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Social Media Surveillance System Planned in Thailand

Jonathan Fairfield

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The population has to be controlled, at all cost, they cannot be trusted

to do as they are told,we know what's best for them,it seems to be happening

all over the World,not just Thailand.

regards Worgeordie

Yes your right Worgeordie. IT and politics is far exceeding our definition of humanity.

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i think they are using google translate for arabic, english, etc...

i typed in facebook...."i love thailand....best trip ever, spot on, it was cracking!!!"

google translate, "i will crack their heads on the spot when in thailand!!!"

i'm now serving 100 to life...

Note: i don't have facebook, and ONLY would have it if paid......

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i'm considering leaving ... had a great time here for the last 18 years ... i don't wanna get bitter or paranoid so ... thumbsup.gif


investments: zero

gf's / kids: zero

condo's: zero

isuzu's: zero

STD's: zero

Are we to assume you led a very boring existence or did you intentionally not list the number of "happy ending massages"? LOL

Curious where you would go next. I know many others are ready to jump this boat.

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And the draconian screw continues to turn.

Apparantly, Thailand will NEVER change. It would not surprise me if the junta were to soon announce that the internet in Thailand will be cut off. Shut down the internet and you HAVE shut down social media.

I truely fear for the day that will be upon us sometime soon. I strongly suspect that Thailand will descend into absolute chaos.

all frangs will be ejected/shot first

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It's called Blanket Lease Majesty which now seems to include this military government and military governments in the future. Monitor opposing voices, detaining and imprisoning them and anyone who gives a "Like" to their posts. Freedom of speech has never been a right in Thailand. Now your opinion will also be a crime. These are the crimes they really want to track. Be governed by Fear or maybe disappear. Close your eyes and be silent. Same dead.

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As i have said before people should be carefull about what they post , we all forget that this is there country and we are VISITORS in there country . They love to take you court over loss of face , see a lot of TV posters either in court or asked to leave. (but your bank accounts will have to stay)

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.........they were supposedly doing so already......

...I guess they called their own bluff......

....and the amount they mention....12 million baht........sounds really inadequate.......

...in the 'land of make believe'......

....it's really like some 'god complex'........'I said so...so it is so'........

...and it is all-pervading it seems......

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Always starts as being well meaning but its where it may lead and if add ons appear in the future that are the cause for concern. Its crime here and terrorism in other places that justify the action.

Every one was spooked when they started putting up cameras around Melbourne town for a coming international meeting of dignitaries 20 odd years ago, all doom and gloom merchants preaching 1984.

These cameras were never taken down of course and since have caught wanna be rapists, a few killers quite a few beatings and the list goes on...nearly all were caught and prosecuted.

What about footage that was captured in the Boston Bombings?

Its obvious in the wrong hands stuff like this is dangerous but over all monitoring is likely to do more good than bad, if your doing nothing wrong you got nothing to worry about now have you?

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If they do this, the most popular social networks will quickly become the least popular. Thus I can't see the companies involved letting the police have access, and in fact may surreptitiously try to block the government even. Considering how big and damaging the government's mouth is, I certainly would block them if I could.

Failing that, users will simply look to newer more secure platforms.

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Good thing the bib are crap at reading English...

Methinks this thing will blow up in their face.

I can think of a few on here who would be probably only too delighted to lend the authorities a hand in prosecuting English speakers, unfortunately...

and quite a few of them liked your post lol

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it is hard to understand the mentality with this

unless they are going to make everyone wear a microphone and monitor what people are saying what is the point of this

if they suspect that certain individuals are using social media for organising crime then target those people but lets be honest, who is going to use FB for that purpose

pretty hard to understand why a developing country like Thailand has decided to undevelope itself and start going backwards

I hope they realise the technical difficulty involved in trying to achieve this latest genius idea

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As i have said before people should be carefull about what they post , we all forget that this is there country and we are VISITORS in there country . They love to take you court over loss of face , see a lot of TV posters either in court or asked to leave. (but your bank accounts will have to stay)

Really...........How would you know and that they are TV posters?

Examples please...................

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This is a technique increasingly used by repressive powers. Instead of covering up their intended abuses of human freedom, they get their Presstitute pals to publish them, in order to test public reaction. If there is a big blow-back, they make some kind of pathetic excuse such as "Well, we didn't really mean it. . . we were just considering the idea" (Ring any bells?). In reality, of course, they just continue with the roll-out as if nothing had actually happened.

Thailand being the dumbed-down pseudo democracy it is, the public reaction to this latest piece of kite-flying will be zero and the real thing will go through on the nod. So be careful in future what you send with all those silly selfies.

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millions of posts a day, the only way they can do it is to look for certain words. They are scared shit less of social media as they have no power over it, people thinking for themselves just will not do in the new Thailand

Would it "do" in the old Thailand? My need picture comes from being warned.

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The Royal Thai Police plan to spend 12 million baht on a system to monitor messages and track users on the most popular social media platforms.

12 million? That's all? Surely a system that would allow to incriminate would-be activists and nip in the bud all critical thinking is a wet-dream-come-true for any autocrat, and should be much more expensive. I mean, the BiB should have some meat on the bone for their efforts.

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We have the second largest Thai community outside Thailand in Los Angeles. I hope every single one of them opens a new facebook account with fake names and starts blasting away.

But what about TV members inside Thailand? Sooner or later somebody is going to piss a government official off. VPN 100% from now on.

Did you watch every season of the show 24 ?

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And the draconian screw continues to turn.

Apparantly, Thailand will NEVER change. It would not surprise me if the junta were to soon announce that the internet in Thailand will be cut off. Shut down the internet and you HAVE shut down social media.

I truely fear for the day that will be upon us sometime soon. I strongly suspect that Thailand will descend into absolute chaos.

We all would be on the roof of our embassies.

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