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Chinese state-run media warn Taiwan against independence


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Chinese state-run media warn Taiwan against independence


TAIPEI: -- Tsai Ing-wen is the woman of the hour. The leader of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has become Taiwan’s first-ever female president.

But China, it seems, is less impressed. Following the announcement of the landslide victory, state-run media warned Taipei against any “poisonous” moves towards independence.

The president-elect appeared to pay no heed to possible Chinese concerns.

“Today’s election result proves to the world that Taiwanese people have freedom, Taiwanese people have democracy. As long as I am president, I will do my best to have none of my people apologise for their identity,” she said.

China claims Taiwan as its sacred territory.

The traditionally independence-leaning DPP’s win sees the Nationalist Party hand over the reins of power for the first time in eight years. It had been steadily warming relations with Beijing.

China’s official Xinhua news agency carried an editorial stating there was “no denying that the DPP’s return to rule poses grave challenges to cross-strait relations.”

Beijing resident Stefanie Chen said she agreed with the ‘one China’ policy:
“Her (Tsai Ing-wen) view is that there are two Chinas. It doesn’t correspond to all of the opinions of the mainland leadership. It’s very different. She belongs to a different camp. But I don’t see this in a good light at all, because I think that all of us belong to one country. I think we should remember this.”

China has previously threatened to use military force, if Taiwan formally declares independence. It is estimated to have hundreds of missiles aimed at the island.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-18

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


? Chinese tourists would be reducing their numbers worldwide due to their own state of the economy...just like Japan did in 1992-6

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


? Chinese tourists would be reducing their numbers worldwide due to their own state of the economy...just like Japan did in 1992-6

Even if the number of Chinese tourists were to drop by a quarter, which isn't going to happen anyway, well, Pattaya will still have a whole load of them.

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


? Chinese tourists would be reducing their numbers worldwide due to their own state of the economy...just like Japan did in 1992-6

Even if the number of Chinese tourists were to drop by a quarter, which isn't going to happen anyway, well, Pattaya will still have a whole load of them.

They would still go to Pattaya, but the city needs to consider following Manhattan to cater to budget Chinese tourists...

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"They would still go to Pattaya, but the city needs to consider following Manhattan to cater to budget Chinese tourists..."

I think any money is better than no money. :)

It's like London and Paris. Trying to reduce the number of down-market visitors would be silly. They can't do it anyway, but they wouldn't do it, even if they could.

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


It's unlikely the US, Japan,The Philippines and South Korea will standby and let the Taiwan economy crash from withdrawal of Chinese tourists from Taiwan. I'd expect economic aid from these countries to preserve democracy in Taiwan in a "smack down" to the communist regime.

Taiwan will become the USA's new "Israel."

Edited by Srikcir
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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


why so anti-taiwan?

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


Taiwan has a lot of factories on the mainland that could be given their "walking papers" as well. If Taiwan thinks that being assimilated by China gives them democracy forget it they only need to look at all the false promises made to Hong Kong and the Red stealth sweeping the country. Time is on China's side.

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.



A little known fact is just how many factories and businesses on the mainland are owned by the Taiwanese.

If China nationalized all of their businesses then the Taiwanese would be in big doo doo.

Perhaps someone more knowledgeable could tell us just what is the main industry of Taiwan. Computer components of course but most of those are now manufactured in their mainland factories.

All countries due to greed are looking for the cheapest route possible. They seem to forget that it could in the future come back and bite them in the posterior.

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.



A little known fact is just how many factories and businesses on the mainland are owned by the Taiwanese.

If China nationalized all of their businesses then the Taiwanese would be in big doo doo.

Perhaps someone more knowledgeable could tell us just what is the main industry of Taiwan. Computer components of course but most of those are now manufactured in their mainland factories.

All countries due to greed are looking for the cheapest route possible. They seem to forget that it could in the future come back and bite them in the posterior.

Yup. Toilet seat factories are returning to the US...

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The central point of this election is that DPP led by President-Elect Hsai Ing-wen has never accepted the one-China agreement of 1992. DPP took no part in it and outright rejected it; still does, and it's never been in a stronger position than now going forward..

The 1992 Agreement was negotiated by the just routed KMT only. It was being implemented the past eight years by President Ma Ying-jeou of KMT. Ma and Beijing couldn't work together fast enough.

Now, in a three-way contest, Ms. Hsai and the DPP got 56% of the vote against 31% for KMT. DPP now controls parliament too for the first time since elections began on Taiwan. (KMT gerrymandered parliament long ago but still lost this time; not only lost, got swept out countrywide.) Taiwan hasn't ever had an election this completely one-sided.

After eight years of more than twenty CCP-KMT agreements in economics, finance, trade that have favored CCP and people transversing the Strait, Beijing's corporations and CCP cadres have a beachead in Taiwan. Fact is there are a lot of bucks at stake on each side of the Strait. CCP can't afford to take on new hits to its uncertain economy, declining trade or to its unstable currency either.

So for the rest of this year people should expect what each side has repeatedly assured each other, the region and the world. Which is status quo. Each side needs to get a grip.

Beijing needs some time to find its way out of this. It's either that or sleepwalk into a catastrophe neither side wants at this point. All rhetoric aside, people need to consider whether the CCP has any fight in them any more over this.

Edited by Publicus
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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


It's unlikely the US, Japan,The Philippines and South Korea will standby and let the Taiwan economy crash from withdrawal of Chinese tourists from Taiwan. I'd expect economic aid from these countries to preserve democracy in Taiwan in a "smack down" to the communist regime.

Taiwan will become the USA's new "Israel."

I really do think that the Philippines doesn't have that much money, they're not going to be sending aid to Taiwan. In terms of money per person, Philippines is poorer than Taiwan.

Yeah, Japan and America would love to 'smack down' Beijing, but Japan will have a problem aiding Republic of China, which Taiwan still calls themselves.

Taiwan to become the USA's new "Israel" ?? Interesting scenario, but I hugely doubt it. :)

There's Jews in America, and the Jewish lobby groups in Washington are very strong. The National Rifle Association might be the most powerfull lobby group in Washington, but the combined power of all the pro-Jewish lobby groups (lobbying for Israel) is stronger. The Chinese in America simply don't have that much influence, hence, lobby groups cheering on Taiwan have almost no influence.

What's really happening with Washington, selling weapons to Taiwan, and handing out a few supportive comments ? Basically, Washington feels that it might be fighting a war against China at some point in the future. If or when Washington does, it will need an excuse to attack and invade China. And the reason ?

Well, they'ill use the excuse of Chinese aggression against Taiwan as an excuse for war. See, they've got to have a reason to attack China, they've got to convince the general public in America that China is dangerous, and the issue of Taiwan becomes the reason.

Okay, whatever anybody thinks, please don't believe the nonsense that Washington is trying to spread freedom and democracy across the world.

Back in 1950, the CIA carried out a coup in Iran, it removed an almost democratically elected government, and installed the puppet Shah. Today, we see Saudi Arabia. Washington backs Saudi Arabia and that's bearing in mind that Saudi Arabia is not a democracy, does not have lots of freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and does do some human rights abuse. There's countless other examples where Washington has shown that it does have a poor record when it comes to spreading freedom and democracy.

I hope everybody can see this, even though some of the media and other cheerleaders of Washington tell us otherwise.

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


why so anti-taiwan?

I'm not anti-Taiwan. :)

I'm trying to say that Taiwan is basically reliant on China in an economic way. Taiwan already had a load of their factories relocated to main-land China about two decades ago. Today, Taiwan's biggest trading partner is main-land China. Taiwan declaring independence will simply annoy Beijing, Beijing might carry out a policy of isolationism towards Taiwan prior to firing two thousand missiles at them.

How big is Taiwan's economy compared to China ? It's almost like saying Denmark annoying the rest of the European Union. If Denmark was to annoy the European Union that much, they will probably end up being booted out and totally isolated from the EU. How on earth is little Denmark suppose to survive economically if outside of the EU ? :)

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.



A little known fact is just how many factories and businesses on the mainland are owned by the Taiwanese.

If China nationalized all of their businesses then the Taiwanese would be in big doo doo.

Perhaps someone more knowledgeable could tell us just what is the main industry of Taiwan. Computer components of course but most of those are now manufactured in their mainland factories.

If this, if that....Speculative hot air. China going back to nationalisation would be a death knell fall-out for the Chinese economy. Never going to happen. Got anything else?

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Or else what? War?

? your hot air warnings have been sounded since the Mao was alive, just hot air like decades before...

Well, China can either invade Taiwan, OR, they could stop or reduce the number of Chinese tourists going to Taiwan.

That will reduce Taiwan's tourism revenue in a big way, and it should be enough to shut up Taiwan. See, economic war, it's not actually hot air.


why so anti-taiwan?

I'm not anti-Taiwan. smile.png

I'm trying to say that Taiwan is basically reliant on China in an economic way. Taiwan already had a load of their factories relocated to main-land China about two decades ago. Today, Taiwan's biggest trading partner is main-land China. Taiwan declaring independence will simply annoy Beijing, Beijing might carry out a policy of isolationism towards Taiwan prior to firing two thousand missiles at them.

How big is Taiwan's economy compared to China ? It's almost like saying Denmark annoying the rest of the European Union. If Denmark was to annoy the European Union that much, they will probably end up being booted out and totally isolated from the EU. How on earth is little Denmark suppose to survive economically if outside of the EU ? smile.png

Yup Taiwan's biggest trading partner is China. No party in Taiwan will ever declare independence too, the economic consequences is too big now. Perhaps decades later when all the manufacturers move out of China and Taiwan rely less on China. Its always Beijing bullying Taiwan around as a show of force, the current new president was actually the one who was in charge of starting direct flights and more lax trade agreements with China couple years ago.

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This marks the end of the mutuality inherent to the 1992 "one country, two systems" brew schemed up between the CCP Dictators in Beijing and the KMT. The Democratic Progressive Party which just swept national elections has never accepted it and took no part in the agreement signed by Kuomintang party. DPP which has said repeatedly it is not bound by the scheme has its own agreed position of "two countries, one democracy and one dictatorship".

President Elect Hsai will gradually begin slow stepping incremental moves away from President Ma Ying-jeou's eight years of rapid and high profile movement to integrate with the mainland economy. Ma's eagerly pursued economic integration with the mainland was of course to be a prelude to CCP eating alive Taiwan democracy and shitting it out laughing all the while.

The DPP led incremental movement away from the CCP in Beijing will not be total or absolute. Ms Hsai had worked cross-strait relations in the previous DPP government and has accomplishments to show for it. Which is a major factor in her credibility among the many new voters DPP won over in the Saturday election. No balanced person expects Pres-elect Hsai to ride on horseback throughout the island proclaiming independence.

Cross Strait cooperation will continue, confrontation will not be sought by Hsai. CCP Dictators will have to watch the salami get thinly sliced over time until they get handed what's left of it.

Edited by Publicus
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Taiwan is not dependent on tourists from China. It's a relatively recent thing and they would survive, thrive without it. Great country, lovely people.

Well yes, Taiwan is not dependent on tourists from China. But there's a whole load of other stuff that does make Taiwan dependent on China.

Taiwan went and re-located it's manufacturing sector to China about two decades ago. Wages are cheaper in China than in Taiwan, it doesn't make sense to have a load of factories in Taiwan.

And also, Taiwan has got one of the lowest birth-rates in the world. They've got to draft in mainland Chinese women into Taiwan, Taiwan men can then create children with these women, that way, babies are actually being born in Taiwan.

Do people actually realise, Taiwan is only able to stop the Chinese in Taiwan dissapearing (negative population growth, this is when the number of babies being born is NOT enough to replace those who are dying) by importing women from mainland China ???

Yes, Taiwan, if it wasn't for China, you'd be going down the same catastrophic path as Japan, NEGATIVE POPULATION GROWTH.

Give it one hundred years, the number of Japanese people on planet earth will drop by half. And more than half of the ones still here will be over 65 !!

Taiwan, you're shi___ yourselves because you know you might be following Japan on that path. :)

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