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269 vehicles impounded from drunk drivers


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269 vehicles impounded from drunk drivers
Thai PBS


THAILAND -- The authorities have so far found 1,228 violations of the drink-driving ban imposed by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) during the New Year and impounded altogether 269 vehicles between Dec 25-29.

NCPO deputy spokeswoman Col Sirichan Ngathong said under the ongoing campaign the authorities are to impound vehicles used by drunk-drivers,who are also subject to traffic and other related offences.

The owners can reclaim their vehicles from Jan 6, she said.

Col Sirichan said that between Dec 25-29 the authorities found 1,228 violations of the ban by motorcyclists and impounded 213 motorcycles.

As for public and private vehicles, the authorities also found 679 violations of the drink-driving ban and impounded 56 vehicles and suspended 69 drivers’ licences.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/269-vehicles-impounded-from-drunk-drivers

-- Thai PBS 2015-30-12

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Out of a country of around 65 million, millions of them on the road every day and night, a country known for a very high number of traffic accidents and deaths, and they have only had 1,228 drink-driving violations (i.e., driving under the influence) between 25-29 Dec?! Me thinks the police/military checkpoints must be very lenient and/or getting rich...or the current anti-drink & drive campaign has been the most successful campaign in the history of Thailand. I'm sure it's the latter. w00t.gif

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>>As for public and private vehicles, the authorities also found 679 violations of the drink-driving ban and impounded 56 vehicles and suspended 69 drivers’ licences.<< Quote

679 drunk drivers and only 56 vehicles impounded ??

Was the rest emergency vehicles on their way to the scene of accidents ??

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Serious question. What normally happens to your vehicle if you get pinched for a DUI here? Assuming you are arrested and taken to the police station, etc....

Anyone I've ever known has paid on the spot and been allowed to drive on.... Only go the station if you have no money I guess .....

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same old same old,agree with a previous poster, if the cops impounded the drunks vehicle, be it car or motorbike, 365 days of the year, then just maybe, that would act as some sort of deterant, like take the vehicle away for one month, that would make some of them think before drink driving.

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Out of a country of around 65 million, millions of them on the road every day and night, a country known for a very high number of traffic accidents and deaths, and they have only had 1,228 drink-driving violations (i.e., driving under the influence) between 25-29 Dec?! Me thinks the police/military checkpoints must be very lenient and/or getting rich...or the current anti-drink & drive campaign has been the most successful campaign in the history of Thailand. I'm sure it's the latter. w00t.gif

Could it be because there is a limit to the number of checkpoints they can set up? I've seen none around the darkside, and only one when venturing into Sin City and its environs in the past week. While I'm every bit as cynical as you are, I do hope (oh dear!, I'm going down this path again!!!) that this is a start to a prolonged campaign to rein in drunk drivers. I've just been watching some Youtube vids on road accidents, and the carnage is enough to make you weep.

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That's true. Despite all the publicity and the number of checkpoints set up around the country, the vast majority, especially on AH1 up to Mae Sai and all along the western border with Myanmar, most of these checkpoints are to search for drugs, not to enforce traffic laws. A small number, especially those between Tak and Mae Sot are there to search for illegal Burmese immigrants though in practice they normally either wave everyone driving cars through, or let you go after a short q & a (usually: where did you come from? E.g. Bangkok Where are you going? Mae Sot or Myanmar i.e. Pha-ma)

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I heard on the news that the police are willing to entertain requests from members of the public detained for drink driving, whose cars are impounded to allow them to retrieve them earlier if they have an urgent need to use their vehicles. LOL

Only in Thailand can you use your ego and arrogance to tell a police officer, hey, you can't take my car, or if you do, only for an hour because I am important and need to use my car!

Umm...well you better have thought about that before drinking and driving. If you tried that sh** in most other countries, the police would laugh at you and arrest you if you started resisting.

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Where I come from in Ontario the police have the ride program during holidays. Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere. And then there is the MADD program..Mother's Against Drunk Driving. Get caught and a $2000 dollar fine ,one year suspension of your license. when you can drive your car you have to install a interlock in the car that requires you to blow into it to start the car. And you pay for the installation and calibration. And if that wasn't enough your insurance goes sky high. All said and done it be $20000 out of your pocket.

A lot of bars have free van service to drive you home. Of course you tip the driver. Just leave your car in the parking lot. The days of drinking and driving are a thing of the past. They need tough laws here like that if want to reduce the death rate on the highways and roads.

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How many were Thai drivers and how many were foreigners?

Driving a pick-up you will get stopped a lot. Drive a BMW (or equivalent) and you wont get bothered at least that is my experience not that I drink as I dont but the police wouldnt know that unless they stopped me

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Where I come from in Ontario the police have the ride program during holidays. Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere. And then there is the MADD program..Mother's Against Drunk Driving. Get caught and a $2000 dollar fine ,one year suspension of your license. when you can drive your car you have to install a interlock in the car that requires you to blow into it to start the car. And you pay for the installation and calibration. And if that wasn't enough your insurance goes sky high. All said and done it be $20000 out of your pocket.

A lot of bars have free van service to drive you home. Of course you tip the driver. Just leave your car in the parking lot. The days of drinking and driving are a thing of the past. They need tough laws here like that if want to reduce the death rate on the highways and roads.

$20K sounds a bit steep, but $5 or $10K USD or CAD is about right....IF no injuries and merely caught at a checkpoint, AND it's a first time offense.

I got a DUI in Florida in 1990, 26 years ago. Back then the fine was $1,000 and 6 months suspension of license.

It almost destroyed me as I was quite young and did not dare ask my parents for a damned thing.

I got charged with a 2nd one in 2006... STONE COLD SOBER.

I had just pulled out of a bar/package lounge in Jacksonville FL, where they had some drunk bikini girls dancing.

December 20th, 2006......cops had their fangs out. I had just returned from Sandland and was enjoying a bit of female flesh eye-candy, had a jug of Jim Beam to go, unopened.

I bought some half-cute farang dancing gal a drink.

She spilled it on me = I was WREAKING of booze.

Arrested at a checkpoint. Spent the night in the clink. 2nd charge of DUI. I hired a lawyer....$7,500 USD later they dropped the case.

FAR, FAR. FAR and AWAY cheaper to rent a limo at $500 - $800 per night to go to a bar in Florida.

I spend this time of year at home nowadays, or hire a driver if I want to go tie one on.

For 2,000 baht one can hire a van and driver.....maybe a bit more on NYE, but it beats trying to tango with the cops.

Thai roads are a crap shoot for survival on a good day. Home or at a friend's place within walking distance of home is all you'll get out of me on NYE.

Edited by jaywalker
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Where I come from in Ontario the police have the ride program during holidays. Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere. And then there is the MADD program..Mother's Against Drunk Driving. Get caught and a $2000 dollar fine ,one year suspension of your license. when you can drive your car you have to install a interlock in the car that requires you to blow into it to start the car. And you pay for the installation and calibration. And if that wasn't enough your insurance goes sky high. All said and done it be $20000 out of your pocket.

A lot of bars have free van service to drive you home. Of course you tip the driver. Just leave your car in the parking lot. The days of drinking and driving are a thing of the past. They need tough laws here like that if want to reduce the death rate on the highways and roads.

In the UK the insurance rates used to be massively increased following a drink driving conviction. Until the insurance companies realised that the recidivism rate was remarkably low.

After this the rates came down to about 80% loading and decreasing over the next four years as the companies actively pursued getting the business of the ex drink drivers.

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In a country of 76+ Million people, and only 269 drunk drivers have their cars impounded. Are you freaking joking!!! What a incredible farce! Rotflmao cheesy.gif

This is modern progress? The government should be totally embarrassed for it's complete ineptitude. Not celebrating like this is some sort of a success. This is some sort of a positive milestone? Really? Against what? What other immense ineptitude is this country measuring it's traffic fatalities and drunk driving against? burp.gif Think about it. 269 drunk driving violations result in impoundments to date? A country doesn't want at brag about statistics like this, they should hide them.

Thailand!!! You are number 1 in traffic fatalities in Asia and number 2 in the world. Wake up! You have a dam's worth of problems, and a thimble worth of piss for solutions to your amazingly deadly roads. Better luck with your statistics in 2016.

Amazingly complacent Thailand! ermm.gif

Edited by connda
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In a country of 76+ Million people, and only 269 drunk drivers have their cars impounded. Are you freaking joking!!! What a incredible farce! Rotflmao cheesy.gif

This is modern progress? The government should be totally embarrassed for it's complete ineptitude. Not celebrating like this is some sort of a success. This is some sort of a positive milestone? Really? Against what? What other immense ineptitude is this country measuring it's traffic fatalities and drunk driving against? burp.gif Think about it. 269 arrests and impoundments to date? A country doesn't want at brag about statistics like this, they should hide them.

Thailand!!! You are number 1 in traffic fatalities in Asia and number 2 in the world. Wake up! You have a dam's worth of problems, and a thimble worth of piss for solutions to your amazingly deadly roads. Better luck with your statistics in 2016.

Amazingly complacent Thailand! ermm.gif

Wow the must have a lot of babies in the past minutes

the latest population figures just came in at

68 303 366
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In a country of 76+ Million people, and only 269 drunk drivers have their cars impounded. Are you freaking joking!!! What a incredible farce! Rotflmao cheesy.gif

This is modern progress? The government should be totally embarrassed for it's complete ineptitude. Not celebrating like this is some sort of a success. This is some sort of a positive milestone? Really? Against what? What other immense ineptitude is this country measuring it's traffic fatalities and drunk driving against? burp.gif Think about it. 269 arrests and impoundments to date? A country doesn't want at brag about statistics like this, they should hide them.

Thailand!!! You are number 1 in traffic fatalities in Asia and number 2 in the world. Wake up! You have a dam's worth of problems, and a thimble worth of piss for solutions to your amazingly deadly roads. Better luck with your statistics in 2016.

Amazingly complacent Thailand! ermm.gif

Wow the must have a lot of babies in the past minutes

the latest population figures just came in at

68 303 366

My bad.

Instead of impoundment rate of 0.0000003539473684210526 cars per 76m, there is an impoundment rate of 0.0000003938312498391368 cars per 68.303366m. Wow. What a screw up on my part.

To quote Steve Martin, "Well, Excusssseeeee Me!"

Nice job attempting to discount the magnitude of the problem.

The only conclusion I can reach is that there isn't a drunk driving problem in Thailand. Amazing how well that fits into the face saving narrative of this country.

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I got pulled over when I was about 19 and the cop asked me how much I had to drink..I said about 6 beers. Hé said leave your car there and I will call you a cab. I didn't argued and said ok. Man those days are long gone. I.think it was the fact I was honest with him.

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