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Four Mexican tourists dead in Phichit van crash; Six injured


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"Surawat speculated that the crash may have occurred because the tourist who was driving at the time was exhausted."

They were driving the van themselves?

Stupid as stupid can be.

Som nam naa

got to be the lowest of the lowest remarks, should hold that title for many years.

RIP, no one deserves to come to Thailand and die in that manner, and lose family members, and as aresult gets stupid remarks, but it happens here on tv

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It's a horrible tragedy that is what it is.

So much callous speculation about fatigue, driving on the wrong side of the road, unfamiliar vehicle, it's dark is just blah blah.

No. Nobody "deserves" this outcome even if risks were taken.

You are absolutely correct that nobody deserves this tragedy, but the report stated that “ Police Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred because the tourist who was driving at the time was exhausted.

Thus it is perfectly legitimate for TV members to add their own speculations on the reasons for the crash.

Certainly their is some callous and unkind comment here, but there always is. Some of it is rough humour that disguises real concern and pity and some is just nasty, but that's TV. We can't all cry over every car crash in Thailand. We can be unhappy about them, but life goes on, and were all going to be dead tomorrow so have to make the best of today we can.

If you drive a lot in Thailand just be happy if you can walk away without too much pain from the Inevitable crashes.

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Sad but often reported story. RIP to those who died. On a side note, first it was the Russians, then the Chinese, now the Mexican's are coming...geesh. coffee1.gif

I've been to Mexico many times and not just border towns. I LIKE it there. The people are nice too. Comparing them with the Russians and Chinese is a bit unfair.

Mexico is a fantastic country.

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"Surawat speculated that the crash may have occurred because the tourist who was driving at the time was exhausted."

They were driving the van themselves?

Stupid as stupid can be.

Som nam naa

Your attitude is... well... not good.

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Perhaps stupidity should be added in as factor number four. Driving on a road they had never seen before, in the dark, with an unfamiliar right-hand drive vehicle? Not to mention no knowledge of Thai driving habits? A disaster waiting to happen.

How come you know all this? Maybe the driver visit Thailand regularly and is familiar with Thai driving habits and this route?

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It's a horrible tragedy that is what it is.

So much callous speculation about fatigue, driving on the wrong side of the road, unfamiliar vehicle, it's dark is just blah blah.

No. Nobody "deserves" this outcome even if risks were taken.

You are absolutely correct that nobody deserves this tragedy, but the report stated that “ Police Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred because the tourist who was driving at the time was exhausted.

Thus it is perfectly legitimate for TV members to add their own speculations on the reasons for the crash.

Certainly their is some callous and unkind comment here, but there always is. Some of it is rough humour that disguises real concern and pity and some is just nasty, but that's TV. We can't all cry over every car crash in Thailand. We can be unhappy about them, but life goes on, and were all going to be dead tomorrow so have to make the best of today we can.

If you drive a lot in Thailand just be happy if you can walk away without too much pain from the Inevitable crashes.

Some may say that any road travel in Thailand is risky and foolhardy whether it be bus, van, motorcye or drive/ride yourself and it is well founded but saying that the VICTIMS all deserved to die because they took that risk is just sick. Anybody that think like that is just an inhuman c**t.

As for the "perfectly legitimate" posts:

"Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred".

A policeman speculates and then TV posters extrapolate off that. So brilliant and informative. NOT!

This is why useful information is so hard to find on TV. It is buried under a tonne of BS.

It seems many TV poster's don't care about their own credibility so go knock yourself out. What drab people.

Enough internet for 1 day.

Bye bye to the losers. You know who are.

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It's a horrible tragedy that is what it is.

So much callous speculation about fatigue, driving on the wrong side of the road, unfamiliar vehicle, it's dark is just blah blah.

No. Nobody "deserves" this outcome even if risks were taken.

You are absolutely correct that nobody deserves this tragedy, but the report stated that “ Police Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred because the tourist who was driving at the time was exhausted.

Thus it is perfectly legitimate for TV members to add their own speculations on the reasons for the crash.

Certainly their is some callous and unkind comment here, but there always is. Some of it is rough humour that disguises real concern and pity and some is just nasty, but that's TV. We can't all cry over every car crash in Thailand. We can be unhappy about them, but life goes on, and were all going to be dead tomorrow so have to make the best of today we can.

If you drive a lot in Thailand just be happy if you can walk away without too much pain from the Inevitable crashes.

Some may say that any road travel in Thailand is risky and foolhardy whether it be bus, van, motorcye or drive/ride yourself and it is well founded but saying that the VICTIMS all deserved to die because they took that risk is just sick. Anybody that think like that is just an inhuman c**t.

As for the "perfectly legitimate" posts:

"Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred".

A policeman speculates and then TV posters extrapolate off that. So brilliant and informative. NOT!

This is why useful information is so hard to find on TV. It is buried under a tonne of BS.

It seems many TV poster's don't care about their own credibility so go knock yourself out. What drab people.

Enough internet for 1 day.

Bye bye to the losers. You know who are.

Are you so thick you don't even know that you are speculating?

Yes, we can spot a looser troll without any trouble at all. Kindly fo.

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Call me ignorant: Mexicans in Thailand???


OK. You are ignorant.

Mexico is a rather advanced country in North America.

The media would have you believe otherwise. The nice parts of Mexico City rival those of Chicago or New York or BKK.

It has the largest Spanish speaking population in the world.

Is their government corrupt? Yes, but name me one country where the government is not corrupt?

I've been there many times and I love the place.


I've met Jordanians who have been to S. Africa and Argentines who have been to Australia. Shocking I know, but the rest of the world can afford plane tickets too.

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Call me ignorant: Mexicans in Thailand???


OK. You are ignorant.

Mexico is a rather advanced country in North America.

The media would have you believe otherwise. The nice parts of Mexico City rival those of Chicago or New York or BKK.

It has the largest Spanish speaking population in the world.

Is their government corrupt? Yes, but name me one country where the government is not corrupt?

I've been there many times and I love the place.


I've met Jordanians who have been to S. Africa and Argentines who have been to Australia. Shocking I know, but the rest of the world can afford plane tickets too.

"Rival the nicest parts of Bangkok".

Come now Sir, surely it can't be that bad?

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It's a horrible tragedy that is what it is.

So much callous speculation about fatigue, driving on the wrong side of the road, unfamiliar vehicle, it's dark is just blah blah.

No. Nobody "deserves" this outcome even if risks were taken.

You are absolutely correct that nobody deserves this tragedy, but the report stated that “ Police Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred because the tourist who was driving at the time was exhausted.

Thus it is perfectly legitimate for TV members to add their own speculations on the reasons for the crash.

Certainly their is some callous and unkind comment here, but there always is. Some of it is rough humour that disguises real concern and pity and some is just nasty, but that's TV. We can't all cry over every car crash in Thailand. We can be unhappy about them, but life goes on, and were all going to be dead tomorrow so have to make the best of today we can.

If you drive a lot in Thailand just be happy if you can walk away without too much pain from the Inevitable crashes.

Some may say that any road travel in Thailand is risky and foolhardy whether it be bus, van, motorcye or drive/ride yourself and it is well founded but saying that the VICTIMS all deserved to die because they took that risk is just sick. Anybody that think like that is just an inhuman c**t.

As for the "perfectly legitimate" posts:

"Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred".

A policeman speculates and then TV posters extrapolate off that. So brilliant and informative. NOT!

This is why useful information is so hard to find on TV. It is buried under a tonne of BS.

It seems many TV poster's don't care about their own credibility so go knock yourself out. What drab people.

Enough internet for 1 day.

Bye bye to the losers. You know who are.

Are you so thick you don't even know that you are speculating?

Yes, we can spot a looser troll without any trouble at all. Kindly fo.

As a matter of interest what is your definition of a "looser troll"?

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Call me ignorant: Mexicans in Thailand???


OK. You are ignorant.

Mexico is a rather advanced country in North America.

The media would have you believe otherwise. The nice parts of Mexico City rival those of Chicago or New York or BKK.

It has the largest Spanish speaking population in the world.

Is their government corrupt? Yes, but name me one country where the government is not corrupt?

I've been there many times and I love the place.


I've met Jordanians who have been to S. Africa and Argentines who have been to Australia. Shocking I know, but the rest of the world can afford plane tickets too.

"Rival the nicest parts of Bangkok".

Come now Sir, surely it can't be that bad?

Yes I phrased that poorly.

It has some nice bars/restaurants/show clubs that are as good as any city anywhere.

Tawandang is a super cool place in BKK. I'm struggling to think of anyplace else besides Cowboy and Nana.

Have to say Buenos Aires was my most favorite ever big city to visit. Eye candy out the wazoo, sidewalk cafe culture, where a quart of beer comes with a plate of olives, ham and cheese....

I hate to hear when people think lowly of Latin America. From Mexico on down, there are some amazing things to behold.

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It's a horrible tragedy that is what it is.

So much callous speculation about fatigue, driving on the wrong side of the road, unfamiliar vehicle, it's dark is just blah blah.

No. Nobody "deserves" this outcome even if risks were taken.

You are absolutely correct that nobody deserves this tragedy, but the report stated that “ Police Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred because the tourist who was driving at the time was exhausted.

Thus it is perfectly legitimate for TV members to add their own speculations on the reasons for the crash.

Certainly their is some callous and unkind comment here, but there always is. Some of it is rough humour that disguises real concern and pity and some is just nasty, but that's TV. We can't all cry over every car crash in Thailand. We can be unhappy about them, but life goes on, and were all going to be dead tomorrow so have to make the best of today we can.

If you drive a lot in Thailand just be happy if you can walk away without too much pain from the Inevitable crashes.

Some may say that any road travel in Thailand is risky and foolhardy whether it be bus, van, motorcye or drive/ride yourself and it is well founded but saying that the VICTIMS all deserved to die because they took that risk is just sick. Anybody that think like that is just an inhuman c**t.

As for the "perfectly legitimate" posts:

"Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred".

A policeman speculates and then TV posters extrapolate off that. So brilliant and informative. NOT!

This is why useful information is so hard to find on TV. It is buried under a tonne of BS.

It seems many TV poster's don't care about their own credibility so go knock yourself out. What drab people.

Enough internet for 1 day.

Bye bye to the losers. You know who are.

Are you so thick you don't even know that you are speculating?

Yes, we can spot a looser troll without any trouble at all. Kindly fo.

So MiKT you cannot define your "looser troll".

The internet only had "lesser troll" but he is only 3feet tall. I am more than double that so unlikely to confuse me with one of them. Also I am real but they are fictitious.

You said "we can spot a looser troll without any trouble at all".

Who are "we"?

Maybe one of the "we" can define a "looser troll". Please do.

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MiKT said, "Are you so thick you don't even know that you are speculating?
Yes, we can spot a looser troll without any trouble at all. Kindly fo."

Bruzzzz said, "So MiKT you cannot define your "looser troll".
The internet only had "lesser troll" but he is only 3feet tall. I am more than double that so unlikely to confuse me with one of them. Also I am real but they are fictitious.
You said "we can spot a looser troll without any trouble at all".
Who are "we"?
Maybe one of the "we" can define a "looser troll". Please do."

Not one of the we, but apparently they are trolls who are not very tight. Whether they are slacker, laxer, baggier, freer, floppier, freer, or even drunker, I cannot say.

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It's a horrible tragedy that is what it is.

So much callous speculation about fatigue, driving on the wrong side of the road, unfamiliar vehicle, it's dark is just blah blah.

No. Nobody "deserves" this outcome even if risks were taken.

You are absolutely correct that nobody deserves this tragedy, but the report stated that “ Police Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred because the tourist who was driving at the time was exhausted.

Thus it is perfectly legitimate for TV members to add their own speculations on the reasons for the crash.

Certainly their is some callous and unkind comment here, but there always is. Some of it is rough humour that disguises real concern and pity and some is just nasty, but that's TV. We can't all cry over every car crash in Thailand. We can be unhappy about them, but life goes on, and were all going to be dead tomorrow so have to make the best of today we can.

If you drive a lot in Thailand just be happy if you can walk away without too much pain from the Inevitable crashes.

Some may say that any road travel in Thailand is risky and foolhardy whether it be bus, van, motorcye or drive/ride yourself and it is well founded but saying that the VICTIMS all deserved to die because they took that risk is just sick. Anybody that think like that is just an inhuman c**t.

As for the "perfectly legitimate" posts:

"Lt. Col. Surawat Surawatmontri, an officer at Pho Prathap Chang Police Station speculated that the crash may have occurred".

A policeman speculates and then TV posters extrapolate off that. So brilliant and informative. NOT!

This is why useful information is so hard to find on TV. It is buried under a tonne of BS.

It seems many TV poster's don't care about their own credibility so go knock yourself out. What drab people.

Enough internet for 1 day.

Bye bye to the losers. You know who are.

Are you so thick you don't even know that you are speculating?

Yes, we can spot a looser troll without any trouble at all. Kindly fo.

Well MiKT.

None of the anonymous "we" could offer a definition.

smotherb thankyou for your invaluable contribution.

MiKT perhaps if you turn on the light and walk quietly into your bathroom and carefully look around you may see a "looser troll".

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