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NCPO widens the net over Rajabhakti FB posts

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from today's article from bangkok post titled "Second man faces charges over Rajabhakti and lese majeste"

an important piece of info, which is missing from the nation, which explains arrests:

"The chart at the centre of the case allegedly involves the royal institution indirectly because it includes references to Suriyan “Mor Yong” Sucharitpolwong — the well-known fortune teller charged with lese majeste who recently died in military custody. The infographic also allegedly implicates Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and his wife".

so the focal point in the affair is mor yong and his murder in the prison.

now, he is not a royal, not related to them and hadn't got even a title and decorations bestowed on him by the king.

is he the unnamed "the talisman seller", which appears in every article about the park curruption?

the chart is also the first source about an involvment of prayuth's family. That's explains why the junta is so crossed about

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So, anyone who opposes this despotism is automatically assumed to be part of a 'movement'? And what's with charging these Facebook users with LM? If any party deserves that charge, it's those who enriched themselves at the expense of charitable donations to honor the monarchy.

They have started with face book, how long before they start on forums like this one?One thing that you may have not concidered, is that when you get locked up or kicked out of LOS, for spouting off about the current Juna ,the first thing your parner will do is go back to his/her old place of employment and pick up a new sugar daddy and won't give you a second thought or your predicament.wai.gif

"Velosity", what's that ?

You assume too much.


If they start rounding up and imprisoning foreigners over this affair then Thailand will truly head down the toilet. Sanctions will be imposed, tourism will suffer as home nations advise against going here and Thai people from most classes (accept the elite) will feel the crunch.

As broken as democracy was under the PTP I'd rather take that over living in something that is starting to resemble north Korea!


If they start rounding up and imprisoning foreigners over this affair then Thailand will truly head down the toilet. Sanctions will be imposed, tourism will suffer as home nations advise against going here and Thai people from most classes (accept the elite) will feel the crunch.

As broken as democracy was under the PTP I'd rather take that over living in something that is starting to resemble north Korea!

Don't worry. If the elite starts feeling the economic pinch I think Uncle Too's days as a "PM" will swiftly come to an end.


The BP comments section on this story is interesting. I think some of our resident junta fan boys here are working double time over there. One sneering poster reminds me of someone in particular....


We folks who have been here a long time know its wise not to speak out to much. You are entitled to form your own opinion but would you want to go to jail for it by publically stating it online?


Interesting to note how many posters are starting to urge caution about airing opinions and that includes on here.

Does the junta really want such a climate of fear or are they happy it equates to the control they love no matter the damage ?

If FB style situations spread if will of course reach the foreign media and might make intending tourists think twice but the Minister and TAT will easily prove me wrong.


Sweet Jesus. Arrested for clicking Like? Arai wa? blink.png

I'm sure this came up before on another issue and a top cop said clicking Like could go well beyond the simple usage of the word and might indicate agreement, support etc.


Being an American, with a Thai wife of 7+ years, as well as an adopted 32 year old Thai son that I love dearly, yes, I'm concerned abut things here, and the way they are going.
As a result, I find myself doing "self censorship" on certain things that I would normally speak about. I have no desire to spend any time in a Thai jail, being charged with some bull dung charge, or being deported, and having my family have to suffer for it. Frustrating? Oh, hell, yes! But also necessary for me, and I would presume, for many others as well who are in similar situations. All of my farang friends on FB who are in similar situations as myself, feel the same way. We don't like what's going on, but we have to express that dislike in couched terms in order to protect our families.

A hell of a way to have to live.


The curtain like in wizard of Oz is being torn back.

A government that can no longer play imposter on high moral grounds.

These sort of behaviours ensure it recedes into the likes of rogue State if it continues.

Imagine being detained or worse by Army for someone accusing you of LM?

Seven days.

If sanctions are imposed down the track resentment feeding into ultra nationalists already calling on Envoy's ( freely) to go home., might just trigger such situations.

A few Thais say you said this or that and away you go.

Don't log out on Facebook ?

God knows what could be put up on your wall and the consequences.

One is clear.

This caretaker feel good ...happiness to the people mean business.

The pretence is giving way to real power and intent.

In coming days and weeks the international press and statesman will again remind the Thai Government the acceptable boundaries are being crossed.

And their responses will be predictable rebellious.

Maybe more protests .

Thailand is clearly now being driven into a rigid power base and tightly controlled.

I envision a situation where envoy's may even be withdrawn and sanctions commenced by the 2nd anniversary of their seizure of power.

The only thing that's changing is the level of fear and arrests and lack of regard to international outcry.

Once all the polite dialogue is exhausted things may turn nastier quick.

"" Farang "" might be said with a degree of Hatred once the propaganda is taken up a notch or two.

For now it's "" we don't understand""

Soon it might be we "" don't care"" ( about Thai people)

That's why we impose sanctions.

A movie called "Bangkok dangerous " with Nicolas Cage may well yet ring true..in terms of warning.

Lets hope things don't spiral too fast and those mass arrests don't occur


Being an American, with a Thai wife of 7+ years, as well as an adopted 32 year old Thai son that I love dearly, yes, I'm concerned abut things here, and the way they are going.

As a result, I find myself doing "self censorship" on certain things that I would normally speak about. I have no desire to spend any time in a Thai jail, being charged with some bull dung charge, or being deported, and having my family have to suffer for it. Frustrating? Oh, hell, yes! But also necessary for me, and I would presume, for many others as well who are in similar situations. All of my farang friends on FB who are in similar situations as myself, feel the same way. We don't like what's going on, but we have to express that dislike in couched terms in order to protect our families.

A hell of a way to have to live.

I like your post, I noticed a lot of expats not just in LOS but in my country and others, where they carry on as if they are still in their country, just hanging out at the pub having a few pints, while whinging and whining about how they don't like the way things are run or the local culture isn't up to their standard etc...

But, when someone asks them to pipe down they get defensive as they think that they won't offend someone or get in trouble......... until its too late!!! and when its too late, thats when the real crying starts


Being an American, with a Thai wife of 7+ years, as well as an adopted 32 year old Thai son that I love dearly, yes, I'm concerned abut things here, and the way they are going.

As a result, I find myself doing "self censorship" on certain things that I would normally speak about. I have no desire to spend any time in a Thai jail, being charged with some bull dung charge, or being deported, and having my family have to suffer for it. Frustrating? Oh, hell, yes! But also necessary for me, and I would presume, for many others as well who are in similar situations. All of my farang friends on FB who are in similar situations as myself, feel the same way. We don't like what's going on, but we have to express that dislike in couched terms in order to protect our families.

A hell of a way to have to live.

I like your post, I noticed a lot of expats not just in LOS but in my country and others, where they carry on as if they are still in their country, just hanging out at the pub having a few pints, while whinging and whining about how they don't like the way things are run or the local culture isn't up to their standard etc...

But, when someone asks them to pipe down they get defensive as they think that they won't offend someone or get in trouble......... until its too late!!! and when its too late, thats when the real crying starts

That's exactly what foreigners as well as many Germans felt like in 1938. Before you question the "many Germans" here- my grandpa and some of his friends ended up in a KZ for their right to disagree.


I think that I am fairly safe as I do not use face book, I do not go on sites that

ask me to like or what ever to a face book picture or article. I do not

trust face book and use e mails and twitter, and line as I think they are much

safer and private than face book. I guess I am boycotting face book!

That's it! I am a rebel.


Thailand is fast becoming a very dark place.

Consider someone stumbling on your open Facebook page in an Internet cafe , after you forget to log out.

They simply could add LM pics or statements and you get 30 years prison.

Or they could ""like "" things that get you 15.

Or do both to get you 45.

This means Thailand is no longer safe.

It's very dangerous if your clumsy and forget to log out.

Or if your accused in an anti western environment .

Don't pay police bribes.

Or are in the wrong place at wrong time.

It's only a matter of time.

Fear is now everywhere .

It's sad.

US envoy's don't escape the witch hunts.

It's remarkable and it's only the beginning.

I seriously left because I foresaw this months ago.

Visit with caution .

But warning signs are this is going to get significantly worse before better.

They may be slicing their own wrists rounding up people who date speak up.

But sanctions now are almost certain to follow.

I think the visiting MR Russell may give them some home truths shortly

( visiting American high ranking official)

This will spiral downwards fast.

You basically risk liberty going there to some degree

You're dead right! I feel sorry for any of the guys who made a life there with a family and are beginning to feel stuck and powerless. These are the ones who will suffer most. I also fear for them if the international community gives this toy military a rude awakening: anything like sanctions and they will go after foreigners one way or another. Knee-jerk reactions with sledgehammers is exactly how this group of individuals roll.

Folk who openly criticize these junta people should be aware a forum is NOT truly anonymous. You should protect yourself with VPN or similar methods or just not be in Thailand, safe out of harm's way of their Mickey Mouse laws and outdated bully-boy tactics.

Fact is, the junta doesn't care about anyone but themselves. They aren't doing this to save the country, they are doing this to save themselves.

It's a long a winding downhill slope now people. It's all going to end badly


Interesting to note how many posters are starting to urge caution about airing opinions and that includes on here.

Does the junta really want such a climate of fear or are they happy it equates to the control they love no matter the damage ?

If FB style situations spread if will of course reach the foreign media and might make intending tourists think twice but the Minister and TAT will easily prove me wrong.

They don't care. They want control at any cost.


One of the suspects, Thanakorn Siripaiboon was also charged with LM for defaming the Royal Dog Thong Daeng. See this link:


yeah, caught that one too....

And someone on the forum tried to claim last week that there had not been a "massive" increase in LM cases...

Yeah right ! And don't forget, some of the detainees die in custody, body cremated. Hmm something's off.


So, anyone who opposes this despotism is automatically assumed to be part of a 'movement'? And what's with charging these Facebook users with LM? If any party deserves that charge, it's those who enriched themselves at the expense of charitable donations to honor the monarchy.

They have started with face book, how long before they start on forums like this one?One thing that you may have not concidered, is that when you get locked up or kicked out of LOS, for spouting off about the current Juna ,the first thing your parner will do is go back to his/her old place of employment and pick up a new sugar daddy and won't give you a second thought or your predicament.wai.gif

My wife is still working and if I were to be kicked out I suspect she would follow me.


If the government threw the books on the table and allowed public scrutiny and the dissenters keep chirping then the government has every right to go after them.....but the books are firmly closed...... whistling.gif


So, anyone who opposes this despotism is automatically assumed to be part of a 'movement'? And what's with charging these Facebook users with LM? If any party deserves that charge, it's those who enriched themselves at the expense of charitable donations to honor the monarchy.

They have started with face book, how long before they start on forums like this one?One thing that you may have not concidered, is that when you get locked up or kicked out of LOS, for spouting off about the current Juna ,the first thing your parner will do is go back to his/her old place of employment and pick up a new sugar daddy and won't give you a second thought or your predicament.wai.gif

Save your advice for people who shack up with hookers for your Pattaya mates. There is a forum for it, after all.

By the way, it's *velocity you genius.burp.gif


One of the suspects, Thanakorn Siripaiboon was also charged with LM for defaming the Royal Dog Thong Daeng. See this link:


The Editorial Management of Khaosod Rnglish removed this article


nice, ... self-censorship is now so normal in Thailand that the junta let's even their more uppity press shut themselves down...

We have removed a Dec. 14 article about a lese majeste (royal defamation) charge against a 27-year-old man named Thanakorn Siripaiboon, per instruction from Khaosod's editorial management, who feared that content in the article might lead to possible legal action.

it's also a perfect example how discussing LM can get you into LM trouble. Of course repeating what someone said or did for which THEY were charged for LM will also earn YOU an LM charge. As for the police, if they do not pursue and prosecute an LM charge, then they also expose themselves to an LM charge.

Everybody clear on just how mad this country has become? coffee1.gif

Fortunately, Pravit is still shining light into dark places over at KSE


A member kindly sent me a link to a New York Times article on this and other aspects of LM.

It's good that things like this are being reported internationally which helps defeat the junta's control freaks insanity.

I won't post the link as it probably would be removed but does the forum not think members can find these things for themselves ?

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