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Is it normal that Thai woman


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As my wife is one of those hi-so half Thai/Chines types, tri-lingual and absolutely loaded, she's too busy working at that blue chip international banking conglomerate or managing the vast amount of land plots her even wealthier father owns throughout Thailand to even consider having sex with me or anyone else for that matter.

Which to be honest suits me down to the ground as leaves me more time to peruse the THai Visa forum, as well as make trips to 7/11 whenever the hell I like. I kinda pretty much like my own boss.

Living the dream.

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No, not normal at all! I've had about 20 Thai girlfriends over the years (all hi-so with salaries over US$2,000 a month) and not one of them has settled for less than 3 times a day and 3 times a night (6 times in total). Sounds like you picked the frigid one, time to trade her in for a newer model.

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There is nothing normal about Thai women...or any women for that matter.

Considering that I grew-up in a home together with five sisters & a mother; then a wife for 39-years, while producing four daughters; then ultimately abiding with the different personalities of eight granddaughters, I’d be most interested in reading your notion of what a “normal” woman happens to be. Indulge my curiosity, please! I could use the education upgrade, thankscoffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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When you say sex I'm assuming that you mean intercourse.

This leads me to profess that my Thai gf only gorges on food when dining in public but masturbates 3-4 times a day as part of her weight control program.

Suits me fine as long as i get my 3 meals in each day!

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