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Russian husband killed, wife seriously injured in car crash in Pattaya


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Obviously a very sad story but.....please take a few moments next time you see Russians cross the road. Or,for that matter, any tourists from countries where people drive on the RH side of the road. Not many of them look right as they are conditioned to expect the traffic from the left. Traffic lights, under- or overpasses are the only practical solutions.

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If Mr. Ashbrooke was not the driver, is he going to tell the police who was?

i guess it's a stranger, Thai man who Mr Ashbrooke saw first time in his life. This guy just stopped Mr Ashbrooke on his car and said: "now I will drive your car".

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I feel sorry for the Russians who have been sold their dream holiday at the Ambassador - it's way out of town ( am probably looks the most depressing hotel on the planet) .

The nearest 'attraction' is Mimosa- to get there they have to dice with death crossing the road- the traffic goes at horrendous speed at times.

Thailand had lost the plot , people are staying away ( apart from the cheap Chinese tours) , anyone who says there is a thriving high season here in Pattaya has also lost the plot.

You can drive down beach road in no time at all , Royal Garden has not even bothered to put up Christmas lights. It's very quiet.

There are so many reports of death on the roads, tourists attacked or even worse murdered- these do filter through to the foreign press. Add on a military Govenment who seems to want to ban anything the tourists enjoy ( example paper lanterns, fireworks, late bars) add filthy seas and beaches, plastic and mountains of rubbish, abandoned construction sites, appalling pavements, double pricing, unfriendly locals, scams etc.

It's very sad for the couple who were here to escape the freezing weather at home- ended in appalling tragedy.

The Kingdom needs to wake up and treat its visitors as guests- personally I see the country going downhill from now onwards .

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No matter where in the world you live whilst there are idiots behind a car steering wheel no amount of safety measures will stop deaths. I suspect in this case drink and or drugs played a part and even I'd there was a pedestrian crossing with lights on red for car it would have happened anyway.

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They should not have repainted the zebra crossing. It only gives people a false sense of security....its extremely dangerous to use them even if one lane of cars stop its guaranteed that the other 2 or 3 lanes will just hurtle on regardless. You also have the fact that too many drivers are tailgating so its dangerous even for vehicles to stop....best to get rid of the false security....there is a set of traffic lights there but they have never worked/been turned on

Best thing and as sometimes happens get the police out of the box only a few meters away onto full time traffic duty they do succeed in stopping traffic for pedestrians to cross safely (nice traffic jams too ! ! )

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It's a disgrace not to put a traffic light there. Hundreds of crossings every day. I see these poor souls having to run across the road, children in tow, as speeding cars won't stop for them.

Traffic lights will make Thai drivers stop?

Yer 'aving a larf mate.


Edit, btw, those traffic lights cost 4.5 Million US Dollars to install.


RiP and a speedy recovery to this poor couple.

maybe their brakes dont work.

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It's a disgrace not to put a traffic light there. Hundreds of crossings every day. I see these poor souls having to run across the road, children in tow, as speeding cars won't stop for them. Just honk. Terrible. Far too many accidents right around there.

There is a (virtually unused) pedestrian bridge about 50m down the road.

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I know that roundabouts don't always work here, but this is an ideal place to construct a very large one, partly on Ambassador frontage, to slow traffic and ease congestion. With clear markings and signage the locals will soon adapt and out of towners will be confused enough to slow them right down allowing pedestrians too idle to use the foot bridge to outrun the cars.

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It's a disgrace not to put a traffic light there. Hundreds of crossings every day. I see these poor souls having to run across the road, children in tow, as speeding cars won't stop for them. Just honk. Terrible. Far too many accidents right around there.

There is a (virtually unused) pedestrian bridge about 50m down the road.

Understood. I've used it many times during my morning walks. But I'm the only one on it. I just drove from there almost all the way to Bang Saray. Hit many lights, saw people walking across when they were red, and didn't see anybody run a red light. All stopped and waited for it to turn green.

With hundreds and hundreds walking across that road every day, a light is the only way to go. Easy, and it will slow down the traffic...which goes at insane speeds on this stretch of Suk.

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Install traffic lights, warning signs to slow down and video cameras with a resolution that CAN read number plates. Knowing the area this will pay for itself within the week. Then with the profit they can install the same on Soi Chaiyapruk.

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I drove past there on Saturday before this event and pointed out to my son, visiting from the UK and currently learning to drive in Thailand, what a terrible crossing this is, as it has a zebra crossing on a highway with no noticeable indication for traffic to slow down or stop. My sympathies to those involved. Actually I hadn't noticed the overpass, which should be highlighted for use, and remove this dangerous crossing.

They should remove all drivers from its roads to make it safe to cross any road in Mai-penrai-land.

I do drive in thai now for 13 years, the first 3 years i lived in thai i was recommended not to drive in thai at all. Now i understand why.

But my experiences tells me 2 things as i am part of this idiot traffic 7 days per week....

1) is that more and more reckless people join traffic without knowledge of traffic rules nor knowledge of controlling there own vehicle. Example: park a car, or accelerate when enter a highway, no lights when its dark, love to use there brake pedal for nothing, or dont know how to use a break pedal at all.

Traffic rules i thought they where like: slow traffic keep left, use your indicators before turning. Look into your mirrors when turning or change lanes, (quick peek to you right or left) .obey the speed limits, and think about your other fellow drivers. I can go on to write more of it, but we all see mistakes every day they make in traffic.

As i try to obey the traffic rules myself when driving with my partner, i mostly find myself often in much more close-calls accedents in stead just drive like all those idiots.

But i gues........

2) I'm just getting to old for this s¥|++.

No suprise Thai will be No.1 most deadliest traffic in the world soon.

New drivers should follow a course practical and theoretical. At least 15 lessons in real live traffic. Ern a degree on each course before ern a driver licence . Like most of us had to ern one in our home country

(europe/ US) its the only posseble way to create a safe(er) traffic.

Oh yeah ... The BIB should go to school to, even they dont kn.........becarefullwhattowritehere.

Now i feel like talking about SF movies.

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It's a disgrace not to put a traffic light there. Hundreds of crossings every day. I see these poor souls having to run across the road, children in tow, as speeding cars won't stop for them.

Three reasons Thai drivers will not stop is #1 There are no patrolman to give tickets are arrest any one as they are doing their bribe collecting duties,#2 They have never been taught rules of the road like Europeans or Americans have.#3 Thais DO NOT care about anyone except their self's

Traffic lights will make Thai drivers stop

Yer 'aving a larf mate.


Edit, btw, those traffic lights cost 4.5 Million US Dollars to install.


RiP and a speedy recovery to this poor couple.

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Drivers drive like lunatics, pedestrians (tourists) cross like they are invincible. A recipe for disaster. blink.png

I don't drive like a lunatic thanks but your right about tourists and Thai alike they just start to cross any road even busy ones beliving cars can stop on a 10 bht coin and they belive they are invincible.

Edited by Sutty
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Traffic lights work great on this part of Suk. In many years of driving here, I've only seen a few cars run red lights. Jump them? Run through late? A lot. But never ignore them. Traffic stops. At least around here.

The Ambassador is one of the largest hotels in the world. Thousands are staying there right now and walking across "death highway" all day and night for cheap food on the other side of the road, with no light to allow them to pass safely. Very poor way to treat your tourists.

Then maybe the ambassador should stump up for a pedestrian bridge?

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Drivers drive like lunatics, pedestrians (tourists) cross like they are invincible. A recipe for disaster. blink.png

Agree with the first part, but since I go by there many times every week, I normally see the pedestrians grouping up waiting for a break to cross. They seem pretty aware of what's going on and I don't see them just crossing in front of traffic. The norm is rushing across during a break! Fast! Again, horrible way to treat your tourists.

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Traffic lights work great on this part of Suk. In many years of driving here, I've only seen a few cars run red lights. Jump them? Run through late? A lot. But never ignore them. Traffic stops. At least around here.

The Ambassador is one of the largest hotels in the world. Thousands are staying there right now and walking across "death highway" all day and night for cheap food on the other side of the road, with no light to allow them to pass safely. Very poor way to treat your tourists.

Then maybe the ambassador should stump up for a pedestrian bridge?
There is a pedestrian bridge,they are just to lazy to walk to and over it
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you know if you are an idiot driver.

you know if you drive like a fool.

you know if you drive reckless

today is the day you change

yes, i'm talking to you!!!!

and drinking and driving is not easier in Thailand than UK.......

I disagree with that. Most idiot, foolish, reckless drivers think they are champs behind the wheel.

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It's a disgrace not to put a traffic light there. Hundreds of crossings every day. I see these poor souls having to run across the road, children in tow, as speeding cars won't stop for them.

Three reasons Thai drivers will not stop is #1 There are no patrolman to give tickets are arrest any one as they are doing their bribe collecting duties,#2 They have never been taught rules of the road like Europeans or Americans have.#3 Thais DO NOT care about anyone except their self's

Traffic lights will make Thai drivers stop

Yer 'aving a larf mate.


Edit, btw, those traffic lights cost 4.5 Million US Dollars to install.


RiP and a speedy recovery to this poor couple.

When these pedestrian lights were first installed a lot of drivers did stop for them. I used to too... then, after a time all the motorists realised no authorities were enforcing the basic rule of stopping for red, so they started completely ignoring them.

Of course it's a snowball effect. If one guy decides to ignore them, others follow, and before long everyone does. Everyone is forced to ignore them out of safety concerns as there's too much risk of being back-ended if you stop.

The only ones responsible for making these crossing safe decided to completely ignore them. They are more interested in the easy job of collecting revenue from foreign motorcyclists. It is difficult to catch red light jumpers. They would have to cordon off the whole road and book everyone.

I wish they could start by ticketing motorists who go through just-turned-red-lights and block the intersections. These should be an easy catch.

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