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Thailand backpacker murders: Britain too quick to accept Thai court's verdict


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White countries don't care what happens to coloured people.

It's just the way things work.

White police can shoot them, corrupt governments can sentence them to death.

Floods can drown them, poor harvests can starve them, civil wars can kill them.

Not quite true. Media tends to stir the pot for easy clicks and buys, but if you pay attention, anyone and everyone is fair game if you have a corrupt officer. In society, corruptness needs to be constantly addressed. It's not easy and never was.

Edited by steve654
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What is afpaling is that there was a British investigation that was kept secret. Seems the UK (government) cares more about trade and relations as bringing out what they have discovered. They should tell them that they either were not allowed to investigate or could not find a thing.. but at least report about it. But it seems they won't just to keep the peace. I would have expected differently from a first world country like the UK.

It is a mystery to me why the Uk, a first world country, has to kow tow to a 4th world corrupt d***8***hip.

From the REUTERS report 25 AUG 2015

The Metropolitan Police opposed their application, arguing that disclosure would impede the force's ability to enter into cooperation agreements with foreign authorities in future.
Having seen the full report, the judge ruled that the interests of the police outweighed those of the suspects.
"In short I have concluded that there is nothing in the police report which is exculpatory, i.e. would be of material assistance to the claimants in the trial," he said in a summary of his ruling.

That can be interpreted as that the Thai police did a good job as there were no comments from the UK on their investigation. Nothing that can help to assist them in getting free. Its either that or a cover-up.. its not like the UK has not had a few of these (as most countries)

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For the Life of Me I do not understand, and never will understand why the British Police went to Thailand to take part in a staged dog and pony show. One that they knew was going to happen before they arrived. When they became part of it they tarred themselves, and became part of the cover story.. And they do know based on what happened with the C Jones case in Chaing Mai so many years ago now .

My local county police have had dealings with the BiB and regard the with almost total disbelief/suspicion and these are popularly referred to on this forum as "fat ignorant Yanks seppos" etc etc,.

Brits, your police force and the government that allowed them to come did you wrong, and you should let them know

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Read the letter by Anonymous to the Millers and Whetheridges.

I read the teaser on ITV.com, but it linked to Facebook for the fuil text.

Having diligently avoided ever having a Facebook account, is there anywhere to view the full text without logging in to Facebook?

I'm very curious to read what evidence Anonymous offers. But not curious enough to give Facebook my life's most intimate details.

Use the links provided on this thread. Some of the things said in the comments nearly gave me a heart attack. I had to be very careful to stay away from the 'like' button.

I hope that the (according to the junta Thaksin sponsored :rolleyes:) protests in Myanmar keep up and intensify. I hope this case haunts the authorities and into action. I hope that Nomsod and his whole family eventually get locked up and have wasted millions for nothing.

It's a long shot but we can only try.

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Read the letter by Anonymous to the Millers and Whetheridges.

I read the teaser on ITV.com, but it linked to Facebook for the fuil text.

Having diligently avoided ever having a Facebook account, is there anywhere to view the full text without logging in to Facebook?

I'm very curious to read what evidence Anonymous offers. But not curious enough to give Facebook my life's most intimate details.

Can't solve your fb problem.

Search the web for other routes to the text. Should be many.

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A previous poster has kindly put up a PDF file of the message from Anonymous.

But FYI you can access their Facebook page without a Facebook account, just Google We Are Anonymous and Thailand.

It is very interesting they are getting involved.
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The proof is in the pudding , over decades the RTP have proven that they are far from a professional team as a law enforcement agency , it might very well be that this time England has been too quick to accept the court's verdict , another case in Chiang Mai this wasn't so, and along with the murdered girl's parents with BBC help they hired a ex Scotland yard detective to investigate , end result RTP dropped the charges against a Sydney lad and charged the Thai owner of the Hostel, in retaliation the BBC was then banned in Thailand for a period time. The point being raised here if it can happen it will happen in Thailand , there should be life handed down by the court , at least those innocent won't lose their life, right from the start this case was floored with unprofessional conduct , so why should opinion change against the RTP.....................................................coffee1.gif .

Nz government did nothing to assist the investigation int the mysterious deaths in Chaing Mai of Kiwis and Britts.

Only a 60 minutes undecover investigation discovered toxic spray residue that kills humans on the beds and in the aircon units.

This residue was proffesionaly anylised in NZ.

The owner of the Hotel who commissioned the cheap charlie spray to kill bed bugs was high up an ex mayor, he was never charged.

The British and NZ government did nothing they lay down like wimps , Murry Mc Cully the muppet minister who not only resembles a clown but is one.

So don't hold your Breath on getting any help from Britain as they could not give a toss about two little Burmese ants being executed in favour of maintaining diplomatic relations.

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The proof is in the pudding , over decades the RTP have proven that they are far from a professional team as a law enforcement agency , it might very well be that this time England has been too quick to accept the court's verdict , another case in Chiang Mai this wasn't so, and along with the murdered girl's parents with BBC help they hired a ex Scotland yard detective to investigate , end result RTP dropped the charges against a Sydney lad and charged the Thai owner of the Hostel, in retaliation the BBC was then banned in Thailand for a period time. The point being raised here if it can happen it will happen in Thailand , there should be life handed down by the court , at least those innocent won't lose their life, right from the start this case was floored with unprofessional conduct , so why should opinion change against the RTP.....................................................coffee1.gif .

Nz government did nothing to assist the investigation int the mysterious deaths in Chaing Mai of Kiwis and Britts.

Only a 60 minutes undecover investigation discovered toxic spray residue that kills humans on the beds and in the aircon units.

This residue was proffesionaly anylised in NZ.

The owner of the Hotel who commissioned the cheap charlie spray to kill bed bugs was high up an ex mayor, he was never charged.

The British and NZ government did nothing they lay down like wimps , Murry Mc Cully the muppet minister who not only resembles a clown but is one.

So don't hold your Breath on getting any help from Britain as they could not give a toss about two little Burmese ants being executed in favour of maintaining diplomatic relations.

Same Rainbow Warrior.

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Read the letter by Anonymous to the Millers and Whetheridges.

I read the teaser on ITV.com, but it linked to Facebook for the fuil text.

Having diligently avoided ever having a Facebook account, is there anywhere to view the full text without logging in to Facebook?

I'm very curious to read what evidence Anonymous offers. But not curious enough to give Facebook my life's most intimate details.

Can't solve your fb problem.

Search the web for other routes to the text. Should be many.

There are now. It's amazing how much work those Google crawlers do in an hour or so. A search (using a long text string from the ITV teaser) that returned just a few hits an hour ago, now returns dozens- and I'm sure there will be hundreds or thousands in another hour.

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people have been far too quick to accept the verdict simply because they want it out of the way and out of mind the police talked about transparency in the case but that was not the case they repressed everything their evidence was never produced in court and nobody was allowed to question anything a complete repression by the police [thainess] yes thai justice prevails .

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Tick tock,

Tick tock,

Tick tock,

Alarm bells starting to go off?

Ah yes, the clock is slowly ticking as the whole matter will subside from public consciousness within a year once the newest scandal replaces the current ripples on the waters of the shallows of the social media universe. There are geo-political issues involved and these two hapless Brits are but collateral damage.

Don't travel to Ko Tao or Samui.

You see, the shallows of social media on display as if the islands are somehow distinct from the rest of Thailand. When there is a global online campaign to discourage all travel to the Kingdom, as there was against travel to Burma back in the day, then I might take notice. Wake me if that happens.

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A right to appeal , is part of the law,

Quite true! However in this instance it may be pointless as the huge loss of face increases exponentially with each ruling.

Ah Yes ,It's the FACE thing..It is no secret about the incompetence of "The Key Stone Cops".(see YouTube),After the BIB got rid of Kung Porntip for being honest in her pathologist reports ( she did not want to play their game) their chief of autopsies is as blundering and dishonest as they are..For a country as important as England to imply as such,humm

Clever trick though, convincing her that the worthless bomb detectors actually worked. So convinced she publicly stated they indeed worked.

Wonder if she does water divining too?

Honest, maybe, although relative, but competent?

And that is the real issue. Even if people are competent, relatively honest and want to do the right thing, they get caught up in the corruption quagmire,and doing what's politically correct and most beneficial to those involved with the most clout.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Of course this has been a dreadful example of injustice,The whole world knows it and cries out against the death penalties handed to the two 22 year old boy's.How will Mayamar finally react,well that's to be seen.There are so many under the table arrangement's between the two government's that in the great scheme of money and power,these two boy's lives mean nothing The parent's have readily accepted the verdict's and are happy that justice has been served.This stink's of faces to fit a crime.I think if the two boy's had been ferang's it would have made it even easier for the death sentences to be given,after all 'felang's are to be blamed for everything' i just thank god they couldn't find a couple of us to hang it on.What price a visit from Scotland yard then?It would never have happened.But we now have two young men facing a dreadful execution process.The Thai nation wants this just to all go away,and in a couple of month's from now,it will have.Oh! appeal! we hear everyone cry,The judicial system and the RTP have great faith in this idea,but we know it wont be successful.

The reason i don't think it wont be successful is because the police and the judges want these kid's in jail,for a start it will save face,Also there is the possibility that these two boy's just might be found dead in their cell's after committing suicide due to severe depression.The other way would be to lose them in the penal system so that,when forgotten, in a few year's time they will have been moved to a nick very near the Mayamar border.One night two faceless employees of the prison service will bag then chuck them in a van and release them about 50 yards from their own country with the warning"come back and you're both dead".And a report will go out a few week's later that they escaped.

The way it goes is that they will be guilty for all of their lives,no loss of face for anybody.There will be no extradition between the two countries so the drug running and the trafficking can continue in its own sweet way.No one loses.

In a way this whole farce is rather like an Oscar Wilde quote,when describing the upper classes fox hunting.

The unspeakable,in full pursuit of the inedible.


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A right to appeal , is part of the law,

I believe in Thailand the appeal can not introduce any new evidence whatsoever. This could be a significant hindrance in this case.

It may not be. As the Independent article pointed out the key DNA evidence the police claimed to have was never actually presented to the court so cannot suddenly be found to contest an appeal. In fact no evidence other than a disputed confession was presented so an appeal court would certainly have the wiggle room to overturn the verdict which is why it surprised so many people. The evidence in this case is not that relevant as it is politics which will decide the outcome. I feel there will be a compromise something along the lines of commuting the sentence to a prison term and after a short time allowing them to serve it in their home country. Once home they will be comfortable and effectively free soon after. Everybody happy.

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From above linked Independent editorial: "Yet serious questions remain, and they should not be brushed aside in deference to the terrible suffering the parents of Mr Miller and Ms Witheridge have undergone."

At some point the Thai Government might very well say back to the Independent that this is a matter of a crime committed in Thailand with due process under the Laws of Thailand ... and that there are far more fugitives from Justice in the UK that the UK would like assistance from Thailand in their extradition back to the UK than in the reverse.

If you think the UK government care about people fleeing the country who're non political, you're very much mistaken.

1. Violent crimes are generally done to and by poor people, so they don't care about them, and having them as a pariah on the run actually bolsters their stance as they can say 'Look how good we are. The knew this was their only option, and they were happy to sacrifice never coming home ever again to avoid this inevitability and British Justice'; and,

2. if they're white collar criminals, then they're always Freemasons, so they won't want to catch them as the police are duty bound to cover for fellow Masons. You find me a police chief in any part of the UK who can't be found on the few photos that exist of him without a Freemason hand sign, you'll impress me; however,

3. if you've broken one of the thought crime laws or broken a D-notice, then they'll go to any extent within their means to track you down and kill you.

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Interesting to read what was happening in the days before the two Burmese were arrested.


maybe the police and courts and the media around the world should be reading this again, a terrible miss carriage of justice, how do people sleep at night ?

Very easily, with pillows and mattresses stuffed full of money from their I'll gotten gains.

Sick people

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Now we are just waiting to hear from the political dinosaurs wearing a generals uniform aka the Thai government,

They will no doubt claim that Thaksin, from his new base in Myanmar, has infiltrated the British press to create instability in paradise..................coffee1.gif

Well if he did / has, it would be the only decent thing he has ever done - however there is no chance he would even consider it as he never cared about Thai people so why would he help a couple of poor Burmese?

JOC's comment was sarcasm you clown!

But as you've gone 'off track' AGAIN I'll just mention the fact that your hated Thaksin actually started the FREE for all Thais public health service so I can forgive him loads especially anything to do with joining the elitist, 'ruling classes', aristos at the trough of corruption and nepotism! Beating them at their own game was he? Oh deary, deary me - how very dare he!!

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Of course this has been a dreadful example of injustice,The whole world knows it and cries out against the death penalties handed to the two 22 year old boy's.How will Mayamar finally react,well that's to be seen.There are so many under the table arrangement's between the two government's that in the great scheme of money and power,these two boy's lives mean nothing The parent's have readily accepted the verdict's and are happy that justice has been served.This stink's of faces to fit a crime.I think if the two boy's had been ferang's it would have made it even easier for the death sentences to be given,after all 'felang's are to be blamed for everything' i just thank god they couldn't find a couple of us to hang it on.What price a visit from Scotland yard then?It would never have happened.But we now have two young men facing a dreadful execution process.The Thai nation wants this just to all go away,and in a couple of month's from now,it will have.Oh! appeal! we hear everyone cry,The judicial system and the RTP have great faith in this idea,but we know it wont be successful.

The reason i don't think it wont be successful is because the police and the judges want these kid's in jail,for a start it will save face,Also there is the possibility that these two boy's just might be found dead in their cell's after committing suicide due to severe depression.The other way would be to lose them in the penal system so that,when forgotten, in a few year's time they will have been moved to a nick very near the Mayamar border.One night two faceless employees of the prison service will bag then chuck them in a van and release them about 50 yards from their own country with the warning"come back and you're both dead".And a report will go out a few week's later that they escaped.

The way it goes is that they will be guilty for all of their lives,no loss of face for anybody.There will be no extradition between the two countries so the drug running and the trafficking can continue in its own sweet way.No one loses.

In a way this whole farce is rather like an Oscar Wilde quote,when describing the upper classes fox hunting.

The unspeakable,in full pursuit of the inedible.


I'm seeing more to this. I have hoped that what you're saying is true and they'll create a release by official bodge up, as that would be a good idea. This story is all a bit too much like the Madeline McCann case for my liking. The British police becoming involved in things that are nothing to do with them and giving totally idiotic statement after another one. The Madeline McCann murder in Portugal's definitely a major hoax to get people's minds off the report that came out about the 7/7 bombings which we all with a fully functioning brain know was the worst genuine bodge up in the Operation Gladio false flag terrorism, just like Russian, Vladimir Putin did to get rid of Boris Yeltsin and be able to invade Chechnya, where they got caught planting the bombs in a building by some unsuspecting citizens and the police.

Military draft bill. The government's being subverted and they're getting ready to maybe have to go to war or shut the country down. They know who's behind the Blue Sky party, being offshore interests.

Every story that comes out recently about deaths of tourists quotes an alleged police boss saying she deserved to get raped, or, it's just a white person, etc.. They really can't all be that stupid. I don't care how racist they are. This is why the press are coming under pressure as they're subverting the country.

This Koh Tao thing WAS NOT A COVER UP, it was a MAXIMUM PUBLICITY GENERATED EVENT. No one can make so many mistakes by accident. It is impossible. It's exactly like the Madeline McCann "cover up", where they could have just hushed it up locally, really easily. It was no cover up.

I don't know the truth, but I actually doubt unless paid by someone outside of the country, the locals did it at all. It's not very bright. I know one of them got murdered a while back for suspicion of theft as they thought it would damage the tourism. He then was found to not have done it. Those same families would not do such crimes in their own back yard and let themselves leave the bodies out. It is totally preposterous to do this. They could even get the whole country boycotted, but definitely this will take a massive chunk out of their island's money. Someone with a brain would have stepped in before now. They're a very low IQ country I know, but there are some very bright ones I know.

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What is afpaling is that there was a British investigation that was kept secret. Seems the UK (government) cares more about trade and relations as bringing out what they have discovered. They should tell them that they either were not allowed to investigate or could not find a thing.. but at least report about it. But it seems they won't just to keep the peace. I would have expected differently from a first world country like the UK.

It is a mystery to me why the Uk, a first world country, has to kow tow to a 4th world corrupt d***8***hip.

From the REUTERS report 25 AUG 2015

The Metropolitan Police opposed their application, arguing that disclosure would impede the force's ability to enter into cooperation agreements with foreign authorities in future.
Having seen the full report, the judge ruled that the interests of the police outweighed those of the suspects.
"In short I have concluded that there is nothing in the police report which is exculpatory, i.e. would be of material assistance to the claimants in the trial," he said in a summary of his ruling.

So it was just a holiday junket for Scotland Yard then. rolleyes.gif

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