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Van Driver Seen Stabbing At Reporter Surrenders, Gets Fined


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Hmm! A guy pulled a hammer at me today for something similar. There was about five meters or less between my car and the one in front. He cut in (a Jazz) and slammed on his brakes. I almost rear-ended his car, so I changed lanes, rolled down and waved my hand at him. That was it. He flipped and cut in front of me again, sideways this time, brandishing a hammer. I believe he must have been watching too many movies.

I'm getting a dash cam asap.

Dashcams work great!

But what he did to you is normal for a Thai, everything at the very last moment. They have never learned how to drive safe.

Motobikedrivers are lesser humans for them, especially small bikes.

If you're a big guy that might also help to scare them off.

But look at this minivandriver's case, 2500 baht fine for what he did facepalm.gif .....in my homecountry he would loose his license and get a course in anger control which he would have to pay himself. His boss would fire him instantly and all his customers would rather buy a bicycle.

Law of the Jungle.

Big beats small.

Motorbike beats pedestrian. Car beats motorbike. Pickup beats car. Truck beats pickup. Bus usually beats truck.

Seen it in many Third World countries when I used to ride.

Only thing they never understand is that when they get out of their vehicle then they are small again.

So little thought process--just reaction...with a base motivation of raw hostility.

And bottom of the pecking order is the farang.

Edited by ClutchClark
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The look on that van drivers face,if looks could kill! big loss of face for him,more like him need to be named and shamed, theirs nothing that hurts Thais more than being put on the spot and being made responsible for there actions,this is way better than any kind of physical altercation.

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The legal system is quite different.
One is private law and the other is Public Law.
Generous of the honking victim; lucky that the knife is not landed between his ribs.
Hand shaking ok.

But what about the public law?
Can a society tolerate it, that a minibus driver hops out of the car and threatened others with a knife, just because they have honked?

2500 baht is a joke.
If the driver is so stressed when somebody honking at him, then the public should do him a favor and pull him out of the road.
Withdrawal of the driving license.
Many peaceful road users would that advocate.

Thailand does not require road users who threaten others with weapons.

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so let's all shake hands and forget the stabbing then? super carry on chaps!!! 100 baht fine!!!

If you can't forget it, or don't want to, make one up. No-one was stabbed.

Van Driver Seen Stabbing At Reporter Surrenders, Gets Fined

nice thread title that

Edited by LannaGuy
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The victim asked if the charge could be reduced? I did not mean to chase this guy with a knife. I do not know what I was thinking. Could you please let me off with a fine of under $100 please? Thank you your honor. Everything I have been told about the Thai judiciary is true. You guys really are lenient. You guys really do not prescribe to the deterrent theory. You guys are some of the weakest judges on the planet. I like living in this country. I can do anything, and not have to worry about paying a real price for it.

All of the crazy fareng judges who believe in a deterrent are misled. We don't share their beliefs. This is Thailand. We like to do things our way. Nobody knows our history, and therefore they cannot judge us judges. We find that if you are really nice to the defendants, and ask them to please stop committing crimes, it is more effective than serious fines, and prison time. It works. Just look at how little crime we have. Look at how well behaved our men are. Look at how civilized the roads are, and how considerate the drivers are. The proof of the effectiveness of our techniques is everywhere. You just have to look.

Edited by spidermike007
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That picture does tell a story.

Anan: Damnnn ... that's cost me a month's salary.

Bancha: Tough titty, you disturbed little nutter - that's cost you a month's salary.

Copper: Yippee -- I just got a month's salary.

..I bet he got his knife back as well

Edited by rodcourt49
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"The suspect reportedly confessed to attacking Thai PBS reporter Bancha Eiammeechai on Monday after the reporter honked his horn at him."

"According to Col. Ekkarat, Anan said he reacted with a momentary flash of rage." wai2.gifwai.gif

Right. Ok then. Someone honks their horn at you and you temporally lose your mind, deciding to go after them with a 10 inch blade. Sounds reasonable. NOT.

And for those who don't bother to click on that little thingy, "Full Story";

"Anan was still fined 2,500 baht on counts of carrying a weapon into a residential area, attempted physical assault and behaving in an aggressive manner towards other motorists."

2,500B, not enough of course. No question he should be in jail. Especially given the fact that it's 3 aggravated offenses.

"The Department of Land Transport is also deliberating other possible punishments for Anan, Ekkarat said."

Why do you insist on understating these things?

It was a 40 inch blade...yeah, that's the ticket!

(I believe it originally said 5 inch blade, but, hey, it's ThaiVisa...)

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Firstly, I thought it was illegal to carry knives in Thailand.

Secondly, (and here come the groans) Would the incident have been handled differently if the knee wielder had been a foreigner?

If he was wielding a knee probably not but if it was a knife definitely it would have been handled differently.

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Why are we not surprised. When will this PM who says he wants to fix root of problems stop coddling everyone like they are children. Pick one or two major problems like your abysmal drugs problem & or deaths on the road statistic and get TUFF!

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so let's all shake hands and forget the stabbing then? super carry on chaps!!! 100 baht fine!!!

Nevertheless, Anan was still fined 2,500 baht on counts of carrying a weapon into a residential area, attempted physical assault and behaving in an aggressive manner towards other motorists. The Department of Land Transport is also deliberating other possible punishments for Anan, Ekkarat said. coffee1.gif

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Believe it or not, many cases like this, it is the policemen who mediates the talk and try to get each other to drop the charges and apologize and be on their road. Police don't really want to throw people in jail until someone gets killed. Amazing isn't it, this is why we have so many nut heads on the road knowing they can shake it off by an apology and small fine.

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The fine of 2500 thb is manifestly excessive. It should have been reduced to 100 thb in line with the New Year amnesty for the season of goodwill to all men and women. What sort of handshake is that? Maybe they belong to the same Lodge. I am guessing the victim may have been fearing longer term for his life had he not requested a lesser charge.

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Come on he only tried to stab a guy, its not like he shared something on facebook.

I must say his is a great post. Can you really believe this happens? If this doesnt prove there is no law in Thailand, nothing does. Why are their laws when police can negotiate? Can you imagine if a western, civilized society ever even thought about this tactic?

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