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PM urges teachers to preach morality and discipline to help enhance Thai competitiveness


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If the teachers of the CEOs of major "Too Big To Fail / Too Big To Jail" banks were taught morality by their teachers, they wouldn't be the heads of monopolistic Super Banks who are routinely being caught for major infractions, but receiving naught but a slap on the wrist by governments run by leaders whose teachers didn't teach them morality either. However, gotta disagree with the approach. Morality starts in the home and is reinforced by social role-models during their formative years. Role models like virtually everyone in a position of power who gets there by....what means here in the Land of Smiles? I'll leave that to the reader's imagination.

How many bankers were jailed for the sub-prime scam? ?

How many borrowers were jailed for lying (fraud) and misrepresenting their income on their "no-documentation" loan applications?

'Plenty of blame to go around, as is the case here.

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It has been well known worldwide: those who can't do, teach!

How sad that you apparently never had a really good teacher in your life. Many of us, me included, still remember that certain teacher who through her/his skills lit a spark in us that changed our lives for the better.

Mine was Miss Cook. She weighed maybe 90 LBS and was less that five feet tall. But that little lady was smart as a whip and tough as nails. She taught multiple subjects and could make even boring subjects exciting and interesting and instilled in many of her students a life long love of learning.

That was 50 + years ago and I still remember how she single handed convinced me that being a good student would pay far more dividends and be far more rewarding then being a smart mouth ignoramus.

Thank you Miss Cook.(long dead). You changed my life for the better and I'll always consider myself very lucky to have run into you when I was a 15 y.o. kid. I often wonder what my life would have been like if i had never been so lucky as to have a great teacher.

You have made an excellent post. I have had similar experiences.

I will always remember my Penmanship teacher the best, when ever I hand write I get compliments on my handwriting, that was 50 years ago, I was 15 I think of him.

He instilled more than "Good Handwriting" in me.

he must have been over 50 at that time and there were a few more, the ex Harlem Globetrotter that taught me sports and math he showed me how to put a ball in a basket 20 feet behind you...

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Preach morality and discipline or teach morality and discipline to back up the parents hard work and home teaching seems Thai teens have no respect for parents or any type of discipline or general rule of law from basic things like riding their motorcycles without a crash helmet, stabbing and shooting children from other schools, next students will be rebelling against their military junta soldier boy PM and associates, what is the world coming too.

Their parents have told me that this generation is not good, as you said, acting out things they see in movies, drinking, taking yaba, not helping the family, watching T.V. and playing games on the I phones.

But the parents are partly to blame by not instilling moral values in their children, there is no or very little discipline of Thai children. Today I I watched a mother I know, wave a broom at her son when he refused to carry out her wishes, but she would not hit him with it as he sat there and drank Pepsi, that she paid for.

I have never seen a Thai child getting a smack on the arse..

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Start by keeping the teachers over 60 who can and want to teach...by virtue of Thai thinking, senior teachers "may" be respected if they show and actually make an effort and difference in the students learning.., and the student have the opportunity to practice being respectful.. and somewhere.. morality will.....

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Is Buddhism now dead in Thailand?

With the nation being 95% Buddhist I'd think that Buddhism goes hand-in-hand with teaching morality and discipline.

In Pratimoksha Sutra, Buddha says that it would be better for us to die than to break our moral discipline.

Breaking one's moral discipline destroys one's opportunity to experience happiness in rebirth and condemns one to experience the sufferings of lower rebirths over and over again.

Maybe instead Prayut should be demanding the Supreme Buddhist Patriarch of Thailand be more effective in reaching out to Thais.

........................... hand to hand, sorry, hand-in-hand with donation, donation, donation!

I've come to appreciate the simple values taught by the man Jesus much more since living in Thailand. Compare how the founders serve as role models. One abandoned his wife and child and walked away from his family responsibilties to seek his own salvation.......Ring any bells? ..........whistling.gif

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in the US we're different but not much. I mean, this morning no one even pauses a microsecond when Ryan makes a perfect description of Saudi Arabia while blabbing about Iran? how is our nonsense any better? Bangkok or Washington???

true, hence we call the thais the americans of se asia clap2.gif

in malaysia however they are known as "those-who-subtitle-tom&jerry" thumbsup.gif

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Preach morality and discipline or teach morality and discipline to back up the parents hard work and home teaching seems Thai teens have no respect for parents or any type of discipline or general rule of law from basic things like riding their motorcycles without a crash helmet, stabbing and shooting children from other schools, next students will be rebelling against their military junta soldier boy PM and associates, what is the world coming too.

Their parents have told me that this generation is not good, as you said, acting out things they see in movies, drinking, taking yaba, not helping the family, watching T.V. and playing games on the I phones.

But the parents are partly to blame by not instilling moral values in their children, there is no or very little discipline of Thai children. Today I I watched a mother I know, wave a broom at her son when he refused to carry out her wishes, but she would not hit him with it as he sat there and drank Pepsi, that she paid for.

I have never seen a Thai child getting a smack on the arse..

jup, i see these spoiled little monkeys all the time, high on coke (the legal variant), playing games and zero manners. mainly boys of course who then grow up to become ... you know the answer ;-)

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Is Buddhism now dead in Thailand?

With the nation being 95% Buddhist I'd think that Buddhism goes hand-in-hand with teaching morality and discipline.

In Pratimoksha Sutra, Buddha says that it would be better for us to die than to break our moral discipline.

Breaking one's moral discipline destroys one's opportunity to experience happiness in rebirth and condemns one to experience the sufferings of lower rebirths over and over again.

Maybe instead Prayut should be demanding the Supreme Buddhist Patriarch of Thailand be more effective in reaching out to Thais.

stone dead....
Edited by stickylies
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Is Buddhism now dead in Thailand?

With the nation being 95% Buddhist I'd think that Buddhism goes hand-in-hand with teaching morality and discipline.

In Pratimoksha Sutra, Buddha says that it would be better for us to die than to break our moral discipline.

Breaking one's moral discipline destroys one's opportunity to experience happiness in rebirth and condemns one to experience the sufferings of lower rebirths over and over again.

Maybe instead Prayut should be demanding the Supreme Buddhist Patriarch of Thailand be more effective in reaching out to Thais.

........................... hand to hand, sorry, hand-in-hand with donation, donation, donation!

I've come to appreciate the simple values taught by the man Jesus much more since living in Thailand. Compare how the founders serve as role models. One abandoned his wife and child and walked away from his family responsibilties to seek his own salvation.......Ring any bells? ..........whistling.gif

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