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What will the toll of road deaths be this year - 2004?  

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I know it is a morbid subject, but it comes up every year and the government promises action.

Well can they deliver?

I know I shall be on the road as little as possible.


You know better than that.

The cops will not do anything to stop it, and people say "O those poor underpaid policemen"

I personally think that they are overpaid,For the work they actually do they are grossly overpaid, If they would actually patrol,give tickets for violations of written Thai law,fines would be paid and then they would be partially selfsupporting and the agencys involved could afford to pay more,but when you have people that do no work and recieve a salary then you are just supporting a bunch of parasites for no good reason.

The only laws I have seen enforced is, farang dropping a cig. butt in the gutter, or not having your seat belt fastened while setting at a red light.

just for a starter,How many people do you see riding a motorcycle with more than 2 persons,it is written law that no more than 2 will ride one.How many people out of all those on MC have on head protection?How many MC do you see with more than 1 small child aboard? How often do you see a high speed vehicle crossing a solid line? How many vehicles do you see going well over the posted speed limit?

This could go on forever,with every written traffic law in the book, Thais do not understand the laws,they do not know how to drive,even if they do have a license,and NO ONE HAS EVER TAUGHT THEM TO DRIVE, and no one ever will.


In a few months, drunk drivers also will face up to 10 years' jail time and fines up to 100,000 baht (US$2,500) when new penalties are introduced. Now the stiffest penalty is three months' jail and a 10,000 baht fine - a few weeks' salary or less for many drivers.

These measures may not be enough to stop around 7.5 people from being killed for every 10,000 vehicles on Thailand's roads, amounting to about 13,000-14,000 deaths annually, plus a million injuries. In neighboring Malaysia, about four people are killed per every 10,000 vehicles. In countries such as Japan and Singapore the figure is one to two.

Plus the Arresting Officer will get a cut of the fine money, when people are prosecuted.

But with 13 - 14,000 Deaths a year in Thailand out of a Total of 1.2 Million annual Road deaths worldwide, there are a lot of people killed on roads who are not in Thailand. Seems like the world is full of bad drivers not only Thailand.

Over 42,000 in the States die every year, that's with all the harsh penalties in place for drunk driving etc. But people still die everyday while drunk at the wheel or are killed daily by Drunk drivers, to listen to some people on this Forum its like all things bad are a Thai only affair, its the same in every country.

This could go on forever,with every written traffic law in the book, Thais do not understand the laws,they do not know how to drive,even if they do have a license,and NO ONE HAS EVER TAUGHT THEM TO DRIVE, and no one ever will.

Britain, with a population of 59 million, lost 3,431 people in 2002 compared with 42,815 people killed on America’s roads. The population of the USA at that time was 285 million, only 4.83 times greater than Britain’s, and 4.83 multiplied by the UK death toll is 16,571. This would suggest that – if the USA could match the fatality ratios in Britain over 26,000 American lives could be spared annually.

Kevin, does your comment apply to Americans also, or is it Just the Thai's?


If they took the motorcycles out of the equation Thailands figures would drop by 70%. But then more people would have to pack into the pickups and bang goes my theory.. :o


CHON, Granted, a lot of people are killed on cycles,,but why? It is not the lack of helmets as much as it is lack of driver control,I have seen 5 killed here and have heard of a few more,

But do you know the reason of death? Lack of driver control in the pick ups that ran over them or knocked them off their scoots. There were 3 on one cycle right by my house that ended up under the front of a pick up that ran upon them and drug them under his rig for about 100 meters before getting stopped.

When a person is in a wreck by himself and is killed,maybe a helmet would have saved him,I have never seen such an accident that a helmet would have made any difference.But when he is hit by a rig and knocked clear across 4 lanes of traffic and ran over by a couple of cars,then a helmet would have done no good,and how about passengers that die,they have no head gear and are not required by police to have any. and they are also counted in the deaths that I am talking about.so when you have 3 to 5 on a scoot and it wrecks,you have the statistics of that many killed in a scoot wreck.No matter the cause or who is at fault

You just have the news"4 KILLED ON MOTORCYCLE" and thats all.But the driver that ran over them has agreed to pay XXX baht to the family so the driver will serve no time and is not to blame.NO charges filed.

If they took the motorcycles out of the equation Thailands figures would drop by 70%. But then more people would have to pack into the pickups and bang goes my theory.. :o

You are getting brighter Chon. Is it the avatar, or the 1000 + postings ?


"to pattaya in 30 mins, f*ckin right ................."

I wouldnt get into a taxi without a parachute :o

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