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Trump uses crude language to mock Clinton


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Is schlong crude?

Well, it's a funny flavor of crude.

Yiddish obscenities are often like that.

Not that I'm an expert on Yiddish, but many Yiddish words just SOUND hilarious.

Now don't be a schmuck, and gimme a like.

Edited by Jingthing
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23 years in the US and I never heard that expression. Can't believe Trump taught me something in my old age. sad.png

The funny thing is she did get schlonged by Obama.

I mean this is exactly what the expression means. Well, unless you are using to describe someone who actually did get schlonged.

Completely racial trailer park trash.

Nothing new from the crackpot right.

I have never spent time in a Trailer Park but somehow I don't think that would be a typical expression.

Its more juvenile than anything else.

It's a common American expression, generally referring to low-life, low-educated rednecks. A fairly arrogant expression.
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I've only heard schlong used to refer to a penis. Unless you can have a 'long' redneck.

Yeah, I'm sure that is the meaning Trump intended. Everyone who has spent time in NYC is familiar with these NY Jewish expressions.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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According to Wikipedia & Oxford dictionary, "Schlong" is vulgar word (yiddish) for Penis.

All his blustering to deny any wrong intent, is total rubbish.

His Leadership qualities are almost zero, so if US citizens want Thumper Trump as President.....good luck b/c he will not only adversely affect US but world as well!!

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23 years in the US and I never heard that expression. Can't believe Trump taught me something in my old age. sad.png

The funny thing is she did get schlonged by Obama.

I mean this is exactly what the expression means. Well, unless you are using to describe someone who actually did get schlonged.

*Inflammatory remark removed* it's common knowledge that shlong means penis. I suppose you don't also know that schmuck means the same thing. And for the record, if you listen to Obama speak about how the off year election losses occurred, he says he was 'shellacked', not schlonged. It shows the underlying crudeness of Trump. Can you imagine him insulting a foreign leader, and leading the world into another war? PLEASE!! He is disgusting. And who the <deleted> doesn't use a toilet? Is Donald to good for even that! He is disgusting.

Edited by Scott
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I don't want him to be president of the USA,but I can't say I dislike most things he says.He hits the nail.They can bomb us but we can't criticize islamists,amazing.Now somebody will say"only a few are bad"Why then the majority of muslims not stopping those animals?

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

Shlong ..........definition......." displeasing person " .. In Donald Tumps case he meant that she (Hilary) was surprisingly displeased... (remember Monica)

All of us Westerners should be praying every day for the good people of the USA to vote into power Mr Donald (wheres yoor troosers) Trump.... He is strong, he is honest, and he speaks the truth .... and Yes, the truth does hurt sometimes..... How does that saying go..? If you can't stand the heat....blah ,blah ,blah..... Rock on Donald... Stop immigrants destroying our countries now ..... Send them all to beautiful Somalia...... Problem solved... wai2.gif

It is fun to watch all the 'blue collars' try to spin the words of the Great Laughingstock to preserve their fantasy fanboydom. Normal, education, south people know the meaning of schlong and do not utter the word in polite company.

Your panting fetishism is another characteristic of the Trump demographic, whether or not you are American. UKippers in the UK. One Nation cretins in Australia. PEGIDA in Germany and the rest.

Immigration makes our countries and I join those who welcome them.

If you cannot see what Muslim immigration has done to the fine cities of Europe then you are definitely lost boy.

Edited by rethaier
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Obviously, Trump is hinting at the rumours that Hillary is slightly incontinent.

Rumours have been circulating for a while and the word us that they need to check 'down there' on an hourly basis for leakage and a change of pads.

If true, that would make it very difficult for her to attend many presedential events.

I think you're right. When they have the presidential debate, I think Trump should make a conscious effort to frequently sip water every time Clinton looks his way. See how many times she wets her pants suit or moo moo.

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Yet another storm in a teacup manufactured by a media intent on stopping people considering actual important issues. This follows on the heels of the biggest straw man burning in history when the word 'until' was deliberately left out of Trumps comments concerning Muslim immigration.

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It will be correctly seen as sexist. It appeals to his base. Angry, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic older white men. That will only get him so far. His brand is SCHLONGED.

That's right, he only appeals to angry old white men, which is why the political class is terrified of him, as angry old white men are the only electors that count 555555555555555555555.

I never thought he'd last a week, and here he is still truckin' along. I bet he never thought he's last this long either, but he must be appealing to some deep need of the American voters to smite the political charlatans that inhabit Congress these days.

As for using profanity against Clinton, if that rather weak attack is really bad for her, she just doesn't have the right stuff to be president.

If that's bad language, the thought police will be coming to arrest me any day now for what I say about politicians.

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

There was a time I couldn't stand the guy but nowadays I look forward to what he is going to say next.

He just does NOT care.

I find it refreshing...he points out that the whole dang bunch of them are clowns.

Was he saying that Hillary was backstage cheating for the debate?

As an interested bystander, I am English, it seems that DT does not 'care what he says' because he is not the lickspittle puppet of some rich benefactors that financialy support his campaign. In that he is demonstrably not PC, he is the only one of a sorry lot of professional politicians, (except for Carson), who is not 'beholden' to a group of donors. He can say what he feels is appropriate , he is only interested in what the 'people' want to hear, or what he feels he wants to say, not what a group of 'money for favours' people want him to say. He is a highly successful business man who wants the ultimate job in the US. He would do a much better job than most of his fellow contenders, he certainly would be strong enough to hire 'professional' help, not those to whom he owed favours, perhaps then the US would then have a more pragmatic approach to national and world politics, above all he is not STUPID and will not be led by the nose by 'interest groups'. I do hope he is elected. There are , I believe, methods of removing a president, (Nixon), if he proves to be a complete mentally unstable liability , so all would not be lost. So go for it citizens of the US, kick the parasytical polical class up the arse, time to clean the stables of the stack of politically correct liberal horse shit that seems to pervade the streets of Washington, vote for the Trump. Think of all the unemployed lobbyists, as POTUS cannot be bought, he does not need their financial support any more.

As an addition, he would not need to curry favour with the political establishment for his second term, he does not need the money, so the US could have an 8 year span of sensible leadership, uncorrupted by the need to curry favour from focus (f*ckass) groups.

I couldn't have put it better myself. Well said.

The professional politicians must be cr*****ng themselves.

Don't know how true it is, but it was reported on the news some time back that Obama had said he needed to be banned from running. That's pretty rich ( if it's true ) coming from someone that swore to uphold the constitution. Seems he might have forgotten that bit about freedom of speech being legal.

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With all his verbal games, I think what this is really about is Trump wanting people to take him seriously as a legit candidate for president. Now, that it's clear he can actually potentially be nominated and from that potentially be elected, I think he has ALREADY accomplished that goal. I think the really interesting thing with the Trump story is how this is going to end for him and how he'll handle it. Because I still don't really believe there will ever be a PRESIDENT TRUMP. I also feel that deep down Trump doesn't really even WANT this big job with the crappy old house, but that he's got face issues now, because he wants NOT to be a LOSER than not getting this job he really doesn't want. Yes, I think he's a bit of a madman. Not many people have mentioned that, but that's what I see.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

Shlong ..........definition......." displeasing person " .. In Donald Tumps case he meant that she (Hilary) was surprisingly displeased... (remember Monica)

All of us Westerners should be praying every day for the good people of the USA to vote into power Mr Donald (wheres yoor troosers) Trump.... He is strong, he is honest, and he speaks the truth .... and Yes, the truth does hurt sometimes..... How does that saying go..? If you can't stand the heat....blah ,blah ,blah..... Rock on Donald... Stop immigrants destroying our countries now ..... Send them all to beautiful Somalia...... Problem solved... wai2.gif

It is fun to watch all the 'blue collars' try to spin the words of the Great Laughingstock to preserve their fantasy fanboydom. Normal, education, south people know the meaning of schlong and do not utter the word in polite company.

Your panting fetishism is another characteristic of the Trump demographic, whether or not you are American. UKippers in the UK. One Nation cretins in Australia. PEGIDA in Germany and the rest.

Immigration makes our countries and I join those who welcome them.

I already gave this information (from Le monde fr): 17 millions of East Germans after reunification., 3 millions fled to West Germany for more money. Switzerland and Austria were happy to have cheap workers in the gastromy. Now 20% in East Germany are ready to vote for Pegida and other Trumped groups.

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In my home village in the Black forest we have (longtime) refugees from Kosovo, Roumania and a Turkish Kurd. They all have a good and appeciated job: The Kosovo man is first cook in a restaurant and footbol player in our local team. The Roumanian family has jobs in music. The father is director of a local orchestra. His daughter (my student in a German Grammar school) studies now ethnology. The Kurd made his PHd for medecine in Germany.. I don't know what he is doing now.

You see, integration is possible.

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In my home village in the Black forest we have (longtime) refugees from Kosovo, Roumania and a Turkish Kurd.

They all have a good and appeciated job: The Kosovo man is first cook in a restaurant and footbol player in our local team.

The Roumanian family has jobs in music. The father is director of a local orchestra.

His daughter (my student in a German Grammar school) studies now ethnology.

The Kurd made his PHd for medecine in Germany..

I don't know what he is doing now.

You see, integration is possible.

Quite right. It is all OK because Germany is doing well at the moment. However, if the economy turned sour, it wouldn't take long for the cracks to appear. Yugoslavia proved that.

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

Shlong ..........definition......." displeasing person " .. In Donald Tumps case he meant that she (Hilary) was surprisingly displeased... (remember Monica)

All of us Westerners should be praying every day for the good people of the USA to vote into power Mr Donald (wheres yoor troosers) Trump.... He is strong, he is honest, and he speaks the truth .... and Yes, the truth does hurt sometimes..... How does that saying go..? If you can't stand the heat....blah ,blah ,blah..... Rock on Donald... Stop immigrants destroying our countries now ..... Send them all to beautiful Somalia...... Problem solved... wai2.gif

It is fun to watch all the 'blue collars' try to spin the words of the Great Laughingstock to preserve their fantasy fanboydom. Normal, education, south people know the meaning of schlong and do not utter the word in polite company.

Your panting fetishism is another characteristic of the Trump demographic, whether or not you are American. UKippers in the UK. One Nation cretins in Australia. PEGIDA in Germany and the rest.

Immigration makes our countries and I join those who welcome them.

If you cannot see what Muslim immigration has done to the fine cities of Europe then you are definitely lost boy.

Thank you for your comment on my post. It gives me the opportunity to make a correction to an annoying piece of auto-corrected text. I meant to say, educated, couth people

That being said, now tell me what your comment on European cities has do with the length of your schlong. Or my schlong. Or Donald Trump's schlong?

I love these Trump threads. When the last ones petered out, World News got so boring. But here we are, the blue collar crazies are back out to play.

I have been to many of Europe's fine cities for work and pleasure. I am not at all disturbed to see brown skinned people there as you seem to be. Now can we get back to this particular topic which is the obvious notion that the Great Gasbag is patently unsuited to be the Republican nominee. Hilary will eat him alive.

Edited by lostboy
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23 years in the US and I never heard that expression. Can't believe Trump taught me something in my old age. sad.png

The funny thing is she did get schlonged by Obama.

I mean this is exactly what the expression means. Well, unless you are using to describe someone who actually did get schlonged.

*Inflammatory remark removed* it's common knowledge that shlong means penis. I suppose you don't also know that schmuck means the same thing. And for the record, if you listen to Obama speak about how the off year election losses occurred, he says he was 'shellacked', not schlonged. It shows the underlying crudeness of Trump. Can you imagine him insulting a foreign leader, and leading the world into another war? PLEASE!! He is disgusting. And who the <deleted> doesn't use a toilet? Is Donald to good for even that! He is disgusting.

Lighten up. You are way to serious. He is more realistic than we have had in a candidate for a long time.

Maybe he is not all tight a$$ed, prim and proper for your liking but he is appealing to a large segment of us common folk.

Maybe you can take off your spats for a few minutes and just enjoy the moment.

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It will be correctly seen as sexist. It appeals to his base. Angry, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic older white men. That will only get him so far. His brand is SCHLONGED.

You just wrote down a curriculum of the average tv member.biggrin.png

Edited by TheCruncher
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It will be correctly seen as sexist. It appeals to his base. Angry, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic older white men. That will only get him so far. His brand is SCHLONGED.

You just wrote down a curriculum of the average tv member.biggrin.png

Rubbish. The average TV member loves Thai women ( or men, or men dressed as women ). wub.png

Hardly racist then.

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Trump should admit he has problems maintaining even a smidgeon of decorum when addressing Hillary Clinton...

I would like to see him graciously remove himself from consideration...and have his daughter run instead...she is the brains that keeps the Trump empire running smoothly, well educated, poised and well spoken, glamorous, young and would likely win by a landslide over the old pee bag Clinton...

It is about time we spruce up the Whitehouse with a new generation.

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23 years in the US and I never heard that expression. Can't believe Trump taught me something in my old age. sad.png

The funny thing is she did get schlonged by Obama.

I mean this is exactly what the expression means. Well, unless you are using to describe someone who actually did get schlonged.

*Inflammatory remark removed* it's common knowledge that shlong means penis. I suppose you don't also know that schmuck means the same thing. And for the record, if you listen to Obama speak about how the off year election losses occurred, he says he was 'shellacked', not schlonged. It shows the underlying crudeness of Trump. Can you imagine him insulting a foreign leader, and leading the world into another war? PLEASE!! He is disgusting. And who the <deleted> doesn't use a toilet? Is Donald to good for even that! He is disgusting.

Lighten up. You are way to serious. He is more realistic than we have had in a candidate for a long time.

Maybe he is not all tight a$$ed, prim and proper for your liking but he is appealing to a large segment of us common folk.

Maybe you can take off your spats for a few minutes and just enjoy the moment.

I think a lot of people will soon see he appeals to a lot more than just common folk and blue collars. He is appealing to more and more white collars but they just don't speak up about it.

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Trump should admit he has problems maintaining even a smidgeon of decorum when addressing Hillary Clinton...

I would like to see him graciously remove himself from consideration...and have his daughter run instead...she is the brains that keeps the Trump empire running smoothly, well educated, poised and well spoken, glamorous, young and would likely win by a landslide over the old pee bag Clinton...

It is about time we spruce up the Whitehouse with a new generation.

Old pee bag. Oh geez.

Anyway, Chelsea Clinton ain't chopped liver either.

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It will be correctly seen as sexist. It appeals to his base. Angry, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic older white men. That will only get him so far. His brand is SCHLONGED.

You just wrote down a curriculum of the average tv member.biggrin.png

Well taken indeed but it might be expanded to include expat self-deported, self-exiled refugee from his native society whose dynamics they can't stand and are happy to escape to a more accommodating environment where regression is the norm and where strongman leaders are common.

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