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90 Day Report Question

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Apologies if this has already been covered, but I couldn't find anything on here to answer my question.

Let's say you have a 1 year retirement extension, and during that year you do one of the usual 90 day reports. Then, 30 days after you do the report, you leave Thailand for, let's say, 60 days. My question is: do you have to do the next 90 day report 60 days after you get back, that is, adding the 30 days from before you left, plus 60 more, or do you just need to do the 90 day report 90 days after you returned?

Sounds a bit complicated, but I hope I've made the question clear enough.

Thanks in advance, and Happy New Year!

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Leaving resets the count, so you have to report 90 days after you return. You are reporting having stayed uninterrupted in Thailand for more than 90 days, so if you don't stay more than 90 days you don't have to make a report.


Edited by Sophon
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OK! Many thanks to all three of you who replied!

I guess this rule makes sense, but I couldn't find it anywhere. However, it doesn't matter whether it makes sense or not, yeah?

Reading my reply, let me clarify:

I couldn't find the RULE anywhere, not I couldn't find the sense of it. LOL!

I mean, I guess the sense of it is... Oh, who cares, right?

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It is a report of staying in the country longer than 90 days (see title of TM47 form). If you leave the country on or before the date you have stayed 90 days no report is due. You start a new 90 days when you return.

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The requirement is to report after being 90 days in the country.

If you are not here 90 days you do not report.

Simple really.

Thanks again for all the replies.

What was tricky for me is the "90 consecutive days" aspect.

I was thinking in terms of "90 days in Thailand since my last 90 day report," regardless of whether those days are consecutive or not.

Speaking of my trip out of Thailand, I was coming back from the States with my Thai wife thru Korea on a round trip to Chiang Mai. The Korean ticket lady asked me to prove I had a ticket back out of Thailand. Took 15 minutes (with a few "Please wait here, sirs") to explain my re-entry permit and how my retirement extension is good until July. Man, a lot of Korean women clicking around on high heels, that was. Meanwhile, we had to get to the gate!

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