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Fresh start in Thailand for an uneducated schmuck...where to begin?


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Living well in Thailand is not for those who want it, but those who earned it. Unless mommy gives you her credit card, or you sold your dotcom, coming to Thailand with little and expecting everything to be easy and wonderful is not likely. The old geezer who wander around here like their the cock of the walk are as boring and cliche as hell, but at least they slaved for 40 years to bank money. I am always amazed by the 20-somethings (not addressing the OP specifically) who come with no skills, talents, or much brains and expect the country to fall at their feet because they are young and white....

well,it seems like you(and most people here)have either misunderstood or didnt read the whole thing(which i completely understand...it was a long-ass essay).

so,albeit you might not have "addressed the OP specifically" ...the implication is there.

however,to recap...i have my reasons for wanting/having to leave...and second thing(as i said in the post).i have "slaved" long enough(and most importantly smartly enough) to be able to guarantee myself a steady passive monthly income of 600$ without having to lift a finger at the age of 27.maybe i got a 3 bedroom apartment that i can put up for rent and live off that?and thats not counting the cushy online job that earns me around 20 bucks a day for 3 hours of mindnumbingly easy work.on top of the steady every day job that ive had for the past 10 years(and most of the money ive made from it ive saved..so i got money to buy a condo and money for incidentals and whatever may happen).the only reason i need employment in thailand is to conform to their immigration laws which require a work visa(which,at the moment is the only visa i can think of that would allow me to stay).any extra money i would make from that job in thailand would be just icing on the cake...i set things up for myself to guarantee me a decent future.and an even better future in a country with a low cost of living like thailand...why you gotta hate on that?

in a perfect world,i could go to thailand right now,buy a condo(save me the hassle of paying rent) and live happily ever after.i dont have to work in thailand to "make money"...i have to work to be able to stay in the country.

and how is "me being willing to do any job for ridiculously low pay" "expecting the country to fall at my feet"?its the exact opposite...the whole point is that im willing to do way too much and expecting next to nothing in return from the country(except for IT allowing me to stay there)

and now,another thing...and im not addressing you specifically...i dont need to be a genius,dot com mogul,or a veteran with 50 year experience to get a simple humble job as a bartender or a dishwasher...im just a guy with willingness to work tryin' to get a job in another country.a crappy days pay for an honest days work...just like every mexican,albanian or north african in the history of everything ever.yous are all acting like im donald trump,walkin in like i own the place and shouting demands left and right and expecting everybody to bow at my feet...which is the polar opposite of what im tryin to do here.im expecting NOTHING to be easy and wonderful.

one scenario(which is a long shot and a lucky break but not so unfathomable to be deemed ridiculous)...foreigner owns a bar in a tourist location.hes short on staff...asks me.

do you speak english?yes

do you speak enough thai to take orders and talk to customers?yes

are you good with customers?yes

can you mix drinks?yes

gives me a trial run for a day..sees i got what it takes...hires me.BOOM...done.

i mean...i got jobs that way before...its a barkeep gig for christs sakes...not a nuclear physicist.

i gotta try to start "networking" somehow,no?try to make some connections....whats so wrong with that?

connections is what makes the world go round...i will try to do that IN PERSON when i go to thailand on a vacation visa for 30 days.

but until then,i will try to do it this way.i see no harm in that

(i hope i dont come across as hostile,confrontational or passive aggressive).im just trying to explain my point but text sucks at delivering mood and emotion.

so bottom line,its all good...thank you everybody for your input and responses!i appreciate it

Pay no attention to the negativists here; they are judgmental, jealous, and mentally stunted.

You state that you want to do it in a legal way, however, so you do have to accept reality: there are no legal menial jobs here. You can not be legally hired to do work that a Thai can do. And Thais wash dishes, pour drinks, etc. for incredibly low wages. No reason to even consider hiring a foreigner.

Really, school is not for everyone, but credentialism is rampant, not only in Thailand, but across the globe. Never mind that many degreed people can't find their *ss with both hands. Look at a degree as just another hurdle to being allowed to stay in Thailand, and you'll waste 4 years getting it. On the other hand, taking some time to find your passion, learning the requisites, and completing a related degree, is a great way to use your time. Yearly trips to Thailand will have to suffice until you complete your education, but you can also use the time to pursue the things you mentioned which contribute to your long-term wealth.

Alternatively, since you seem to stress your resourcefulness over education, I would suggest Cambodia. Kind of like Thailand was 50 years ago, easy to stay, language classes available and not expensive, and, most importantly, you can work at just about anything without hassle.

Plenty of challenges, and downsides for those less adventurous than you, but the possibility of real growth, personal and financial.

Thailand is in regression, big time, and Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, and others are growing. Leave Thailand to the condo kings, and their quest for homogeniety, and go somewhere where you can still make your mark.

And remember, everything is easier if you have money...put some together before you go...

Good luck.

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Why are you fixated on Thailand , Cambodia you can work and build a business without the problems , Thailand is not interested in helping anyone ,You have all the qualities to do well.

As I read his post I was going to tell him, the best place to start in Thailand, would be at the Poi Pet border crossing, with his back to Thailand, leaving.

He's much to adventurous, on the surface of it, to want to be subservient after/if he wakes up and sees what the dim reality of life in Thailand offers.

He should go somewhere where he can live more freely. Thailand ain't it. coffee1.gif

I feel sorry for you. You must have a real problem. For most of us Thailand is still a lovely place to live, No income tax, fantastic food, nice weather, cheap living costs .and lovely friendly people

After looking at your profile, I have to admit I feel sorry for you. With all of your medical issues, I can't tell if it's the medication you're on, or your advanced age that has caused your delusional thinking. Maybe you've been psychologically beaten into submission, subtly, by your wife... (think: gaslighted)

All of the people I surround myself with, and it isn't Thai people, think pragmatically. I try to listen to the dull and ignorant, but it's a stretch. As soon as I hear someone go gaga about how wonderful Thailand is, my eyes glaze over. I never did suffer fools gladly.

As far as the OP is concerned, he seems bright enough to use collective intelligence to shape his choices. He's self deprecating and understands, seemingly, he's got some challenges ahead. Why spend those formidable years in a place (Lieland Thailand) where he's going to be categorized in a caste system, like you have been, and be beaten into submission by the numerous vulgarities this country imposes on foreigners, like you have been.

At your advanced age, I understand you've got nowhere to turn. With your diminishing finances, let's hope you're not alone when the time comes... He has choices. It would be a shame to see another life go down your road. (read: drink the Kool-aid) coffee1.gif

Edited by onetime
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In Thailand especially for a foreigner, if you don't have a degree you don't have a job.

You can create your own job, no degree necessary. My advise to the OP;

Work your ass off for 2+ years back where you are from. Save as much as possible. In the meantime keep networking online with Thais and foreigners who live in Thailand.

Some business opportunity in Thailand is bound to come up, or better think of something yourself. Invest the saved up 980,000 Baht in this idea and have an established partner in Thailand put 1,020,000 in it. Get registered and get yourself a work permit. After a few years you are either back home broke, having learned a lot and saving up for another go, or you made it and can apply for citizenship.

Good luck!!!

To the OP; Never, and I mean NEVER, follow this advice! Never give a Thai the upper hand! Never take a Thai partner.

YOU stay in charge of YOUR life. coffee1.gif

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If I was the OP, I'd wing it.

Why take the advice of a bunch of sour old wheezers who've crawled off a plane at Suvarnabhumi at 60+ with gout, a trick hip and a prostate the size of a beachball?

Enjoy what Thailand has to offer with your faculties intact, not worrying that a heavy night on the lash trying to keep up with your 25 year old hotty in the sack will have you laid out on a gurney being wheeled into a government hospital.

There are lots of jobs on Craigslist that involve working online from the comfort of your home in BKK. Stuff like article writing, freelance letting agent etc

He could do that while doing some kind of distance learning.

Forget teaching - that's bullshit.

More rubbish from you 're stirring the pot about elderly folk here. We didn't all come of plane broken men as you describe. I encourage younger people to give it a go here.

Your so bitter about the retired people here. Common thread in all your posts.

Whatever, mate

I've no bitterness towards retired people.

I just don't like the more condescending members of the demographic talking down to a young fella that just wants a little advice.

The fact is, their way - 40 years of graft with a motivational picture of a beer bar and a skank dangled in front of their noses a la stick & carrot - AIN'T the only way and, 6 times outta 10, these paragons of common sense cock it up over here anyway.


Why take the advice of a bunch of sour old wheezers who've crawled off a plane at Suvarnabhumi at 60+ with gout, a trick hip and a prostate the size of a beachball?

No bitterness towards retired people? You certainly don't miss an opportunity to put the boot in. Seen it time and time again.

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Why don't you become a writer....?

Lots of material here to chose from unfortunately putting it in words could get you locked up. Keep your fly zippered and both hands on your wallet and you will do just fine.

No need to keep both hands or even one for that matter, when it's empty.

I mean the guy is willing to scrub toilets. Not someone with deep pockets me thinks!!

OP, great advice here, the replies you least like are probably the best ones. Stay where you are and build up some wealth and secure your future. The novelty of this place wears out and for some (maybe even you) really really quick. Work hard, save up, ahve some fun coming here on holiday. Thailand will still be here waiting for you in the future, but at your age and from your OP, now does not seem the right time.

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Living well in Thailand is not for those who want it, but those who earned it. Unless mommy gives you her credit card, or you sold your dotcom, coming to Thailand with little and expecting everything to be easy and wonderful is not likely. The old geezer who wander around here like their the cock of the walk are as boring and cliche as hell, but at least they slaved for 40 years to bank money. I am always amazed by the 20-somethings (not addressing the OP specifically) who come with no skills, talents, or much brains and expect the country to fall at their feet because they are young and white....

well,it seems like you(and most people here)have either misunderstood or didnt read the whole thing(which i completely understand...it was a long-ass essay).

so,albeit you might not have "addressed the OP specifically" ...the implication is there.

however,to recap...i have my reasons for wanting/having to leave...and second thing(as i said in the post).i have "slaved" long enough(and most importantly smartly enough) to be able to guarantee myself a steady passive monthly income of 600$ without having to lift a finger at the age of 27.maybe i got a 3 bedroom apartment that i can put up for rent and live off that?and thats not counting the cushy online job that earns me around 20 bucks a day for 3 hours of mindnumbingly easy work.on top of the steady every day job that ive had for the past 10 years(and most of the money ive made from it ive saved..so i got money to buy a condo and money for incidentals and whatever may happen).the only reason i need employment in thailand is to conform to their immigration laws which require a work visa(which,at the moment is the only visa i can think of that would allow me to stay).any extra money i would make from that job in thailand would be just icing on the cake...i set things up for myself to guarantee me a decent future.and an even better future in a country with a low cost of living like thailand...why you gotta hate on that?

in a perfect world,i could go to thailand right now,buy a condo(save me the hassle of paying rent) and live happily ever after.i dont have to work in thailand to "make money"...i have to work to be able to stay in the country.

and how is "me being willing to do any job for ridiculously low pay" "expecting the country to fall at my feet"?its the exact opposite...the whole point is that im willing to do way too much and expecting next to nothing in return from the country(except for IT allowing me to stay there)

and now,another thing...and im not addressing you specifically...i dont need to be a genius,dot com mogul,or a veteran with 50 year experience to get a simple humble job as a bartender or a dishwasher...im just a guy with willingness to work tryin' to get a job in another country.a crappy days pay for an honest days work...just like every mexican,albanian or north african in the history of everything ever.yous are all acting like im donald trump,walkin in like i own the place and shouting demands left and right and expecting everybody to bow at my feet...which is the polar opposite of what im tryin to do here.im expecting NOTHING to be easy and wonderful.

one scenario(which is a long shot and a lucky break but not so unfathomable to be deemed ridiculous)...foreigner owns a bar in a tourist location.hes short on staff...asks me.

do you speak english?yes

do you speak enough thai to take orders and talk to customers?yes

are you good with customers?yes

can you mix drinks?yes

gives me a trial run for a day..sees i got what it takes...hires me.BOOM...done.

i mean...i got jobs that way before...its a barkeep gig for christs sakes...not a nuclear physicist.

i gotta try to start "networking" somehow,no?try to make some connections....whats so wrong with that?

connections is what makes the world go round...i will try to do that IN PERSON when i go to thailand on a vacation visa for 30 days.

but until then,i will try to do it this way.i see no harm in that

(i hope i dont come across as hostile,confrontational or passive aggressive).im just trying to explain my point but text sucks at delivering mood and emotion.

so bottom line,its all good...thank you everybody for your input and responses!i appreciate it

Here's a skill you can learn that will help you in life: be brief, succinct, pithy.

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Many here will admire your ambition and your seeming understanding of how difficult it may be to earn a living and get along in a foreign country. Some members will deride you for your dreams. I will not judge but will instead offer the following:

Thailand looks glamorous, inviting, and wonderfully care-free when seen through the lens of tourism. Business promoters spend huge sums to convince people to come here for vacation by showing off this wonderful facade.

Many tanned and rested folks return home after lazing on the beach and partying all night long for a week or so and yearn to return and perhaps live here forever. Most who have enjoyed Thailand for short periods of time never get an in-depth look behind the scenes to experience the squalor and hardships offered up to Thais and ex-pats with few resources in a class conscious society.

My Dad left me with four words of wisdom. You may have heard this before: "Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained."

Come and spend more time looking around. Identify the pitfalls after closer examination. Don't close doors behind you and have a back up plan to return home should you become disillusioned.

Keep in touch with us through this forum and continue building your network while watching over your shoulder.

Best of luck.

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Get some experience overseas and a degree if possible then come to work here...

Enjoy thailand for the holiday until then.

There are many people here will to work for under minimum wage... Cleaning toilets as you say from neighbouring countries.

$600p/m plus $20 per day... Is not enough to live here. Less then a teachers salary and thats as low as you would want to go here being a foreigner.

Sent from my c64

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Get some experience overseas and a degree if possible then come to work here...

Enjoy thailand for the holiday until then.

There are many people here will to work for under minimum wage... Cleaning toilets as you say from neighbouring countries.

$600p/m plus $20 per day... Is not enough to live here. Less then a teachers salary and thats as low as you would want to go here being a foreigner.

Sent from my c64

current exchange rates put that at about 40 k baht +....more than what most teachers here live on.

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Get some experience overseas and a degree if possible then come to work here...

Enjoy thailand for the holiday until then.

There are many people here will to work for under minimum wage... Cleaning toilets as you say from neighbouring countries.

$600p/m plus $20 per day... Is not enough to live here. Less then a teachers salary and thats as low as you would want to go here being a foreigner.

Sent from my c64

current exchange rates put that at about 40 k baht +....more than what most teachers here live on.
Then he should go for it.. Was going off low 30s exch.

Get a student Visa.

Sent from my c64

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Get some experience overseas and a degree if possible then come to work here...

Enjoy thailand for the holiday until then.

There are many people here will to work for under minimum wage... Cleaning toilets as you say from neighbouring countries.

$600p/m plus $20 per day... Is not enough to live here. Less then a teachers salary and thats as low as you would want to go here being a foreigner.

Sent from my c64

current exchange rates put that at about 40 k baht +....more than what most teachers here live on.
Then he should go for it.. Was going off low 30s exch.

Get a student Visa.

Sent from my c64

1.00 USD = 36.3157 THB US Dollar Thai Baht 1 USD = 36.3157 THB 1 THB = 0.0275363 USD
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Ummmmmmmm.......... the last time I checked, the airlines and such were not accepting "experience" as a form of payment.

Maybe I am behind the times......

You're Welcome!! smile.png

Perhaps you missed the OP's post stating that he has saved, has money and some regular income?

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Living well in Thailand is not for those who want it, but those who earned it. Unless mommy gives you her credit card, or you sold your dotcom, coming to Thailand with little and expecting everything to be easy and wonderful is not likely. The old geezer who wander around here like their the cock of the walk are as boring and cliche as hell, but at least they slaved for 40 years to bank money. I am always amazed by the 20-somethings (not addressing the OP specifically) who come with no skills, talents, or much brains and expect the country to fall at their feet because they are young and white....

well,it seems like you(and most people here)have either misunderstood or didnt read the whole thing(which i completely understand...it was a long-ass essay).

so,albeit you might not have "addressed the OP specifically" ...the implication is there.

however,to recap...i have my reasons for wanting/having to leave...and second thing(as i said in the post).i have "slaved" long enough(and most importantly smartly enough) to be able to guarantee myself a steady passive monthly income of 600$ without having to lift a finger at the age of 27.maybe i got a 3 bedroom apartment that i can put up for rent and live off that?and thats not counting the cushy online job that earns me around 20 bucks a day for 3 hours of mindnumbingly easy work.on top of the steady every day job that ive had for the past 10 years(and most of the money ive made from it ive saved..so i got money to buy a condo and money for incidentals and whatever may happen).the only reason i need employment in thailand is to conform to their immigration laws which require a work visa(which,at the moment is the only visa i can think of that would allow me to stay).any extra money i would make from that job in thailand would be just icing on the cake...i set things up for myself to guarantee me a decent future.and an even better future in a country with a low cost of living like thailand...why you gotta hate on that?

in a perfect world,i could go to thailand right now,buy a condo(save me the hassle of paying rent) and live happily ever after.i dont have to work in thailand to "make money"...i have to work to be able to stay in the country.

and how is "me being willing to do any job for ridiculously low pay" "expecting the country to fall at my feet"?its the exact opposite...the whole point is that im willing to do way too much and expecting next to nothing in return from the country(except for IT allowing me to stay there)

and now,another thing...and im not addressing you specifically...i dont need to be a genius,dot com mogul,or a veteran with 50 year experience to get a simple humble job as a bartender or a dishwasher...im just a guy with willingness to work tryin' to get a job in another country.a crappy days pay for an honest days work...just like every mexican,albanian or north african in the history of everything ever.yous are all acting like im donald trump,walkin in like i own the place and shouting demands left and right and expecting everybody to bow at my feet...which is the polar opposite of what im tryin to do here.im expecting NOTHING to be easy and wonderful.

one scenario(which is a long shot and a lucky break but not so unfathomable to be deemed ridiculous)...foreigner owns a bar in a tourist location.hes short on staff...asks me.

do you speak english?yes

do you speak enough thai to take orders and talk to customers?yes

are you good with customers?yes

can you mix drinks?yes

gives me a trial run for a day..sees i got what it takes...hires me.BOOM...done.

i mean...i got jobs that way before...its a barkeep gig for christs sakes...not a nuclear physicist.

i gotta try to start "networking" somehow,no?try to make some connections....whats so wrong with that?

connections is what makes the world go round...i will try to do that IN PERSON when i go to thailand on a vacation visa for 30 days.

but until then,i will try to do it this way.i see no harm in that

(i hope i dont come across as hostile,confrontational or passive aggressive).im just trying to explain my point but text sucks at delivering mood and emotion.

so bottom line,its all good...thank you everybody for your input and responses!i appreciate it

Get a job as a Bartender or Dishwasher, and Boom Done? Not a chance!

For one thing, even if someone wanted to give you a job like that, you could never get a Work Permit in Thailand to do such a job. You did mention you wanted to do everything legal didn't you?

Thailand (like most countries) want people with Special Skills or enough money to live on and not someone who can take away a job that a Thai can do. Even if you are willing to do that job for Thai Wages. This place is not back home where you can work anywhere you want to. If caught you will be deported and banned from re-entry. .

At age 27 the only options I see for you is a Thai Elite Card, which I believe costs 500,000 Baht for 5 years, or get married, put 400,000 Baht in a Bank Account in your name only then apply for an extension based on marriage. You might also be able to teach English here. I know you need a TEFL Course to do the here but I never heard that you needed a 4 year degree to do that before. I know many teach here who do not have that Degree, or so they claim, so I would recheck that if I was you.

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Living well in Thailand is not for those who want it, but those who earned it. Unless mommy gives you her credit card, or you sold your dotcom, coming to Thailand with little and expecting everything to be easy and wonderful is not likely. The old geezer who wander around here like their the cock of the walk are as boring and cliche as hell, but at least they slaved for 40 years to bank money. I am always amazed by the 20-somethings (not addressing the OP specifically) who come with no skills, talents, or much brains and expect the country to fall at their feet because they are young and white....

well,it seems like you(and most people here)have either misunderstood or didnt read the whole thing(which i completely understand...it was a long-ass essay).

so,albeit you might not have "addressed the OP specifically" ...the implication is there.

however,to recap...i have my reasons for wanting/having to leave...and second thing(as i said in the post).i have "slaved" long enough(and most importantly smartly enough) to be able to guarantee myself a steady passive monthly income of 600$ without having to lift a finger at the age of 27.maybe i got a 3 bedroom apartment that i can put up for rent and live off that?and thats not counting the cushy online job that earns me around 20 bucks a day for 3 hours of mindnumbingly easy work.on top of the steady every day job that ive had for the past 10 years(and most of the money ive made from it ive saved..so i got money to buy a condo and money for incidentals and whatever may happen).the only reason i need employment in thailand is to conform to their immigration laws which require a work visa(which,at the moment is the only visa i can think of that would allow me to stay).any extra money i would make from that job in thailand would be just icing on the cake...i set things up for myself to guarantee me a decent future.and an even better future in a country with a low cost of living like thailand...why you gotta hate on that?

in a perfect world,i could go to thailand right now,buy a condo(save me the hassle of paying rent) and live happily ever after.i dont have to work in thailand to "make money"...i have to work to be able to stay in the country.

and how is "me being willing to do any job for ridiculously low pay" "expecting the country to fall at my feet"?its the exact opposite...the whole point is that im willing to do way too much and expecting next to nothing in return from the country(except for IT allowing me to stay there)

and now,another thing...and im not addressing you specifically...i dont need to be a genius,dot com mogul,or a veteran with 50 year experience to get a simple humble job as a bartender or a dishwasher...im just a guy with willingness to work tryin' to get a job in another country.a crappy days pay for an honest days work...just like every mexican,albanian or north african in the history of everything ever.yous are all acting like im donald trump,walkin in like i own the place and shouting demands left and right and expecting everybody to bow at my feet...which is the polar opposite of what im tryin to do here.im expecting NOTHING to be easy and wonderful.

one scenario(which is a long shot and a lucky break but not so unfathomable to be deemed ridiculous)...foreigner owns a bar in a tourist location.hes short on staff...asks me.

do you speak english?yes

do you speak enough thai to take orders and talk to customers?yes

are you good with customers?yes

can you mix drinks?yes

gives me a trial run for a day..sees i got what it takes...hires me.BOOM...done.

i mean...i got jobs that way before...its a barkeep gig for christs sakes...not a nuclear physicist.

i gotta try to start "networking" somehow,no?try to make some connections....whats so wrong with that?

connections is what makes the world go round...i will try to do that IN PERSON when i go to thailand on a vacation visa for 30 days.

but until then,i will try to do it this way.i see no harm in that

(i hope i dont come across as hostile,confrontational or passive aggressive).im just trying to explain my point but text sucks at delivering mood and emotion.

so bottom line,its all good...thank you everybody for your input and responses!i appreciate it

Get a job as a Bartender or Dishwasher, and Boom Done? Not a chance!

For one thing, even if someone wanted to give you a job like that, you could never get a Work Permit in Thailand to do such a job. You did mention you wanted to do everything legal didn't you?

Thailand (like most countries) want people with Special Skills or enough money to live on and not someone who can take away a job that a Thai can do. Even if you are willing to do that job for Thai Wages. This place is not back home where you can work anywhere you want to. If caught you will be deported and banned from re-entry. .

At age 27 the only options I see for you is a Thai Elite Card, which I believe costs 500,000 Baht for 5 years, or get married, put 400,000 Baht in a Bank Account in your name only then apply for an extension based on marriage. You might also be able to teach English here. I know you need a TEFL Course to do the here but I never heard that you needed a 4 year degree to do that before. I know many teach here who do not have that Degree, or so they claim, so I would recheck that if I was you.

You can indeed teach without a degree...but you cannot teach legally without a degree. You need degree for work permit.

Edited by tonray
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello mate.

Here is a reply from one who has been in your shoes. 7 years in Thailand but barely escaped with my skin intact. You might not be so lucky.

The only legit work permits I could get were;

1) time share companies

2) privately run language schools (maybe law changed now)

3) many friends worked in call centres (not boiler rooms) in Bangkok/Chiang Mai and where given work permits. They didnt like their jobs tho!

Ignore these guys that say this and that... because they don't know the truth, they repeat what they have heard or read. They have not done.

Thailand officialdom is like Titanium on the outside, but once you get in, its all very soft and squishy.

There are many timeshare compaines that will sponsor you with a legit work permit. Work as an OPC not a sales rep. This is the easiest way bar none to go legit. Better for you if you speak several languages as you can work for one of the more "reputable" companies. Just make sure you teach yourself to ride a bike properly, I mean PROPERLY!

Once you have proven yourself in timeshare (become a low-level manager) you can work for real estate companies, but you will probably have to pay for your own work permit, no big deal.

You can get official employment with a TEFL working for a private company NOT a school. Yes a school can ask for a waiver of a degree, but pretty slim chance. I suggest you approach them and offer to pay for the work permit yourself, or at least half. Otherwise for most employers it doesnt make financial sense to pay for you. There are companies that need unqualified foriegn workers but they pay peanuts. However if you stick the job out and create extra value you will get promoted. You say you speak languages but you dont say which. The right languages will get you a job and work permit.

In Bangkok there are many companies who will give you a work permit but the conditions and job will be tough. You can still have fun though!

All very well speaking Thai, but can you write it?

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Hello mate.

Here is a reply from one who has been in your shoes. 7 years in Thailand but barely escaped with my skin intact. You might not be so lucky.

The only legit work permits I could get were;

1) time share companies

2) privately run language schools (maybe law changed now)

3) many friends worked in call centres (not boiler rooms) in Bangkok/Chiang Mai and where given work permits. They didnt like their jobs tho!

Ignore these guys that say this and that... because they don't know the truth, they repeat what they have heard or read. They have not done.

Thailand officialdom is like Titanium on the outside, but once you get in, its all very soft and squishy.

There are many timeshare compaines that will sponsor you with a legit work permit. Work as an OPC not a sales rep. This is the easiest way bar none to go legit. Better for you if you speak several languages as you can work for one of the more "reputable" companies. Just make sure you teach yourself to ride a bike properly, I mean PROPERLY!

Once you have proven yourself in timeshare (become a low-level manager) you can work for real estate companies, but you will probably have to pay for your own work permit, no big deal.

You can get official employment with a TEFL working for a private company NOT a school. Yes a school can ask for a waiver of a degree, but pretty slim chance. I suggest you approach them and offer to pay for the work permit yourself, or at least half. Otherwise for most employers it doesnt make financial sense to pay for you. There are companies that need unqualified foriegn workers but they pay peanuts. However if you stick the job out and create extra value you will get promoted. You say you speak languages but you dont say which. The right languages will get you a job and work permit.

In Bangkok there are many companies who will give you a work permit but the conditions and job will be tough. You can still have fun though!

All very well speaking Thai, but can you write it?

haha,yeah no worries man...i didnt take anything they said to heart AT ALL...i just laughed it off(cause its painfully obvious they dont know what the hell theyre talking about)...typical "forum clichès"(you can tell by the way they talk like a 12 year old in a youtube comment section).

but anyway,yes...just a couple of days after i made the original post i found a job(through personal connections).

not only that,a week later i got in contact with (just like you said) a TEFL certificate school that has connections and employs teachers privately.i already did the interviews and they absolutely loved me(only problem is,they want me to start in march/april...so its a bit soon)...but 3rd and BY FAR the best option....i will actually go get my bachelor degree IN BANGKOK!(its perfect...i stay there legally on a education visa,while getting my degree WHILE being in thailand)...its absolutely perfect!

and then,off to find a teaching job as a degree holder.

(it also helps that im going to thailand for all the right reasons..im not goin there to exploit the land and patronize hookers...i have a network of over a 100 REAL friends in bkk alone...so if times get tough i have free rent,food and all the support i could possibly need...JUST IN CASE..but i will make damn sure it doesnt come to that)

i think its very sad that these forums dont have more people like you who actually offer concrete help and solution...instead of bitterness,envy,resentment and gratuitous unnecessary ridicule...its so unnecessary(im tryin to get to thailand for christs sakes not fly to mars on a canoe,haha)

of course,i dont want to pick and chose the suggestions that suit me the most(basically what i would WANT to hear)..of course not.im thankful for YOU and everybody else who tried to tell me the good AND the bad that comes with this journey(constructive criticism).as long as they talk like HUMAN BEINGS!

so for anyone who is reading this that might be in my shoes(or the shoes that YOU were in) i just want to say...yes,there is plenty of options,work arounds,loopholes,alternative routes...its not that difficult(if youre smart,affable and willing to work,there is always many solutions available).in thailand,AS WELL as anywhere else in the world...and PLEASE,PLEASE dont listen to forum clichès who (for some reason) just want to demoralize you...on principle...just because.

but...you know...thats the internet for ya!

what can you do...

-i will come back to this thread pretty soon and post a picture of me all happy and smiling next to my "ed visa"

-then in 4 years i will come back again with a picture of me all happy and smiling next to my "b work visa"

-and about 10 years from now(if this forum still exists) i will come back and post a picture of me all smiling and happy next to my THAI CITIZENSHIP(i know they will laugh now...but you just watch me)

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Hello mate.

Here is a reply from one who has been in your shoes. 7 years in Thailand but barely escaped with my skin intact. You might not be so lucky.

The only legit work permits I could get were;

1) time share companies

2) privately run language schools (maybe law changed now)

3) many friends worked in call centres (not boiler rooms) in Bangkok/Chiang Mai and where given work permits. They didnt like their jobs tho!

Ignore these guys that say this and that... because they don't know the truth, they repeat what they have heard or read. They have not done.

Thailand officialdom is like Titanium on the outside, but once you get in, its all very soft and squishy.

There are many timeshare compaines that will sponsor you with a legit work permit. Work as an OPC not a sales rep. This is the easiest way bar none to go legit. Better for you if you speak several languages as you can work for one of the more "reputable" companies. Just make sure you teach yourself to ride a bike properly, I mean PROPERLY!

Once you have proven yourself in timeshare (become a low-level manager) you can work for real estate companies, but you will probably have to pay for your own work permit, no big deal.

You can get official employment with a TEFL working for a private company NOT a school. Yes a school can ask for a waiver of a degree, but pretty slim chance. I suggest you approach them and offer to pay for the work permit yourself, or at least half. Otherwise for most employers it doesnt make financial sense to pay for you. There are companies that need unqualified foriegn workers but they pay peanuts. However if you stick the job out and create extra value you will get promoted. You say you speak languages but you dont say which. The right languages will get you a job and work permit.

In Bangkok there are many companies who will give you a work permit but the conditions and job will be tough. You can still have fun though!

All very well speaking Thai, but can you write it?

haha,yeah no worries man...i didnt take anything they said to heart AT ALL...i just laughed it off(cause its painfully obvious they dont know what the hell theyre talking about)...typical "forum clichès"(you can tell by the way they talk like a 12 year old in a youtube comment section).

but anyway,yes...just a couple of days after i made the original post i found a job(through personal connections).

not only that,a week later i got in contact with (just like you said) a TEFL certificate school that has connections and employs teachers privately.i already did the interviews and they absolutely loved me(only problem is,they want me to start in march/april...so its a bit soon)...but 3rd and BY FAR the best option....i will actually go get my bachelor degree IN BANGKOK!(its perfect...i stay there legally on a education visa,while getting my degree WHILE being in thailand)...its absolutely perfect!

and then,off to find a teaching job as a degree holder.

(it also helps that im going to thailand for all the right reasons..im not goin there to exploit the land and patronize hookers...i have a network of over a 100 REAL friends in bkk alone...so if times get tough i have free rent,food and all the support i could possibly need...JUST IN CASE..but i will make damn sure it doesnt come to that)

i think its very sad that these forums dont have more people like you who actually offer concrete help and solution...instead of bitterness,envy,resentment and gratuitous unnecessary ridicule...its so unnecessary(im tryin to get to thailand for christs sakes not fly to mars on a canoe,haha)

of course,i dont want to pick and chose the suggestions that suit me the most(basically what i would WANT to hear)..of course not.im thankful for YOU and everybody else who tried to tell me the good AND the bad that comes with this journey(constructive criticism).as long as they talk like HUMAN BEINGS!

so for anyone who is reading this that might be in my shoes(or the shoes that YOU were in) i just want to say...yes,there is plenty of options,work arounds,loopholes,alternative routes...its not that difficult(if youre smart,affable and willing to work,there is always many solutions available).in thailand,AS WELL as anywhere else in the world...and PLEASE,PLEASE dont listen to forum clichès who (for some reason) just want to demoralize you...on principle...just because.

but...you know...thats the internet for ya!

what can you do...

-i will come back to this thread pretty soon and post a picture of me all happy and smiling next to my "ed visa"

-then in 4 years i will come back again with a picture of me all happy and smiling next to my "b work visa"

-and about 10 years from now(if this forum still exists) i will come back and post a picture of me all smiling and happy next to my THAI CITIZENSHIP(i know they will laugh now...but you just watch me)

Please post a pic after you are fleeced by your Thai wife too.....gotta share it all with us !

Edited by tonray
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