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Someone interested in a very good recipe and pics how to make German bread dumplings?

Just had to train my staff how to make them and took some photos as well.

In case there are people who would like to know I will upload the pics at home and write some explanations for this dish later on.


Someone interested in a very good recipe and pics how to make German bread dumplings?

Just had to train my staff how to make them and took some photos as well.

In case there are people who would like to know I will upload the pics at home and write some explanations for this dish later on.


Gerd, Please do upload photos and instructions when you have time. Welcome addition to the pallet for sure.

Thanks for taking the time to document and post


Ok dear Wash, only for you!

Let me give you some explanations first before I start.

Bread potato dumplings are usualy boiled in saltwater. The mixture/recipe will be the same.

In cas you like the boiled version I would add a bit more flour or even breadcrumbs to give it a better structure. In the way you make the panfried style you will have a more softer dumpling and a better taste. When softer they absorb much more gravy and that's their main job :D

A tip for the boiled ones:

After cooking and chilling down keep them in a plastic bag(not to small) tight with a rubber and deep freeze for another lunch or dinner. To reheat take them early enough out of the freezer and than for a couple of minutes in the microwave. When doing this do not remove the rubber!!!!!

You will see your plastic bag blows up like a balloon, this is the steam which heats up the dumplings and keeps tthe moisture inside.

I have a lot of pictures today, sorry :o

The reason why:

I have to teach my Thai cooks how to make these dumplings and with my pics I gonna do a Power Point slide show to explain it step by step.

The rolled version is also easy to keep in the fridge or deepfreezer, when hungry just cut a few slices and fry them in butter, voila.

This is my basic recipe(for the photos I've used about 3 times the amount):

5 old bread rolls, sliced in cubes

2 whole eggs

chopped parsley

salt(or Aromat)

Nutmeg, just a bit

Milk, 1 coffee cup

Flour, about 80gram

Onion, chopped in small cubes, 100gram

Before you start the actual cooking prepare all your ingredients!

Fry the bread cubes in butter, don't be tight wit butter.

The last minute when they get crispy and have a nice colour add the chopped onions, fry for anothe 1 or 2 minutes-remove from the heat.

Season with salt and nutmeg.

Add flour and the eggs and mix every thing together, but please be gentle, otherwise you will destroy the cubes and it will look like mashed bread at the end :D

Boil the milk and add very carefully to the nearly finished mixture; use 2 forks to combine the milk.

Now allow the milk to soak into the bread cubes.

Put a stripe of alufoil on your working table and brush with some oil, makes it easier after baking to remove the foil.

Now you roll your foil about 2-3 times around the mixture to get a round shape, tight them at both ends like on the pic, they'll get a perfect shape automatically.

Preheat the oven at 180* and bake for about 30 minutes.

In case you don't have an oven you could steam these rolls on a pot.

When finished cut your roll in slices and before serving fry in some butter.

Here are the pics for all above mentioned preparations, hope it's easy enough for every body:




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