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Thai B2b Telemarketers For Thailand

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Does anyone know or can recommend any good

Thai B2B Telemarketing/Telesales companies based in Thailand,

that can follow up on leads and call Thai companies.

Any web sites, names etc would be great or PM me.

Also does anyone know of any Thai list brokers where lists

of companies in Thai can be bought or rented for a telemarketing


Again please post or PM me.



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Oh my god boiler rooms are back. Used to get tons of calls from "friends" ( they lie thru there teeth to my secretary...and when they connect its " hi xxx, bla bla bla ".

The few that could get past her, well, i agreed to meet them "Waow, its great u called me, just by chance i have been wanting to make some investments " (i can lie too ) ....set meeting at peak hour, area which has no MRT transport, and set schedule at 6:30...... in i.e. Chaengwattana.....

Next day u say "oops", sorry missed the appointment, but i am really keen, but something came up....and make a new one....

Record was 3 appointments, they got the message after that.

Edited by skippybangkok
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you should be nice to people who call, even though it can be a pain. aside from the boiler room, I got an stock for you..... most legite sales telesales people are young grads starting off, in a legit company.. selling legite B2B services. often boring stuff like office supplies, IT, waste management services, sales training etc etc....

Their only doing their job. why not say look, no thanks we're not in the market, but I hope you have good day on the phones and make a sale, and send them away with some confidence, rather than tearing them down. they got a hard job to do, so be nice to them...ok!

remember Karama too, what goes around comes around.

What some people decision makers in companines (and I was one in Ireland who got called alot) forget....that down the hall, their company probably got a sales team doing the exact bloody same thing.

It sales people that keep you fat cats in jobs. no sales no you.

Its often there kids doing telesales the open the door, for pitches to be made for massive contracts to be won in legit B2B operations.

in MBNA International Bank who were a client of mine , and have a huge operation in Ireland, everyone from CEO down to toilet cleaner had to spend a minimum of 1 day or afternoon I think, on the phone doing in bound or out bound calling....even the CEO in Ireland had to do his afternoon montly.

As top author Brian Tracy Said in Business "nothing happens until a sales is made"...

Anyway. back to my OP, does anyone know of, or can give me a lead to some good B2B Legite Telemarketing companies in BKK than on handle a specific outbound campaign and also inbound along with this?

This is B2B Thai to Thai.

Or is there any business directories anyone can recommend I can buy, that lists suppliers and servies in BKK area?

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you should be nice to people who call, even though it can be a pain. aside from the boiler room, I got an stock for you..... most legite sales telesales people are young grads starting off, in a legit company.. selling legite B2B services. often boring stuff like office supplies, IT, waste management services, sales training etc etc....

Their only doing their job. why not say look, no thanks we're not in the market, but I hope you have good day on the phones and make a sale, and send them away with some confidence, rather than tearing them down. they got a hard job to do, so be nice to them...ok!

remember Karama too, what goes around comes around.

What some people decision makers in companines (and I was one in Ireland who got called alot) forget....that down the hall, their company probably got a sales team doing the exact bloody same thing.

It sales people that keep you fat cats in jobs. no sales no you.

Its often there kids doing telesales the open the door, for pitches to be made for massive contracts to be won in legit B2B operations.

in MBNA International Bank who were a client of mine , and have a huge operation in Ireland, everyone from CEO down to toilet cleaner had to spend a minimum of 1 day or afternoon I think, on the phone doing in bound or out bound calling....even the CEO in Ireland had to do his afternoon montly.

As top author Brian Tracy Said in Business "nothing happens until a sales is made"...

Anyway. back to my OP, does anyone know of, or can give me a lead to some good B2B Legite Telemarketing companies in BKK than on handle a specific outbound campaign and also inbound along with this?

Be Nice ???? LOL. How long have you lived in Thailand. Before they chucked a bunch of boiler rooms guys in jail, the phone would ring 3x a week from all kinds of highschool drop outs telling you how they could invest your money....

1. Did not asked to be called.

2. I have a secretary who screens all calls. These people habitually lie through their teeth to get past her. She is good at catching most, but some are extremely good liers. I had so much experience that I could tell in the first 5 sec what the call was about ( Call in English, sugar sweet , trying to sound like we are friends already )

3. If you barged your way past the gate through being a professional lier, you deserve what you received.

Edited by skippybangkok
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As I already said. There is a massive difference between a boiler room investment scam, and some one making a call to sell a legitimate service.

It is not hard to tell the difference, I have received both types of calls too. The boiler room guys I tell them I usually invest $250,000 a go, and which they nearly drop the phone and crap their pants, and nicely get rid of them, the legit B2B people, "Hi this is Mary from Trane, I just wanted to see have you any need to upgarde you air con system" is a very different call, and should be treated with respect.

Its a bit like a guy I called in ireland once, called me a "scum bag and a slime" just because I asked him did he ever outsource his staffing needs. not sure I heard him right, I called back to be told indeed I was "scum and slime"...so I took a little drive over to his office which was not very far from mine as it happened and asked him to repeat to my face what he had just said on the phone.... very different reaction rest assured! Never saw a guy turn as pale in my life! LOL!.

I am talking legite B2B sales, and as I said, many people who get called by decent companies, by nice people, with a reasonable service, forget they have a sales department down the hall doing the exact bloody same thing.

Legite sales people should be treated nicely and with respect.

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I guess ur out of tuoch with what people on the receiving end think. Never the less, if it was just a paper sales man who contacted me directly , would hang up with out much fuss. Since my mobile is not on my name card, and my PA screens calls, not much chance of a direct encounter.

If they get thru to me with blatant lies - they deserve what they get - point ! ( I remember one claiming to be a friend and calling in follow up of a topic we discussed the week before - she fell for it and let him thru - he is one of the many who ended up in Chaengwattana at 6:30 pm - there are restaurants deep in the soi's where its hard to get taxis from..... mean maybe, but I dont like con-men ). Then we set up a rule, if they are friends, their name is in my contact list, if not, " Mr X. is not in, but I will get him to call back.

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yes, well if they lie, and pretend to be a friend to ge through, they are w**kers anyway, and should not be given time. I would just not send the poor bastard off with a phoney meeting, he probably got some sales manager dick on his back anyway, about to fire him.

what I do , is I call a decision maker in ireland about my recruitment service, I work a sub niche of iT, and there is a genuine staff sortage. alot of reruitment people are dicks too, so PAs are told to screen them it. so since I do the job 50 -70% lower cost than anyone else (since I live in Thailand and do not have the massive running costs of europe), I ask PA would she be so kind if I faxed the details in, to gie them to his/her boss for a sec over the next few days. Normally follow up with call to PA a few days later and ask did she get a chance to do it , and and its then 50 50 if I get through or not. if I get a lead great, I am delighted, and usually gain a new client, if I do not....no bother...plenty of fish in the sea! and its all done polite, straight up, honest and nice.

Though often the ones who do not take the call, keep the fax, and its not unusual months later, they contact me out of the blue to give me an assignment.

When I had a bigger operation in Ireland and a PA, my "system" to get in touch with me, was all sales offers etc, had to be emailed to me, and then I would decide if of interest or not.

Its amazing the amount of legit sales people who no not do even a quick web site scan to see what your about. I have had some strange calls from reps offering me deals on tyres for my trucking fleet, (????!!!)) to heavy duty industrial printes! LOL!

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If you pass me a few more details of your marketing campaign, ( by PM if you like ) then maybe I can point you in the right direction for your needs. Details as in target area, Biz types you will be contacting and if the contacts that you receive have to be able to speak English? Or do you speak Thai?


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