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Thailand offers incentives for parents to have more children


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In Australia the government offered a 5000 dollar baby bonus to solve the birth rate problem.

What they did not anticipate was the fact that 5000 would not sway a professional couple to have one of them not working

To look after a child....i.e...with a house averaging half a million dollars most young people have to stay in the work force.

The end result was that all the welfare beneficiaries bred like rabbits once again, as they like to do for their benefits.

For many it is a lifestyle....problem again is they are breeding the wrong people.....professional people with degrees and an IQ.

Dangerous nonsense.

Eugenics has been completely disproven.

Absolutely no correlation between parental occupation and their children's IQ.

You might like to read about 'regression to the mean'

And it's not as if Thailand is looking for 'quality' children either, they just need more serfs.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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carrying capacity ... you can only fit so many in a bus, on a motor scooter (I've seen 5 in Thailand) on a plane ... everything has a carrying capacity and Thailand, like just about every other inhabited place of Earth, has passed its carrying capacity.

my Wife's parents live in a village; most of what they ate was next to their home or in the village area; then they had three kids and two of those kids (girls) had 4 kids, so now there are 9 people living in the same home and the area around their home and in the village is quickly consumed ... they have to buy, and bring in, more food ... I can't speak for other places, but from the growing population in Thailand (from around 7.5 million in 1900) to 67 million now ... it's not uncommon for people in the local area to even go (by baht type taxi) to Cambodia to buy cheaper food ....

and the work opportunities are shrinking ...

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Currently, the fertility rate is under 2 per woman. Although the parents had large families, their children are not even replacing themselves. My family is fairly typical; Mum and dad had 4 children - but only 6 grandchildren (need 8 for replacement). And very little chance of any more grandchildren. most other Thai women in their 20's or 30's who i know have zero or one child only. The population is only growing slowly by Asian standards, and due to birth control, the low birth rates will mean that in 10 years time the number in the workforce will start to fall (if not before).

At least some realise that this is a potential problem - Thailand can easily feed it's population - it is a major food exporter - it has a similar population to the UK but twice the land area. Trying to get feckless males to pay is pointless - most leave because they have cannot properly support a wife and child, so how will you track them down, and make them pay? Most have very little in assets. What are needed are jobs at decent wages, to provide stability to potential families. Much better to have child support paid periodically than one easily squandered lump sum. If some plans are not put in place, the hiso's will find they will have to mechanise everything quickly or allow mass immigration.

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Currently, the fertility rate is under 2 per woman. Although the parents had large families, their children are not even replacing themselves. My family is fairly typical; Mum and dad had 4 children - but only 6 grandchildren (need 8 for replacement). And very little chance of any more grandchildren. most other Thai women in their 20's or 30's who i know have zero or one child only. The population is only growing slowly by Asian standards, and due to birth control, the low birth rates will mean that in 10 years time the number in the workforce will start to fall (if not before).

At least some realise that this is a potential problem - Thailand can easily feed it's population - it is a major food exporter - it has a similar population to the UK but twice the land area. Trying to get feckless males to pay is pointless - most leave because they have cannot properly support a wife and child, so how will you track them down, and make them pay? Most have very little in assets. What are needed are jobs at decent wages, to provide stability to potential families. Much better to have child support paid periodically than one easily squandered lump sum. If some plans are not put in place, the hiso's will find they will have to mechanise everything quickly or allow mass immigration.

A shrinking population also works. More resources per head, more farmland per family...

But only when the National Debt is not excessive.

Edited by trogers
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Excellent idea,make more babies and dump then on the ageing population while the mothers and in some cases fathers disappear to Bangkok to scrape a living making Nike trainers.

Nike are made in Vietnam (and ReeBok).

It says so on all mine.

My Nike purchased in the UK say made in Indonesia. Are you sure yours are not fake?

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