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Making a Murderer (Netflix) -- guilty or not guilty ... of watching amazing television!


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Just watched the first episode and have read what has been said about him ,doubt if I will watch the rest ,he obviously did not deserve to go to prison the first time ,but seems he was a bit of a <deleted> to start,

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The interviewer didn't ask any difficult questions and the film makers can promote their movie, but my sister and niece live 100 miles from Avery Auto Salvage and if this animal ever gets out of prison he'll kill more women.

Brainwashed by the local media as shown in the doc.

Are you a slower learner than Brandon Dassey?

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The interviewer didn't ask any difficult questions and the film makers can promote their movie, but my sister and niece live 100 miles from Avery Auto Salvage and if this animal ever gets out of prison he'll kill more women.

Brainwashed by the local media as shown in the doc.
Are you a slower learner than Brandon Dassey?
No. Poor guy.
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I enjoyed it, but don't think he has a chance in hell of getting off again. As for his nephew, he said he read about "what he did" in a book by James Patterson. (can't remember the name). The boy is obviously not all there, and for a minute i thought his uncle was trying to frame him.

I agree JT - the ex boyfriend looked a bit shifty!!

The whole lot of them seem a bit in bred. I did enjoy the Fargo-esque accents.

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I enjoyed it, but don't think he has a chance in hell of getting off again. As for his nephew, he said he read about "what he did" in a book by James Patterson. (can't remember the name). The boy is obviously not all there, and for a minute i thought his uncle was trying to frame him.

I agree JT - the ex boyfriend looked a bit shifty!!

The whole lot of them seem a bit in bred. I did enjoy the Fargo-esque accents.

Yeah it was kind of American Gothic in atmosphere. Avery seems to be accusing his brother over a money motive. The cops hated the whole family. The nephew was about sealing the deal against Avery but he got sucked in big time.
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After watching Jodi's interview, he does not sound like a nice guy at all.

Yes, he was in prison for a long time for something he didn't do. But, perhaps, he thought - shit, I did time for a crime, now i am going to commit that crime and get away with it again.

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After watching Jodi's interview, he does not sound like a nice guy at all.

Yes, he was in prison for a long time for something he didn't do. But, perhaps, he thought - shit, I did time for a crime, now i am going to commit that crime and get away with it again.

I didn't get that impression that he was that stupid. Like leaving her truck there. Come on.
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After watching Jodi's interview, he does not sound like a nice guy at all.

Yes, he was in prison for a long time for something he didn't do. But, perhaps, he thought - shit, I did time for a crime, now i am going to commit that crime and get away with it again.

I didn't get that impression that he was that stupid. Like leaving her truck there. Come on.

Avery has an IQ of 70. The film makers try to make him look innocent to boost ratings.


BTW, I'm not brainwashed by local media, I've lived in Thailand since 2004 and first heard of this case 2 weeks ago.

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The interview with the ex-girlfriend doesn't look good, but it's not even close to a smoking gun for Steven Avery:

-- she's an unreliable witness, ex-con (really guilty), chronic alcoholic

-- she's admits in the interview of "not remembering" an awful lot of stuff, likely related to brain damage from the sauce

-- she's said Avery said he didn't do it and presented ZERO hard evidence that he did

-- no fury like a woman scorned

-- if Steven Avery did physically abuse her, that is a separate criminal charge, not related to the murder of the photographer

-- the question isn't is S.A. a saint, he ain't, but neither are the booze lady or the police -- the question is about the MURDER

-- in the documentary she says good things about Steven ... which version of her to believe

-- where is the blood of the victim in the garage? Impossible for an expert to clean that up, but no blood

-- she was on the prosecution list but the prosecution didn't use her ... evidence the defense would have destroyed her on the stand

Edited by Jingthing
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Of course she won't remember everything, it's been 10 years, but her emotions appear very real.

Lack of blood is easy to explain. She was shot in head in front of the garage and rain the next few days washed it away. Remember, the victim was afraid of Avery, unlikely she would have voluntarily entered the trailer considering she didn't even want to visit the property. Brendon Dassey indicated the family had encouraged Avery to seek counseling to try to control his violent temper.

Edited by camble
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The prosecution never mentioned your theory about the blood, did they?

Remember, in U.S. justice the standard of conviction is high.


There are boatloads of DOUBT in this case.

Both of those convicted in this case clearly didn't begin to get any presumption of innocence.

Edited by Jingthing
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The prosecution never mentioned your theory about the blood, did they?

Remember, in U.S. justice the standard of conviction is high.


There are boatloads of DOUBT in this case.


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I'm not biased either for or against the cops. The abuse of authority cannot be tolerated in a free society. I had a lot questions after viewing this movie for the first time, but the more I think about it and the more research I've done, the more convinced I am that Avery is guilty. The film is biased and the film makers had it in their best interests to make him look innocent to increase ratings. However, I do feel sorry for Dassey who was only an accomplice because of his uncle.

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A critical look at the documentary.

Toward the end of the series, Dean Strang, Steven Avery’s defense lawyer, notes that most of the problems in the criminal-justice system stem from “unwarranted certitude”—what he calls “a tragic lack of humility of everyone who participates.” Ultimately, “Making a Murderer” shares that flaw; it does not challenge our yearning for certainty or do the difficult work of helping to foster humility. Instead, it swaps one absolute for another—and, in doing so, comes to resemble the system it seeks to correct. It is easy to express outrage, comforting to have closure, and satisfying to know all the answers. But, as defense lawyers remind people every day, it is reasonable to doubt.


It's true, this isn't only about one case.

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Just finished watching the series and I have doubts, If there is doubt you must vote not guilty. Car left on property,lack of DNA in bedroom and garage,key found after 4 searches and statement by nephew.

Let him be released into YOUR neighborhood

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Even inbred people keep secrets. Lots of them!! Did you even look at the way they walk and talk. They are not all right.

I am glad that jodi got away. She now has a sort of normal life. That whole lot of them seem odd, he did it.

The prosecuter even mentioned incest between most of them, how did that 16 year old end up like that....lumbering around like an old man? Always looking at his mum for answers etc. and not looking at anyone else. Who is his daddy?

And that jodi woman, stuck by him for 10 years whilst he was in jail, he gets out and beats her and threatens her to kill her. Not on. Not round where i live, anyway!!

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