you saying we should have given up..?

The Americans were told to hold back and let the Russians take Berlin..Fact...

You saying the Americans done nufink is utter crap mon ami...

This is terribly off topic

Please read the history before commenting on WWII.

Britain declared war on Germany in September 1939 after Germany invaded Poland

Germany invaded the USSR In June 1941 (Barbrossa) ending the Molotov / Ribbontrop pact which divided up Poland ( Russia has never returned their half of Poland)

USA entered the war in December 1941 after Germany declared war on the USA.

Germany was largely beaten by USSR's big battalions. The allies effectively stopped the USSR advance in Germany by occupying land

USA forces were deflected SE to meet an imaginary last stand in the Alps.

If Germany had not surrender, Berlin would probably have been Nuked.

The shameful carve up of Europe was largely down to Roosevelt sad to say.

Britain would never have ended up speaking Germam. The Germans gave up plans of an invasion before USA entered the war. And, don't forget we knew almost all their moves in advance!

Finally, I would not have minded a bit of German culture anyway!

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Well I guess we need to standby for a few Intercontinental Ballistic Tweets from Donald J Trump, after the latest polls show Cruz leading him by 10 points in Iowa.

In this weird weird primary season it's almost comforting to see Cruz, who is universally hated by almost all his colleagues, classmates, former employers, emerge as a 'sane' alternative to DJT.


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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

Just thank god they did when American blood saved Europes ass in WW 2 and because of that sacrifice you are here to spout off your dribble.

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The US right-wing is in a hopeless condition. Get used to this title folks.

"Madame President Hillary Rodham Clinton".

No big deal. The Clintons were always closet conservatives. If the lefties were disappointing with Obama's broken promises and pivots toward the neocons, wait till they get a load of Clinton.

She might be more conservative then George Bush.

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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

And here, in this comment, you see what lies at the core of the Trump hatred. It's not really Trump. People like Linky want to see damage done to the United States and favor any policy that inflicts it, such as moslem immigration. At bottom, Linky and the others with their one line denunciations of Trump simply hate America and Americans--as this post reveals.

And here, you see a comment that is taken by someone who has blinkers on.

The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

Do you have stats to back the statement? I would guess Muslims have killed more people in total... but that's a guess on my part. Just like your statement which is a subjective guess.
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