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EP's foreign affairs chairman reiterates invitation to Yingluck important


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And answering her case at the Supreme Court is less important?

The invitation is open dated so I don't think they'll be a clash - perhaps the EU and the Supreme Court could compare diaries if you're that worried.

So the invitation is not too important ?

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"They also criticize that Thai officials tried to give the wrong impression that Brok and Dr Langen had not sent their invitation to the former prime minister in their official capacity."

Putting words in other people's mouths is their speciality.

The letter didn't suggest the gentlemen's official capacity. Just name and signature. Also the contents didn't suggest either official capacity or even an urgency in 'drop by when convenient'

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For balance in their research, they will naturally also wish to meet with former-PM Abhisit and a representative of the present government too, if they wouldn't wish to get a single-sided view of Thai political affairs ?

Perhaps they should come here, instead ? whistling.gif

Why meet someone who never won a single election and someone who stole one?

perhaps you should think about that instead? whistling.gif

Why meet someone who was removed from office by a court, for an abuse of power she never denied; and who never actually was the PTP leader.

Might as well invite the non elected appointed UDD leaders too.

a 'free' court huh? she always denied 'abuse of power' making it up AGAIN ???? who was the PTP leader then... wow don't tell me 'Bogey Man Thaksin' laugh.png

you really do fall for it... how about the Fairy Queen? Elvis still alive? Bigfoot? Aliens? you occasionally come out with a sensible post then follow it with drivel is it the time of the evening? too many Changs or what?

I thought you might be the "fairy queen" in your imagination based on some of your posts.

She didn't deny she moved the person illegally. She couldn't deny it as she actually did it. She did protest that "she'd done nothing wrong". Again, a Shin PM doesn't think breaking the law, or not following the rules is wrong.

If you check, a new experience for you, you'll find that YL was never PTP leader, although she was "elected" PM. You can also find some speculation as to why her brother wanted it that way.

I don't fall for the Shin BS propaganda and crude attempts at history re-writes - but you seem to lap it up.

Tough missus, red shirt drinking buddies, or what ever?

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And they are accountable to their electorate. One of the problems of that accountability is the tenuous link between being elected by a small number of voters in one country but trying to speak on behalf of the whole EU.

They quite clearly do, as the EP IS chosen by electorates of all EU countries.

Electorate, a foreign word in Thailand.

Quite - and these two CDU federalists are accountable to a small number of electors in Germany.

No wonder the EP doesn't work, and Europeans, like the Danes, are rejecting the close EU union dreamed of by Merkel and her CDU mates.

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If they really wanted to talk to her so badly they could have come here. If they just wanted to speak to the opposition they could have called her brother or another redshirt leader. They seem to be trying to force her exit from Thailand for reasons whereas there are other solutions to get what information they want. Besides, if she went there she would need her entourage with her to tell her what to say or how to answer them. Unless they want some shopping advice

Have you ever thought for one minute that maybe she's a lot smarter than your intelligence level can obsorb


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And answering her case at the Supreme Court is less important?

The invitation is open dated so I don't think they'll be a clash - perhaps the EU and the Supreme Court could compare diaries if you're that worried.

So the invitation is not too important ?

Important enough to send it twice to ensure the junta cant lie about it this time.

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I am getting the feeling the free world is starting to make a case against the junta for future restrictions and cutting of relationship. Statements by 2 ambassadors going against the grain,European Parliament asking twice to have Yingluck come to speak. Thailand can deny and not take notice but the free world will notice and probably act on these things. I told a friend 2 years ago Thailand was headed for North Korea status he said no way I wonder what he thinks now.

Oh and lets not forget not enforcing the law made by the junta no more than 5 people can gather for protest was over looked when it came to marching on to the American Embassy.That is quite the slap in the face to America. It is like saying laws pertaining to Thailand in Thailand donot mean any thing when we go against America

It would seem 'the' EP didn't ask to have Ms. Yingluck come to speak. It's just two gentlemen in private capacity even if now they state it's for their commission of Foreign Affairs. Still an 'open invitation', do 'now', or 'ASAP', no an 'open invitation'.

Of course in Europe it's the time of the year when officialdom closes down for the festive season. Please drop by after mid-January.

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And they are accountable to their electorate. One of the problems of that accountability is the tenuous link between being elected by a small number of voters in one country but trying to speak on behalf of the whole EU.

They quite clearly do, as the EP IS chosen by electorates of all EU countries.

Electorate, a foreign word in Thailand.

Quite - and these two CDU federalists are accountable to a small number of electors in Germany.

No wonder the EP doesn't work, and Europeans, like the Danes, are rejecting the close EU union dreamed of by Merkel and her CDU mates.

But how do you figure it's just those two CDU politicians that want her there. The OP speaks of an open debate in the EP ! In case you didn't understand my post the first time, I have not read anything to believe they are not acting on behalf of the EP and in this case the whole of Europe.

Other remarks from other channels inside the EU and from respective EU member state leave little doubt about their reservations and concern about the current lot running Thailand. This invitation is part of this.

I understand your need to downplay this due to your obvious hatred for Yingluck, but you are so far failing to do so.

Better not talk about accountability, the Law, electorate or democracy considering the actions of the Junta du jour !

Edited by sjaak327
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For balance in their research, they will naturally also wish to meet with former-PM Abhisit and a representative of the present government too, if they wouldn't wish to get a single-sided view of Thai political affairs ?

Perhaps they should come here, instead ? whistling.gif

Why meet someone who never won a single election and someone who stole one?

perhaps you should think about that instead? whistling.gif

Why meet someone who was removed from office by a court, for an abuse of power she never denied; and who never actually was the PTP leader.

Might as well invite the non elected appointed UDD leaders too.

Well that is a matter for the EP. They have stated the reasons they asked her. They can invite whoever they like for whatever reason they like.

And they are accountable to their electorate. One of the problems of that accountability is the tenuous link between being elected by a small number of voters in one country but trying to speak on behalf of the whole EU.

It is completely up to them who they invite.

Providing they act within EU rules it is. They are not elected on the basis of "we've been elected so we can do whatever we want now".

As an EU taxpayer, I will be asking my MEP to confirm how many members of these "committees" want to visit Thailand and why YL's invitation is suddenly such a priority at this time.

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They also criticize that Thai officials tried to give the wrong impression that Brok and Dr Langen had not sent their invitation to the former prime minister in their official capacity.

well, glad that's settled. Now we know that the current batch of Generals aren't smart enough (to order a minion) to pick up the phone and call these guys to ask if they are serious about the invitation.... Nooooooo, they just have to make $4!t up like they do eeeeeeeevryyyyyyyyyy day.

Morons... coffee1.gif

Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

Edited by rubl
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And they are accountable to their electorate. One of the problems of that accountability is the tenuous link between being elected by a small number of voters in one country but trying to speak on behalf of the whole EU.

They quite clearly do, as the EP IS chosen by electorates of all EU countries.

Electorate, a foreign word in Thailand.

Quite - and these two CDU federalists are accountable to a small number of electors in Germany.

No wonder the EP doesn't work, and Europeans, like the Danes, are rejecting the close EU union dreamed of by Merkel and her CDU mates.

But how do you figure it's just those two CDU politicians that want her there. The OP speaks of an open debate in the EP !

I understand your need to downplay this due to your obvious hatred for Yingluck, but you are so far failing to do so.

Better not talk about accountability, the Law, electorate or democracy considering the actions of the Junta du jour !

The original letter talked of a meeting with the two CDU MEP's at Yingluck's convenience at either location.

Not of addressing the EP.

Maybe their new letter changes things.

If Yingluck is to address the EP, and exchange views with the whole EP, that would be quite interesting, especially the Q&A session.

Bravo - send her at once.

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But how do you figure it's just those two CDU politicians that want her there. The OP speaks of an open debate in the EP !

I understand your need to downplay this due to your obvious hatred for Yingluck, but you are so far failing to do so.

Better not talk about accountability, the Law, electorate or democracy considering the actions of the Junta du jour !

The original letter talked of a meeting with the two CDU MEP's at Yingluck's convenience at either location.

Not of addressing the EP.

Maybe their new letter changes things.

If Yingluck is to address the EP, and exchange views with the whole EP, that would be quite interesting, especially the Q&A session.

Bravo - send her at once.

The OP does state this quite clearly. I was under the impression that we were discussing the OP, not the original letter, which as far as I know never mentioned a meeting with only two CDU MP's either.

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They also criticize that Thai officials tried to give the wrong impression that Brok and Dr Langen had not sent their invitation to the former prime minister in their official capacity.

well, glad that's settled. Now we know that the current batch of Generals aren't smart enough (to order a minion) to pick up the phone and call these guys to ask if they are serious about the invitation.... Nooooooo, they just have to make $4!t up like they do eeeeeeeevryyyyyyyyyy day.

Morons... coffee1.gif

Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

Still trying to flog a dead horse.

No matter how you want to deny it. It is an official invite to speak with the EP. So much so that they invited her twice so the morons can understand it.

They invited her. Live with it.

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And answering her case at the Supreme Court is less important?

The invitation is open dated so I don't think they'll be a clash - perhaps the EU and the Supreme Court could compare diaries if you're that worried.

So the invitation is not too important ?

Important enough to send it twice to ensure the junta cant lie about it this time.

Well, the invitation seems to have been sent once only. It's only that after two months the two gentlemen felt the need to up-the-ante from 'drop by when convenient' to 'at the earliest' and inform the Thai government via it's Ambassadors.

Pity the original letter was published. It's contents tends to give the wrong impression.

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And answering her case at the Supreme Court is less important?

The invitation is open dated so I don't think they'll be a clash - perhaps the EU and the Supreme Court could compare diaries if you're that worried.

Then perhaps the EU MEP's will understand that a serious court case, which is in progress might influence the decision to allow the defendant to travel.

Or do they consider politicians to be above the law too?

Based on some of the actions from the EU quite probably they do.

It seems Germany is rife with corruption - Siemens bribery, VW blatant lies and forgery, Politicians forced to resign after plagiarizing their PhD's. Wonder what has suddenly made these two obscure veteran CDU federalists want to meet Yingluck there? Never heard of video conferencing or Skype - no doubt Yingluck could educate them on the latter.

Yingluck was never actually the leader of PTP - but that won't worry them any more than everyone knows she was only a proxy either.

Perhaps they did believe in Stuff like "Innocent until proven Guilty ?" If she is out on bail she should be able to travel since with her resources skipping the country would be easy anyway if she wants to run.

And we both know that Germany (who is far from perfect !!) is so far above the Bribery and co. that you find in Thailand that even to compare them is a sure sign of a complete loss of reality.

And back to Yingluck: She is still the last elected PM of Thailand and as far as i know no European Country so far recognised the Junta as a legit Government.. So who should they invite ?

But also i am sure if the Thais not let her travel that "two obscure veteran CDU federalists" who happen to chair not only the "European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs" but also the "ASEAN Delegation" will make sure the EU will use that as a pretext for some not so fun economic measures long planned like perhaps banning the Fish and Seafood from Thailand from EU markets

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They also criticize that Thai officials tried to give the wrong impression that Brok and Dr Langen had not sent their invitation to the former prime minister in their official capacity.

well, glad that's settled. Now we know that the current batch of Generals aren't smart enough (to order a minion) to pick up the phone and call these guys to ask if they are serious about the invitation.... Nooooooo, they just have to make $4!t up like they do eeeeeeeevryyyyyyyyyy day.

Morons... coffee1.gif

Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

Still trying to flog a dead horse.

No matter how you want to deny it. It is an official invite to speak with the EP. So much so that they invited her twice so the morons can understand it.

They invited her. Live with it.

The invite was by two gentlemen to drop by for some talks. That's not the same as invited by the EP to speak with the EP. The original letter shows all this.

If after two months the two gentlemen get a wee bit alarmed and start to talk about 'we as Com. on Foreign Affairs' and 'at the earliest' they seem to be in face saving mode.

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They also criticize that Thai officials tried to give the wrong impression that Brok and Dr Langen had not sent their invitation to the former prime minister in their official capacity.

well, glad that's settled. Now we know that the current batch of Generals aren't smart enough (to order a minion) to pick up the phone and call these guys to ask if they are serious about the invitation.... Nooooooo, they just have to make $4!t up like they do eeeeeeeevryyyyyyyyyy day.

Morons... coffee1.gif

Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

And that's all you've got - name calling and petty carping about the letter not showing titles. Wow, you really have blown the whole issue out of the water and put an entirely different perspective on things... Oh wait, you haven't.

I would say 'Nice Try' but it wasn't even that.

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And answering her case at the Supreme Court is less important?

The invitation is open dated so I don't think they'll be a clash - perhaps the EU and the Supreme Court could compare diaries if you're that worried.

So the invitation is not too important ?

I really can't work out your logic there but if you think that's the case, fair enough. Though I would wonder that if the invitation was "not too important" why would the EU's Foreign Affairs Chairman reiterate that the invitation to Yingluck was important.

The clue is in the headline if you bothered to look.

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They also criticize that Thai officials tried to give the wrong impression that Brok and Dr Langen had not sent their invitation to the former prime minister in their official capacity.

well, glad that's settled. Now we know that the current batch of Generals aren't smart enough (to order a minion) to pick up the phone and call these guys to ask if they are serious about the invitation.... Nooooooo, they just have to make $4!t up like they do eeeeeeeevryyyyyyyyyy day.

Morons... coffee1.gif

Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

Still trying to flog a dead horse.

No matter how you want to deny it. It is an official invite to speak with the EP. So much so that they invited her twice so the morons can understand it.

They invited her. Live with it.

The invite was by two gentlemen to drop by for some talks. That's not the same as invited by the EP to speak with the EP. The original letter shows all this.

If after two months the two gentlemen get a wee bit alarmed and start to talk about 'we as Com. on Foreign Affairs' and 'at the earliest' they seem to be in face saving mode.


The above does not indicate anywhere that the original invite was just a chat between Yingluck and two gentlemen. How on earth you think it was is beyond me.

The two gentlemen aren't in face saving mode at all, they maintain their original invitation.

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They also criticize that Thai officials tried to give the wrong impression that Brok and Dr Langen had not sent their invitation to the former prime minister in their official capacity.

well, glad that's settled. Now we know that the current batch of Generals aren't smart enough (to order a minion) to pick up the phone and call these guys to ask if they are serious about the invitation.... Nooooooo, they just have to make $4!t up like they do eeeeeeeevryyyyyyyyyy day.

Morons... coffee1.gif

Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

And that's all you've got - name calling and petty carping about the letter not showing titles. Wow, you really have blown the whole issue out of the water and put an entirely different perspective on things... Oh wait, you haven't.

I would say 'Nice Try' but it wasn't even that.

Absolutely! Name calling, function omitting, 'do you know who I am'?

If it wasn't for those names known one might even think about a 419-Scam.

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Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

Still trying to flog a dead horse.

No matter how you want to deny it. It is an official invite to speak with the EP. So much so that they invited her twice so the morons can understand it.

They invited her. Live with it.

The invite was by two gentlemen to drop by for some talks. That's not the same as invited by the EP to speak with the EP. The original letter shows all this.

If after two months the two gentlemen get a wee bit alarmed and start to talk about 'we as Com. on Foreign Affairs' and 'at the earliest' they seem to be in face saving mode.


The above does not indicate anywhere that the original invite was just a chat between Yingluck and two gentlemen. How on earth you think it was is beyond me.

The two gentlemen aren't in face saving mode at all, they maintain their original invitation.

The original letter from 2015-10-07 has as last paragraph

"The European Parliament stands firmly for democracy and for the promotion of democratic values. For this reason, we would be pleased if you could accept our invitation to an exchange of views on the situation in Thailand, either in Brussels or in Strasbourg when possible and convenient to you. If this were the case, we are confident that our collaborators would find a convenient arrangement.

Yours sincerely,
Elmar Brok Werner Langen"
Now forget about the 'collaborators' for a moment (it's such an ugly word which suggests hidden schemes), but two private persons suggest a lot, but seem not to be in a hurry.
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And answering her case at the Supreme Court is less important?

The invitation is open dated so I don't think they'll be a clash - perhaps the EU and the Supreme Court could compare diaries if you're that worried.

So the invitation is not too important ?

I really can't work out your logic there but if you think that's the case, fair enough. Though I would wonder that if the invitation was "not too important" why would the EU's Foreign Affairs Chairman reiterate that the invitation to Yingluck was important.

The clue is in the headline if you bothered to look.

Why did the gentlemen write an invitation with

"The European Parliament stands firmly for democracy and for the promotion of democratic values. For this reason, we would be pleased if you could accept our invitation to an exchange of views on the situation in Thailand, either in Brussels or in Strasbourg when possible and convenient to you. If this were the case, we are confident that our collaborators would find a convenient arrangement.

Yours sincerely,
Elmar Brok Werner Langen"
If 'possible and convenient', 'collaborators' (?), signed by name only. Dated 2015-10-07
Very, very important indeed.
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They also criticize that Thai officials tried to give the wrong impression that Brok and Dr Langen had not sent their invitation to the former prime minister in their official capacity.

well, glad that's settled. Now we know that the current batch of Generals aren't smart enough (to order a minion) to pick up the phone and call these guys to ask if they are serious about the invitation.... Nooooooo, they just have to make $4!t up like they do eeeeeeeevryyyyyyyyyy day.

Morons... coffee1.gif

Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

And that's all you've got - name calling and petty carping about the letter not showing titles. Wow, you really have blown the whole issue out of the water and put an entirely different perspective on things... Oh wait, you haven't.

I would say 'Nice Try' but it wasn't even that.

Absolutely! Name calling, function omitting, 'do you know who I am'?

If it wasn't for those names known one might even think about a 419-Scam.

Does any poster on here suspect the letter is a 419 scam? I have a feeling you are in a category of one, but then again you aren't as you don't believe that either for a second and are desperately seeking an angle to hijack the thread as you usually do with ones not to your liking.

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Morons indeed.
"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

Still trying to flog a dead horse.

No matter how you want to deny it. It is an official invite to speak with the EP. So much so that they invited her twice so the morons can understand it.

They invited her. Live with it.

The invite was by two gentlemen to drop by for some talks. That's not the same as invited by the EP to speak with the EP. The original letter shows all this.

If after two months the two gentlemen get a wee bit alarmed and start to talk about 'we as Com. on Foreign Affairs' and 'at the earliest' they seem to be in face saving mode.


The above does not indicate anywhere that the original invite was just a chat between Yingluck and two gentlemen. How on earth you think it was is beyond me.

The two gentlemen aren't in face saving mode at all, they maintain their original invitation.

The original letter from 2015-10-07 has as last paragraph

"The European Parliament stands firmly for democracy and for the promotion of democratic values. For this reason, we would be pleased if you could accept our invitation to an exchange of views on the situation in Thailand, either in Brussels or in Strasbourg when possible and convenient to you. If this were the case, we are confident that our collaborators would find a convenient arrangement.

Yours sincerely,

Elmar Brok Werner Langen"

Now forget about the 'collaborators' for a moment (it's such an ugly word which suggests hidden schemes), but two private persons suggest a lot, but seem not to be in a hurry.

Why on earth are you still on about it. Its official, she is invited. If the dear general thought it fake or whatever he could have called to verify before spouting rubbish. Again.
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The above does not indicate anywhere that the original invite was just a chat between Yingluck and two gentlemen. How on earth you think it was is beyond me.

The two gentlemen aren't in face saving mode at all, they maintain their original invitation.

The original letter from 2015-10-07 has as last paragraph

"The European Parliament stands firmly for democracy and for the promotion of democratic values. For this reason, we would be pleased if you could accept our invitation to an exchange of views on the situation in Thailand, either in Brussels or in Strasbourg when possible and convenient to you. If this were the case, we are confident that our collaborators would find a convenient arrangement.

Yours sincerely,
Elmar Brok Werner Langen"
Now forget about the 'collaborators' for a moment (it's such an ugly word which suggests hidden schemes), but two private persons suggest a lot, but seem not to be in a hurry.

It is quite clear they have sent that invitation on behalf of the EP. And they aren't private persons either, one is The chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs

the other one is the ASEAN Delegation chairman.

​I understand your need to downplay this, but all press releases I have read made it clear this wasn't just a get together between Yingluck and the two authors of the letter. I guess you started to believe your own bullshit you spewed in your efforts to downplay this.

For anyone following the news, it is quite clear that the current Junta does not meet approval from the EP or any of the EU member states. Remarks to that effect have been made public repeatedly, this invitation is just part of the concerns about the state of affairs in Thailand from a European perspective.

The EP has invited Yingluck for a get together, it did so in the original letter and it does so now. Deal with it.

Edited by sjaak327
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Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

Still trying to flog a dead horse.

No matter how you want to deny it. It is an official invite to speak with the EP. So much so that they invited her twice so the morons can understand it.

They invited her. Live with it.

The invite was by two gentlemen to drop by for some talks. That's not the same as invited by the EP to speak with the EP. The original letter shows all this.

If after two months the two gentlemen get a wee bit alarmed and start to talk about 'we as Com. on Foreign Affairs' and 'at the earliest' they seem to be in face saving mode.


The above does not indicate anywhere that the original invite was just a chat between Yingluck and two gentlemen. How on earth you think it was is beyond me.

The two gentlemen aren't in face saving mode at all, they maintain their original invitation.

The original letter from 2015-10-07 has as last paragraph

"The European Parliament stands firmly for democracy and for the promotion of democratic values. For this reason, we would be pleased if you could accept our invitation to an exchange of views on the situation in Thailand, either in Brussels or in Strasbourg when possible and convenient to you. If this were the case, we are confident that our collaborators would find a convenient arrangement.

Yours sincerely,

Elmar Brok Werner Langen"

Now forget about the 'collaborators' for a moment (it's such an ugly word which suggests hidden schemes), but two private persons suggest a lot, but seem not to be in a hurry.

Why on earth are you still on about it. Its official, she is invited. If the dear general thought it fake or whatever he could have called to verify before spouting rubbish. Again.

Yes, she's invited and all attempts to put importance and urgency to this invitation from two months ago seems a bit silly. Even Ms. Yingluck waiting more than six weeks before mentioning the letter. It seems she didn't think it urgent.

Why all these attempts to link the EP to the invitation, why these attempts to suggests it more than a private talk. Why even did the Chairman of the Commission of Foreign Affairs wake up? Did he realise to have committed a faux-pass with his letter?

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The above does not indicate anywhere that the original invite was just a chat between Yingluck and two gentlemen. How on earth you think it was is beyond me.

The two gentlemen aren't in face saving mode at all, they maintain their original invitation.

The original letter from 2015-10-07 has as last paragraph

"The European Parliament stands firmly for democracy and for the promotion of democratic values. For this reason, we would be pleased if you could accept our invitation to an exchange of views on the situation in Thailand, either in Brussels or in Strasbourg when possible and convenient to you. If this were the case, we are confident that our collaborators would find a convenient arrangement.

Yours sincerely,
Elmar Brok Werner Langen"
Now forget about the 'collaborators' for a moment (it's such an ugly word which suggests hidden schemes), but two private persons suggest a lot, but seem not to be in a hurry.

It is quite clear they have sent that invitation on behalf of the EP. And they aren't private persons either, one is The chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs

the other one is the ASEAN Delegation chairman.

​I understand your need to downplay this, but all press releases I have read made it clear this wasn't just a get together between Yingluck and the two authors of the letter. I guess you started to believe your own bullshit you spewed in your efforts to downplay this.

For anyone following the news, it is quite clear that the current Junta does not meet approval from the EP or any of the EU member states. Remarks to that effect have been made public repeatedly, this invitation is just part of the concerns about the state of affairs in Thailand from a European perspective.

The EP has invited Yingluck for a get together, it did so in the original letter and it does so now. Deal with it.

The EP didn't invite, two MPs did invite. In the original letter those two MPs didn't even identify by more than name. No mention of title or function. So deal with that.

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Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliaments Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

And that's all you've got - name calling and petty carping about the letter not showing titles. Wow, you really have blown the whole issue out of the water and put an entirely different perspective on things... Oh wait, you haven't.

I would say 'Nice Try' but it wasn't even that.

Absolutely! Name calling, function omitting, 'do you know who I am'?

If it wasn't for those names known one might even think about a 419-Scam.

Does any poster on here suspect the letter is a 419 scam? I have a feeling you are in a category of one, but then again you aren't as you don't believe that either for a second and are desperately seeking an angle to hijack the thread as you usually do with ones not to your liking.

Does anyone here believe the letter was more than a private invitation, you mean? Well, the usual suspects who would of course immediately hop in a plane to the EP if they would get such a letter interpreting 'possible and convenient' as 'at the earliest'. Just like in democracies.

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The above does not indicate anywhere that the original invite was just a chat between Yingluck and two gentlemen. How on earth you think it was is beyond me.

The two gentlemen aren't in face saving mode at all, they maintain their original invitation.

The original letter from 2015-10-07 has as last paragraph

"The European Parliament stands firmly for democracy and for the promotion of democratic values. For this reason, we would be pleased if you could accept our invitation to an exchange of views on the situation in Thailand, either in Brussels or in Strasbourg when possible and convenient to you. If this were the case, we are confident that our collaborators would find a convenient arrangement.

Yours sincerely,
Elmar Brok Werner Langen"
Now forget about the 'collaborators' for a moment (it's such an ugly word which suggests hidden schemes), but two private persons suggest a lot, but seem not to be in a hurry.

It is quite clear they have sent that invitation on behalf of the EP. And they aren't private persons either, one is The chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs

the other one is the ASEAN Delegation chairman.

​I understand your need to downplay this, but all press releases I have read made it clear this wasn't just a get together between Yingluck and the two authors of the letter. I guess you started to believe your own bullshit you spewed in your efforts to downplay this.

For anyone following the news, it is quite clear that the current Junta does not meet approval from the EP or any of the EU member states. Remarks to that effect have been made public repeatedly, this invitation is just part of the concerns about the state of affairs in Thailand from a European perspective.

The EP has invited Yingluck for a get together, it did so in the original letter and it does so now. Deal with it.

The EP didn't invite, two MPs did invite. In the original letter those two MPs didn't even identify by more than name. No mention of title or function. So deal with that.

Even your own quoted text makes it clear this isn't a private get together between two politicians and Yingluck. And again NO press release ever alluded to what you claim, and neither does the original letter. Again stop believe your own bullshit, it is not true and the evidence of the fact is for all to see.

the two are not in face saving mode, they have merely reiterated their original invitation.

The two happen to be the signers of the letter ON BEHALF OF THE EP.

Edited by sjaak327
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They also criticize that Thai officials tried to give the wrong impression that Brok and Dr Langen had not sent their invitation to the former prime minister in their official capacity.

well, glad that's settled. Now we know that the current batch of Generals aren't smart enough (to order a minion) to pick up the phone and call these guys to ask if they are serious about the invitation.... Nooooooo, they just have to make $4!t up like they do eeeeeeeevryyyyyyyyyy day.

Morons... coffee1.gif

Morons indeed.

"In a letter to the Thai ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nopadol Gunavibool, Mr Brok said in the name of his Committee, and ASEAN Delegation chairman Dr Werner Langen, they stressed the importance of having an exchange of views with former Prime Minister of Thailand Ms Yingluck Shinawatra in a meeting at the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the ASEAN at the earliest."

Now the letter from begin of October didn't show titles, just names and signatures. It gave the impression of a private chat even convenient, when Ms. Yingluck had time.

Of course it's a pity that the letter is still available to contradict the new statement. Morons indeed.

PS 'at the earliest' ? Did the news appear six weeks later and did Ms. Yingluck apply even after that ? Two months past and till mid-January Europe closed (politicians need their holidays).

obviously the generals are not alone, ...

guess you never read the text in full, and not that it's important to my comment, because as I pointed out, if there was some misunderstanding with regards to the invitation, some one, any one, from the junta could have just made a call - maybe they even could have found someone who speaks English...

but you swallow the junta line all the time, so keep going on and defending these morons...

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