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This message is designed to find out how many would be interested and to seek suggestion for places, times of discussions, and topics.

Unlike the philosophers' cafe model where one person speaks and the rest listen, here people would be put in groups of 4 or 6 maximum. A topic (or several topics) would be tackled in one evening or afternoon. These events would be free (not including drinks or food terms set by the owner of the place whjere the evnt would be held).

Since I am not likely to be able to choose a universally acceptable time or place (or topics for that matter), I am prepared to do this on a first-come-first-served basis.

If you know of a great place where the coffee is great or the food is awesome,... you can suggest a place. If you suggest a place, however, you must insure that the owner agrees and under what terms and conditions. You must find the time thst suits him/her. And, finally, you must describe the location and the whereabouts of the place (map/address). Locations would be going on a rotating basis.

If you would like to suggest a topic or several topic, again this will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Multiple topics are encouraged as people might not find one too inspiring or there might not be many differences of opinion to make it a lively discussion.

I will compile the lists and the schedule.

I am seeking of holding these twice a week.

I am not too sure how many would be interested in a noon time (12 to 2 pm), middle afternoon time (say 2 pm to 4 pm time) or an evening time (6/7 to 8/9 pm). Be awre that if we want to include Thai resident, they might not be able to attend the early time and we should consdier evening times. Speaking of which, I need someone who knows Thai to help with advertising/translating.

How many of you would like to include the meal or make it just a coffee or drink event? This could be part of your proposal. So, if you like any of these options more than others do state it or make a proposal and make it time-specific aliong with a place and if you wish topic(s).

The rules of the discussions must be adhered to (to follow). One ... for suere is that I do not wish to have a philosopher cafe model. If you wish to start one, fine. I personally find the socratic style not condusive to creating dynamic discussions and many people do not like the speaking to 20 people all that pleasant (including the owner of the establishment BTW).

Of course, I will try to attend as many meetings as I can.

I would like to make the first proposal.

PLACE: Corner restaurant, Huaykaew residence, 55 huaykaew Rd (near the big hotel > more details to follow and map).

DATE/TIME: Oct. 1st ... 7 pm.

MAX. number of seats: 24.

Min. comsumptions: one drink, a salad, or desert.


- Is democracy alive and well in the West?

- Is the concept of a monogamous marriage a model that works?

- Should we legalize drugs in societies?

Leave me a personal message if you are interested in this event.

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I was part of a similar group back home. It was called the "Ideas Society" and was quite interesting as the people were from very diverse backgrounds and points of views. Great idea for here.

I'd be interested in getting on your list of times and dates (although I probably couldn't make it most of the time due to work). Sign me up for the time being... but you might want to change the date - oct 1 has come and gone.

- Is democracy alive and well in the West?

- Is the concept of a monogamous marriage a model that works?

- Should we legalize drugs in societies?

Leave me a personal message if you are interested in this event.

Can i bring my communist, junkie second wife (mistress) along as well.. :o (Poot len). I would be interested in that, sounds better than debating with the missus all day..


- Is democracy alive and well in the West?

- Is the concept of a monogamous marriage a model that works?

- Should we legalize drugs in societies?

Leave me a personal message if you are interested in this event.

Can i bring my communist, junkie second wife (mistress) along as well.. :o (Poot len). I would be interested in that, sounds better than debating with the missus all day..

Best of luck. Not for me though. Thanks for the invite.


I am keen in all kinda chit chat . ordering food and drink anot .. should be up to the person choice ,

a location would be good enough . bar in mind like you said . not all places suit everyone .

same apply for the price and so on ..

a nice cosy place would be nice .

even a open air . park or some kind would be a good start .

but you do know the military law had yet to be lifted right .. so groupy above 5 can be arrested for illegal gathering .

and topic wise got to be of smart choice .

a light warm up topic would be interesting and slowly as we get into it i am sure topic would divert itself and grow ..

Hm... the date i saw suggested is oct 1st ? but i saw your post 16th oct ?

confuse .. so when would it be ?


- Is democracy alive and well in the West?

- Is the concept of a monogamous marriage a model that works?

- Should we legalize drugs in societies?

Leave me a personal message if you are interested in this event.

Can i bring my communist, junkie second wife (mistress) along as well.. :o (Poot len). I would be interested in that, sounds better than debating with the missus all day..

Sure! Extremists of all kind are welcome! You can even bring your neo-liberal, friend and ... lover of junk food and dollars, divorced 3 times who pays alimony to 2 out of the three to finance their lavish and empty lifestyle consisting of shopping all day! :D


- Is democracy alive and well in the West?

- Is the concept of a monogamous marriage a model that works?

- Should we legalize drugs in societies?

Leave me a personal message if you are interested in this event.

Can i bring my communist, junkie second wife (mistress) along as well.. :o (Poot len). I would be interested in that, sounds better than debating with the missus all day..

Sure! Extremists of all kind are welcome! You can even bring your neo-liberal, friend and ... lover of junk food and dollars, divorced 3 times who pays alimony to 2 out of the three to finance their lavish and empty lifestyle consisting of shopping all day! :D

How the hel_l did you just describe my missus so well. Do you ave ESP ?? Or is this a paranoid conspiricy....

- Is democracy alive and well in the West?

- Is the concept of a monogamous marriage a model that works?

- Should we legalize drugs in societies?

Leave me a personal message if you are interested in this event.

Can i bring my communist, junkie second wife (mistress) along as well.. :o (Poot len). I would be interested in that, sounds better than debating with the missus all day..

Sure! Extremists of all kind are welcome! You can even bring your neo-liberal, friend and ... lover of junk food and dollars, divorced 3 times who pays alimony to 2 out of the three to finance their lavish and empty lifestyle consisting of shopping all day! :D

How the hel_l did you just describe my missus so well. Do you ave ESP ?? Or is this a paranoid conspiricy....

You would swear that cloning is now as common as getting a root canal, but propaganda and feminist brainwashing is alive and well in the west. :D

You would swear that cloning is now as common as getting a root canal, but propaganda and feminist brainwashing is alive and well in the west. :o

Oooooooohhhhhhhhh, I think the debate may have started already! I am sooooooo looking forward to the discussion group. MyPenRye, should we prepare to discuss all the topics or just one of our choice? Also do you want formal confirmation or will Mr FB & self just turn up at the Corner Restaurant?


You would swear that cloning is now as common as getting a root canal, but propaganda and feminist brainwashing is alive and well in the west. :o

Oooooooohhhhhhhhh, I think the debate may have started already! I am sooooooo looking forward to the discussion group. MyPenRye, should we prepare to discuss all the topics or just one of our choice? Also do you want formal confirmation or will Mr FB & self just turn up at the Corner Restaurant?

I prefer live debates, where one can make one's view less radical that it might appear on the internet where paralinguistics information is absent.

I think we'll tackle one topic at a time until all affirmations and rebutals have been exhausted. I doubt that we'll be able to tackle all 3 topics that evening.

Confirmations are nice so I can plan with the owner to reserve a few tables. I assume you in. Look for a 35 y. o. "farang" with a short dark-brown haircut and an open black umbrella on the table. Now all Thais are really going to think that we are nuts. :D

I prefer live debates, where one can make one's view less radical that it might appear on the internet where paralinguistics information is absent.

Yes, words alone do lead to more misunderstandings :o

I think we'll tackle one topic at a time until all affirmations and rebutals have been exhausted. I doubt that we'll be able to tackle all 3 topics that evening.

which topic will be #1?

Confirmations are nice so I can plan with the owner to reserve a few tables. I assume you in. Yes, pleaseLook for a 35 y. o. "farang" with a short dark-brown haircut and an open black umbrella on the table. Now all Thais are really going to think that we are nuts. :D

very film noir, but I get the picture. Thanks and see you there :D
most of the topic is so new to me in fact i know litte of it . but would be keen in listening and learn

Will tackle the 1st topic mentioned. You are more than welcome to listening in.


The 1st discussion groups meeting will take place this Monday, at Huay Kaew Residences' restaurant. This apartment block is just beside the Orchid hotel which is itself located near Kad Suan shopping mall on Huay Kaew road. As planned ... 7 pm ... Please email me to confirm if you have not already. Thai, tourists, expats,... anyone is welcome, anyone who would like to express his or her point of view or improve his or her listening or speaking skills in English.

The 1st discussion groups meeting will take place this Monday, at Huay Kaew Residences' restaurant. This apartment block is just beside the Orchid hotel which is itself located near Kad Suan shopping mall on Huay Kaew road. As planned ... 7 pm ... Please email me to confirm if you have not already. Thai, tourists, expats,... anyone is welcome, anyone who would like to express his or her point of view or improve his or her listening or speaking skills in English.

OK! Mea culpa! I don't know why exactly this occured, but the 1st is not a Monday! Maybe it is a farang computer! :o

Due to the confusion, I have changed permanently the day that those discussions will take place. They will now take place (until further notices) EVERY WEDNESDAYS at 7 pm at the restaurant at Huay Kaew Residence (beside the office and between the two entrances of the apartment complex. Turn left just after the Orchid hotel, on a "Y" island/entrance. There are so far a minimum of 6 English-speaking people who have indicated an interest, but there is likely to be more. I am trying hard to involve more Thai people, but have no ways of knowing how many will be showing up. Hopefully a good number.

Have a good day.


- i got no idea where is the meeting .. and the dat eseem to be changing .

- say wed is the date -

i am more interested in meeting people and knowing people first then going for a debate.

by far.. from reading the thread and posting on other thread . i see much luke warm reaction ..

and had little hope of any real meeting up ..

as i guess the exposure is very small ..

i had met more people and chat with more people sitting at a internet cafe drinking coffee ..and talking to toally stranger ..

but i do agree with some that is not alway easy for stranger to meet up online as alot choose be only online reader..

..Huay kaew Residence .. i got no idea where is it ..

Please don't tell me that where you stay ...

How about some place central . or common to find ..

Like airport plaza , Kad suan kaew ,

i do agree that transport may be a problem for some ..

is there any arrangment to meet up . or picking up those who can't get transport ..


i had went to a few meeting so far.. and the responses to all this is fairly below average .. and lack of action ..

the last meeting i went a few month ago is puff up to 7-8 people and when i do go for it .. only 2 turn up .. and the rest is no show ..

- why not instead we meet for some cheap dinner . at some commonly known places like noodle or chicken rice and after dinner - we go on to some place where we can sit down and chit chat and get into any topic as it flow ..


anyway - keep me posted .. wed is just 2 days away .. can you meet me some where - i really got no idea where is the location you had said .

- i got no idea where is the meeting .. and the dat eseem to be changing .

- say wed is the date -

i am more interested in meeting people and knowing people first then going for a debate.

by far.. from reading the thread and posting on other thread . i see much luke warm reaction ..

and had little hope of any real meeting up ..

as i guess the exposure is very small ..

i had met more people and chat with more people sitting at a internet cafe drinking coffee ..and talking to toally stranger ..

but i do agree with some that is not alway easy for stranger to meet up online as alot choose be only online reader..

..Huay kaew Residence .. i got no idea where is it ..

Please don't tell me that where you stay ...

How about some place central . or common to find ..

Like airport plaza , Kad suan kaew ,

i do agree that transport may be a problem for some ..

is there any arrangment to meet up . or picking up those who can't get transport ..


i had went to a few meeting so far.. and the responses to all this is fairly below average .. and lack of action ..

the last meeting i went a few month ago is puff up to 7-8 people and when i do go for it .. only 2 turn up .. and the rest is no show ..

- why not instead we meet for some cheap dinner . at some commonly known places like noodle or chicken rice and after dinner - we go on to some place where we can sit down and chit chat and get into any topic as it flow ..


anyway - keep me posted .. wed is just 2 days away .. can you meet me some where - i really got no idea where is the location you had said .

Ta, i assume you have travelled from far away to get to Chiang Mai, so you would be a bit adventurous, yes?

Don't worry about not knowing people or not wanting to debate because we hardly know anyone here either. And My Pen Rye has said it is fine for people just to listen in. I am sure it will be an interesting opportunity to meet a variety of people we would never meet elsewhere.

If you are worried about transport: DON'T WORRY, MY FRIEND.. Just ask the songthaew driver to take you to Kad Suan Kaew and keep walking past the shopping center and big hotel, then turn left and walk past the gym at HK Residences, past the entrance and you will see the restaurant on your right. The Thai food there is good: very good in my opinion.

I am sure that if you wanted to carry on to another venue after the discussion you could ask people to go with you. Hope to see you there, Cheers.


I think this is quite a good idea..might feel somewhat odd at first for those that are newbies on the forum, as not had much contact with others on here, even via readin some of their opinions. but still a great idea! too bad its not in bangkok :o

hope you all enjoy things up there



- i got no idea where is the meeting .. and the dat eseem to be changing .

- say wed is the date -

i am more interested in meeting people and knowing people first then going for a debate.

by far.. from reading the thread and posting on other thread . i see much luke warm reaction ..

and had little hope of any real meeting up ..

as i guess the exposure is very small ..

i had met more people and chat with more people sitting at a internet cafe drinking coffee ..and talking to toally stranger ..

but i do agree with some that is not alway easy for stranger to meet up online as alot choose be only online reader..

..Huay kaew Residence .. i got no idea where is it ..

Please don't tell me that where you stay ...

How about some place central . or common to find ..

Like airport plaza , Kad suan kaew ,

i do agree that transport may be a problem for some ..

is there any arrangment to meet up . or picking up those who can't get transport ..


i had went to a few meeting so far.. and the responses to all this is fairly below average .. and lack of action ..

the last meeting i went a few month ago is puff up to 7-8 people and when i do go for it .. only 2 turn up .. and the rest is no show ..

- why not instead we meet for some cheap dinner . at some commonly known places like noodle or chicken rice and after dinner - we go on to some place where we can sit down and chit chat and get into any topic as it flow ..


anyway - keep me posted .. wed is just 2 days away .. can you meet me some where - i really got no idea where is the location you had said .

Ta, i assume you have travelled from far away to get to Chiang Mai, so you would be a bit adventurous, yes?

Don't worry about not knowing people or not wanting to debate because we hardly know anyone here either. And My Pen Rye has said it is fine for people just to listen in. I am sure it will be an interesting opportunity to meet a variety of people we would never meet elsewhere.

If you are worried about transport: DON'T WORRY, MY FRIEND.. Just ask the songthaew driver to take you to Kad Suan Kaew and keep walking past the shopping center and big hotel, then turn left and walk past the gym at HK Residences, past the entrance and you will see the restaurant on your right. The Thai food there is good: very good in my opinion.

I am sure that if you wanted to carry on to another venue after the discussion you could ask people to go with you. Hope to see you there, Cheers.

Looks like Ms fruittbatt that you're not gonna be blessed by this posters company as he has set about organising a "meet up" in direct competition to that of My Pen Rai. (if you might call it competition)

I do sincerely commend you for your motherly response to his apprehensions though :o

Looks like Ms fruittbatt that you're not gonna be blessed by this posters company as he has set about organising a "meet up" in direct competition to that of My Pen Rai. (if you might call it competition)

I do sincerely commend you for your motherly response to his apprehensions though :o

Well perhaps I did rush in where lesser fools might not, John.

I thought it extra bad form of these guys to hi-jack the topic for their own purposes. They will be no loss to the discussion group IMHO.


Looks like Ms fruittbatt that you're not gonna be blessed by this posters company as he has set about organising a "meet up" in direct competition to that of My Pen Rai. (if you might call it competition)

I do sincerely commend you for your motherly response to his apprehensions though :o

Well perhaps I did rush in where lesser fools might not, John.

I thought it extra bad form of these guys to hi-jack the topic for their own purposes. They will be no loss to the discussion group IMHO.

Agreed, no loss whatsoever. I myself won't be at the gathering tonight (it's really not my thing) but I do hope that all that do attend have an enjoyable evening.

As for the others there is a saying "water finds it's own level"


Thanks to MyPenRye for organising this group.

We enjoyed meeting a variety of people from different countries, age-groups, and perspectives. The discussion was stimulating, the company interesting and good-humored, and the food tasty.

look forward to the next time. :o


Congrats to MyPenRye for his initiative. I was at the event and thoroughly enjoyed it. Nice civilized discussion with good, cheerful people. Looking forward to the next meetup.


Hi all!

Thanks very much for the nice comments from all.

I enjoyed the night as well. We had about 10 people showing. I forecast an even better turn-out as signs have been posted in two English university departments and signs will be posted tomorrow in the complex here at Huay Kaew Residence.

The topic is communication and culture. It is wide-open to interpretation, but I make the suggestions that we look at how cultures tackles conflict resolution, be it personal or others. We might look at eye-contact, body proximity, and taboo subjects being brought or not into conversations. Groups could discuss how certain cultures resolve conflicts and/or couples made up of different cultures bridge the communication gap inherent in communication between people that have different sets of values and protocols (coloured of course by personality and experience, of course). Censorship could be a topic that could be tackled as well.

If you are interested in coming, please understand that it is important for me to know how many people will be showing so I can plan the event better by contacting the owner who can then set many more tables for the event, maybe even reserve tables for us. I will make an attempt to secure the tables outside. This will be easier if I can say that they will be used. So, send me a personal message if you are interested. Thanks for your cooperation.

When: Wednesday, 6:45 pm

Where: Huay Kaew restaurant (seraphee) located between the 2 entrances, located beside the Orchid hotel. Parking is available at the end of the street for Central shoppers.

Hi all!

Thanks very much for the nice comments from all.

I enjoyed the night as well. We had about 10 people showing. I forecast an even better turn-out as signs have been posted in two English university departments and signs will be posted tomorrow in the complex here at Huay Kaew Residence.

The topic is communication and culture. It is wide-open to interpretation, but I make the suggestions that we look at how cultures tackles conflict resolution, be it personal or others. We might look at eye-contact, body proximity, and taboo subjects being brought or not into conversations. Groups could discuss how certain cultures resolve conflicts and/or couples made up of different cultures bridge the communication gap inherent in communication between people that have different sets of values and protocols (coloured of course by personality and experience, of course). Censorship could be a topic that could be tackled as well.

If you are interested in coming, please understand that it is important for me to know how many people will be showing so I can plan the event better by contacting the owner who can then set many more tables for the event, maybe even reserve tables for us. I will make an attempt to secure the tables outside. This will be easier if I can say that they will be used. So, send me a personal message if you are interested. Thanks for your cooperation.

When: Wednesday, 6:45 pm

Where: Huay Kaew restaurant (seraphee) located between the 2 entrances, located beside the Orchid hotel. Parking is available at the end of the street for Central shoppers.

A respectful suggestion MPR is that you add the date i.e. 08 Nov, as this would help prevent any confusion that some had with the first event.

I am pleased that it went well (might even poke my nose in at some time, after of course advising of my intention to do so)


Hi all!

Thanks very much for the nice comments from all.

I enjoyed the night as well. We had about 10 people showing. I forecast an even better turn-out as signs have been posted in two English university departments and signs will be posted tomorrow in the complex here at Huay Kaew Residence.

The topic is communication and culture. It is wide-open to interpretation, but I make the suggestions that we look at how cultures tackles conflict resolution, be it personal or others. We might look at eye-contact, body proximity, and taboo subjects being brought or not into conversations. Groups could discuss how certain cultures resolve conflicts and/or couples made up of different cultures bridge the communication gap inherent in communication between people that have different sets of values and protocols (coloured of course by personality and experience, of course). Censorship could be a topic that could be tackled as well.

If you are interested in coming, please understand that it is important for me to know how many people will be showing so I can plan the event better by contacting the owner who can then set many more tables for the event, maybe even reserve tables for us. I will make an attempt to secure the tables outside. This will be easier if I can say that they will be used. So, send me a personal message if you are interested. Thanks for your cooperation.

When: Wednesday, 6:45 pm

Where: Huay Kaew restaurant (seraphee) located between the 2 entrances, located beside the Orchid hotel. Parking is available at the end of the street for Central shoppers.

A respectful suggestion MPR is that you add the date i.e. 08 Nov, as this would help prevent any confusion that some had with the first event.

I am pleased that it went well (might even poke my nose in at some time, after of course advising of my intention to do so)

Good suggestion. Thanks.

I look forward to seeing you there, but, yes, do let me know if you are going to show up, preferably before noon on the day of the meeting as this is the last time I check my messages or Thaivisa.


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