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why don't we see it in the west


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Thailand south all the carnage of about 5000 people dead in ten years, i don't know for sure the figures. never here about the kaos down south. I tell people about the bombings, teachers and security forces killed. No one knows whats going on it's all about western countries and middle east on the giggle box over here in australia. Is it wet down to keep the tourist coming or no one gives a s##t.

Edited by davetrout
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Thailand south all the carnage of about 5000 people dead in ten years, i don't know for sure the figures. never here about the kaos down south. I tell people about the bombings, teachers and security forces killed. No one knows whats going on it's all about western countries and middle east on the giggle box. Is it wet down to keep the tourist coming or no one gives a s##t.

The government cannot have this all over the news daily,this is the land of smiles.

Keep it low key, that way no one knows your government cannot deal with the issue, everyone saves face.

Edited by Blackheart
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I think no one cares. Or the stories don't sell. Or both. 19 people were killed at a school in Pakistan yesterday. According to the BBC, back in 2014, 130 students were killed at a school there. Haven't seen any "Pray for Pakistan" memes making the rounds today. Don't remember any of em from two years ago either. Point is, western people generally don't care about violence unless it happens in a place that's similar to the one they're living in. And the news makes their money by reporting things people care about.

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Deep South Thailand and Northern Malaysia is a backwater. Nobody goes there for holiday and no big cities, as far as terrorism and violence goes it's pretty minor on a global scale. OTOH Erawon Shrine bombing was on the US news daily for about a week.

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And what about Syria, Yemen, Palestine etc...people don't care unless it directly affects them...English language media is,obviously eurocentric or American based..Check out the news in Thai or Malyasian.They have regular updates on the carnage...Do you think the troubles in Northern Ireland were big news in Thailand??!

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Western news,CNN etc. often report on the latest islamabomb even if the kill number is low, I am surprised that the Thai southern gore doesn't get reported, People set on fire in publc, Young school teachers shot on motorbikes, plenty of exotic violence. There is a story there.

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Western news,CNN etc. often report on the latest islamabomb even if the kill number is low, I am surprised that the Thai southern gore doesn't get reported, People set on fire in publc, Young school teachers shot on motorbikes, plenty of exotic violence. There is a story there.

This is what i am trying to say we do here about a bomb in pakistan or policeman shot somewhere in the arab conflict even if it just comes up on the roling bar on bottom of tv it shows' but i have never seen anything about thailand south only in bkk , when something happens because it's out there in farangs faces

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Both Governments have their fingers in the War in the South, Both contribute to the mayhem, The people in the middle dont want to be Thai, or Malaysian. Both governments stoke the fire, dont believe its about Religion.

Edited by Thongkorn
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same reason every news story doesn't start out with bashing their own country.......like nazis in germany, for an easy example

people that pay the bills aren't going to support that.....advertising dries up.

you don't want to scare people from spending money....d'uh.


and even doing youtube videos on the subject might get you deported......it might not, i'm not sure.

besides, i'm super poor and lazy and fat and uneducated farang........i need money not knowledge!!!!

BUT..if they captured the Kardashians or Bieber......top story for weeks!!!!

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People in the north and central Thailand don`t care what happens in the south of the country.

Generally the world doesn`t care much what happens outside the western countries. I dare say that if the WW2 Holocaust had happened in
Africa, India, China or any of the Arab nations it would not have been called the Holocaust and long forgotten by now, hardly anyone would had heard about it or cared.

Like Thailand revolves around Bangkok, the world seems to revolve around the white nations with maybe Japan being an exception.

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