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Daniel Dubie's Murder And Margaret Crane Case


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I hope someones can visit Margaret in the Chiang Mai prison. The Cdn Embassy staff is largely inept (took them a year to give me an emergency kit for warden purposes and they spent so much time deliberating on topics that emergencies such as the tsunami were several months past before they made any decisions). Life of Brian.

Have friends in CM, so will try to get them to visit the lady.

Pity her daughter also. Cdn social services will hum and haw its way through helping her, because the family is not refugee status.

Hi Jet Gorgon,

I think that Fruittbatt had tried to visit Jeana but was not able to. Perhaps you may want to PM Fruittbatt to check about this before going to too much trouble.

I also feel very concerned for the children truly the greatest victims of this bizarre tragedy.



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Interesting posts. Thanks.

What is Margaret (Jeanna) doing now? What is the status of her murder case? Has she had a bail hearing or any other significant court activity? Any schedule for trial?

Margaret is in the womens prison awaiting trial. I understand that her case will be tried sometime after Jan 2008.

2008??? Any idea who or what is causing it to be so slow? Thai courts can and often do move faster than that.

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Interesting posts. Thanks.

What is Margaret (Jeanna) doing now? What is the status of her murder case? Has she had a bail hearing or any other significant court activity? Any schedule for trial?

Margaret is in the womens prison awaiting trial. I understand that her case will be tried sometime after Jan 2008.

2008??? Any idea who or what is causing it to be so slow? Thai courts can and often do move faster than that.

Hi Mongoose,

According to sources close to Jeana, a higher level Thai consideration has taken an interest in this case and there is reluctance from higher ups in the Thai legal system to rush this case before all the facts are well established due to the consideration of the interests of the children and Canadian advocacy efforts towards extradition or prisoner exchange.

It seems logical to me that the investigations into the complex life of GPD may take a good amount of time. Perhaps it would not be in the best interest of justice to try the case prematurely since the character and behaviour patterns of GPD are a central point of her defense. Personally I do not think that the death penalty in this situation seems meritted. I do not favor full clemency either. Was it aggravated manslaughter? Did he bring the gun and slap and taunt her as is reported? Anyway, I understand that these things are being investigated in preparation for trial.


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Intriguing story.

Who will own the book and movie rights?

This guy sounds like another Jim Jones.

He preyed on impressional minds and succeeded very well.

His victims have to seek therapy and try to regain their lives.

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Interesting posts. Thanks.

What is Margaret (Jeanna) doing now? What is the status of her murder case? Has she had a bail hearing or any other significant court activity? Any schedule for trial?

Margaret is in the womens prison awaiting trial. I understand that her case will be tried sometime after Jan 2008.

2008??? Any idea who or what is causing it to be so slow? Thai courts can and often do move faster than that.

Hi Mongoose,

According to sources close to Jeana, a higher level Thai consideration has taken an interest in this case and there is reluctance from higher ups in the Thai legal system to rush this case before all the facts are well established due to the consideration of the interests of the children and Canadian advocacy efforts towards extradition or prisoner exchange.

It seems logical to me that the investigations into the complex life of GPD may take a good amount of time. Perhaps it would not be in the best interest of justice to try the case prematurely since the character and behaviour patterns of GPD are a central point of her defense. Personally I do not think that the death penalty in this situation seems meritted. I do not favor full clemency either. Was it aggravated manslaughter? Did he bring the gun and slap and taunt her as is reported? Anyway, I understand that these things are being investigated in preparation for trial.


Thank you very much HE. All that does make it very very complicated and time consuming.

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Intriguing story.

Who will own the book and movie rights?

This guy sounds like another Jim Jones.

He preyed on impressional minds and succeeded very well.

His victims have to seek therapy and try to regain their lives.

What a perfect summary Pampal!

But I don't think he was a Jim Jones and certainly not a Charles Manson and sadly to say there are many men in the world who put their appetites above principles. This fellow just raised that bar to a monsterous height and seemed to have no moral/ethical compass. He considered himself a deity and that those whose lives came into his sphere were there to be scripted and employed and "re-created" again and again as he saw fit. He told me his motto was "Live and Let Die". He made quite an outward show about being enlighted and compassionate a reincarnation of the Buddha, but talk and love letters are cheap while his actions and choices leave a tragic legacy that all the Swiss accounts in the world do not erase.

Over the past 7 years, I hoped and prayed and worked and pleaded for a different ending to this story. I told him he would be dead before his time if he contined to ignore that there is no "true" love without truth. It is all very sad. But if his death brings the light of truth into the lives of those entangled in his web perhaps there is some greater meaning in this senseless tragedy.


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i have followed your story and its an absolute shocker.

dont you think its time to put this story to bed and try and get on with your life.?

continually raising this story is only inhibiting your prospect of letting it go and getting on with the positive things in one's life.

this guy is now history and when do you feel you will let it go.?

im not being disrespectful but in sure you understand my question.

with respect,


:D to terry57, I must speak out at your total lack of feelings for another human being out there in the world that has gone through a horrific experience with Mr. Dubie. If you weren't there or one of his victims, you have no way of knowing just when one should, "put it to rest"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all heal in different ways and times. There is healing in finally being able to voice some of our experiences with Dubie. There is no way that it can all come out at once and sharing with others on this forum is good. Because of this forum I became aware of Hawaiianeyes and it has been real good to share our story together. I KNOW her pain because I too was one of his pawns. I really haven't had anyone to share my pain with because most just don't know how to comprehend. My family just thought everything should just be fine now that I was away from him and no one would help me. I just started to keep it all to myself and I'm seeing how bad that is. It's like by not letting this toxic poison out of our souls, it increasingly does more damage. So, please, all of you know it alls, that think we should all just move on and that it's a big soap opera, need to get a heart.

Happy New Year all, and Happy Healing. Kari

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where can I find a photo of this guy ?

Hi Grover,

I posted his 2004 portrait in the earlier now closed thread "Canadian Journalist Shot Dead By Girlfriend In Chiang Mai":


Post 308




Thanks for that HE.

He looks healthy on the outside but I guess the inside is a completely different story. good luck with the healing.

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i have followed your story and its an absolute shocker.

dont you think its time to put this story to bed and try and get on with your life.?

continually raising this story is only inhibiting your prospect of letting it go and getting on with the positive things in one's life.

this guy is now history and when do you feel you will let it go.?

im not being disrespectful but in sure you understand my question.

with respect,


:D to terry57, I must speak out at your total lack of feelings for another human being out there in the world that has gone through a horrific experience with Mr. Dubie. If you weren't there or one of his victims, you have no way of knowing just when one should, "put it to rest"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all heal in different ways and times. There is healing in finally being able to voice some of our experiences with Dubie. There is no way that it can all come out at once and sharing with others on this forum is good. Because of this forum I became aware of Hawaiianeyes and it has been real good to share our story together. I KNOW her pain because I too was one of his pawns. I really haven't had anyone to share my pain with because most just don't know how to comprehend. My family just thought everything should just be fine now that I was away from him and no one would help me. I just started to keep it all to myself and I'm seeing how bad that is. It's like by not letting this toxic poison out of our souls, it increasingly does more damage. So, please, all of you know it alls, that think we should all just move on and that it's a big soap opera, need to get a heart.

Happy New Year all, and Happy Healing. Kari

Aloha Kari,

I think that the most important things that WE (those targets of his that have come forward-you, me, Islandgirl, Bernadette, Sarada) can do now is to speak freely and destroy whatever creepy spell/"toxic poison" remains by focuing the truly bright light of day to break free of the dark shadows of intimidation lurking about GPD. I think life in his world was all a bit like the Wizard of Oz. GPD liked to think he was "the man behind the curtain". But he was really about "fake it until you make it" kind of flim flam trickery. Anyway I second guessed myself alot over the years since I bolted from that world. I kept my eyes open to see what would happen and to lend a hand wherever and whenever possible to take a stand for what is true and just. Sadly wasting my time, I really let myself believe that he could turn his life around but I think the clock just ticked out on that fantasy.

At this point, I think I am as Healed as I will ever be. I am focusing on advocating for the children and I think that the stiuation with Jeana will follow a trajectory of it's own. I hope for the best. I think the biggest thing is for Jeana to WRITE everything she knew about his "underground" life over the past nearly 30 years. That is most likely too much to ask of her or hope for and there may be very real reasons that she could not ever do that.



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i have followed your story and its an absolute shocker.

dont you think its time to put this story to bed and try and get on with your life.?

continually raising this story is only inhibiting your prospect of letting it go and getting on with the positive things in one's life.

this guy is now history and when do you feel you will let it go.?

im not being disrespectful but in sure you understand my question.

with respect,


:D to terry57, I must speak out at your total lack of feelings for another human being out there in the world that has gone through a horrific experience with Mr. Dubie. If you weren't there or one of his victims, you have no way of knowing just when one should, "put it to rest"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all heal in different ways and times. There is healing in finally being able to voice some of our experiences with Dubie. There is no way that it can all come out at once and sharing with others on this forum is good. Because of this forum I became aware of Hawaiianeyes and it has been real good to share our story together. I KNOW her pain because I too was one of his pawns. I really haven't had anyone to share my pain with because most just don't know how to comprehend. My family just thought everything should just be fine now that I was away from him and no one would help me. I just started to keep it all to myself and I'm seeing how bad that is. It's like by not letting this toxic poison out of our souls, it increasingly does more damage. So, please, all of you know it alls, that think we should all just move on and that it's a big soap opera, need to get a heart.

Happy New Year all, and Happy Healing. Kari

get a grip will you spec, :D

if you read my post properly you will notice i was being very respectful to hawianeyes , but to you i will not be so respectful.

you are very quick to get the knife out arn't you.?

i recommend you head off and have another chat with your therapist so you can try and control your knee jerk reactions. :D

your post to me is truly pathetic. :D

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I think it is safe to say that this topic has run it's course. Any further correspondence can be done via pm. If & when further reports on the trial/ this case come into the press then we will of course post it.



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