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SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?  

338 members have voted

  1. 1. Survey: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

    • Yes, I am a UK citizens and I support a ban.
    • No, I am a UK citizen but I do not support a ban.
    • Yes, I am not a UK citizen but I would support a ban.
    • No, I am not a UK citizen but I would not support a ban

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Seems some people can't tell the difference between free speech and hate speech.

Yes there's a line, Trump hasn't crossed it he's just saying what millions of others would like to say, but are too fearful of the repercussions.

Then there must be millions of cretins out there.


I voted not a UK citizen but support the ban.

Why, you ask?

I want to read all the moaning and wailing from the Brits on this forum in a year or so after a ban comes up and bites them in the posterior.

We've bailed them out enough. Let them sort out the problems this causes all by themselves.

Typical pants at half mast and big shiny shoes spam attitude. You didn't bail us out of anything chum, you just pitch in when it's all over bar the shouting.

You also sold us dowm the river over Suez and the Falklands.

In future I would ask you to do us a favour by not doing us any favours.

Tired of dealing with the "we saved your ass" Numb skulls. Went through all this on another thread and can't be bothered now

I guess many of these types got the same education as Trump!

Seems my post drew some blood from some of the perpetually insulted.

I guess they haven't read my signature.



Seems some people can't tell the difference between free speech and hate speech.

Yes there's a line, Trump hasn't crossed it he's just saying what millions of others would like to say, but are too fearful of the repercussions.

Then there must be millions of cretins out there.

That's your opinion, belonging to the millions of cretins that take a different view is OK too.


Considering that just about all the Brits I talk to wish the UK had stopped the same group years ago from coming in I would have to say NO !

I think Japan has something similar that has been in affect for a long time.... Should all Japanese be banded also ?


I voted not a UK citizen but support the ban.

Why, you ask?

I want to read all the moaning and wailing from the Brits on this forum in a year or so after a ban comes up and bites them in the posterior.

We've bailed them out enough. Let them sort out the problems this causes all by themselves.

You have 'bailed us out enough' ! Can you let us know where you have done that? Please do not include any incidences which include stepping in at the last minute when it suited you as you were getting a bloody nose.

As for Trump, banning him is a ridiculous idea when we can't even ban clerics at the Finsbury Park Mosque in London who openly call for the beheading of our own soldiers.

"Can you let us know where you have done that?"


Europe yes. The UK no.

This is a particular favour of yours. I think some revisionism is needed. Perhaps you are entitled to the benefit of the doubt and the definition of 'saved' could be clarified. I take this to mean that the US 'saved' the UK from domination and occupation by hostile forces in WWI and WWII.

You will know that British naval superiority remained at the time of WWI and as well as sinking the Bismarck, the British navy had basically effectively blockaded the Germans. There was really not chance that the Germans could disengage from the trench warfare on the Western Front to consider an invasion of the UK. It is generally accepted that in addition to the influx of American soldiers after 1917, the deployment of the first armoured tanks, developed by the British, contributed to the defeat of the Germans.

For WWII, the most obvious display of US support came through the lend lease program before the US declared war after the attack by the Japanese. However, the UK deployed domestic resources to effectively block Operation Sea Lion, the plan for the invasion of the UK and with the opening of the second front against the Russians, it can be argued that the Germans could not have mounted a sea-borne attack on the UK.

I voted yes in the survey.

The petition in question was started by some lady in Scotland. It seems that she had some exposure to the Trump 'brand' through his failed golf course the story of which is told in the documentary 'You've Been Trumped' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1943873/ Trumps tactics are on display here. His corruption of local people and institutions to push his grubby business was abominable. This Scottish lady was expressing a point of view and asking others to agree or disagree through an instrument recognised by the UK parliament. Good on her. She effectively stuck a blow against the kind of person who selfishly ruins lives in pursuit of his own vanity. This Scottish lady is no Savonarola but the astounding international support for her modest suggestion, which is 'stop this guy from coming to my home' must be quite a surprise to her. Of course the Trump demographic beat their breasts in outrage at this attack on free speech and the right of rich, old, white men to be racist, bigoted and self-servingly ignorant.


I didn't see a petition to ban the Muslims who were shouting things at the British troops when they arrived back in England after a tour of Afghanistan!

Go Donald Trump


Considering that just about all the Brits I talk to wish the UK had stopped the same group years ago from coming in I would have to say NO !

I think Japan has something similar that has been in affect for a long time.... Should all Japanese be banded also ?

As I explained in an earlier post this petition was started before he made his anti-Muslim speech.

More to do with the many other things he has done that make some British people think he would not be conducive to good of the nation and therefore should be denied a visa.

We did a similar thing with other abhorrent Americans like Shirley Phelps..

there is list here



I didn't see a petition to ban the Muslims who were shouting things at the British troops when they arrived back in England after a tour of Afghanistan!

Go Donald Trump

Unfortunately these people were British, and in much the same was as US soldiers were shouted at by fellow US citizens it is not so easy to deny a visa to someone that has a right to be there.

Can you explain how we can ban British people from the UK?


1ST Amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Herein lies one of the reasons that our forefathers declared their Independence.

Remember, those of you who embrace the 'Nanny-state": Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. --So 'sack up' nanny-stater whiners and get over yourselves. Nothing in the US Constitution is for you or about you. Scream, shout, stamp on the ground until ya'll are blue in the face -- it means nothing to us. Have a nice rant!


1ST Amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Herein lies one of the reasons that our forefathers declared their Independence.

Remember, those of you who embrace the 'Nanny-state": Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. --So 'sack up' nanny-stater whiners and get over yourselves. Nothing in the US Constitution is for you or about you. Scream, shout, stamp on the ground until ya'll are blue in the face -- it means nothing to us. Have a nice rant!

You seem to have gone off on a tangent.

Do you understand that this petition is about who we allow into the UK?

Your constitution doesn't apply, but thanks for the history lesson


I think the UK should hold off on deciding on any ban until after the election. A politician from another country may have more than one reason for traveling to the UK.

Trump is not advising any country except the US about what it should do regarding Muslims and it's only talking about the issue of immigration/visas until the US can figure out what is going on.

His speech is not technically hate speech, although it's pretty discriminatory.

DT has a good point. Stop Muslims coming into the country until things can be objectively reviewed and measures to ensure safety can be put in place. A perfectly sound argument

We've bailed them out enough.
Can you let us know where you have done that?


Europe yes. The UK no.

No matter how you interpret it, here's how some folk think:



For Christ Sake!!!!! What Trump says and does has nothing to do with anyone but Americans....They should be the only ones commenting on Trump or his political ambitions......


For Christ Sake!!!!! What Trump says and does has nothing to do with anyone but Americans....They should be the only ones commenting on Trump or his political ambitions......

For Christ Sake!!!!! Who is allowed in to the UK does has nothing to do with anyone but the British ....They should be the only ones commenting on giving Visas to aliens...... giggle.gifwai2.gif


I voted not a UK citizen but support the ban.

Why, you ask?

I want to read all the moaning and wailing from the Brits on this forum in a year or so after a ban comes up and bites them in the posterior.

We've bailed them out enough. Let them sort out the problems this causes all by themselves.

You have 'bailed us out enough' ! Can you let us know where you have done that? Please do not include any incidences which include stepping in at the last minute when it suited you as you were getting a bloody nose.

As for Trump, banning him is a ridiculous idea when we can't even ban clerics at the Finsbury Park Mosque in London who openly call for the beheading of our own soldiers.

In your only war since Burma The US loaned you the aircraft to transport the UKs helicopters to South America and we had the only aircraft to do in air refueling for you .Now look on the internet info and see how much money and military assistance was given to The UK this year..Do not worry we will keep you aflote

And this relevant to the Petition to "Block Donald J Trump from UK entry" for Unacceptable Behaviour, in which way?

Easy to forget the US has not won a single proper war without UK support.

This statement shows that you have an opinion but no military historical knowledge


In your only war since Burma The US loaned you the aircraft to transport the UKs helicopters to South America and we had the only aircraft to do in air refueling for you .Now look on the internet info and see how much money and military assistance was given to The UK this year..Do not worry we will keep you aflote

You have 'bailed us out enough' ! Can you let us know where you have done that? Please do not include any incidences which include stepping in at the last minute when it suited you as you were getting a bloody nose.

As for Trump, banning him is a ridiculous idea when we can't even ban clerics at the Finsbury Park Mosque in London who openly call for the beheading of our own soldiers.

And this relevant to the Petition to "Block Donald J Trump from UK entry" for Unacceptable Behaviour, in which way?

Easy to forget the US has not won a single proper war without UK support.

This statement shows that you have an opinion but no military historical knowledge

well yeah I guess if you count Grenada and Haiti.. cheesy.gif


For Christ Sake!!!!! What Trump says and does has nothing to do with anyone but Americans....They should be the only ones commenting on Trump or his political ambitions......

For Christ Sake!!!!! Who is allowed in to the UK does has nothing to do with anyone but the British ....They should be the only ones commenting on giving Visas to aliens...... giggle.gifwai2.gif

"For Christs sake" ?


Trump aspires to be the leader of the worlds foremost super power.... I would have thought that this makes it every bodies business, not just the business of a rather xenophobic US of A, or of a priggish United Kingdom.

The entire world needs to know what this man says and does not say, does and does not do, as he may one day be the elected leader of the "free" world.


1ST Amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Herein lies one of the reasons that our forefathers declared their Independence.

Remember, those of you who embrace the 'Nanny-state": Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. --So 'sack up' nanny-stater whiners and get over yourselves. Nothing in the US Constitution is for you or about you. Scream, shout, stamp on the ground until ya'll are blue in the face -- it means nothing to us. Have a nice rant!

You seem to have gone off on a tangent.

Do you understand that this petition is about who we allow into the UK?

Your constitution doesn't apply, but thanks for the history lesson

It applies in the US though and that is where the remarks were made.

Who knows, maybe the next time Trump will actually say something offensive about the UK. Then you can really get mad.


If you want to know what 'hate speech' is go and listen to some of the Muslim clerics in the UK!

Have you been to the speaker's corner lately?


He is the only one telling the truth, unhindered by "political correctness" smile.png

Political correctness is only a cloak to hide and sugar coat the truth. Masking the truth is a political ploy that is taught in politics 101 soon after one enters "public" service. Politicians becoming virtual Jekyll and Hydes. It does not take them long to realize which side of the bread THEIR butter is on. We pay for the loaf of bread and the butter which they use to butter us up with. Try and think of the old shell game under which shell is the pea.

Poly Sci 101 is first semester.

Problem here is you and almost everyone else over there missed the next seven. Not every one of us around here missed 'em at all....and then some.

What the far out right whingers call political correctness is in fact civilisation progressing and developing.

The only political correctness is that the right whiners demand litmus tests on immigrants, planned parenthood, marriage, guns and a mangled view of the 2nd Amendment, Islamophobia, evangelicalism and creationism; that the Constitution remains set in 1789 stone, each of the 50 states is sovereign unto itself, progressives are evil and we know it, 9/11 was a Mossad plot and scheme, Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is a secret member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt....etc etc blah blah.

The political correctness is in fact demanded by the marginal and self-righteous right whingers. Egged on by a clutch of nihilists.


Yes he should be banned from Britain for hate speech just like radio shock-jock "Michael Savage" . (If my real name was Wiener yes I'd change it too)!


1ST Amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Herein lies one of the reasons that our forefathers declared their Independence.

Remember, those of you who embrace the 'Nanny-state": Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. --So 'sack up' nanny-stater whiners and get over yourselves. Nothing in the US Constitution is for you or about you. Scream, shout, stamp on the ground until ya'll are blue in the face -- it means nothing to us. Have a nice rant!

You seem to have gone off on a tangent.

Do you understand that this petition is about who we allow into the UK?

Your constitution doesn't apply, but thanks for the history lesson

It applies in the US though and that is where the remarks were made.

Who knows, maybe the next time Trump will actually say something offensive about the UK. Then you can really get mad.

You seem to have gone off on a tangent.
Do you understand that this petition is about who we allow into the UK?
Your constitution doesn't apply to the UK

No one is "mad" its just some British people would prefer to keep the hate-monger out of the UK - I sorry if this causes hurty feels for you guys, but there it is.


In your only war since Burma The US loaned you the aircraft to transport the UKs helicopters to South America and we had the only aircraft to do in air refueling for you .Now look on the internet info and see how much money and military assistance was given to The UK this year..Do not worry we will keep you aflote

You have 'bailed us out enough' ! Can you let us know where you have done that? Please do not include any incidences which include stepping in at the last minute when it suited you as you were getting a bloody nose.

As for Trump, banning him is a ridiculous idea when we can't even ban clerics at the Finsbury Park Mosque in London who openly call for the beheading of our own soldiers.

And this relevant to the Petition to "Block Donald J Trump from UK entry" for Unacceptable Behaviour, in which way?

Easy to forget the US has not won a single proper war without UK support.

This statement shows that you have an opinion but no military historical knowledge

well yeah I guess if you count Grenada and Haiti.. cheesy.gif

Before throwing stones, and referring others to the Internet, mayhaps you should check first

Try... Www.telegraph.co.uk'...'USA... And you may find that the US relies heavily on its allies, especially the UK, in Europe, where it has become unable to defend its position without said aid

Also... Of the published list of European nations, the assistance by the US to the UK is listed as 39/46.... So no real biggy there, especially when considering that loans (lending) is a big business, which is why the big banks rule the world

As an aside... In south east Asia and Oceania, Australia is ranked 34/34

So if this is true, then the USA supplies less money to closely allied countries, than it does to other foreign powers.

Is that enough military historical knowledge, or should we go further back and see how much the French loaned the USA during the war for independence, which Napoleon prevented the UK from winning, due to the drain on UK forces during twenty or more years of war with France.


If you want to know what 'hate speech' is go and listen to some of the Muslim clerics in the UK!

Have you been to the speaker's corner lately?

Trump would be the cornered speaker.

So for that matter would be the rest of the Republican field.

Cruz on his Texas high horse laugh.png In his black ostrich skin cowboy boots riding into Hyde Park. clap2.gif


Before throwing stones, and referring others to the Internet, mayhaps you should check first

Try... Www.telegraph.co.uk'...'USA... And you may find that the US relies heavily on its allies, especially the UK, in Europe, where it has become unable to defend its position without said aid

Also... Of the published list of European nations, the assistance by the US to the UK is listed as 39/46.... So no real biggy there, especially when considering that loans (lending) is a big business, which is why the big banks rule the world

As an aside... In south east Asia and Oceania, Australia is ranked 34/34

So if this is true, then the USA supplies less money to closely allied countries, than it does to other foreign powers.

Is that enough military historical knowledge, or should we go further back and see how much the French loaned the USA during the war for independence, which Napoleon prevented the UK from winning, due to the drain on UK forces during twenty or more years of war with France.

According to IMF and the World Bank the EU is now the biggest economy in the World, perhaps our US cousins should bare that in mind when they are concerning themselves with keeping aflotes [sIC] biggrin.png


Le Pen and her FN went bust in yesterday's regional elections.

Didn't win a single region. She's talking about suing for a conspiracy against her and the FN. clap2.gif The fascist parties post WW2 are pretty well locked out of ever gaining power again, which is the whole idea. As bad as things are, they could be light years worse.

It's a definite foreshadowing of what's coming for Trump sooner or later.

I didn't vote yet.

It is of course up to UK what to do about allowing into their country a Benito Mussolini kind of guy from USA whose election campaigns will end in a heap at one point or another.

If UK wants to get severe about it then fine. Mussolini succeeded on the continent whereas he never would have had any success in the USA, so the experience of fascism on the respective sides of the pond are different.

Trump hasn't any actual and real sense of politics, law, diplomacy, elections or voting. Which is why among other factors in which Trump is profoundly deficient he will fail. The political center-middle has already congealed against him.

Busted? A party that had just a few % a couple of years ago is in the 40% range now. That is by no means busted. Just some people expected that they get even stronger.

The right is naturally boastful and bellicose no matter what. So it's to be expected that after this decisive election proclaims its thousand day future toward the 2017 presidential election and beyond.

Conversely, I'd stated the obvious to a new thread about 'em a couple of days ago, that the FN and all of the post WW2 fascist right in Europe have a very high electoral mountain before them.

Their complaints that the deck is stacked against them are accurate. For seventy years the European system has been consciously and carefully organised and structured against the fascists ever gaining power again.

(The Russian elites have not however caught on to this yet. Although the Chinese elites and their people also suffered fascism there, the Chinese are as always just too slow to catch on to much of anything modern. In this case, the Chinese elites learned nothing from the collapse of the USSR and that the road they themselves are speeding along on goes straight in to a great wall.)


1ST Amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Herein lies one of the reasons that our forefathers declared their Independence.

Remember, those of you who embrace the 'Nanny-state": Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. --So 'sack up' nanny-stater whiners and get over yourselves. Nothing in the US Constitution is for you or about you. Scream, shout, stamp on the ground until ya'll are blue in the face -- it means nothing to us. Have a nice rant!

You seem to have gone off on a tangent.

Do you understand that this petition is about who we allow into the UK?

Your constitution doesn't apply, but thanks for the history lesson

It applies in the US though and that is where the remarks were made.

Who knows, maybe the next time Trump will actually say something offensive about the UK. Then you can really get mad.

You seem to have gone off on a tangent.
Do you understand that this petition is about who we allow into the UK?
Your constitution doesn't apply to the UK

No one is "mad" its just some British people would prefer to keep the hate-monger out of the UK - I sorry if this causes hurty feels for you guys, but there it is.

On the button. wink.png

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