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Historic pact to slow global warming is celebrated in Paris


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Sure no argument there, the argument is, do we lower the number of people that use foccil fuels or do we change the fuels they use?

One must remember that this planet is awash in energy , so much energy that it threatens our existence.If it was not for the magnetosphere we would be extinct. winds threaten to blow our homes down, in Hawaii and other places lava will burn your house, etc etc

Yet we are trapped with using Fossil fuels . WHY

very simple

Fossil fuels were discovered at an age when there were not so many of as, and we did not have the technology to use anything else, they were necessary, plentiful, and easy,

now there are much more of as, and fossil fuels are not plentiful, easy or necessary.

But there are those who have invested a lot in fossil fuels, are making an incredible amount of money, and as a consequence have a lot of power, and are not about to give up the money or the power.

It really as simple as that.

Even if they sterilised every human alive today, there are already 3 billion too many. So it has to be different fuel. The technology exists, so now it's up to governments to bite the bullet and subsidise alternative powered public transport to the extent people no longer need to use private cars. I'm not holding my breath though.

some of the solutions are simple but the politics complicate them

Take electric cars, the solution for an unlimited range electric car is here , but the politics will not allow it, dont have a link it is my own idea , I am sure others had it, also sure politics will not allow it.

No no , it's not a very long electric cordlaugh.png

Standardize the battery compartment and make it detachable, develop an automated system for exchanging battery pods.

So you drive into a battery exchange station, stop over the exchange machine, press the exchange button that releases the battery pod, a robotic system lowers the pod into a place where it will be recharged, a new fully charged battery pod is raised into your car, the whole process takes less time that it now takes to fuel your car ,re engage your new battery pod and you are on your way

all the engineering, materials and technology necessary to do this is available right now

what's missing is the political will.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but I thought of the exchangeable battery system years ago, and if I and you thought of it you can be sure the manufacturers have thought of it. As to why they won't do it, I have my suspicions but no proof.

Oh yeaa, how many years ago? trying to rain on my paradesad.png when ever you thought of it, I thought of it beforetongue.png but if yo want to join my parade you are welcome , we can always use more clownslaugh.png

I said and I quote " I am sure others had it, also"

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