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NHRC report on rights violations angers PM


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The theories abound ...it's abundantly clear though the time has come for this Junta to make good.

The Honeymoon of civilities are slowly moving towards more home truths , and even though in a protocol manner , the sting still is there.

Friday night speeches back in October the general threatened to close the country.

It's telling .

The recent weeks we are seeing US step up policy and remind the Thais of international norms.

Domestic consumption is harder to explain away when your being accused of serious human rights violations .

The propaganda more difficult.

The" we don't understand "and "should study more the Thai history "and "we are being explained reasons and clarified ...." Will eventually have to give way to much stronger rhetoric and denouncement s like ""interfering" and "" shameful westerners".

The ultra Nationals will be seen on these addresses defending Thai honour.

Even the odd village could report an American home was burnt down.

Sparking an exodus

Isolation preferred.

As he was said could be necessary

Really that's where it could easily head .

The flat out rejection of any wrong doing means the writing is on the proverbial wall.

In the long run who knows whether this spells doom for the junta or doom for Thailand as we know it.?

The course ahead is littered with diplomatic reefs.

To navigate an honest Thai policy and keep cordial relationships intact is going to be difficult.

Thailand seems to insist on pretending its all necessary and above board.

But the world is shaking its collective head.

And something is going to give soon

Next week Mr Russell the high Envoy visiting the region and noted for straight forward speech is due to make an address .

This will be a defining moment if he uses the occasion to reiterate the things Mr Davis said in his ambassador role recently.

If so the sparks will no doubt fly and the stakes get higher.

I for one hope the pressure is applied for those rotting in cells and others being arrested as we speak

Edited by Plutojames88
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Our country is different from other countries.

True. Not all of those differences are positive. Ask that guy visiting from the US. He can suggest a few things to improve.

Is there equality among our people?

No. Clearly not. Some people seem to be above the law.

Who got the government and the NCPO involved in making changes?

You did. You staged the coup, formed the NCPO, and got appointed as PM.

Did they use their good judgement?

No. The coup was not a good idea. Supporting the rule of law would have been better.

If they still have the same view, then they would be better living overseas.

It's a bit crowded in Dubai. Maybe Beijing. Just look for the impenetrable smog.

Yes Beijing has the smog market cornered and they are in a corner to try and fix it. Any improvement costs money and thus the price of your products must go up. Things here are run on a shoestring they hate to spend money. That is why the West is losing the battle all the safety and security along with decent wages and benefits weigh in on the selling price of merchandise. So far Asia has been able to sidestep all these issues and workers are expendable. But in China not just a few citizens are being killed by dangerous smog it now numbers in the thousands. Although they are sheeple they are starting to mill around and make panic noises nothing had been done till now. Production Gungo Ho at any cost. They went into the COP21 sounding their horn but claimed poverty when it came time to pay the bill. When the sheeple are no longer docile that is a danger sign for all dictatorial governments. It then comes time to feed them a few more crumbs off of the prosperity table.

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NHRC report on rights violations angers PM

I can fully understand his anger.

Each country is different.

Anyone who believes the PM can simply do 44 what he wants, has really no idea what forces prevail in this country.

Everyone thinks he sits unchallenged in a saddle.

He must clean up this human rights violations s$%t.

Returning his chief investigator from Australia.

Plug the masterminds into prison.

And do not waste time on noisy students.

Can you say that again?

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NHRC report on rights violations angers PM

I can fully understand his anger.

Each country is different.

Anyone who believes the PM can simply do 44 what he wants, has really no idea what forces prevail in this country.

Everyone thinks he sits unchallenged in a saddle.

He must clean up this human rights violations s$%t.

Returning his chief investigator from Australia.

Plug the masterminds into prison.

And do not waste time on noisy students.

Can you say that again?

I am really hoping that this is a parody account of someone trying to be a nationalist Thai.

And even if it really is an ultra-nationalist, it's still funny, just more in a tragic way.

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Our country is different from other countries.

True. Not all of those differences are positive. Ask that guy visiting from the US. He can suggest a few things to improve.

Is there equality among our people?

No. Clearly not. Some people seem to be above the law.

Who got the government and the NCPO involved in making changes?

You did. You staged the coup, formed the NCPO, and got appointed as PM.

Did they use their good judgement?

No. The coup was not a good idea. Supporting the rule of law would have been better.

If they still have the same view, then they would be better living overseas.

It's a bit crowded in Dubai. Maybe Beijing. Just look for the impenetrable smog.

Oh Mr.PM, screw the rest of the world, The Chinese government supports your views and stands by your human rights atrocities.

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In a future ideal world in Thailand, junta-head is going to have to account for the crimes he and his cronies have committed against the Thai people.

Section 44 is just one disgraceful example of why these guys must be held accountable for their actions!

The last two paragraphs of this article by The Nation say it all!


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