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Chat app for dummies - remote hotel staff

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It is likely that in a few weeks, I will be working away from my Phuket hotel, and will have to leave my Thai staff in charge

Whilst they are perfectly capable of dealing with most issues, their spoken English is not that great, and if a guest asks for 'over-easy eggs', they will be stumped!

I have a PC in the reception area (this is a small hotel, so the staff and guests are always within spitting distance of it).

I will have my Ipad or Ipod with me at my remote location, with internet access at my end and at the hotel.

What I'm looking for is a totally simple chat app for dummies that can be running on my PC and remote device all the time, (or has one-click activation at the hotel end).

So if there is a problem, my staff can simply speak with me via a microphone on the PC, without having to launch an app, (cos they know nowt about computers).

Skype on the PC will be too complex for them. I need some app that runs in the background and is maybe voice activated when someone speaks into the microphone.

Any ideas or suggestions? (Replacing the staff with competent, English-speaking staff is not really an option....)


Face Book is another method you could you to talk with your staff/friends any time.

I use it everyday to communicate with my family from far flange parts of the world.


Face Book is another method you could you to talk with your staff/friends any time.

I use it everyday to communicate with my family from far flange parts of the world.


'over-easy eggs' - I do not understand also. They should ask for something reasonable.

Computer dummies? All thais are on LINE whole time, even from work...


Thanks for the suggestions, but I should have explained better. I mean verbal chat with a microphone, not written chat as with LINE, Facebook etc.

over-easy eggs' - I do not understand also

Apparently, it is American language.... as a Brit, this threw me as well. It is a common request by US guests at my hotel.

What about the telephone (seems the simplest solution).

No, this is not practical. I will be in another country, and roaming call charges may be high. Plus this is not 'instant chat'. They will have to dial my number etc.

I am looking for a simple, verbal chat app on the hotel PC and my mobile device where the hotel staff simply open the microphone and speak, or perhaps click on a large green button on the PC screen and then start to talk directly with me via VOIP.

The technology exists, but does the app exist?


You can use LINE to make video and voice calls. Same as Facebook, Skype etc.

All of those are too complicated for my hotel staff, or too slow to initiate.

I am looking for something akin to an intercom system on a PC


If your hotel staff can't use LINE you need new staff

Trust me, anyone under the age of 30 here in Thailand know all about LINE

There is also a PC version so they don't have to have a smart phone and the PC version is exactly like the smart phone version (both Android and iOS)


If your hotel staff can't use LINE you need new staff

Trust me, anyone under the age of 30 here in Thailand know all about LINE

My Thai hotel staff are aged 40, 45 and 38 years respectfully.... they are very good at their jobs, (cleaning rooms, driving the hotel taxi, handyman work, smiling at guests).

They do not need to use LINE in their current roles, and (amazingly for Thais), are not interested in banale chat


I don't think what you are asking for exists, and even if there was an Android or iOS app that did this, when they start speaking to you and you're device is in your pocket, how are you going to hear them?

Thinking about it, what you are looking for is basically a two-way radio, or baby monitor. Try looking at baby monitor apps they actually do work in the way you describe but not sure if they will work unless they're on the same network.


If your hotel staff can't use LINE you need new staff

Trust me, anyone under the age of 30 here in Thailand know all about LINE

My Thai hotel staff are aged 40, 45 and 38 years respectfully.... they are very good at their jobs, (cleaning rooms, driving the hotel taxi, handyman work, smiling at guests).

They do not need to use LINE in their current roles, and (amazingly for Thais), are not interested in banale chat

have you Actually asked THEM if they use a chat app at the moment? The easiest thing to do would be to buy a cheap Android phone and load it with the app of your choosing then show them how to use it. If you have WiFi then you don't even need to put a sim in it.. Leave it plugged in boom you have communication!

One option is to get a desk phone with VoIP adapter (search LinkSys ATA). Either make your own VoIP server (asterisk) or subscribe to something existing. Get an SIP VoIP application for your phone/tablet. Ask them to press '1' to call to you.

Another option, you can look for is Push-To-Talk application for PC and phone.


The push-to-talk app is really what I need - I have found a few apps that offer this, and I'll test these out in the coming weeks.

If they are too dumb to use something like Skype to make a call, then they're too dumb to be working in a customer facing role.

Hmm, my business profit seems to indicate that they are doing just fine :)

It is not a question of being 'too dumb'. I use Skype and it is not a viable solution for the scenarios that I have.

Example: (Mods, sorry about the Thai language - getting a point across)

Staff: What do you want for your breakfast Sir?

Customer: Do you have any pancakes?

Staff: Let me check

Staff (clicks a big green 'click to talk' button on the reception PC): คุณไซท่อนลูกค้าอยากกินแพนเค้กทีไหม? (Simon, the customer wants to eat pancakes - do we have any?)

Simon (speaking into his mobile device, 10,000km away from the hotel): มี แพนเค้กอยู่ในตู้ซ้ายมือ (Yes, in the cupboard on the left)

All sorted in under 10 seconds :)


So absolutely no difference using the Skype phone.. Other than waiting a few seconds for you to answer.

Obviously you do have to ask yourself WHY the staff don't know that kinda stuff though... Good luck!


The push-to-talk app is really what I need - I have found a few apps that offer this, and I'll test these out in the coming weeks.

If they are too dumb to use something like Skype to make a call, then they're too dumb to be working in a customer facing role.

Hmm, my business profit seems to indicate that they are doing just fine :)

It is not a question of being 'too dumb'. I use Skype and it is not a viable solution for the scenarios that I have.

Example: (Mods, sorry about the Thai language - getting a point across)

Staff: What do you want for your breakfast Sir?

Customer: Do you have any pancakes?

Staff: Let me check

Staff (clicks a big green 'click to talk' button on the reception PC): คุณไซท่อนลูกค้าอยากกินแพนเค้กทีไหม? (Simon, the customer wants to eat pancakes - do we have any?)

Simon (speaking into his mobile device, 10,000km away from the hotel): มี แพนเค้กอยู่ในตู้ซ้ายมือ (Yes, in the cupboard on the left)

All sorted in under 10 seconds :)

I am traveling and working abroad also and I also have an hotel in Phuket (35 rooms).

My hotel is managed by my wife (Thai) and only local staff. The management of the staff is done well by my wife and she can clear most of issues herself (staff, guest relations..). However, in case of she has any doubt, she just send me a message, or even call me through Line or Skype (free of charge). Both of these applications are installed on both desktops and smartphones.

The most problematic for me was all issues related to computers, files, internet and OTA's (booking.com, expedia, agoda...) management, also as my wife was not very used to this.

What i have done for that:

- I am using Dropbox and ALL files are in a shared folder which i can acess, read, modify...remotely. i can also see whenever the files have been modified

- the hotel email account is setup on both the hotel desktop and my personal laptop (also my smartphone). Which allow my staff to see any incoming emails but i am the one who is replying.

- i have also installed teamviewer in all desktops and of my laptops then i can access directly to the hotel computers screens in case of some pure IT problems.

- OTA's management is easy to do from anywhere as long as you have the extranet links, username and passwords

It's working very fine like that for the last 5 years even when my wife is away from the hotel. Of course, if my wife or any staff is skyping me or Line me to ask me if we have pancakes in stock, it's gonna be a different story and I will be probably very upset!


Thanks for the advice.

This app does exactly what I want


It is a 'push-to-talk' intercom app that runs on my hotel PC and on my ipad/iphone.

I create an account for each device and add them together as contacts. The app is configured to start and sign in on PC start-up

In use, on either the PC or mobile device, the user just clicks on the big PTT toggle button and talks, then toggles off the button again.

This app is perfect for my non-IT-savvy staff


The push-to-talk app is really what I need - I have found a few apps that offer this, and I'll test these out in the coming weeks.

If they are too dumb to use something like Skype to make a call, then they're too dumb to be working in a customer facing role.

Hmm, my business profit seems to indicate that they are doing just fine smile.png

It is not a question of being 'too dumb'. I use Skype and it is not a viable solution for the scenarios that I have.

Example: (Mods, sorry about the Thai language - getting a point across)

Staff: What do you want for your breakfast Sir?

Customer: Do you have any pancakes?

Staff: Let me check

Staff (clicks a big green 'click to talk' button on the reception PC): คุณไซท่อนลูกค้าอยากกินแพนเค้กทีไหม? (Simon, the customer wants to eat pancakes - do we have any?)

Simon (speaking into his mobile device, 10,000km away from the hotel): มี แพนเค้กอยู่ในตู้ซ้ายมือ (Yes, in the cupboard on the left)

All sorted in under 10 seconds smile.png

So from a the other side of the world you will have to point out to them where the pancakes are, next time probably tell them that the coke is in the fridge, and you want to claim that they are doing just fine?


Simon go with skype, this way you can also hear and see what is going on.

One way to ensure its on even if they do not want to, is to change computer settings that it never sleeps, then install teamviewer, which lets you connect remotely and control your PC in hotel.

So basically you can communicate at all times and when they think you off line, you can call yourself, answer yourself and hear everything.

PS, i do not envy you, 1 year i had to be away for 2 months, easily lost 300 000K

The following year was away for 4 months due to death in the family, 250k stolen by one of the staff and lost revenue about 250 at least and mind you i controlled all the bookings.


If your hotel staff can't use LINE you need new staff

Trust me, anyone under the age of 30 here in Thailand know all about LINE

My Thai hotel staff are aged 40, 45 and 38 years respectfully.... they are very good at their jobs, (cleaning rooms, driving the hotel taxi, handyman work, smiling at guests).

They do not need to use LINE in their current roles, and (amazingly for Thais), are not interested in banale chat

What can be easier than Line. It can be installed on PC and set to start up with the PC and stay on top all the time, so whenever the PC is on you will get below screen on top of everything and the just have to click the phone tab.



I have tested Zello and it fits my needs just fine.

My staff run the hotel anyway, whether I am onsite or offsite, (I just monitor the business). I have not had any problems with losing money because all room bookings are managed by me, via my accounts.

If a customer books a room, then that money automatically goes into my bank account. The staff only handle the small amounts of cash for F&B, and only 1 staff member handles that cash. She is well-paid and I have never lost 1 baht.

I'm taking time off to build a new resort (the 5th that I have built since 2002 and my 8th resort/guesthouse). If my staff were stealing money, I wouldn't have got past building the 1st resort :)


I have tested Zello and it fits my needs just fine.

My staff run the hotel anyway, whether I am onsite or offsite, (I just monitor the business). I have not had any problems with losing money because all room bookings are managed by me, via my accounts.

If a customer books a room, then that money automatically goes into my bank account. The staff only handle the small amounts of cash for F&B, and only 1 staff member handles that cash. She is well-paid and I have never lost 1 baht.

I'm taking time off to build a new resort (the 5th that I have built since 2002 and my 8th resort/guesthouse). If my staff were stealing money, I wouldn't have got past building the 1st resort smile.png

Admire your confidence, best of luck.

Just a question, when customer decides to extend their stay, does your staff send them to pay into your account or to book through a third party where you pay 20% commission or do they sell the room?

Same question applies if someone is a walk in guest

I believe you also now serve food, so what happens when someone makes and order and your staff can not be bothered, so they reply "not have"

Now think what happens when you away and someone wants to extend their staythumbsup.gif

Example for you, i just fired one lazy ass, who was working night shifts and when guests wanted coffee early in the morning, he told them we did not sell any coffee.

To make matters worse, i do have a full service restaurant and cafe open 24 hours.

I only caught him by chance, because had a mate staying over who told me. Mate was up at 7am each day to have his coffee and was told we do not sell so he went else where. Told me only after 5 days. 395 baht lost. and thats only 1 guest, how many others(may be)?

One does not need to steal directly from the register for business to loose money, this is all i am sayingwai.gif


Just a question, when customer decides to extend their stay, does your staff send them to pay into your account or to book through a third party where you pay 20% commission or do they sell the room?

Same question applies if someone is a walk in guest

Customers cannot extend their stay! The hotel is 100% full every night of the year. If I let a customer stay for more than 1 night, then that screws up the bookings for other customers. So if a customer wants to extend their stay, we take them to another hotel and collect a commission.

Generally no walk-in guests for the same reason. Hotel is fully booked via OTAs.

My staff share in the profit for any cash food sales. My staff are on-call 24/7 to cook food and serve drinks at any time of the day or night. They are happy to jump out of bed at 3am to cook some food when they are getting a share of that revenue.


Sorry I couldn't help with what you are looking for, but I was reading this thread with interest.

Respect to you, Simon43, for keeping your cool with some of the non sense posts by others here.


Sorry I couldn't help with what you are looking for, but I was reading this thread with interest.

Respect to you, Simon43, for keeping your cool with some of the non sense posts by others here.

His names BASILL really not Simon. [emoji486]

His names BASIL really not Simon

Oh yes - sometimes it can be! :)

Back on topic the Zello app seems to work very well. I will be working away in Laos, Myanmar or Cambodia, and this app should make it much easier for me to stay in real-time contact with my staff. (When I last worked in Myanmar around 2012, it was a huge challenge to keep in touch with my hotels, better off using carrier pigeon...)

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