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Usa Population To Hit 300 Million


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Sorry Mods....if this is not Thailand related...but thought it could draw a lot of interest here.... :o

Today, Tuesday October 17th the.....US population to hit 300 million

"The United States' population will hit 300 million on Tuesday morning, just 39 years after it reached 200 million, the US Census Bureau estimates"



Just heard on the news that the 400 Million barrier will be reached in some 37 years from now.....so that will be around 2043..... :D

Hmmmm...if you look at the bottom of the link....it's scary!

Around 1900 there were just some 75 Million people in the USA...so that's PLUS 225 Million people in slightly more than 100 years :D


Edited by LaoPo
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It simply means that the insurgents will have more people to shoot at then... and when the next war comes then it means those of us who are now too old to fight can sit back with our popcorn and watch all the canon fodder go of to fight - yeehar!

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Gee, why is the population in the USA growing by leaps and bounds when everyone is the world hates the U.S? It's all the people immigrating there, thats why.

Don't think I've ever met anyone who claims to "hate the U.S.".

Wonderful country, and some of the nicest people in the world. Normally the orchestrated flag-burners you see on tv represent about .01% of that countries population. But are whipped up by the international media's demands for headlines and dramatic images to push their respective agendas and sell their product. :o

In the US's case that might be the fear and paranoia whipped up by the War On Terrorism, to keep people in their place.

Its an old European trick. :D

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Gee, why is the population in the USA growing by leaps and bounds when everyone is the world hates the U.S? It's all the people immigrating there, thats why.

I don't think EVERYONE hates the USA.

Unfortunately Bush is the face of America and many people hate Bush and his policies and not the American people, though many are arrogant flag waving morons just like their leader.

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