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Thai Immigration nab 110 foreigners in overstay, criminal cases


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Interesting nationalities there and seems many peoples concerns on "who" is overstaying and " who" the main suspect nationalities are appear to be correct...........50 Pakistanis......Im imagining how many made it into the UK over the years and still reside there now bleeding the UK benefits system.

Is this after UK,bled dry India(Pakistan)for a couple of hundred years.At least you can get a decent curry on the way home from the pub now.

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Has it ever struck you as odd that in a country as large as Thailand, immigration finding and processing the overstay of foreigners is a headline in a national newspaper.

If you read national newspapers of most countries this type of day to day activity by immigration is never reported unless it is a significantly large number of people or if the people involved are committing some type of active crime (as opposed to a passive crime such as overstaying).

Possibly because tourism forms such a large proportion of the Thai economy and certain segments of the tourist population are more likely to overstay. It seems to be predominately reported in English of foreign language newspapers. I haven't seen to much in Thai Rath probably because it is of interest to foreigners staying here , and perhaps the government wishes to send a message to those contemplating similar actions. And fair enough too.

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I guess your country only gets mentioned if you have brown skin, else, you are lumped into the OTHER category.


totally agree and sad but true!

total discrimination from the newspaper reporting this and also immigration allowing better standards for farang there.

If you are white farang, you are just 'other national' according to the newspaper and you get free sunglasses from immigration.

at the end, guilty is guilty. farang or whatever.

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In the Thai immigration defense I must say that this is only the very tip of the iceberg... there're many

thousands more like them lurking around unlawfully, and those over stayers are not exactly

up standing foreigners contributing to the Thai economy or society... They're only here to take, not to give...

Well,if you know these thousands,dob em in,or do you work for TAT and know how to pull figures out of thin air.

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Good job, they should have started earlier to clean out the people that can't take the time to get correct visas, everyone that have a clean back ground can get a proper Visa, yes it cost money but it helps keeping unwanted people out. Next I hope they hit the language schools that so many uses to be able to stay and work illegally in the country. It just destroy for us that do the right thing and follow the immigration laws.

Overstaying doesn't destroy anything for others.

This is just a false claim which has no merit at all.

That would be like saying people who commit crimes makes it harder for people who are law abiding.

Every country around the world has those which follow the law to the tie,

and those that don't.

That's just society.

Usually a person on overstay would consider keeping a low profile,

therefore not likely to commit any crimes which might draw attention to them.

Of course there are always exceptions,

as some people are not very bright in the first place,

even with a Visa in hand.

Same goes with the teacher working without work permits,

the fact that they are out there, doesn't effect those who have them.

For all the TV member,

it's certain that you come from a country which also has it's own immigration issues,

and when you're in your home country, you most likely think very little about it...

most likely even willing to hire these low cost laborers,

since they perform work that the local society isn't interested in doing themselves.

There are all sorts of articles in the headlines addressing the issues on how to deal respectfully with the migrants flowing into various countries, and how countries should be more compassionate about these people sneaking across the boarders,

even though they are putting huge strains on the governments to support them.

Here that isn't the case, there is hardly if any strain placed on the government from these types of people who are overstaying their visa.

They simple find a way to support themselves, and make due with whatever they have.

We could only wish this could be the case back in our countries of origin.

So the systems in place could be used for which they were intended...

on the citizens, but in fact they are mostly spent supporting migrants who wish to have a free pass for a improved life,

in a foreign country of their choice.

Some may seek a Visa, only when they are already standing upon the boarder, not before leaving their own country;

but at the end of the day, if they aren't given one, they just look for a way to sneak across the boarders.

Some may state they are migrants!

What's the difference between a migrant and an overstay?

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Well there certainly is NOT 108 people in that photo.

I see 11 people (not including those standing who are clearly immigration officials) and 10 of those are black or dark skinned. Does that not seem odd to anyone ? May I suggest more than a little racial profiling going on here.

Who says all 108 are supposed to be in the same photo? As to skin color: the article does not state where the other "nationals" are from.

Maybe a little racial profiling is not such a bad idea. It would at least help identify immigrants who present a particular risk to a country. Islamic fundamentalists, for example. Or potential rapists.

Just ask the Swedes.

Like the rest of Europe, racial profiling is not allowed in Sweden. That's why, until somebody got hold of the official crime statistics for rape and did some analysis based on race, the public never knew that the huge increase in the incidence of rape and other sexual assaults was caused almost entirely by young male immigrants from Muslim countries.

Their presence transformed Sweden from one of the safest countries for women into the rape capital of Europe - and probably the world, on a per capita basis. Hence the Swedes new, tougher stance on immigration.

From the figures quoted in the newspaper article, it is clear that young men from Muslim countries such as Pakistan and India (yes, I know India has a big Hindu population, too), with a reputation for treating their women abominably, constitute a large proportion of those arrested in the round-up.

If I were a Thai woman I would definitely be celebrating their apprehension and,imminent deportation along with the rest of these scumbag lawbreakers, who help give all foreigners with a legitimate presence in LOS a bad name

totally misleading and discriminating post. i am not a muslim but against all kinds of discrimination.

racial profiling for rapists? what does it mean? so just bc some idiot muslim rape some Swedes, all Muslims needs to be profiled as rapists? or just because of some terrorists, all Muslim needs to be counted as one too?

man you sound like a discriminating person or you have no idea on what you are saying.

all i know most of the pedophiles and rapists in Thailand are from christian countries. no? so maybe Thailand needs to ban Christians so they cannot enter Thailand and abuse kids?

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Well there certainly is NOT 108 people in that photo.

I see 11 people (not including those standing who are clearly immigration officials) and 10 of those are black or dark skinned. Does that not seem odd to anyone ? May I suggest more than a little racial profiling going on here.

Not really... I don't suppose it's possible that the largest proportion of overstayers here are ''black or dark skinned'' and is over 90% of overstayers.... or at least in the prime tourist areas and further more looking suspiciously like they're up to no good.

Police just target where they will get the best results... nothing to do with racial profiling.

"Looking suspicious" with a dark or brown skin is racial profiling.

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Thais do not want their country messed up like my country USA with black people 78% prisons filled females and males. So I understand what their saying. So say what you want to. But a fact is a fact

Looking by the posts you wrote until now, I can smell some racial hate...Don't forget that in Thailand YOU ARE the foreigner...

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Thailand as well as the United States uses racial and ethnic profiling in its Immigration policies. If you are black, dark skinned, come from the Indian Sub Continent or the Middle East you will be watched and profiled. It happens exactly this way in America. I am not saying it is right but it is true. Just recently, there was a post from a Turkish national that was refused entry based on the Immigration Officer believing he was working in Thailand. He indicated he was not. I believe because of his Nationality he was targeted for extra scrutiny. In Thailand, you are also suspect if you are dressed a certain way and appear nervous around the police.

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Well that's 110 down and at least another 50,000 to go. There are four Russians hiding in my town. Do i get any cash for turning the scum in ? If we got paid for turning all the criminals in we would be rich.

Not any cash, just a name : snitch, and a reputation...but looking at your picture says a lot by itself

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Thailand really needs to wake up to the huge contribution that immigrants, illegal or otherwise can make to society and the economy. Our wise leaders in the West have already told us this and judging by the above A typical photo I am sure they must be correct !!!

There is no country in the world that has an open borders policy.

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They are visiting schools. They came yesterday to our school in samut praksn. If you don't have proper documentation to teach beware.they caught one teacher from USA with no work permit. He was teaching with a tourist visa

Ooooh, do people from the US do such lowly things?

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Thailand as well as the United States uses racial and ethnic profiling in its Immigration policies. If you are black, dark skinned, come from the Indian Sub Continent or the Middle East you will be watched and profiled. It happens exactly this way in America. I am not saying it is right but it is true. Just recently, there was a post from a Turkish national that was refused entry based on the Immigration Officer believing he was working in Thailand. He indicated he was not. I believe because of his Nationality he was targeted for extra scrutiny. In Thailand, you are also suspect if you are dressed a certain way and appear nervous around the police.

Thailand is also discriminative against asians too! Most of my friends at recruitment companies state that, Thai companies refuse to hire asian looked applicants (along with colored, middle easterns, latinos etc) although they were born in usa or uk with good qualification and focus on WASPs and ok for less qualification for them!

So what can we expect from a country and mentality discriminating their own race/kind?!

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Has it ever struck you as odd that in a country as large as Thailand, immigration finding and processing the overstay of foreigners is a headline in a national newspaper.

If you read national newspapers of most countries this type of day to day activity by immigration is never reported unless it is a significantly large number of people or if the people involved are committing some type of active crime (as opposed to a passive crime such as overstaying).

Possibly because tourism forms such a large proportion of the Thai economy and certain segments of the tourist population are more likely to overstay. It seems to be predominately reported in English of foreign language newspapers. I haven't seen to much in Thai Rath probably because it is of interest to foreigners staying here , and perhaps the government wishes to send a message to those contemplating similar actions. And fair enough too.

Absolute twaddle ! "However, while one of the premier tourist destinations in the world, the Thai economy only receives around 7% of its GDP from international tourism revenue,"

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Thailand as well as the United States uses racial and ethnic profiling in its Immigration policies. If you are black, dark skinned, come from the Indian Sub Continent or the Middle East you will be watched and profiled. It happens exactly this way in America. I am not saying it is right but it is true. Just recently, there was a post from a Turkish national that was refused entry based on the Immigration Officer believing he was working in Thailand. He indicated he was not. I believe because of his Nationality he was targeted for extra scrutiny. In Thailand, you are also suspect if you are dressed a certain way and appear nervous around the police.

Thailand is also discriminative against asians too! Most of my friends at recruitment companies state that, Thai companies refuse to hire asian looked applicants (along with colored, middle easterns, latinos etc) although they were born in usa or uk with good qualification and focus on WASPs and ok for less qualification for them!

So what can we expect from a country and mentality discriminating their own race/kind?!

How does a country discriminate ? Or did you mean Thais ?

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Thais do not want their country messed up like my country USA with black people 78% prisons filled females and males. So I understand what their saying. So say what you want to. But a fact is a fact

Seeing as we can say what we like here, how about this: there were no black people in North America until your inbred forefathers decided it was okay to capture them and enslave them, ship them in their tens of thousands across perilous seas, murdering and raping many thousands in the process...

Proud to be white eh.... bah.gif

EDIT: And this was after murdering all the real Native Americans...

The British brought the Africans to America. They bought them from Arabs and rival African tribal chiefs. Native Americans owned slaves themselves and were totally free unless they were violent. The native Americans wound up with valuable land and now have money making casinos robbing the whites of their money.

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Thailand as well as the United States uses racial and ethnic profiling in its Immigration policies. If you are black, dark skinned, come from the Indian Sub Continent or the Middle East you will be watched and profiled. It happens exactly this way in America. I am not saying it is right but it is true. Just recently, there was a post from a Turkish national that was refused entry based on the Immigration Officer believing he was working in Thailand. He indicated he was not. I believe because of his Nationality he was targeted for extra scrutiny. In Thailand, you are also suspect if you are dressed a certain way and appear nervous around the police.

Thailand is also discriminative against asians too! Most of my friends at recruitment companies state that, Thai companies refuse to hire asian looked applicants (along with colored, middle easterns, latinos etc) although they were born in usa or uk with good qualification and focus on WASPs and ok for less qualification for them!

So what can we expect from a country and mentality discriminating their own race/kind?!

How does a country discriminate ? Or did you mean Thais ?

Are you asking a question just to ask a question?

I believe it is clear unless you have problems on understanding.

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Usual nit picky threads... but back to the main article; what typically happens to the people arrested? Is this the 20,000baht fine situation? and if they cant pay? Bangkok Hilton? The guys in the photo dont look like they could scrape up enough to pay any fine never mind the ticket cost for leaving the country.

I would have thought the main point in publishing this article is not 'how clever the police are' but as an announcement to others as to what the potential penalties are; otherwise it is hardly news worthy. For myself I have not learned anything from the article that I could not have guessed was happening as a regular occurrence.

Maybe this sweep will go on until the prisons are full and then hope enough fear is instilled in others to go legit....if they hear about it and can afford it !!

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Thais do not want their country messed up like my country USA with black people 78% prisons filled females and males. So I understand what their saying. So say what you want to. But a fact is a fact

Those black people are making a contribution to society, the prison makes a profit from all those licence plates and work they do for pennies a day.. :)

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Usual nit picky threads... but back to the main article; what typically happens to the people arrested? Is this the 20,000baht fine situation? and if they cant pay? Bangkok Hilton? The guys in the photo dont look like they could scrape up enough to pay any fine never mind the ticket cost for leaving the country.

I would have thought the main point in publishing this article is not 'how clever the police are' but as an announcement to others as to what the potential penalties are; otherwise it is hardly news worthy. For myself I have not learned anything from the article that I could not have guessed was happening as a regular occurrence.

Maybe this sweep will go on until the prisons are full and then hope enough fear is instilled in others to go legit....if they hear about it and can afford it !!

That's the problem, if you let in too many people with zero income it becomes a cost.... Even to keep them in a Thai jail for life

I think that maybe why they seem to Crackdown on people from perceived poor countries in Africa etc more than white European or Americans etc......

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Thais do not want their country messed up like my country USA with black people 78% prisons filled females and males. So I understand what their saying. So say what you want to. But a fact is a fact

Seeing as we can say what we like here, how about this: there were no black people in North America until your inbred forefathers decided it was okay to capture them and enslave them, ship them in their tens of thousands across perilous seas, murdering and raping many thousands in the process...

Proud to be white eh.... bah.gif

EDIT: And this was after murdering all the real Native Americans...

The British brought the Africans to America. They bought them from Arabs and rival African tribal chiefs. Native Americans owned slaves themselves and were totally free unless they were violent. The native Americans wound up with valuable land and now have money making casinos robbing the whites of their money.

The Atlantic slave traders, ordered by trade volume, were: the Portuguese, the British, the French, the Spanish, and the Dutch Empire.

The Native American Indians were all displaced ( away from their preferred lands) but many, being humans, eventually managed to better themselves by understanding market forces. If the White Americans realised where the money was going to be they would have exploited that too. It was hardly in the original resettlement plan.

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Thais do not want their country messed up like my country USA with black people 78% prisons filled females and males. So I understand what their saying. So say what you want to. But a fact is a fact

Seeing as we can say what we like here, how about this: there were no black people in North America until your inbred forefathers decided it was okay to capture them and enslave them, ship them in their tens of thousands across perilous seas, murdering and raping many thousands in the process...

Proud to be white eh.... bah.gif

EDIT: And this was after murdering all the real Native Americans...

The British brought the Africans to America. They bought them from Arabs and rival African tribal chiefs. Native Americans owned slaves themselves and were totally free unless they were violent. The native Americans wound up with valuable land and now have money making casinos robbing the whites of their money.

"The British brought the Africans to America."

As I said: until your inbred forefathers decided it was okay to capture them and enslave them.

Guess that includes buying them too...

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