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Not all katoeys are men caught in a woman's body. Before coming to TH I never heard about men changing their sex just as a way to make money.

You are born male but see many women making an 'easy' living by selling their flesh. Years go by and it turns out that you don't really have any skills or too much brains, but poverty or greed is usually the main reason.

I've even seen cases where whole families save up for the son to be 'changed' and sent off to Bangers or New Blackpool to start making big bucks only to find out that there are another 100 thousand guys who had the same idea.

It can't be true, that so many Thai men feel they are women. In many cases it's psychological, identity problems, a business venture, little boys hanging out with aunty Lek and granny Noi too much, who dress him up, spoil him to a state that he can't even clean his own bum at 8, the other villagers brainwashing him to be feminine. I've seen this first hand.

Not saying all ladyboys are money hungry wolverines but the copycat culture has generated a huge surplus of them and the competition is very tough hence the hassle in some areas, incl. New Blackpool, Patong, Patpong, etc

You may find in many families where boy was unfortunate to be born to a hooker of a mother who was hoping for a girl , mother and grandmother would raise the boy as a girl ie making him into a ladyboy to earn them money while they sit on their lazy asses and do nothing.

Those I do feel sorry for as they never had a choice, however it stil does not give them an excuse to harass people physically or verbally.

Not so hard to seek out ladyboy lovers , they would hang around ladyboy bars.

Your "story" is about the most absurd I have ever read. Straight out of a fiction novel. 5555

Not so absurd.

I've witnessed a very similar situation in action..


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Agreed. But you should be able to walk around freely without being harassed by these nut jobs. They are the source of many crimes here in Pattaya. Don't want to generalize, but those on beach road late at night need to be dealt with.

Fool got what he deserved


No - but how do you think it would have gone for you if they had had guns too? I suspect we wouldn't be having this conversation.

That's not the point! The point is ...that was a problem best sorted by a gun.

No, it was best sorted by calling the police and staying out of it. As another poster has noted, it's a statistical anomaly that you were there at that point in time, AND had a gun, AND they didn't. Quite a few potential outcomes arising from the confrontation which may have not been in your favour.

I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.


No - but how do you think it would have gone for you if they had had guns too? I suspect we wouldn't be having this conversation.

That's not the point! The point is ...that was a problem best sorted by a gun.

No, it was best sorted by calling the police and staying out of it. As another poster has noted, it's a statistical anomaly that you were there at that point in time, AND had a gun, AND they didn't. Quite a few potential outcomes arising from the confrontation which may have not been in your favour.

I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.


I suggest to mr murphy he should go back to Manchester this is not the place he should be in pattaya has a reputation for having them all ladyboys, lesbians, and katoeys someone should have told mr murphy when he arrived then he wouldn't have had this problem.


A couple of days ago, there was an article about the amount of gun related violence, and most TV readers seemed to espouse the good sense behind being polite to any and all Thais, because you never know who has a gun.

Besides which, this numb nut decided to insult a group of people ( people vs ladyboys... Because they are just people at day's end) and was assaulted for his bad manners and intolerance to Thai culture.

If this bloke had politely declined, with a smile even, then this attack would probably never have happened, but to confront a group with insults and hate related comments, in a foreign country, was rather stupid.

Everyone in Thailand should ,know better than to be alone in an isolated place, late at night, so further stupidity ( this applies almost everywhere in the world)

IMHO, he brought this on himself and he was lucky they didn't have a gun... And I cannot help but wonder if his outpouring of hate was alcohol fueled.... He is a fool who has hopefully learnt to engage his brain before opening his mouth.

Note well, I do not in anyway believe violence is acceptable, but I do act proactively to avoid putting myself in a situation were violence may happen, because we all know that it does


I don't know what the situation in Pattaya is, and don't have any desire to find out.

In Chiang Mai, I've had infrequent contact with ladyboys. I've found they are not offended if you politely or jokingly indicate your preference for women. Each to his own.

Personally, I find them quite sad. They are dosing up on female hormones for the breasts, and the suicide rate among post-op ladyboys is astronomical. Their career options are very limited.

There's a lot of debate on this post as to whether the Brit deserved his thumping. He probably would have got exactly the same treatment ( or worse ) if he had wandered into Harlem and started mouthing off at Afro-Americans, or into Redfern in Australia and started abusing Aboriginals.

Perhaps we should just make him TV's submission for a Darwin Award.


What an idiot, he got what he deserved, after it would seem he started the confrontation by hurling verbal abuse. Either ignore them, or smile and shake your head, or say no thanks, crazy to antagonise what are effectively young men. I'd like to know why he has a hatred of ladyboys, maybe he had a bad experience once, he's certainly had one now! I guess he'll know better next time.

So it's ok for a group of men, dressed as woman, to assault a person and when he defends himself they can asssault him again? Get a grip.

I think you need to read the story before you criticise my comments. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/878252-brit-beaten-up-by-ladyboys-on-pattaya-beach-promenade/ I think you will find that he was not previously assaulted and insulted the ladyboys thereby provoking the incident. As I said, the idiot got what he deserved.

The story says specifically that he was propositioned. Add that to some context and personal experiences in Pattaya, and it follows that he very well may have been physically groped, as often does happen with aggressive ladyboys. Groping = assault. If you don't believe that, ask any woman you've ever worked with if it's okay for a stranger to grab her crotch on the street. And the groping is often a diversion for someone picking the victim's pocket.

Even when that episode was over, and he was on his way, they came back to take revenge. There is no excuse for that.


I don't know what the situation in Pattaya is, and don't have any desire to find out.

In Chiang Mai, I've had infrequent contact with ladyboys. I've found they are not offended if you politely or jokingly indicate your preference for women. Each to his own.

Personally, I find them quite sad. They are dosing up on female hormones for the breasts, and the suicide rate among post-op ladyboys is astronomical. Their career options are very limited.

There's a lot of debate on this post as to whether the Brit deserved his thumping. He probably would have got exactly the same treatment ( or worse ) if he had wandered into Harlem and started mouthing off at Afro-Americans, or into Redfern in Australia and started abusing Aboriginals.

Perhaps we should just make him TV's submission for a Darwin Award.

Yes i hear waiing them also helpscheesy.gif


Looks like a Hi-So tourist and start to throw verbal profanities at a GROUP of actually young men who dress like women at the age 69.

facepalm.gif I would only do that if I am sure I can outrun them (if they wear hi-heels)

You think that tourist is Hi-So?

Let me give you a clue... High Society.

Amazing how sarcasm flies over the heads of so many TV intellectuals.

Oh the irony!


What an idiot, he got what he deserved, after it would seem he started the confrontation by hurling verbal abuse. Either ignore them, or smile and shake your head, or say no thanks, crazy to antagonise what are effectively young men. I'd like to know why he has a hatred of ladyboys, maybe he had a bad experience once, he's certainly had one now! I guess he'll know better next time.

So it's ok for a group of men, dressed as woman, to assault a person and when he defends himself they can asssault him again? Get a grip.

I think you need to read the story before you criticise my comments. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/878252-brit-beaten-up-by-ladyboys-on-pattaya-beach-promenade/ I think you will find that he was not previously assaulted and insulted the ladyboys thereby provoking the incident. As I said, the idiot got what he deserved.

The story says specifically that he was propositioned. Add that to some context and personal experiences in Pattaya, and it follows that he very well may have been physically groped, as often does happen with aggressive ladyboys. Groping = assault. If you don't believe that, ask any woman you've ever worked with if it's okay for a stranger to grab her crotch on the street. And the groping is often a diversion for someone picking the victim's pocket.

Even when that episode was over, and he was on his way, they came back to take revenge. There is no excuse for that.

As seems to be the case with many Thai Visa contributors, you appear to be inventing the bits you think might be missing. I agree that groping is an assault, but where in the report does it say that happened? Don't presume things just because personal experience, or whatever makes you 'THINK' that's what may have happened! Try to stick to the facts as they are reported, or as you have discovered by further investigation.


I wonder if the guy goes round insulting people late at night in Manchester just because of his personal hatred issues, if he did I imagine his injuries would be alot worse.

He's a classic example of an individual who is fighting his inner attraction to lady boys. Hence, he fears his own homosexuality.

Yeh right if your not a homosexual then you must be inside????? Get a grip man we are all individuals not followers of your thoughts

The story says specifically that he was propositioned. Add that to some context and personal experiences in Pattaya, and it follows that he very well may have been physically groped, as often does happen with aggressive ladyboys. Groping = assault. If you don't believe that, ask any woman you've ever worked with if it's okay for a stranger to grab her crotch on the street. And the groping is often a diversion for someone picking the victim's pocket.

Even when that episode was over, and he was on his way, they came back to take revenge. There is no excuse for that.

As seems to be the case with many Thai Visa contributors, you appear to be inventing the bits you think might be missing. I agree that groping is an assault, but where in the report does it say that happened? Don't presume things just because personal experience, or whatever makes you 'THINK' that's what may have happened! Try to stick to the facts as they are reported, or as you have discovered by further investigation.

It IS reported on a site (that we don't link to ) that they physically hugged and fondled him. They waited and came after him and assaulted him with weapons.

Don't presume things just because you read one site that folk havn't read further

I'll understand if deny a Ladyboy's [sIC] would do such a thing. We all know it would be completely out of character!

And, frankly, what ever he said he did not deserve to be assaulted.

What is wrong with you..


The story says specifically that he was propositioned. Add that to some context and personal experiences in Pattaya, and it follows that he very well may have been physically groped, as often does happen with aggressive ladyboys. Groping = assault. If you don't believe that, ask any woman you've ever worked with if it's okay for a stranger to grab her crotch on the street. And the groping is often a diversion for someone picking the victim's pocket.

Even when that episode was over, and he was on his way, they came back to take revenge. There is no excuse for that.

As seems to be the case with many Thai Visa contributors, you appear to be inventing the bits you think might be missing. I agree that groping is an assault, but where in the report does it say that happened? Don't presume things just because personal experience, or whatever makes you 'THINK' that's what may have happened! Try to stick to the facts as they are reported, or as you have discovered by further investigation.

It IS reported on a site (that we don't link to ) that they physically hugged and fondled him. They waited and came after him and assaulted him with weapons.

Don't presume things just because you read one site that folk havn't read further

I'll understand if deny a Ladyboy's [sIC] would do such a thing. We all know it would be completely out of character!

And, frankly, what ever he said he did not deserve to be assaulted.

What is wrong with you..

Fine, he is reporting on facts that he has discovered by further investigation, maybe he should have said that? I still maintain, as many others also do, that many assaults by ladyboys are initiated by the victim. Personally, I've never had any problems anywhere on the beach promenade in Pattaya, not that I frequent the area much, or anywhere else for that matter and I've certainly never been 'groped' anywhere and you can take that to mean a location, as well as a part of my body. Then again, I am always polite and have an attitude that is basically live and let live, maybe that's why? To you sleuths out there, have you discovered why this man has a self confessed 'hatred' of ladyboys? I imagine that would give him a bit of an attitude problem anyway. No smoke without fire I'd say.

P.S. Did you know the phrase 'sarcasm is the lowest form or wit, yet the highest form of intelligence'? You should be proud of yourself for your fine attempts above. The quote is also attributed to Oscar Wilde. Now, in the circumstances, there's an interesting fact.


What were these fine upstanding examples of ' thai culture' doing hanging around the beach front in the early hours of the morning/

I suggest they were looking for targets to pickpocket or assault as per usual.

Their usual modus operandi is well known.

They probably groped the guy and he got upset and then the rest is history.


Looks like a Hi-So tourist and start to throw verbal profanities at a GROUP of actually young men who dress like women at the age 69.

facepalm.gif I would only do that if I am sure I can outrun them (if they wear hi-heels)

May be deep inside he respects women, so did not want to fight back smile.png

There were no women involved.......They are as much women as the watches they sell nearby are Rolex.....both only look like (more or less)

...but the Rolexes are genuine. The guy on the beach told me and he's going to post the guarantee.....

(Aussie will know where I pinched this from)


What an idiot, he got what he deserved, after it would seem he started the confrontation by hurling verbal abuse. Either ignore them, or smile and shake your head, or say no thanks, crazy to antagonise what are effectively young men. I'd like to know why he has a hatred of ladyboys, maybe he had a bad experience once, he's certainly had one now! I guess he'll know better next time.

(2 Posts merged to comply with posting limits)

I think you need to read the story before you criticise my comments. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/878252-brit-beaten-up-by-ladyboys-on-pattaya-beach-promenade/ I think you will find that he was not previously assaulted and insulted the ladyboys thereby provoking the incident. As I said, the idiot got what he deserved.

The story says specifically that he was propositioned. Add that to some context and personal experiences in Pattaya, and it follows that he very well may have been physically groped, as often does happen with aggressive ladyboys. Groping = assault. If you don't believe that, ask any woman you've ever worked with if it's okay for a stranger to grab her crotch on the street. And the groping is often a diversion for someone picking the victim's pocket.

Even when that episode was over, and he was on his way, they came back to take revenge. There is no excuse for that.

As seems to be the case with many Thai Visa contributors, you appear to be inventing the bits you think might be missing. I agree that groping is an assault, but where in the report does it say that happened? Don't presume things just because personal experience, or whatever makes you 'THINK' that's what may have happened! Try to stick to the facts as they are reported, or as you have discovered by further investigation.

You read a single source, and made 2 definitive (albeit weasely) statements, both of which appear to be wrong, and blamed the victim for being viciously assaulted:

after it would seem he started the confrontation by hurling verbal abuse.

I think you will find that he was not previously assaulted.

And then you claim I'm the one "inventing bits" by suggesting that: "he very well may have been physically groped"?

I certainly hope you get a little more compassion if it every happens to you. Because none of us are exempt from violent crime, no matter how polite we think we are.


Use to walk Jomtien Beach Road for early morning exercise...one had to navigate the soi dogs defending their turf and ladyboys trying to remove one's watch or make an early morning score after a night of failure...

Began walking around the condo...much safer...less hassles...


What were these fine upstanding examples of ' thai culture' doing hanging around the beach front in the early hours of the morning/

I suggest they were looking for targets to pickpocket or assault as per usual.

Their usual modus operandi is well known.

They probably groped the guy and he got upset and then the rest is history.

.....is the correct answer !

I have never heard of a story where a tourist said,"NO Thank You!" with a smile and moved along briskly to avoid being touched and was then chased and beaten! Just a thought about tourist safety!


I have never heard of a story where a tourist said,"NO Thank You!" with a smile and moved along briskly to avoid being touched and was then chased and beaten! Just a thought about tourist safety!

Why would a story like this make any news?


So they own Jomtiem Beach Road too now, would that be close to the Police box?

Why are there not night Police Patrols to move on the undesirables.

It is pathetic that this still happens.


Agreed. But you should be able to walk around freely without being harassed by these nut jobs. They are the source of many crimes here in Pattaya. Don't want to generalize, but those on beach road late at night need to be dealt with.

I no longer get bothered by them, might have something to do with having my 40kg pitbul with me wink.png

Happy to rent him out on hourly basis smile.png

My Mrs is pretty scary too and heavier.


I have never heard of a story where a tourist said,"NO Thank You!" with a smile and moved along briskly to avoid being touched and was then chased and beaten! Just a thought about tourist safety!

Exactly, just say No thanks with a big smile, maybe also say "just had massage, no power"

Never had a problem, but always smile.

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