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Tourists leave behind almost 5 tonnes of garbage at Doi Inthanon during long holidays


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Tourists leave behind almost 5 tonnes of garbage at Doi Inthanon during long holidays


CHIANG MAI: -- Almost five tonnes of garbage were left behind by holidaymakers at Doi Inthanon national park during the long holidays from December 4-7.

The national park chief, Mr Pornthep Charoensuebsakul, said Wednesday that park officials and workers helped in the cleanup having collected 4.5 tonnes of garbage for disposal.

The garbage was left behind by over 29,000 holidaymakers who visited the mountain-top park during the three-day holiday. Each tourist dumped an average of 0.15 kg of garbage per day.

Mr Pornthep disclosed that holidaymakers dumped an average of 4-5 tonnes of garbage at Doi Inthanon park during the New Year’s holidays last year compared to an average of one tonne of garbage/day during weekends.

He thanked holidaymakers for being more disciplined in garbage dumping last weekend making it less burdensome for park officials in garbage disposal.

Minimum temperature at Doi Inthanon this morning was measured at 3.8 degree Celsius but the mercury in the northern region is on the rise as the moderate high pressure from China has weakened.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/tourists-leave-behind-almost-5-tonnes-of-garbage-at-doi-inthanon-during-long-holidays

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-10

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Selfish, lazy individuals who visit these hotspots to admire the beauty of nature, and then destroy the very thing for which they search for.

Take nothing but memories. Leave nothing but footprints.

It not say it was left behind in nature , might just as well be in and around the trash cans.

Also the headline should say Mostly Thai tourist leave behind .....

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The problem with Thailand is they provide very few garbage cans almost everywhere you do. Whenever I want a garbage can to throw something away I have to very often do an extensive search and sometimes I come up empty.

One of the few places I can count on to throw our garbage away is at PTT gas stations when we are traveling. They always provide more than enough cans for garbage.

Lots of the people, I'm sure, would use garbage cans if they were provided in quantity.

That being said, the people do have responsibilities to hold on to their garbage until they can find a place to dump it and so they are being very lazy by dropping it on the ground. So it's a two-fold problem.

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If they want people to dispose of their rubbish properly then the idea is to supply bins for the job. They had 29,000 people and probably 3 or 4 90 litre bins. I am sure people would use them if they were available. Is easier for the officials to empty a bin than pick the rubbish from the ground. Having said that I have noticed that Thais tend to be a bit sloppy when it comes to rubbish. Had the local village school clean up the village of roadside rubbish and then put on a big feast and drinks and ice cream truck for them. Within a week the rubbish was back again. It is mainly the adults.

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Thai tourists or holiday makers?

I am not surprised. In most Western countries people are told to take responsibility.

I was once wondering that while visiting Laos I never saw such piles of garbage left behind than here in Thailand. It was remarkably clean as much I could notice. After any small or bigger festival - only Thais attending - the fields look like never ending plastic growing in them.

Wonder if it will ever be any different..?

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The problem with Thailand is they provide very few garbage cans almost everywhere you do. Whenever I want a garbage can to throw something away I have to very often do an extensive search and sometimes I come up empty.

One of the few places I can count on to throw our garbage away is at PTT gas stations when we are traveling. They always provide more than enough cans for garbage.

Lots of the people, I'm sure, would use garbage cans if they were provided in quantity.

That being said, the people do have responsibilities to hold on to their garbage until they can find a place to dump it and so they are being very lazy by dropping it on the ground. So it's a two-fold problem.

Solution for you: Prepare yourself to take nothing that you need to throw away, it's easy if you try.

If you can't do that, then put all your own garbage back into your car and take it home. Thats also easy if you try.

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Thais throw trash everywhere. The lack of garbage cans FOR THEM everywhere you go in Thailand shows they have no expectation of doing anything but tossing the garbage on the ground. I see it all day long.

Drive out on any road, anywhere in Thailand, stop your car at random and look at the ground. covered in trash.

the grounds around the Wats here in Hua Hin are covered in trash.

it is also common to see them urinate in public. nice.

Edited by NCC1701A
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I didn't see anything in the article that says the garbage was on the ground. For all we know, this collection was from the garbage bins provided.

Garbage needs to be picked up on a regular basis, right? Most people don't just dump it on the ground. If there is a bin nearby, most will use it.

I wonder why TV members always assume the worst?

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I didn't see anything in the article that says the garbage was on the ground. For all we know, this collection was from the garbage bins provided.

Garbage needs to be picked up on a regular basis, right? Most people don't just dump it on the ground. If there is a bin nearby, most will use it.

I wonder why TV members always assume the worst?

It's "non story", unless they dumped in ravine out of sight.

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Some data regarding Nationality split would be useful. I assume since there is no mention of the visitors nationality that it was mostly Thai's. Had it been foreigners they would have been mentioning that fact in every sentence.

Probably not many foreigners as most posters on Thai Visa say they wouldn't pay 400 entrance fee to the park.

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Selfish, lazy individuals who visit these hotspots to admire the beauty of nature, and then destroy the very thing for which they search for.

Take nothing but memories. Leave nothing but footprints.

It is a Thai thing.Just check the vacant lots everywhere here

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Some data regarding Nationality split would be useful. I assume since there is no mention of the visitors nationality that it was mostly Thai's. Had it been foreigners they would have been mentioning that fact in every sentence.

Probably not many foreigners as most posters on Thai Visa say they wouldn't pay 400 entrance fee to the park.

Agreed and if there was you can bet the headline and every other line in the article would say it was foreigners, hence the reason I consider it to be Thai's

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Youguys... <3

This park is open to recreation. Each tourist left 150 grams of waste in the bins.

That's what they're for.

Also, they're paying serious money to enter the park, and foreigners even more so.

Not sure why this is a news story. Some harcore TV news posters seemed to get something out of it though, so I guess it wasn't a total... waste.


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I remember when they were all up in arms when Danny Boyle was filming "The Beach" in Maya Bay. All these curtain twitching do gooders were banging on about the supposed environmental damage.

They had to remove three tons of rubbish, mostly plastic, before they did anything else.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Picture this for a moment as it happens EVERY day:

A front staircase to a condo with a raised flowerbed along each side of the staircase.

A garbage receptacle as well as an ash tray positioned along each of the faces of the flowerbeds.

Guess what's constantly in the flowerbeds!

Sorry, but there is little evidence that the concepts of social responsibility and shame are taught very well here!

Perhaps they are not even understood!

Edited by WaiLai
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