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I did not check em in for fear they would get smashed. Ironically the dumb shit at the security check told me you can buy inside airport. I even offered that he could open any bottle randomly and taste it.

Have you never been on an aeroplane before? You're not allowed to take liquids on board anywhere so there's no need to make offensive comments about the security staff. There's only one dumb person in this story and it's not the security guy. Also, there's nothing ironic about being able to buy honey in the airport and take it onboard. It's already passed security. You can buy bottles of wine and spirits in duty free shops but you can't bring them on a plane if you buy them outside the airport.

Yes I know….my bad for that.

Imagine….exploding honey….what a sweet way to die.

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I did not check em in for fear they would get smashed. Ironically the dumb shit at the security check told me you can buy inside airport. I even offered that he could open any bottle randomly and taste it.

Have you never been on an aeroplane before? You're not allowed to take liquids on board anywhere so there's no need to make offensive comments about the security staff. There's only one dumb person in this story and it's not the security guy. Also, there's nothing ironic about being able to buy honey in the airport and take it onboard. It's already passed security. You can buy bottles of wine and spirits in duty free shops but you can't bring them on a plane if you buy them outside the airport.

Yes I know.my bad for that.

Imagine.exploding honey.what a sweet way to die.

I lost a jar of Vegemite at Heathrow recently, despite challenging the security lady to open it and pour it on the table if she thought it was a liquid. Seems it's anything that can be spread basically, so I'm not that bright myself.

Speaking of honey…I found a jar of date honey in the cabinet I had forgotten about….excellent to the taste…warm and nutty, with a caramel like flavour.

Ive tried it in tea and it does not go that well…but great for making sale dressings or spreading.


Honey nutrition? Just google those words and learn that there is hardly any nutrition in honey, except calories from simple sugars. And a vegan would never touch honey as it, of course, is nothing more than robbing the bees of their sustenance: cruel to be sure.

I once loved honey spread on hot toast with peanut butter. Now i use brown sugar. Save a ton of money, don't pay for animal cruelty and no one is trying to dupe me by claiming the sugar is anything but 'brown sugar'.

"...animal cruelty..." you've got to be kidding.

OK, if you destroy a nest to take all their honey it may qualify as insect cruelty.

Apiaries that use box hives [supers], extract honey from the frames in the upper level boxes. That doesn't have any bad effect on the hive at all, and there is no reason to feel guilty about eating the honey.

For what it's worth some bees do die - the ones that manage to sting the beekeeper during the procedure.


I take a honey comb and throw it in a bottle of sugar water......farangs think it's real honey!!!!

i put label on, "100% REAL HONEY, NEVER FAKE" but it's fake

i make sooo much money

i tell them it's local, and if they say fake i charge them with defamation and they go to farang prison!!!!!


To bee or not to bee....

That is the quezzzzzzzzztion.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


We have a swarm of native bees that call the wood box in our BBQ home, they come and go at regular interval.

My wife, when she feels they have done the job, takes out the comb and we always get 2 smallish jars of honey ,quite delicious. She gets covered in bees removing the comb,doesn't take any precautions but has never been stung.I thought using smoke was the way do clear the bees away. The honey is delicious and frankly before we never knew what we were buying despite what we were told or what the label said.

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