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David Miller's father opposes Koh Tao death sentence


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In this day and age, only the most backward and uncivilised countries have the death penalty.

In this day and age, the most forward looking and civilised countries have the death penalty and they should actively promote its use around the world.

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Why do many here assume Mr Miller is somehow uninformed about his son's murder? It's possible the British police who were in Thailand have briefed the families on details they didn't make public (because of their government's opposition to the death penalty).

Don't the families of the victims deserve some benefit of the doubt here?

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Why do many here assume Mr Miller is somehow uninformed about his son's murder? It's possible the British police who were in Thailand have briefed the families on details they didn't make public (because of their government's opposition to the death penalty).

Don't the families of the victims deserve some benefit of the doubt here?

So you are suggesting maybe that at least the Miller family might know more details than persons regularly posting on these Forums? Most of what you read on here claim it's the other way around.

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In this day and age, only the most backward and uncivilised countries have the death penalty.

In this day and age, the most forward looking and civilised countries have the death penalty and they should actively promote its use around the world.

Thankfully that list is short. A society that actively uses the death penalty isn't civilized at all. And the way things are going that list is going to get shorter, not longer. And for good reason of course, history has already shown that the biggest advantage to the death penalty (deterrence) is not a valid reason.

For the fight fire with fire crowd, deal with it and try to surpass those illogical primitive urges.

I agree with the OP, the death penalty is never an answer. The part of the OP where sufficient evidence is mentioned, that part most certainly cannot be right. With the absence of any DNA on the murder weapon (of the suspects at least), it's hard to claim sufficient evidence of murder has been brought forward. In fact, I personally believe both suspects to be innocent of all charges brought forward.

Edited by sjaak327
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In this day and age, only the most backward and uncivilised countries have the death penalty.

In this day and age, the most forward looking and civilised countries have the death penalty and they should actively promote its use around the world.

You're in good company with Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, savage!

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"The message we want to get across is that there has been enough death," he told the newspaper, adding that his family had been vilified by internet users for supporting the conviction.

Maybe what he meant to say was " we donot want 2 innoccent person's to die"

Quite possibly, but either way I take my hat off to the gentleman for his compassion under the almost unimaginable grief he must be suffering.

No wonder a once great empire continues to fade into politically correct, meekness as virtue, turn the other cheek and hit with the other fist, inherit the dirt on your knees facing east nation.

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There needs to be a proper retrial because the conviction is "unsafe". Why were the police absolutely convinced that 2 Thai men were the killers at the beginning?

Yes the family have been vilified for accepting the court's verdict so easily when there are so many "holes" in the case. Surely the family must have realised that courts in Thailand are not impartial, they must obey a higher authority. Judges are vulnerable to corruption and threats.

How can you have a re-trial when the evidence - including the DNA - has been compromised so badly in the first place???

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They were obviously not guilty as most people know in Thailand!

You mean most people who think they know everything about everything.

If they are so smart they can judge from behind a keyboard, half whom never get out the house and the other half don't even live in Thailand, then show some evidence who did commit the crime.

Not one of us heard all the evidence but the evidence we did hear was damning.

"We decided to go for swim in the rain and oh my!! on the way home I found her phone" In the dark on the beach? I would believe Billy Liar before these two .

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They were obviously not guilty as most people know in Thailand!

You mean most people who think they know everything about everything.

If they are so smart they can judge from behind a keyboard, half whom never get out the house and the other half don't even live in Thailand, then show some evidence who did commit the crime.

Not one of us heard all the evidence but the evidence we did hear was damning.

"We decided to go for swim in the rain and oh my!! on the way home I found her phone" In the dark on the beach? I would believe Billy Liar before these two .

" then show some evidence who did commit the crime." - you realise that statement goes against every principle upon which democratic jutice is founded?

The idea is the onus is on the prosecution to prove guilt "beyond all reasonable;e doubt" not for the accused t prove someone else did it.

The point being that the procedures and evidence in this case was handled so badly there should NEVER have been a trial in the first place, so asking how much "evidence" someone has behind their keyboard is completely irrelevant and shows a huge misunderstanding of the primary objections to the trial of the B2.

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In this day and age, only the most backward and uncivilised countries have the death penalty.

In this day and age, the most forward looking and civilised countries have the death penalty and they should actively promote its use around the world.

You're in good company with Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, savage!

And you shall be known by your friends, the Khmer Rouge officer Hun Sen of Cambodia, Russia and the SLORC crowd of today's military-controlled Burma.

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Perhaps he is finally coming to terms with the fact that the killer of his son is still on the loose, and the B2 were framed, and innocent as the day is long. How can any rational mind accept the paltry and contradictory evidence, and say there were no doubts about their guilt? The police screwed up this case so badly, that it should have been thrown out of court. But, since the courts were in control of the government, they did their bidding, and got the results the masters commanded.

In the meantime, a serial killer runs free, plying his hobby of killing. He and his family are above the law. Any and all laws. Too wealthy and too connected to arrest. That is the law in Thailand. If you have over $50 million US, you will not ever be convicted. You are above the law.

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Good for him. The death penalty should be opposed in all circumstances.

Some argue the death penalty is not a deterrent, but it does serve at least two good purposes: 1) tax payer expenses for incarceration are lessened and 2) the perp will never do it again

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Good for him. The death penalty should be opposed in all circumstances.

Some argue the death penalty is not a deterrent, but it does serve at least two good purposes: 1) tax payer expenses for incarceration are lessened and 2) the perp will never do it again

If any country in the world had a perfect legal system where only the truly guilty were ever put to death then your arguement may hold some water, but in reality where the death sentence exists then occasionally innocent people are put to death. That is never acceptable at any cost.

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Good for him. The death penalty should be opposed in all circumstances.

Some argue the death penalty is not a deterrent, but it does serve at least two good purposes: 1) tax payer expenses for incarceration are lessened and 2) the perp will never do it again

Actually number ! is misleading, because in places like the US people are on death row for years and years and the cost is much higher than normal imprisonment.

..and number 2 - well you are assuming they did it in the first place.

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I get the feeling that the Miller family were "fed a story" that convinced them of the B2's guilt...and this was done outside the course of legal process.....now that they are faced with condoning a death penalty on what to the whole world is an unsatisfactory trial, the seeds of doubt have been sewn.

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it doesn't surprise me that the backpacker families are getting flack from the internet david millers father says he believes the b2 are guilty but he doesn't believe in the death penalty personally I believe if he lived in Thailand he would understand the situation better and possibly come up with a not guilty verdict .

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it doesn't surprise me that the backpacker families are getting flack from the internet david millers father says he believes the b2 are guilty but he doesn't believe in the death penalty personally I believe if he lived in Thailand he would understand the situation better and possibly come up with a not guilty verdict .

I'm sure he has been better informed about the investigation concerning his son's murder than anyone living in Thailand and posting on this forum.

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it doesn't surprise me that the backpacker families are getting flack from the internet david millers father says he believes the b2 are guilty but he doesn't believe in the death penalty personally I believe if he lived in Thailand he would understand the situation better and possibly come up with a not guilty verdict .

I'm sure he has been better informed about the investigation concerning his son's murder than anyone living in Thailand and posting on this forum.

Do you mean informed by the RTP?

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...or he knows full well and doesn't want to suffer any backlash as has been reported from Hannah's sister.

I agree and does not want his conscience bothered by the death of the innocent B2, I just can not believe that he can't see the forrest for the trees.

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it doesn't surprise me that the backpacker families are getting flack from the internet david millers father says he believes the b2 are guilty but he doesn't believe in the death penalty personally I believe if he lived in Thailand he would understand the situation better and possibly come up with a not guilty verdict .

I'm sure he has been better informed about the investigation concerning his son's murder than anyone living in Thailand and posting on this forum.

Do you mean informed by the RTP?

Maybe you could tell us who informed YOU.

Let me guess, Andy Halls twitter?

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it doesn't surprise me that the backpacker families are getting flack from the internet david millers father says he believes the b2 are guilty but he doesn't believe in the death penalty personally I believe if he lived in Thailand he would understand the situation better and possibly come up with a not guilty verdict .

I'm sure he has been better informed about the investigation concerning his son's murder than anyone living in Thailand and posting on this forum.

Why? - the court is meant to examine ALL the evidence.

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In this day and age, only the most backward and uncivilised countries have the death penalty.

In this day and age, the most forward looking and civilised countries have the death penalty and they should actively promote its use around the world.

Other than America.....would you like to quote these other "most forward looking and civilised countries" That have the death penalty..... its not a difficult list, you can start with all our forward looking Muslim friends, who stone women to death.

Then you can move on to China---& any country ending in Stan.......Uzbekistan....Pakistan.....Afghanistan etc...you know all those countries that have led the world for their forward looking and civilised outlooks...for decades now.

I think most Thai Visa readers will look forward to viewing your list of "forward looking and civilised countries" Hope you can put it together soon.................coffee1.gif

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it doesn't surprise me that the backpacker families are getting flack from the internet david millers father says he believes the b2 are guilty but he doesn't believe in the death penalty personally I believe if he lived in Thailand he would understand the situation better and possibly come up with a not guilty verdict .

I'm sure he has been better informed about the investigation concerning his son's murder than anyone living in Thailand and posting on this forum.


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Good for him. The death penalty should be opposed in all circumstances.

Ummm…..you're actually wrong there.

Ummmm ... he was actually right there.

It takes a brave, compassionate and intelligent person to oppose the death penalty.

It's much easier to say "hang 'em".

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