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NZ confirms Silver Fern won flag referendum as final votes counted


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I've never felt any emotional connection to the old flag, and am a strong believer in cutting the apron strings to GB - NZ's future is as a strong and independent republic in my opinion. But this silver fern flag is god awful. Chintzy. Red peak was also awful, having nothing of significance to NZ whatsoever. It was just a splash of colour, nothing more, and had nothing symbolic of the country (at least the silver fern flag does), and when placed alongside other flags, it would just disappear in a melange of colours.

I initially wasn't all that enamoured of the koru as it has variations in other flags and therefore would not stand out nor make a "statement". But I'm slowly changing my mind - pair it with a beautifully detailed depiction of our most potent symbol, the kiwi, and we might have a flag that tells a story and doesnt blend in to the background.

A Kiwi on the flag- YUCH.

The enduring statement of NZ is the Southern Cross. Keep that and put whatever you like in the corner to replace the Union Jack, but let it be picked by all NZers, not a political committee.

BTW, NZ should become part of Oz. It's too small and too far away from everywhere to survive alone in the new world order. Look at the latest fiasco- the Aussies dump a pile of crims on NZ and the politicians are just embarrassed because there's not a thing they can do except bend over and take it where the sun don't shine.

Actually, NZ is doing very well in the new world order. Particularly when compared to Australia. The Kiwi is steaming compared to the Aussie economy, and the NZ Dollar nearly reached parity a few months ago and is still running .94 cents.

Given the continually poor performance of the Aussie economy and the kindergarten committee style politicians they have, perhaps when the NZD reaches parity this year then maybe it will be time for the two countries to combine.

I'm sure John Keys would love to be prime minister of a New Zealand that has three large islands and two smaller ones. whistling.gif

I doubt it will last. It's only a housing bubble in Auckland that is bringing in large amounts of overseas money, and that is being crushed by the government as it has made houses unaffordable everywhere for NZ people that didn't have property in Auckland to sell.

The dairy industry has taken a dive.

For example, scrap metal was worth something when China was taking it, now it's of no value at all, nothing, zip, nada.

At 4 million people now, NZ has exceeded its ability to provide real jobs at a living wage. Friends of mine can only get cleaning jobs in rest homes at minimum wage- not enough to live on.

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It is all political. Not really much about the flag per se, but more about the ambitions of a certain politician.

Perhaps this should have been one of the choices?


Or do you mean this kind of kheepost-234716-0-25357900-1452319613_thumb.

Edited by Linzz
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All the submitted designs were utter rubbish and the winning design is nothing more than a corporate logo that quite frankly I would be embarrassed to see representing my country. In ten years time it will look old fashioned and outdated, just like all trendy logos do.

I'm picking that when the referendum is held to choose this design or stay with the original flag, the vote will be to retain the status quo.

Anyway, it's just the PM (John Keys) wanting to leave his mark on the country as being remembered as the Prime Minister that changed the flag. He's the one that has been pushing the idea and wasted millions of dollars in this whole referendum process. And while I do agree with most of his politics, his ego is somewhat large.

That flag has been fought and died under by many Kiwis over the centuries. It's been raised at many a sporting event, and we've all grown up with it. It's our history and there has been no political, geographic, or social change that would make it necessary to even consider changing the flag.

We aren't and don't want to be a republic. OK, if we ever do become a republic then that's a reason to consider a flag change.

We have no beef with England and the Union Jack is part of our history, it should be retained in any new flag.

But all the very vocal left wing, wish-washy, namby-pamby, tree hugging, let your kids run riot but don't smack them, hemp-suit wearing, the world owes me a living, socialist morons that seem to make more noise than they should be entitled to do, want a wishy-washy corporate logo as our Nation's flag.

Bunch of Wayne Kerrs.

I actually liked the new flag design until I read your post. All very good points.

Edited by mopar71
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