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Deputy Thai PM: Reconciliation should be voluntary


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The Dinosaur in me has more to 'say' biggrin.png

I'l try again, but assume I only get another childish photo as a "reply" (and that's why I've added one of my own):

"And what you and your small and confused group of junta lovers fail spectacularly to state is exactly what makes you believe the present junta will change anything for the better after all the coups the last decades that did not change anything.

Is it Uncle Too you have such faith in? The rest of the junta? Tell us, what is different this time???"
EJ, you're more than welcome to answer this question, mate!

That you didnt 'run away' and you gave as good as you got is good - and very un-liberal of you.

No - I wont answer your 'leading' question - I am not a "confused junta lover" (nice try). But what I will do is put some facts forward, and then re-state and clarify my opinion on things going forward. And I look forward to an intelligent and well reasoned argument in response - I do not expect (nor demand) you agree.

BUT - before that, I will point out that my original post was not in support of the Junta (a fair enough term) - it was aimed at the group of expat whingers who I see every day on all the Forums whinging about Thailand - the Junta, the people, the failings, the stuffups, the corruption, etc. etc. etc. - on and on and on they go - every day. I am sick of them. And no, I am not an American - the only humurous pictures I could find about stupid people about politics are from the yanks - and you gotta admit some of them are good.

Fact: Being democratically elected is not always the best thing for the people/country. Hitler came 2nd and was then elected 3 times in Germany before WW2. Berlusconi was PM 4 times in Italy - a corrupt businesman and politician who used his wealth and ownership of media outlets to manipulate everyone and everything - remind you of anyone? There are many examples in history from all over the world where leaders elected to power lead to death and destruction of the people/country. An elected Govt is NOT automatically right. Likewise - there have been many examples of where a Junta has been for the benfit of the people/country - and a lot more where they have not.

IMO: Many posts are made by people who have a total and utter dislike of the Junta because they are a junta - that is the beginning and end of their logic.

IMO: They should either leave or abide - constant throwing of unwarranted abuse/criticism does no good for the Thai people - what are they trying to achive (but I agree some criticism is warranted).

IMO: This Junta has the opportunity to achieve a good outcome for the people and the country - this time.

Fact: The country of Thailand is currently ruled by a Junta. The Junta has been supported by the King. The majority of the Thai people support the 'intent' of the Coup D'etat. The country is stable. The rest of the world continues to trade and have diplomatic relations with Thailand. The Junta is in power - and how they use that power - and how and when they hand it over is the real issue - the clock cannot be turned back.

IMO: The reasons for the coup d'etat were valid and most Thais agree - unlike previous Coup D'etats in Thailand.

IMO: The Junta is going OK (certainly not perfect) and I think they have learned from the past. This time they are not just getting rid of a corrupt Govt, just to faciliutate another one taking its place. They are aiming to get rid of the system that so readily facilitated corrupt Govts - including trying to create a Constitution that will last.

IMO: If the Junta packed up and went back to their barracks today, the country would descend into chaos. And then that upcoming 'event' I have mentioned would be a complete and utter disaster for the people, and Thailand would not recover for a long long time.

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The Dinosaur in me has more to 'say' biggrin.png

I'l try again, but assume I only get another childish photo as a "reply" (and that's why I've added one of my own):

"And what you and your small and confused group of junta lovers fail spectacularly to state is exactly what makes you believe the present junta will change anything for the better after all the coups the last decades that did not change anything.

Is it Uncle Too you have such faith in? The rest of the junta? Tell us, what is different this time???"
EJ, you're more than welcome to answer this question, mate!

That you didnt 'run away' and you gave as good as you got is good - and very un-liberal of you.

No - I wont answer your 'leading' question - I am not a "confused junta lover" (nice try). But what I will do is put some facts forward, and then re-state and clarify my opinion on things going forward. And I look forward to an intelligent and well reasoned argument in response - I do not expect (nor demand) you agree.

BUT - before that, I will point out that my original post was not in support of the Junta (a fair enough term) - it was aimed at the group of expat whingers who I see every day on all the Forums whinging about Thailand - the Junta, the people, the failings, the stuffups, the corruption, etc. etc. etc. - on and on and on they go - every day. I am sick of them. And no, I am not an American - the only humurous pictures I could find about stupid people about politics are from the yanks - and you gotta admit some of them are good.

Fact: Being democratically elected is not always the best thing for the people/country. Hitler came 2nd and was then elected 3 times in Germany before WW2. Berlusconi was PM 4 times in Italy - a corrupt businesman and politician who used his wealth and ownership of media outlets to manipulate everyone and everything - remind you of anyone? There are many examples in history from all over the world where leaders elected to power lead to death and destruction of the people/country. An elected Govt is NOT automatically right. Likewise - there have been many examples of where a Junta has been for the benfit of the people/country - and a lot more where they have not.

IMO: Many posts are made by people who have a total and utter dislike of the Junta because they are a junta - that is the beginning and end of their logic.

IMO: They should either leave or abide - constant throwing of unwarranted abuse/criticism does no good for the Thai people - what are they trying to achive (but I agree some criticism is warranted).

IMO: This Junta has the opportunity to achieve a good outcome for the people and the country - this time.

Fact: The country of Thailand is currently ruled by a Junta. The Junta has been supported by the King. The majority of the Thai people support the 'intent' of the Coup D'etat. The country is stable. The rest of the world continues to trade and have diplomatic relations with Thailand. The Junta is in power - and how they use that power - and how and when they hand it over is the real issue - the clock cannot be turned back.

IMO: The reasons for the coup d'etat were valid and most Thais agree - unlike previous Coup D'etats in Thailand.

IMO: The Junta is going OK (certainly not perfect) and I think they have learned from the past. This time they are not just getting rid of a corrupt Govt, just to faciliutate another one taking its place. They are aiming to get rid of the system that so readily facilitated corrupt Govts - including trying to create a Constitution that will last.

IMO: If the Junta packed up and went back to their barracks today, the country would descend into chaos. And then that upcoming 'event' I have mentioned would be a complete and utter disaster for the people, and Thailand would not recover for a long long time.

"No - I wont answer your 'leading' question"

In what way is it leading? It's a simple question you should be able to answer, right?

"IMO: Many posts are made by people who have a total and utter dislike of the Junta because they are a junta - that is the beginning and end of their logic."

And that's fair enough in my opinion. Or maybe you have lots of examples of junta rule being successful?

"IMO: They should either leave or abide - constant throwing of unwarranted abuse/criticism does no good for the Thai people - what are they trying to achive (but I agree some criticism is warranted)."

Why should I leave? Did you leave during the Shin rule? What do you mean it does no good for the Thai people? How?? We're not trying to achieve anything, just debating and letting off steam in a forum. Shocking, huh?

"MO: This Junta has the opportunity to achieve a good outcome for the people and the country - this time."

Again: What makes you believe the present junta will change anything for the better after all the coups the last decades that did not change anything.

Is it Uncle Too you have such faith in? The rest of the junta? Tell us, what is different this time
"The majority of the Thai people support the 'intent' of the Coup D'etat."
And you base this assumption on what?
"The country is stable."
The country is a pressure cooker with the lid tightly closed.
"The Junta is in power - and how they use that power - and how and when they hand it over is the real issue - the clock cannot be turned back."
Turning back the clock is exactly what the junta wants to achieve.
"IMO: The reasons for the coup d'etat were valid and most Thais agree - unlike previous Coup D'etats in Thailand."
Again, you base this assumption on what - Dusit polls?
"IMO: The Junta is going OK (certainly not perfect) and I think they have learned from the past. This time they are not just getting rid of a corrupt Govt, just to faciliutate another one taking its place. They are aiming to get rid of the system that so readily facilitated corrupt Govts - including trying to create a Constitution that will last."
And what has transpired during the last 20 months that has made you so optimistic? Lasting constitution?? it's the military that keeps ripping them up!!
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Did you really read my post? Or did you just skim through ignoring any facts and reasons, and was just looking for points to argue about??

I see very little evidence that you even tried to ‘listen’ to my point of view – and you certainly haven’t provided yours - nor any reason.

Are you rerally a ‘liberal’ thinker as they define in those jokes from USA – I am right and I demand you tell me the reasons for your opinion (so I can tell you they are wrong).

But seeing that you went to the trouble – let me try again:

"No - I wont answer your 'leading' question"

In what way is it leading? It's a simple question you should be able to answer, right?

There is no point is answering leading questions. Eg: “why can’t I go out dressed like this?” Get over it and move on.

"IMO: Many posts are made by people who have a total and utter dislike of the Junta because they are a junta - that is the beginning and end of their logic."

And that's fair enough in my opinion.

OK – we agree to disagree on that.

Or maybe you have lots of examples of junta rule being successful?

Do your own research on history – the internet is available - there has been a few.

"IMO: They should either leave or abide - constant throwing of unwarranted abuse/criticism does no good for the Thai people - what are they trying to achive (but I agree some criticism is warranted)."

Why should I leave? Did you leave during the Shin rule? We're not trying to achieve anything, just debating and letting off steam in a forum. Shocking, huh?

<deleted>??!! What part of IMO dont you get? OBVIOUSLY ..... because IMO if people hate a place/govt/people so much, why do they stay?? DUH !! If I hated somewhere so much, then I would leave.

What do you mean it does no good for the Thai people? How??

IMO !!! How about this – YOU tell me – WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO ??

"IMO: This Junta has the opportunity to achieve a good outcome for the people and the country - this time."

Again: What makes you believe the present junta will change anything for the better after all the coups the last decades that did not change anything.

Is it Uncle Too you have such faith in? The rest of the junta? Tell us, what is different this time

Read my last post again – my reasons are in there if you read it.

"The majority of the Thai people support the 'intent' of the Coup D'etat."

And you base this assumption on what?

This is getting ridiculous. IMO!!

Do you ever leave your condo/apartment/house and meet/talk to Thai people. Do you see what is actually happenning (not just read the headlines). Did you see the recent ride for King day. How about the New Year celebrations.

"The country is stable."

The country is a pressure cooker with the lid tightly closed.


"The Junta is in power - and how they use that power - and how and when they hand it over is the real issue - the clock cannot be turned back."

Turning back the clock is exactly what the junta wants to achieve.


"IMO: The reasons for the coup d'etat were valid and most Thais agree - unlike previous Coup D'etats in Thailand."

Again, you base this assumption on what - Dusit polls?


"IMO: The Junta is going OK (certainly not perfect) and I think they have learned from the past. This time they are not just getting rid of a corrupt Govt, just to faciliutate another one taking its place. They are aiming to get rid of the system that so readily facilitated corrupt Govts - including trying to create a Constitution that will last."

And what has transpired during the last 20 months that has made you so optimistic? Lasting constitution?? it's the military that keeps ripping them up!!


AND – anyone that even thinks that a Country’s Constitution can be written in 20 months is not on this planet – come on get real. History lesson: The American Revolution went from 1765 to 1783. Many American States declared themselves independent in 1776 - the Declaration of Independence. There was an Article of Confederation created in 1781. The first version of the current United States of America Constitution was finalised in September 1787. Rome was not built in a day !!!

Now if you are going to respond – what I ask (if you want me to respond) - is that you follow the generally accepted form of a debate/argument (and not be so ‘liberal’).

Dont just abuse my opinions and ignore my facts and then demand I justify my opinions - because they dont align with yours. If I have a fact wrong – then please provide your reasons for believing I have it wrong. If you disagree with my opinion, dont take it personally and attack it – just give me your opinion on the matter, rather than just tell me I am wrong and/or demand to know the reasons why I have my opinions. AND ..... How about you provide your opinion on what is going to happen over the next 3-5 years – and maybe some facts and reason to support your position.

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Independently of who may be right or not in the current debate, I don't find extravagant to ask for facts when an assertion is made by a poster, rather than the contrary (i.e. prove me I'm wrong).

Exactly. He lists all kinds of assumptions, and when I question those assumptions he dares me to prove him wrong. Debating at a high level, indeed.

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Did you really read my post? Or did you just skim through ignoring any facts and reasons, and was just looking for points to argue about??

I see very little evidence that you even tried to ‘listen’ to my point of view – and you certainly haven’t provided yours - nor any reason.

Are you rerally a ‘liberal’ thinker as they define in those jokes from USA – I am right and I demand you tell me the reasons for your opinion (so I can tell you they are wrong).

But seeing that you went to the trouble – let me try again:

"No - I wont answer your 'leading' question"

In what way is it leading? It's a simple question you should be able to answer, right?

There is no point is answering leading questions. Eg: “why can’t I go out dressed like this?” Get over it and move on.

Again, why is this question so difficult for you to answer? Well, I know the answer but would like you to supply it.

"IMO: Many posts are made by people who have a total and utter dislike of the Junta because they are a junta - that is the beginning and end of their logic."

And that's fair enough in my opinion.

OK – we agree to disagree on that.

Or maybe you have lots of examples of junta rule being successful?

Do your own research on history – the internet is available - there has been a few.

You made the assertion, I question it and you tell me to get the facts??

"IMO: They should either leave or abide - constant throwing of unwarranted abuse/criticism does no good for the Thai people - what are they trying to achive (but I agree some criticism is warranted)."

Why should I leave? Did you leave during the Shin rule? We're not trying to achieve anything, just debating and letting off steam in a forum. Shocking, huh?

<deleted>??!! What part of IMO dont you get? OBVIOUSLY ..... because IMO if people hate a place/govt/people so much, why do they stay?? DUH !! If I hated somewhere so much, then I would leave.

I don't hate the place> I'm am just not a fan of the current (or past) administration. If I didn't care about Thailand I wouldn't criticize the government. Understand??

What do you mean it does no good for the Thai people? How??

IMO !!! How about this – YOU tell me – WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO ??

You made the assertion, I question it and you tell me to explain myself??

"IMO: This Junta has the opportunity to achieve a good outcome for the people and the country - this time."

Again: What makes you believe the present junta will change anything for the better after all the coups the last decades that did not change anything.

Is it Uncle Too you have such faith in? The rest of the junta? Tell us, what is different this time

Read my last post again – my reasons are in there if you read it.

No, they're not.

"The majority of the Thai people support the 'intent' of the Coup D'etat."

And you base this assumption on what?

This is getting ridiculous. IMO!!

Do you ever leave your condo/apartment/house and meet/talk to Thai people. Do you see what is actually happenning (not just read the headlines). Did you see the recent ride for King day. How about the New Year celebrations.

So your assertion is based on you getting out of your condo and talking to some people? Wow, that's very scientific. And why do you equate love for the King with support for the junta?

"The country is stable."

The country is a pressure cooker with the lid tightly closed.


So your assertion is based on you getting out of your condo and talking to some people?

"The Junta is in power - and how they use that power - and how and when they hand it over is the real issue - the clock cannot be turned back."

Turning back the clock is exactly what the junta wants to achieve.


Ditto, what?

"IMO: The reasons for the coup d'etat were valid and most Thais agree - unlike previous Coup D'etats in Thailand."

Again, you base this assumption on what - Dusit polls?


So your assertion is based on you getting out of your condo and talking to some people?

"IMO: The Junta is going OK (certainly not perfect) and I think they have learned from the past. This time they are not just getting rid of a corrupt Govt, just to faciliutate another one taking its place. They are aiming to get rid of the system that so readily facilitated corrupt Govts - including trying to create a Constitution that will last."

And what has transpired during the last 20 months that has made you so optimistic? Lasting constitution?? it's the military that keeps ripping them up!!


So your assertion is based on you getting out of your condo and talking to some people?

AND – anyone that even thinks that a Country’s Constitution can be written in 20 months is not on this planet – come on get real. History lesson: The American Revolution went from 1765 to 1783. Many American States declared themselves independent in 1776 - the Declaration of Independence. There was an Article of Confederation created in 1781. The first version of the current United States of America Constitution was finalised in September 1787. Rome was not built in a day !!!

They're not trying to build Rome, they're trying to perpetuate the old guard's rule.

Now if you are going to respond – what I ask (if you want me to respond) - is that you follow the generally accepted form of a debate/argument (and not be so ‘liberal’).

Dont just abuse my opinions and ignore my facts and then demand I justify my opinions - because they dont align with yours. If I have a fact wrong – then please provide your reasons for believing I have it wrong. If you disagree with my opinion, dont take it personally and attack it – just give me your opinion on the matter, rather than just tell me I am wrong and/or demand to know the reasons why I have my opinions. AND ..... How about you provide your opinion on what is going to happen over the next 3-5 years – and maybe some facts and reason to support your position.

I wasn't sure if I should reply to your mail since all you do is obfuscate, but decided to give you one more chance to reply to my questions. If all those questions above are too much for you then please answer just this one:

After 19 coups and coup attempts since 1932 where absolutely nothing was achieved what makes you optimistic that anything will be different this time?

It's a straight forward question and if you're not able to answer it you will look pretty ridiculous.

Edited by MZurf
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There are posters here that can see the shit in precious governments but can't see the same shit in the junta government. Corruption, cronyism, purging, silencing of the press, amnesty granting... List is endless and similar. The coup doesn't contribute to anything nor improvement and instead widen the divide. They say give them time. Was there time given to the democratically elected government to straighten their unpopular acts that drew protests and uproar in Parliment. Is it better now with arbitrary dispensation of law, gaged on protests and a voiceless Parliment.

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Clearly I am wasting my time and efforts to bring some pragmatic and realistic opinion against those that post constant vitriolic and insulting posts about Thailand's Junta and People. Perhaps I should just keep quite like the others who share my opinion and refrain from doing what all wise men know they should avoid: 'wrestling with pigs'. I think I will just ignore any posters who make ignorant and stupid comments (IMO). But then again, it was so much fun stirring up the pot - perhaps I will just stick to throwing mud into their self-serving back-patting group-crap - and then ignore the responses.

I would say that the following statement sums it all up: You made the assertion, I question it and you tell me to explain myself??

How dare I demand the same of you, as you do of me?? Remind you of anyone??? See attachment - ROFL !!!

Actually - before I put forward some 'mud humour' - I think I will put forward one last piece of pragmatic opinion (and reasons). Have a read (a real read) of the original post. The post stated that the Dep PM has stated that the Junta will not create laws making it illegal for people to not accept whatever 'reconciliation' processes/systems they put forward. Quote: national reconciliation be based on people’s willingness, rather than legal enforcement. Does that sound like the actions of a despotic military government like say: North Korea??!! Surely if they are as evil and disgusting and despotic as those posters state by ignorant and stupid comments - then like in Nth Korea they would enforce their reconciliation through enacting laws forcing the people to accept them. The reactions and comments of many posts in response to this statement by the Dep PM proves (IMO) that most posters do not really understand what they are talking about - and clearly they dont care that they dont.

That statement was an EXAMPLE of why IMO - IN MY OPINION - the Junta IS trying to get it right - THIS TIME !!! Time will tell if I am right or wrong - that is a fact. That I think they will get it right, is an OPINION. I dont have to JUSTIFY my opinions to anyone - but I was willing to provide some of my reasons - and I will certainly never bother again doing so to anyone that demands I explain myself, but refuses to even consider having to explain their opposing views. Here is the mud humour - and goodbye - I have a life to get on with, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE MY LARGE 3BR HOUSE cheesy.gif


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Clearly I am wasting my time and efforts to bring some pragmatic and realistic opinion against those that post constant vitriolic and insulting posts about Thailand's Junta and People. Perhaps I should just keep quite like the others who share my opinion and refrain from doing what all wise men know they should avoid: 'wrestling with pigs'. I think I will just ignore any posters who make ignorant and stupid comments (IMO). But then again, it was so much fun stirring up the pot - perhaps I will just stick to throwing mud into their self-serving back-patting group-crap - and then ignore the responses.

I would say that the following statement sums it all up: You made the assertion, I question it and you tell me to explain myself??

How dare I demand the same of you, as you do of me?? Remind you of anyone??? See attachment - ROFL !!!

Actually - before I put forward some 'mud humour' - I think I will put forward one last piece of pragmatic opinion (and reasons). Have a read (a real read) of the original post. The post stated that the Dep PM has stated that the Junta will not create laws making it illegal for people to not accept whatever 'reconciliation' processes/systems they put forward. Quote: national reconciliation be based on people’s willingness, rather than legal enforcement. Does that sound like the actions of a despotic military government like say: North Korea??!! Surely if they are as evil and disgusting and despotic as those posters state by ignorant and stupid comments - then like in Nth Korea they would enforce their reconciliation through enacting laws forcing the people to accept them. The reactions and comments of many posts in response to this statement by the Dep PM proves (IMO) that most posters do not really understand what they are talking about - and clearly they dont care that they dont.

That statement was an EXAMPLE of why IMO - IN MY OPINION - the Junta IS trying to get it right - THIS TIME !!! Time will tell if I am right or wrong - that is a fact. That I think they will get it right, is an OPINION. I dont have to JUSTIFY my opinions to anyone - but I was willing to provide some of my reasons - and I will certainly never bother again doing so to anyone that demands I explain myself, but refuses to even consider having to explain their opposing views. Here is the mud humour - and goodbye - I have a life to get on with, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE MY LARGE 3BR HOUSE cheesy.gif

attachicon.gifOpen Mind - Closed Mind.jpg

"Perhaps I should just keep quite like the others who share my opinion and refrain from doing what all wise men know they should avoid: 'wrestling with pigs'"

Ah, the great obfuscater backs down when called on his wild and unsubstantiated assumptions. How predictablecoffee1.gif

"Time will tell if I am right or wrong - that is a fact."

Time has already told you you're wrong, you just refuse to see it.

"Here is the mud humour - and goodbye - I have a life to get on with, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE MY LARGE 3BR HOUSE"

That you feel the need to brag about your house and actually believing it's something to brag about is beyond sad - it's pathetic. Have a nice time in your 4000 Baht per month room.

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Clearly I am wasting my time and efforts to bring some pragmatic and realistic opinion against those that post constant vitriolic and insulting posts about Thailand's Junta and People. Perhaps I should just keep quite like the others who share my opinion and refrain from doing what all wise men know they should avoid: 'wrestling with pigs'. I think I will just ignore any posters who make ignorant and stupid comments (IMO). But then again, it was so much fun stirring up the pot - perhaps I will just stick to throwing mud into their self-serving back-patting group-crap - and then ignore the responses.

I would say that the following statement sums it all up: You made the assertion, I question it and you tell me to explain myself??

How dare I demand the same of you, as you do of me?? Remind you of anyone??? See attachment - ROFL !!!

Actually - before I put forward some 'mud humour' - I think I will put forward one last piece of pragmatic opinion (and reasons). Have a read (a real read) of the original post. The post stated that the Dep PM has stated that the Junta will not create laws making it illegal for people to not accept whatever 'reconciliation' processes/systems they put forward. Quote: national reconciliation be based on people’s willingness, rather than legal enforcement. Does that sound like the actions of a despotic military government like say: North Korea??!! Surely if they are as evil and disgusting and despotic as those posters state by ignorant and stupid comments - then like in Nth Korea they would enforce their reconciliation through enacting laws forcing the people to accept them. The reactions and comments of many posts in response to this statement by the Dep PM proves (IMO) that most posters do not really understand what they are talking about - and clearly they dont care that they dont.

That statement was an EXAMPLE of why IMO - IN MY OPINION - the Junta IS trying to get it right - THIS TIME !!! Time will tell if I am right or wrong - that is a fact. That I think they will get it right, is an OPINION. I dont have to JUSTIFY my opinions to anyone - but I was willing to provide some of my reasons - and I will certainly never bother again doing so to anyone that demands I explain myself, but refuses to even consider having to explain their opposing views. Here is the mud humour - and goodbye - I have a life to get on with, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE MY LARGE 3BR HOUSE cheesy.gif

attachicon.gifOpen Mind - Closed Mind.jpg

efforts to bring some pragmatic and realistic opinion

while that is appreciated, your opinion is basically junta party-line and it ignores the miltiary's long history of subverting any form of self-governance in favor of military-controlled governance. It ignores the elite/military alliance which has been firmly in place since the 1950s. And finally, if you state that the junta is trying to "get it right" this time, then you are ignoring the last 20 months of inaction on any front except for political purging, LM and human rights abuses, and the military take-over of under-the-table payments.

Yes, it is just your opinion, but the events of the last 20 months, not to mention the last 7 decades are evidence to a different conclusion than your current opinion.

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Ah, the great obfuscater backs down when called on his wild and unsubstantiated assumptions. How predictablecoffee1.gif

"Time will tell if I am right or wrong - that is a fact."

Time has already told you you're wrong, you just refuse to see it.

"Here is the mud humour - and goodbye - I have a life to get on with, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE MY LARGE 3BR HOUSE"

That you feel the need to brag about your house and actually believing it's something to brag about is beyond sad - it's pathetic. Have a nice time in your 4000 Baht per month room.

Unfortunately, removing myself from posts on this topic, didn't remove notifications when someone quotes my posts - I will change that shortly - but first:

My referal to my house - and the ROFL smiley - refers to your ignorant and stupid comments that I found hilarious:

So your assertion is based on you getting out of your condo and talking to some people?

And that you would fail to understand that post-231618-0-51812600-1452410694_thumb.post-231618-0-10988800-1452410720_thumb.- or think that I was bragging - shows just who and what YOU are - see below:

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Quote: national reconciliation be based on peoples willingness, rather than legal enforcement

So this is one of your highlighted reasons for believing in the good general and his minions, beg to differ...

Is that what all the attitude adjustment is all about then???

You can have an opinion on something but if it is the not the same as the party line we will take you to a military base then talk to you and keep you locked up until you sign a piece of paper saying you wont tell anybody else your opinion....I am confused...

One of the main tired old excuse's for the latest coup was to rid the country of corruption, nepotism is a form of corruption so is moving your family and friends to the positions of power corruption? how about getting your brother to, oh I don't know, head of the armed forces, is that a bit dodgy???

What about double standards, is that a form of corruption? is it fair that people on your side can say and do as they like with little interference where as if you have an opposing view you will have the full force of the law thrown at you???

What about talking about transparency, is it fair to talk about being transparent but when the questions get a little close to home to shut them down, I'd have thought that was a bit dodgy at the very least...

What about taking every opportunity to bully the press and basically telling them only to print the party line because anything else is unpatriotic..

I could go on but really can't be arsed, the proof that this present junta are only serving themselves is plain to see, they are the classic 'do as I say not as I do' and that is about the only thing that is transparent with the present junta...

These are my opinions on why I believe the present lot in charge are liars and hypocrites and I have managed to do it all without a single chad picture....good eh!

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Ah, the great obfuscater backs down when called on his wild and unsubstantiated assumptions. How predictablecoffee1.gif

"Time will tell if I am right or wrong - that is a fact."

Time has already told you you're wrong, you just refuse to see it.

"Here is the mud humour - and goodbye - I have a life to get on with, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE MY LARGE 3BR HOUSE"

That you feel the need to brag about your house and actually believing it's something to brag about is beyond sad - it's pathetic. Have a nice time in your 4000 Baht per month room.

Unfortunately, removing myself from posts on this topic, didn't remove notifications when someone quotes my posts - I will change that shortly - but first:

My referal to my house - and the ROFL smiley - refers to your ignorant and stupid comments that I found hilarious:

So your assertion is based on you getting out of your condo and talking to some people?

And that you would fail to understand that attachicon.gifISDP 11.jpgattachicon.gifpigeonchess.jpg- or think that I was bragging - shows just who and what YOU are - see below:

You should really learn when to back away as you look increasingly foolish for each post.

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Reconciliation can only begin once those in power have understood that reconciliation or peace needs people to accept, to actually welcome other ideas and the willingness and open mind to talk about it. And for that we need people with common sense in the government.

But I see No Common sense Only Paranoia

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Reconciliation can only begin once those in power have understood that reconciliation or peace needs people to accept, to actually welcome other ideas and the willingness and open mind to talk about it. And for that we need people with common sense in the government.

But I see No Common sense Only Paranoia

But I see No Common sense Only Paranoia

good eyes... thumbsup.gif

yeah, these guys don't really give a rip about reconciliation... that's just bluster. Same with "reforms".

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