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Link to Thailand Trip Reports


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I agree, I will not post any motorcycle trips reports here if I do one one day.

The MC trips should be in the motor bike forum.

Many non bikers thinks we are crazy riding bikes in the first place, ohhhh it's too dangerous and then in Thailand, are you xxxxxx crazy or what.

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There should be an open sticky in the bike forum where ONLY links to bike reports are posted ( no comments ) then the reports could be moved to wherever.

What happens at the moment, tour reports just disappear down the forum after a week or so wherever they are posted too. So, it would be good to honor them somehow.

The last place a biker will look is the travel forum (correct?), its a bit of a disrespect to the OP.

Edited by recom273
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The trip reports are an important and hitherto an interesting part of this bikers forum, relegating them was a big mistake.

Without them what is left?.. bitching, bickering and the same old stuff about the same old Jap bikes. IMO, bikes are for going places, not drooling over... there are proper sites out there for "drooling".beatdeadhorse.gif

Edited by AllanB
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The trip reports are an important and hitherto an interesting part of this bikers forum, relegating them was a big mistake.

Without them what is left?.. bitching, bickering and the same old stuff about the same old Jap bikes. IMO, bikes are for going places, not drooling over... there are proper sites out there for "drooling".beatdeadhorse.gif

Allan - it's done, finished .. There is now a dedicated trip section at the top of the page under the classified advertisements.

It looks great, your trip reports now have a home.

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The trip reports are an important and hitherto an interesting part of this bikers forum, relegating them was a big mistake.

Without them what is left?.. bitching, bickering and the same old stuff about the same old Jap bikes. IMO, bikes are for going places, not drooling over... there are proper sites out there for "drooling".beatdeadhorse.gif

Allan - it's done, finished .. There is now a dedicated trip section at the top of the page under the classified advertisements.

It looks great, your trip reports now have a home.[/quotethats not a dedicated bike touring in Thailand link ,it takes you to another part of the forum and is cluttered up with the normal posts complaining about Thailand.]
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Yep took another look and its not dedicated to bike trips at all ,it's for any travel trips around Thailand,hence why it has the thread about someone complaining about Chiang mai.I could take a bus trip to phuket and put a trip report there if I wanted as that s what that section Is for.as said before waste of time trying to post bike trip reports on here anymore ,same as the classified section know hidden away out of site.

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Yep took another look and its not dedicated to bike trips at all ,it's for any travel trips around Thailand,hence why it has the thread about someone complaining about Chiang mai.I could take a bus trip to phuket and put a trip report there if I wanted as that s what that section Is for.as said before waste of time trying to post bike trip reports on here anymore ,same as the classified section know hidden away out of site.

Hell .. You're right ! Sorry fella

I saw 12 posts and half of them were on bikes .. I added 2+2 and got 5 ..

Agreed .. Waste of time.



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When I original complained about the loss of "bikers trip reports" on the "bikers forum" I was told it was only me, maybe one other. Since I began biking 6/8 years ago I have come to realise we are different folks and our trips are different, they belong here among like minded people. We don't always agree, but we all have a passion for bikes, old, new, great and small....crazy trips and polish and show.

I have done a million km in cars and trucks and didn't post anything about any of the trips, biking is special though, even on the crappy market trader bikes I have used in the past.

I have now lost interest in this forum, it used to be a "mixed bag" of many different aspects of biking, some to my taste, others not for me, now it is pretty much all the latter.

Didn't even finish my last report on our trip to Laos.....

You don't have to read these reports!

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I DELETED was told no one else complained ,this must be the only bike forum I use that doesn't have a trip report function specifically for bike trips/tours,seems to me the new owners have no idea how forums work and what they are used for.

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I DELETED was told no one else complained ,this must be the only bike forum I use that doesn't have a trip report function specifically for bike trips/tours,seems to me the new owners have no idea how forums work and what they are used for.

"no one else complained"


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posts edited - Forum Rule - 10) Do not discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy.

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Why would you not post a trip report of interest to others ? Too much work to click an extra button and scroll down a few lines ? Sure, it would be nice to have a dedicated bikes trip forum, but the powers that be said no. Their House - Their Rules. To say 'I won't post because I don't want my bike report mixed up with car reports' sounds like you are posting from a schoolyard. 'If I don't get what I want, I am leaving!' My reply - Goodbye.

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Was there a problem before, I don't remember suffering from RSI using this forum before they deleted the trip reports? There was only about 1 a month on average anyway, all of them interesting to real bikers, indeed reading PapaAl's trip to Laos prompted me to go, some of us need some inspiration in this "climate". General bitching just doesn't do it for.

I say.."If it ain't broke don't fix it"

I would like to know how many people complained about cluttering up the bikes forum with these retched bike trips......or is this another False Flag event?

Sure this is not our forum, but it wouldn't be much good without us......

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Why would you not post a trip report of interest to others ? Too much work to click an extra button and scroll down a few lines ? Sure, it would be nice to have a dedicated bikes trip forum, but the powers that be said no. Their House - Their Rules. To say 'I won't post because I don't want my bike report mixed up with car reports' sounds like you are posting from a schoolyard. 'If I don't get what I want, I am leaving!' My reply - Goodbye.

The problem is that these 'others' will not know it is there, Many of us here only look at the bikes forum.

I only looked at the new forum because of this thread. To my shock there are 12 reports that I missed and they all died a quick death as nobody knew they were there!!!

The max number of posts on any of the threads is '19' with most at 6 or 7. When reports were just in the bike forums there were sometimes pages of appreciative comments. Now I don't see why anybody would waste their time typing and uploading pics when hardly anyone is going to see/read them.

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Now I don't see why anybody would waste their time typing and uploading pics when hardly anyone is going to see/read them.

I guess those who are unwilling - or unable - to recognize the changes and adapt their posting and viewing habits will miss out. Those who can will read - and write - trip reports. Enuf of the 'Oh - the Good Old Days !"

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