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Looking for a small printer with finest printing quality, pls advise!

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Hi guys,,

First of all, wishing a merry X'mas and a very happy new year 2016 to be full of peace, health and wealth and joys to all of you and your family members and beloved ones!

My question goes here:
Looking to buy a new printer with high and finest printing quality
I went to have a look on printers at the IT panthip plaza, seen a lot of printers:

Brother, Canon, Samsung, Xerox, Epson,

my concern is about the best and finest quality of printing,

the printer machine is needed to print A4 pages then cut it into small pieces (designed stickers),

The stickers will contain small font lines, small images, logo and small details to be clearly displayed,

one more information that the needed printer size to be small one for home use,

is not for a company or printing office,

printing average 10-20 pages per week, or more up to the needed quantity,
if any one experienced with a good quality printer as per said above, please advise with many thanks in advance,

Kind regards,


The first decision to make is "inkjet or laser".

Read this:


Pay particular attention to the "perceived quality" section as this is much more important than the actual printer resolution: resolutions above 1200*1200 are invisible to the naked eye and ink bleed may be critical with finely detailed logos and fonts.

You need to say exactly what these stickers will be used for if you want a helpful answer. For example, if they are likely to come in contact with any moisture, or if they are likely to be exposed to sunlight, or you want them to last a long time, then inkjet is probably not what you want.

Also you dont say whether you need colour or not.


What will make the biggest difference is not the printer itself, but the paper that it prints on. Photo paper will give much better results than regular photocopier paper or similar.

Also, does the ink need to be light fast? Most inkjet inks fade very quickly. However, there are light fast pigment-based inkjet inks out there - at a price.


I bought a Samsung laser printer about 2 years ago. Something like 1500 baht. If you don't need color, that is the route I would recommend. Laser printers are so much more hassel free than any ink jet I have ever used.


What will make the biggest difference is not the printer itself, but the paper that it prints on. Photo paper will give much better results than regular photocopier paper or similar.

Also, does the ink need to be light fast? Most inkjet inks fade very quickly. However, there are light fast pigment-based inkjet inks out there - at a price.

Sounds like the OP will be printing on sticker material.


Thanks for the replies guys,

The sticker printing needed if for spa products, the quality of paper is the brilliant adhesive and the normal A4 papers, I need colored pinter

the approximate size: 6 cm X 4 cm, with about 6 - 7 lines of description, and small 4 photos, with colors

as I understood from AyG reply that inject ink quickly fed, so what the best option? laser one?

Any advise will be highly appreciated,


Ink will usually bleed if the stickers get damp. This seems likely to happen with spa products, though maybe you dont care what happens to the labels after the products are sold.

I would be inclined to do some tests on both laser and inkjet machines before buying anything (it would be worth paying a print shop to do this for you as it wont cost much), but I suspect that laser will give the best results.

I suppose another option would be to use some sort of self-adhesive plastic to cover the labels, though this might be too costly for your needs.


I suppose another option would be to use some sort of self-adhesive plastic to cover the labels, though this might be too costly for your needs.

That's what I do. I have stickers up for years and still fine. The peel off plastic adhesives are very cheap and come in very large sheets you just cut to size.

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