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Darkside bomb site/ war zone


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I would estimate there is a minimum 10k of unfinished roads on the darkside Ok I agree improve the roads and drainage, That seems to be a positive thing, But who is responsible for planning this work a building engineer or a kamikaze pilot. Instead of completing a section at a time they just start digging up other sois, There are dangers all over the place ie: unprotected holes etc:, But also there is total disregard for residents just to get in and out of there homes and of course the total lack of urgency to get small businesses up and running again. Are the local Ampurs going to compensate businesses for there loss of revenue ? LOL My Thai friend asked the workers why they have not finished her sector and go instead further down the soi to cause more chaos,as it is affecting her business. They just scratch there head mai cow jai, There not even Thai , Cheap labour from surrounding countries they couldnt even speak Thai. Funny that, if a farang moves an ashtray he will get nicked for working, But i still love it here LOL

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Yes, I agree with you, too many unfinished projects, but asking the workers isnt the best place to ask. Probably the contractor starts new jobs, when he gets some payment, leaves the other jobs for later. My question is who pays for the shit work that is finished and the road is already falling apart, or the drainage grating is not even with the road, so bikes have to circle every drain.

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You are so correct, take a look at the road running from the reservoir east towards the route 36 bridge.

Started some 18 months ago then stopped. When it rains it's a quagmire and when dry a dust bowl.

The locals are very fed up but the authorities have too much power so they are afraid to raise the issue.


P.S. What they have done is rather than complete the resurfacing the unfinished road they have installed rather pretty but ineffective ornate street lamps. The mind boggles.

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when it comes to cement, tar and building blocks. they have no clue. Remember 60 years ago everyone here lived in wooden houses and bamboo huts.

Then America arrived and built airports and roads between them so they could bomb the crap out of the 3 neighbours. Since then the locals have made a half assed attempt at copying them.

Also, in the west we have been laying proper roads since Hadrian and his squad of builders turned up.

The locals here have mastered a way to lay self levelling concrete in 10 mtrs sections on a raod that do not line up with the next section. Each section is higher, lower, and off line every time. With varying gaps between them.They lay 2 inch concrete on a soft sand base that washes out with the rain and crumbles with even lightweight vehicles on it.

Spirit levels and plumb lines are not in the tool box. Hence every concrete electric pole is barely vertical and becomes less so as more and more cables is added. Walls are skew wiff and plastered over with wet cement to hide the botched block work. They also use the smallest diameter "re-bar" I have ever seen, it looks like fence wire ?

The main aspect of this mess is that if it keeps falling apart you keep making money out of it sending in bills to the council every time you return to splat tar into a hole and make a 6 inch high lump or pour tar around a steel plate at concrete hole that knocks motor bikes over and wrecks car suspensions. This keeps the garages and hospitals making money as well.

It is all part of the rich tapestry that makes the world go round in these parts.....wonderful....

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Its spreading like a virus now more impossible access for residents and businesses, The muppets running this really dont care about there community,A death has already occurred because of unprotected dangers, Warning signs lighting etc:

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