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Real Life Christmas Comparison: UK versus Thailand


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Real Life Christmas Comparison: UK versus Thailand


Does the UK really do Christmas better?

Thailand is many things but Christmas it is not and so, for the first time in 10 years, I decided to spend this year back in my domestic country, the UK, but did I get it all wrong – was it all I had remembered and hoped?

Lets start with the obvious benefits that are synonymous with the Christmas season: Family, Christmas presents, Christmas dinner and festive music. Yes the UK still offers this, but it’s more than that. The cold weather, the Queen speech and Christmas TV stood out as something very English during this season whilst back this time.

The reality for me on this occasion though was – yes of course family is important – but I don’t ever remember it being such hard work; being away in Thailand – in my case Pattaya – has given me a different level of independence, freedom and control. I also now believe as a person I have changed too from the experience of living so long in Thailand.

Eating and Drinking too much…

It struck me on Christmas day this time round whilst in the UK that the day was centred around eating and drinking too much, feeling stuffed, opening presents and then needing to lay down and enjoy the many things that played on Christmas day. In Thailand though we can have the same – after all we live in a day and age of downloading movies and enjoying expat TV – so we can recreate this ‘ TV Christmas nostalgia’ away from the UK now. The same can be said for the food, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to eating a Christmas dinner in Pattaya; and best of all the bars don’t shut after 3pm like they do in the UK!

So, what else opened my eyes being back in the UK? Well, and this is somewhat off on a tangent, you don’t get carrier bags when you go shopping, unless you want to buy one. You see many customers walking out of shops with their arms full of goods, minus the handy carrier bag. Plus you now scan your own items when shopping; yes that’s right the days of the cashier on the till are fast becoming numbered. Going in to a pub and having to go and order your own drink at the bar was also a memory I all too soon forgot about, as I was reminded by the staff in one pub when I sat at a table and tried calling one of their staff over to make an order!!

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/real-life-christmas-comparison-uk-versus-thailand/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-01-03

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That's the advantage for living in Isaan, other than the odd "jingle bell...." in Tesco's you would'nt know it was that phony, commercialised, sentimental event they call Xmas, with its "Peace and goodwill to all" BS. Reading or watching the "News" I don't see much Peace on the horizon, in fact it looks as we are closer to Armageddon.

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That's the advantage for living in Isaan, other than the odd "jingle bell...." in Tesco's you would'nt know it was that phony, commercialised, sentimental event they call Xmas, with its "Peace and goodwill to all" BS. Reading or watching the "News" I don't see much Peace on the horizon, in fact it looks as we are closer to Armageddon.

Armageddon sentimental over you ;)

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I have spent the last 12 Christmas's in Thailand. I used to love them back in England when my children were young. It was always a time to bring families close together. I would like to give it one more try but the cold weather puts me off. I would only go back to visit in what the British call summertime. 20degrees if your lucky.

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If I made a list of all the pros/cons for living here or UK, one of the pros is that if you want to, you can completely ignore Christmas and all the commercial BS. Maybe these days there aren't so many family feuds over the turkey since the arrival of smart phones, as nobody will be talking to each other.

I spent mine in Koh Samet, and it wasn't until about 4pm that someone reminded me it was Christmas, otherwise I might never have noticed.

Edited by Shiver
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Absolutely great to be here and not the UK at Xmas. If you are male, divorced and single in the UK you can absolutely guarantee that your offspring will be obliged to be with mother and all your ex friends who are still married will have stopped inviting you out on special occasions because you became a gooseberry years ago.

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Mr Money Bags tongue-in-cheek comment is very much to the point.

Not only was Jesus Christ not born on 25 December, but we cannot be sure

that he was an historical figure at all.

However, even if he was only a figment of someone's imagination, we can

thank him for being the putative reason that we get a Christmas holiday in

modern times.

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I have always assimilated Christmas with Saint Nicholas, who I understood to be a Russian Priest who gave gifts to children and the poor during the harsh Siberian Winter.

Now I have googled St Nic, who apparently is a disciple from Turkey.

Will this confusion ever end?

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Mr Money Bags tongue-in-cheek comment is very much to the point.

Not only was Jesus Christ not born on 25 December, but we cannot be sure

that he was an historical figure at all.

However, even if he was only a figment of someone's imagination, we can

thank him for being the putative reason that we get a Christmas holiday in

modern times.

"Mr Money Bags tongue-in-cheek comment is very much to the point."

Either one of us misunderstood the point of Mr. M.B.'s post or one of us doesn't understand what "tongue in cheek." means.

For some it's still a date commemorating the birth of Jesus even though the 25th December is undoubtedly not his actual birth date.

Always amusing how some people feel such an urgency to rush forward to disparage others' faith with comments about "figments of someone's imagination" or the like. Apparently some people imagine themselves to be the center of the universe and are jealous that everyone doesn't celebrate their birthdays.

Edited by Suradit69
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You are so right, you can not recreate xmas in Thailand the same as it is in UK. I have had xmas in both many times and the UK is far better.

It should feel Christmassy ie cold, windy, snow, proper xmas tree, rushing round at the last minute to make sure you have everything for xmas day and boxing day.

wrapping all the presents up, putting them under the tree, opening one on xmas eve etc etc.

All the family together having a good proper xmas dinner, xmas pudding and getting blotto and yes then sleeping it all off. As for buying a bag for 5p to save the climate unlike Thailand who uses plastic bags for everything!! Don't get me wrong I still love most of Thailand but imagine trying to recreate songkran in UK it just would not feel the same.

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That's the advantage for living in Isaan, other than the odd "jingle bell...." in Tesco's you would'nt know it was that phony, commercialised, sentimental event they call Xmas, with its "Peace and goodwill to all" BS. Reading or watching the "News" I don't see much Peace on the horizon, in fact it looks as we are closer to Armageddon.

Well you sound like the typical self-exiled miserable expat who hates to have fun so if course you are going to hate Christmas!

I've just moved back to the UK (from Isaan previously but more recently Bangkok) with my wife and 2 kids and I loved doing Halloween and Christmas in the UK. It felt real again (unlike everything in Thailand where all you can expect there is a pale imitation of the everything) so being back in the UK for a real Xmas and New Year including all of the build up with friends and family was awesome for me. My kids had the times of theirs lives too. Shame there was no snow where we live though.

When I am really old and grumpy I will probably end up like you and not want to be around anything fun, but until then I'm loving being back in the UK with my family to do the things with my kids that I enjoyed doing as a kid here.

Happy New Year!!

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Didn't have xmas this year,

My family didn't say a word,

My 4 year old didn't care.

Just another normal Friday.

The kids went to school as usual.

What lovely family memories you made. Did you take any photos?? Edited by KunMatt
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That's the advantage for living in Isaan, other than the odd "jingle bell...." in Tesco's you would'nt know it was that phony, commercialised, sentimental event they call Xmas, with its "Peace and goodwill to all" BS. Reading or watching the "News" I don't see much Peace on the horizon, in fact it looks as we are closer to Armageddon.

Well you sound like the typical self-exiled miserable expat who hates to have fun so if course you are going to hate Christmas!

I've just moved back to the UK (from Isaan previously but more recently Bangkok) with my wife and 2 kids and I loved doing Halloween and Christmas in the UK. It felt real again (unlike everything in Thailand where all you can expect there is a pale imitation of the everything) so being back in the UK for a real Xmas and New Year including all of the build up with friends and family was awesome for me. My kids had the times of theirs lives too. Shame there was no snow where we live though.

When I am really old and grumpy I will probably end up like you and not want to be around anything fun, but until then I'm loving being back in the UK with my family to do the things with my kids that I enjoyed doing as a kid here.

Happy New Year!!

If you love it so much, why did you leave it until recently to move back ?

Money ran out ? The dream was over ?

One way to try and justify going back, Christmas was great ! Now only the long cold winter to get through.

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That's the advantage for living in Isaan, other than the odd "jingle bell...." in Tesco's you would'nt know it was that phony, commercialised, sentimental event they call Xmas, with its "Peace and goodwill to all" BS. Reading or watching the "News" I don't see much Peace on the horizon, in fact it looks as we are closer to Armageddon.

Well you sound like the typical self-exiled miserable expat who hates to have fun so if course you are going to hate Christmas!

I've just moved back to the UK (from Isaan previously but more recently Bangkok) with my wife and 2 kids and I loved doing Halloween and Christmas in the UK. It felt real again (unlike everything in Thailand where all you can expect there is a pale imitation of the everything) so being back in the UK for a real Xmas and New Year including all of the build up with friends and family was awesome for me. My kids had the times of theirs lives too. Shame there was no snow where we live though.

When I am really old and grumpy I will probably end up like you and not want to be around anything fun, but until then I'm loving being back in the UK with my family to do the things with my kids that I enjoyed doing as a kid here.

Happy New Year!!

If you love it so much, why did you leave it until recently to move back ?

Money ran out ? The dream was over ?

One way to try and justify going back, Christmas was great ! Now only the long cold winter to get through.

Hilarious how cynical you are over my positive post, I'm guessing from your name you are also an old expat living in Isaan. Also, you make no sense because the UK is far more expensive than Thailand and one of the most common reasons for expats to stay in Thailand is because they can save money by sacrificing their child's upbringing and welfare by living there.

There were many, many reasons but one of the biggest is that I wanted our kids to grow up in the UK. TBH I left it as late as possible because we are very close to my in-laws so we moved back just a few months before our first child started school in the UK,

Let me hear your negative take on this. :)

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Hilarious how cynical you are over my positive post, I'm guessing from your name you are also an old expat living in Isaan. Also, you make no sense because the UK is far more expensive than Thailand and one of the most common reasons for expats to stay in Thailand is because they can save money by sacrificing their child's upbringing and welfare by living there.

There were many, many reasons but one of the biggest is that I wanted our kids to grow up in the UK. TBH I left it as late as possible because we are very close to my in-laws so we moved back just a few months before our first child started school in the UK,

Let me hear your negative take on this. smile.png

Living the multi-cultural Muslim dream!

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That's the advantage for living in Isaan, other than the odd "jingle bell...." in Tesco's you would'nt know it was that phony, commercialised, sentimental event they call Xmas, with its "Peace and goodwill to all" BS. Reading or watching the "News" I don't see much Peace on the horizon, in fact it looks as we are closer to Armageddon.

Well you sound like the typical self-exiled miserable expat who hates to have fun so if course you are going to hate Christmas!

I've just moved back to the UK (from Isaan previously but more recently Bangkok) with my wife and 2 kids and I loved doing Halloween and Christmas in the UK. It felt real again (unlike everything in Thailand where all you can expect there is a pale imitation of the everything) so being back in the UK for a real Xmas and New Year including all of the build up with friends and family was awesome for me. My kids had the times of theirs lives too. Shame there was no snow where we live though.

When I am really old and grumpy I will probably end up like you and not want to be around anything fun, but until then I'm loving being back in the UK with my family to do the things with my kids that I enjoyed doing as a kid here.

Happy New Year!!

If you love it so much, why did you leave it until recently to move back ?

Money ran out ? The dream was over ?

One way to try and justify going back, Christmas was great ! Now only the long cold winter to get through.

Hilarious how cynical you are over my positive post, I'm guessing from your name you are also an old expat living in Isaan. Also, you make no sense because the UK is far more expensive than Thailand and one of the most common reasons for expats to stay in Thailand is because they can save money by sacrificing their child's upbringing and welfare by living there.

There were many, many reasons but one of the biggest is that I wanted our kids to grow up in the UK. TBH I left it as late as possible because we are very close to my in-laws so we moved back just a few months before our first child started school in the UK,

Let me hear your negative take on this. :)

If 55 is old, yes I am old.

Never have to work again, so I have no complaints.

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Hilarious how cynical you are over my positive post, I'm guessing from your name you are also an old expat living in Isaan. Also, you make no sense because the UK is far more expensive than Thailand and one of the most common reasons for expats to stay in Thailand is because they can save money by sacrificing their child's upbringing and welfare by living there.

There were many, many reasons but one of the biggest is that I wanted our kids to grow up in the UK. TBH I left it as late as possible because we are very close to my in-laws so we moved back just a few months before our first child started school in the UK,

Let me hear your negative take on this. smile.png

Living the multi-cultural Muslim dream!

Hahaha, this really is the grumpy old man's thread.

And nope, not at all where I live. Lucky for you there are no Muslims in Thailand at all or daily terrorist attacks in the country and Bangkok has an awesome anti-terror unit so there will never be any attacks. Oh wait...

Edited by KunMatt
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Hilarious how cynical you are over my positive post, I'm guessing from your name you are also an old expat living in Isaan. Also, you make no sense because the UK is far more expensive than Thailand and one of the most common reasons for expats to stay in Thailand is because they can save money by sacrificing their child's upbringing and welfare by living there.

There were many, many reasons but one of the biggest is that I wanted our kids to grow up in the UK. TBH I left it as late as possible because we are very close to my in-laws so we moved back just a few months before our first child started school in the UK,

Let me hear your negative take on this. smile.png

If 55 is old, yes I am old.

Never have to work again, so I have no complaints.

Yeah you are much older than me but young enough that you have a very long boring life left in rural Thailand to go. Cheer up and enjoy it. smile.png

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Hilarious how cynical you are over my positive post, I'm guessing from your name you are also an old expat living in Isaan. Also, you make no sense because the UK is far more expensive than Thailand and one of the most common reasons for expats to stay in Thailand is because they can save money by sacrificing their child's upbringing and welfare by living there.

There were many, many reasons but one of the biggest is that I wanted our kids to grow up in the UK. TBH I left it as late as possible because we are very close to my in-laws so we moved back just a few months before our first child started school in the UK,

Let me hear your negative take on this. smile.png

If 55 is old, yes I am old.

Never have to work again, so I have no complaints.

Yeah you are much older than me but young enough that you have a very long boring life left in rural Thailand to go. Cheer up and enjoy it. smile.png

Bored with Isaan, moving on this year. But it won't be to the (not so) Great Britain.

Is there no forums for ex expats ? Why TV ?

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Bored with Isaan, moving on this year. But it won't be to the (not so) Great Britain.

Is there no forums for ex expats ? Why TV ?

Why not TV? My wife is Thai, I have Thai in-laws, we will go back to Thailand every summer to visit them. Do you really need everything explained out for you??

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No Storm Frank here yet. A bit nippy at night though, 19 degrees.

Wow, amazing, you have swayed me and proved me wrong about leaving Thailand. I must rush my kids back there immediately because the weather is hotter. Never mind the inept education and upbringing they will receive, at least we will all have nice tans.

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I have many friends still there, and they tell me that the education system there is not what it used to be.

Still worth a thousand times more than an education in Thailand will be by the time they are finished. And I wasn't just talking about the education, I was talking about their upbringing in general. Like I said in my first post, I'm loving seeing my kids do the exact same things that I enjoyed doing as I kid. It's apparent that you hate the UK but I loved growing up here and a big part of moving back was that I want my kids to have the same type of upbringing and experience that I had, which they are doing right now and I'm very happy about that. Unlike you I never left my last country of residence because I hate the country or because it was cheaper or is hotter to do so, I left because even though I love Thailand I know that growing up in the UK is far better for my kids.

Which brings me back onto topic. You can have a Christmas in Thailand but it will never be anywhere as good as the real deal. The same goes for everything that I want for my kids.

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