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Russian airstrikes restore Syrian military balance of power


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Illegally removing Saddam from power in Iraq is what brought about ISIS in the first place so leaving Assad in power in Syria is fine with me.

Better the devil you know. The US will never learn to keep their nose and their military out of areas where it doesn't belong.

The world would be a lot better off if the US acted like the world's police force they pretend to be and less like the greedy corporate slaves they actually are.

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Guess who NOW wants to negotiate and compromise with the Russians over Syria...the US of course...the balance of power has rapidly shifted away from the US backed Syrian Rebels since Russia has entered the fray...Syria's Assad appears to be secure for the foreseeable future...

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Guess who NOW wants to negotiate and compromise with the Russians over Syria...the US of course...the balance of power has rapidly shifted away from the US backed Syrian Rebels since Russia has entered the fray...Syria's Assad appears to be secure for the foreseeable future...

Some would have us believe how evil Assad was and is and post links to US statements etc, one thing that i just can not understand is if Assad was such an evil dictator, why there were no refuges or asylum seekers from Syria?

Syrians were not granted special privileges say like Cubans, Syrians did not run to other countries.

Now for some reason, there are millions of them and strangely enough mostly man, while the so called rebels and free Syrian army are MAINLY foreign fighters under the leadership or sponsorship or some terror group.

Opposition parties have no control over those fighters and nothing to say, they will not turn on each other once their objective is achieved or money has dried up.

Another factor to consider is what is to happen say in 1 year time, once the war is over? would all the millions of refugees return to Syria or continue to live off EU?

Who is going to rebuild Syria? what manpower? a huge number of them by then would be very comfy getting monthly payments from EU states with free healthcare, education and much more

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Seems to me that Assad is the least bad of the options available to Syria; none of the bunch of terrorists calling themselves 'opposition' are fit for purpose. Now the Americans having opened Pandora's Box by creating ISIS are having to rethink. Their rethink will be to carve up Syria in a cynical move to get the pipeline they so desperately want.

Lavrov and Putin are the dream team of diplomacy having outmaneuvered the US many time and time again. Using the idea of democracy against the American plans was pure beauty....how could the US after years of parroting about democracy refuse it in Syria now? And his performance at the G20 calling out the hypocrites was breathtaking. The West, after years of electing liars, simply lack anyone of the calibre of Putin as a leader. It proves the old Roman maxim that in times of war you need a dictator.

Lavrov and Putin are the dream team of diplomacy having outmaneuvered the US many time and time again

Putin is stalling for time. He wants to see if Trump gets the Republican party nomination for prez. And, if Trump is nominated, Putin wants to see if Trump will win.
The only person in the United States who is more of a numbskull than Putin himself is the number one dimwit in Russia is Donald Trump as POTUS. It also shows Putin knows absolutely nothing about the USA or its electoral politics to think Trump would have any even remote possibility to be elected.
Putin wants to deal with the guy who for instance during the Las Vegas debate revealed he has no idea of what the nuclear Triad defense strategy of the USA is and has been since the 1950s. Donald Trump. (Nuclear armed bombers; nuclear armed multiple warhead ICBM missiles; stealth boomer submarines with multiple warhead nuclear armed missiles fired from underseas.)
Trump has many times indicated his admiration of Putin. A President Donald Trump is in fact the only American who could make Putin the fool look like the master genius strategist he is not. Putin would have an ally in the way the dominant Hitler had the subordinate buffoon Mussolini.
Putin has moreover figured out what the US military had already learned before Putin put his air force the VKS (Vozdushno Kosmicheskikh Sil, what to Hitler was his Luftwaffe) to work in Syria to salvage some time for Assad.
It is that Daesh is not only some terrorist group or simply a gang of murdering thug barbarians.
Putin and his general staff have learned that ISIS is in fact a highly organised armed force that is the equivalent of an army. Daesh has its own organised military structure of companies, battalions and the like. It has armored vehicles and artillery. It is well armed and supplied, mobile and lethal, and under an effective command structure which includes a component of basic and advanced training of its "troops." Daesh are essentially the barbarians the Nazi SS stormtroopers were.
So Putin has found himself in a war rather than simply an anti-terrorist engagement or in a counterinsurgency effort. Putin in short is stuck between rocks and deserts. His jet fighters launched from the coastal bases for instance can't reach the eastern mountains where Daesh and other rebels hide out from his bombs.
Moreover, SecState Kerry and Nato know that none of the local rebel or Daesh combatants are involved in this proposal discussed the past few days in Moscow. Assad. whose ground forces are engaged, remains silent. Iran which is providing ground forces to Assad is just hearing about this. Iran's proxy Hezbollah which has a mind of its own is not involved either in the current Moscow discussions.
Consequently, Putin is not serious about this as he hopes Donald Trump will move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his own crew of idiots at the Pentagon, DepState, a new US ambassador to Nato and much else that would be a gift to the little Chekist dictator in the Kremlin.
Trump’s and Putin’s quest for power
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have many psychological similarities, according to one expert, making Mr. Trump’s claim he’d “get along very well,” with the Russian leader probable.
“Both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are men with enormous power who have held it for a long time, and we know that enormous power that’s unconstrained can lead to a number of behavioral and personality changes in the brain over a period of time,” said Ian Robertson, a psychology professor at Trinity College in Dublin, who says winning — whether it be in sports, politics or in the business world — is the single most important thing that shapes people’s lives.
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Guess who NOW wants to negotiate and compromise with the Russians over Syria...the US of course...the balance of power has rapidly shifted away from the US backed Syrian Rebels since Russia has entered the fray...Syria's Assad appears to be secure for the foreseeable future...

Some would have us believe how evil Assad was and is and post links to US statements etc, one thing that i just can not understand is if Assad was such an evil dictator, why there were no refuges or asylum seekers from Syria?

Syrians were not granted special privileges say like Cubans, Syrians did not run to other countries.

Now for some reason, there are millions of them and strangely enough mostly man, while the so called rebels and free Syrian army are MAINLY foreign fighters under the leadership or sponsorship or some terror group.

Opposition parties have no control over those fighters and nothing to say, they will not turn on each other once their objective is achieved or money has dried up.

Another factor to consider is what is to happen say in 1 year time, once the war is over? would all the millions of refugees return to Syria or continue to live off EU?

Who is going to rebuild Syria? what manpower? a huge number of them by then would be very comfy getting monthly payments from EU states with free healthcare, education and much more

Many posing as Syrian refugees are not. Some claim some 30% of supposedly Syrian refugees are from other countries.


As for refugees from Syria prior to the current civil war started by Assad, they've been migrating away from Syria for a long time:


At the end of the 1950s, a first wave of emigration was observed among the Syrian elite including entrepreneurs and professionals aimed at avoiding the rigid regulations implemented by the socialist regime at home and benefiting from job market opportunities in certain Arab countries and, to a lesser extent, in the US.

But yes, the biggest wave has been recently while trying to avoid the civil war at home. France is pursuing crimes against humanity for Assad. And for good reason. He's the leader, he should have stopped this mess.


France has launched a probe into Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime for alleged crimes against humanity, a judicial source said Wednesday, after world powers sparred at the United Nations over the embattled leader's fate.

Paris prosecutors opened a preliminary inquiry on September 15 into alleged crimes committed by the Syrian government between 2011 and 2013, the source told AFP.

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Seems to me that Assad is the least bad of the options available to Syria; none of the bunch of terrorists calling themselves 'opposition' are fit for purpose. Now the Americans having opened Pandora's Box by creating ISIS are having to rethink. Their rethink will be to carve up Syria in a cynical move to get the pipeline they so desperately want.

Lavrov and Putin are the dream team of diplomacy having outmaneuvered the US many time and time again. Using the idea of democracy against the American plans was pure beauty....how could the US after years of parroting about democracy refuse it in Syria now? And his performance at the G20 calling out the hypocrites was breathtaking. The West, after years of electing liars, simply lack anyone of the calibre of Putin as a leader. It proves the old Roman maxim that in times of war you need a dictator.

Lavrov and Putin are the dream team of diplomacy having outmaneuvered the US many time and time again

Putin is stalling for time. He wants to see if Trump gets the Republican party nomination for prez. And, if Trump is nominated, Putin wants to see if Trump will win.

The only person in the United States who is more of a numbskull than Putin himself is the number one dimwit in Russia is Donald Trump as POTUS. It also shows Putin knows absolutely nothing about the USA or its electoral politics to think Trump would have any even remote possibility to be elected.

Putin wants to deal with the guy who for instance during the Las Vegas debate revealed he has no idea of what the nuclear Triad defense strategy of the USA is and has been since the 1950s. Donald Trump. (Nuclear armed bombers; nuclear armed multiple warhead ICBM missiles; stealth boomer submarines with multiple warhead nuclear armed missiles fired from underseas.)

Trump has many times indicated his admiration of Putin. A President Donald Trump is in fact the only American who could make Putin the fool look like the master genius strategist he is not. Putin would have an ally in the way the dominant Hitler had the subordinate buffoon Mussolini.

Putin has moreover figured out what the US military had already learned before Putin put his air force the VKS (Vozdushno Kosmicheskikh Sil, what to Hitler was his Luftwaffe) to work in Syria to salvage some time for Assad.

It is that Daesh is not only some terrorist group or simply a gang of murdering thug barbarians.

Putin and his general staff have learned that ISIS is in fact a highly organised armed force that is the equivalent of an army. Daesh has its own organised military structure of companies, battalions and the like. It has armored vehicles and artillery. It is well armed and supplied, mobile and lethal, and under an effective command structure which includes a component of basic and advanced training of its "troops." Daesh are essentially the barbarians the Nazi SS stormtroopers were.

So Putin has found himself in a war rather than simply an anti-terrorist engagement or in a counterinsurgency effort. Putin in short is stuck between rocks and deserts. His jet fighters launched from the coastal bases for instance can't reach the eastern mountains where Daesh and other rebels hide out from his bombs.

Moreover, SecState Kerry and Nato know that none of the local rebel or Daesh combatants are involved in this proposal discussed the past few days in Moscow. Assad. whose ground forces are engaged, remains silent. Iran which is providing ground forces to Assad is just hearing about this. Iran's proxy Hezbollah which has a mind of its own is not involved either in the current Moscow discussions.

Consequently, Putin is not serious about this as he hopes Donald Trump will move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his own crew of idiots at the Pentagon, DepState, a new US ambassador to Nato and much else that would be a gift to the little Chekist dictator in the Kremlin.

Trumps and Putins quest for power

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have many psychological similarities, according to one expert, making Mr. Trumps claim hed get along very well, with the Russian leader probable.

Both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are men with enormous power who have held it for a long time, and we know that enormous power thats unconstrained can lead to a number of behavioral and personality changes in the brain over a period of time, said Ian Robertson, a psychology professor at Trinity College in Dublin, who says winning whether it be in sports, politics or in the business world is the single most important thing that shapes peoples lives.


So to summarise once again, America is the best and Russia is not. Obama is the smartest man in the planet while Putin is the not.

Did I miss something ?

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Yes, you missed a lot. And sadly, we have terrible leaders at the helm of 2 of the most powerful countries in the world. And in charge of two of the most fantastic countries.

In your opinion.

Though i do agree one powerful country with its patriots present in this thread does have a terrible leader who has managed to destroy its own country and few others along with itthumbsup.gif

Seems you are a bit one sided....thumbsup.gif

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